Destiny Only Han

Chapter 565 Liu Ying: Treaty

Chapter 565 Liu Ying: Treaty

Eight hundred miles under the command of the sun, the sound of fifty strings turning over the fortress, autumn soldiers on the battlefield!
However, on the banks of the Dahei River in Yunzhong County today, there is neither autumn, nor musical instruments such as fifty strings, nor is there such a famous cow as 'Eight Hundred Miles'. The slaughtered prairie cattle without shaft bones.

Well, eight hundred miles does not refer to the distance, but a cow. It comes from "Shi Shuo Xin Yu·Tai Lu", it is said that Wang has a precious cow named "Ba Bai Li Baru", and someone is willing to invest tens of millions of dollars to share with it. He competed in archery, and the bet was the cow. Unexpectedly, the opponent won with one arrow, so he immediately killed the eight hundred miles, roasted and ate it.

The slaughter of cattle and sheep at this moment is preparing for the night's reward army.

Although he didn't catch Maodun, Lu Ze, who led the cavalry from the Kingdom of Yan to join Liu Bang, accidentally caught Maodun's wife, who was the Yan family whose status could be equal to that of Lu's pheasant.

As a result, the entire Dahei River became turbid, and large pieces of steaming beef and mutton were thrown directly into the water for cleaning, and then transported to the cooks of the various armies on small carts.

Well, tonight's staple food is potato stew, not roast meat. After all, the fat is wasted when roasting meat, and stewing meat can also get a pot of very delicious broth, especially after the potatoes are stewed until soft and rotten, the soup Thick, at this time, take the broth to soak the rice, it is absolutely perfect!
When the soldiers in the army were busy skinning and deboning, Liu Ying walked on tiptoe, followed by Zhang Buyi, who was carrying a basket on his back, looking left and right, ordering one or two pieces of beef rich in intermuscular fat from time to time, and put them on Zhang Buyi's shoulders. In the backpack behind him.

However, Liu Ying's main purpose is not to order meat, but to find a very precious medicinal material.


The so-called bezoar refers to the gallstones in the gallbladder of cows. In later generations, natural bezoar is a treasure that is more valuable than gold by weight. It is no exaggeration to say that whoever has such a thing in the body of a cow will send it out!

Liu Ying is actually not short of this little money, he mainly found an excuse to slip out...

During the day, he felt that his backer had arrived, so he ruthlessly turned right and wrong in front of Lu Ze, and sued Liu Bang for his tricks!

And Lu Ze didn't let him down, he acted like a brother-in-law and reprimanded his brother-in-law...

It's just that Lu Ze is not so easy to fool, if Liu Ying didn't take the first step to oil the soles of her feet when she saw that the situation was not good, she would have been hanged and beaten by her angry uncle and furious father now!
Zhang Buyi carried the basket on his back like a schoolboy with his companion, approached Liu Ying and asked, "Do you really want to send back the captured Hun woman?"

Liu Ying glanced at him sideways, first happily put a piece of bezoar the size of an index finger into her waist pocket, then raised her head and said:

"Why don't you send it back? Do you want to be your little wife?"

If he dares to say yes, Liu Ying will cut him off...

Zhang Buyi shook his head resolutely: "I'm not interested in other women's women, although she looks different from other Xiongnu women, more like a Central Plains woman..."

"That's fine! I'm not interested in other people's women either..." A thief Cao surnamed Liu said with some guilt: "So it's better to ask Wu She to send him back, so that it will be easier to sign a peace treaty with the Huns later. !"

Zhang Buyi gave a disdainful smirk: "Treaty? Hehe..."

Liu Ying took a deep breath, resisted the urge to punch his little face, which was more beautiful than a woman, and said, "Do you still remember what I said? The world will not change for you, but You can change the world!"

"We are lucky. We are destined to become the most powerful person in the world from birth! Do we want to follow the old ways and spend this life in a muddle?"

"No, we have to do something! So that when future generations mention our name, no matter whether it is admiration or admiration, whether it is hatred or reviling, they must acknowledge the fact that we have created a new era !"

When Zhang Buyi was stunned and said nothing, Liu Ying only felt a tightness in the back of her neck, and Lu Ze's voice came from behind: "Not bad, very good, I haven't seen you for a while, and I really have improved!"

Liu Ying pretended to ignore the big steel-like hand stuck on his neck, turned her head with a smile on her face, and tried to pass the test cutely: "Uncle... I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much... What do you have to say?" Do you want to bring it to my mother?"

Lu's pheasant is his last straw!

The corners of Lu Ze's lips rose, and his tone was gentle: "I'm not your uncle, do you think you can scare me by lifting your mother out?"

But he changed the subject and squeezed Liu Ying's neck: "You just said you want to change the world? Tell me how you plan to change it. If you have something to say, this beating will be avoided!"

And said that you are not afraid of my mother... Liu Ying complained in her heart, without changing her face:

"Barbarism was replaced by civilization!"

"For example, in the peace treaty signed with the Huns this time, the territories of the two parties must be strictly divided, and there will be no more vague rhetoric in the past, and the subordination relationship between the various ministries on the grassland must be readjusted. Donghu, and the Donghu on the grassland, as well as the Yuezhi people and Wusun people..."

"Put everything on paper, follow the rules, avoid disputes as much as possible, do not use weapons, and get rich together... This is the spirit of contract! Well, I am not saying that everyone did not have the spirit of contract in the past, but that verbal promises will eventually come to an end. Talking without evidence can easily lead to conflicts and disputes!"

"And such disputes between countries will eventually lead to wars, and among the people, quarrels will lead to fights, causing social disharmony!"

Well, the spirit of contract is an effective way to define industrial society and agricultural society. After all, agricultural society is a society of human feelings, such as the popular saying that investment is not XX.

Although it is said that the local government is greedy and inaction, in fact, other places are as black as crows.

The only difference between the two is that people pay more attention to the spirit of the contract, how much money is paid for how many things, if you can’t get a full refund, the price is clearly marked without delay...

In other places, it is hidden and unclear, eating, drinking, drinking and taking a sauna every day, although the money is not much, but he just hangs on you and enjoys the kind of superiority...

Therefore, the industrial society is relatively better.

Lu Ze was silent for a while, staring into Liu Ying's eyes and asked: "Replace the warmth between people with cold rules? Isn't this what the Legalists said? What book are you reading recently?"

As a person who buried the legalist state of Qin with his own hands, Lu Ze was naturally very wary of the resurgence of the legalist family. After all, he, like Xiao He and others, believed in Huang Lao.

Well, not only him, but also Lu Zhi, so under the subtle influence, it is a matter of course that a certain Dou surnamed loli has also turned into the shape of Huang Lao.

Liu Ying shook her head:

"What is most important to a gentleman is to be inclusive, so that the wise can see for themselves, and the foolish can be self-sufficient. Whether it is Legalism, Confucianism, or Huang Lao Farming, all have their strengths and weaknesses. So mix and match..."

"Well, as Confucius said, choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones!"

Lu Ze was silent again for a while, the big hand stuck on the back of Liu Ying's neck slowly moved upwards, gently touched his head, turned around and said with a smile:

"Let's go, go to the celebration banquet! I heard that you have won a complete victory in this Northern Expedition. If you are missing from the celebration banquet, it will be impossible!"


To the north of Yinshan Mountain, on the yellow grassland.

Wu She, who was appointed as the negotiating ambassador, held a scepter decorated with a yak tail in his hand, and walked step by step into the big tent set up by Maodun.

It's just that the big tent is smaller now, not as magnificent and luxuriously decorated as his big tent with twelve Hanas.

In particular, Mao Dun's current cushions have been replaced by sheepskin with no momentum. The mighty and domineering tiger skin cushions in the past are now Liu Bang's spoils of war!

Looking at Wu She, who raised his eyes upwards and was defiant, Mo Dun waved his hand lightly, stopping his impulsive son from drawing his sword, and asked softly, "What's the purpose of the Han envoy here?"

Wu She bowed slightly and saluted: "My minister came here to return the Da Shan Yu Yan's family and to stop the war."

Mao Dun suddenly sat up straight: "Is she still alive? What conditions do you have?"

Well, the Yan family she is now used to go to the Yue family as hostages with him, and she belongs to the kind of sharing weal and woe.

Beside him, You Xian Wang Suan Ji Porridge also had a happy expression on his face, and the previous tension disappeared.

After all, it was his biological mother who was sent back, and it was his greatest support to become the next Xiongnu Grand Chanyu. No matter what the price was, he must bring his mother back from Han!

Wu She shook his head lightly: "I don't ask for anything...or, in other words, I only ask that the Han and the Hungarian sides stop fighting and make peace, and each is safe..."

Amidst the suspicious faces of Mao Dun and Shuan Ji Porridge, Wu She nodded lightly to the deputy envoy behind him, and whispered, "Please come in, Mrs. Yan."

After a while, the curtains of the tent were lifted, and a middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes walked in, but compared to the excitement of Mao Dun and Yu Ji Porridge, she seemed much calmer.

Well, in order for Mouton to bring troops back to fight for the position of the Grand Chanyu, she was mortgaged by Mouton to King Yuezhi for a year!
It is conceivable what happens to a beautiful woman who becomes a man's slave girl for a year.

Therefore, being captured by the Han army is nothing more than a trivial matter!
Wu She stood there without saying a word, deliberately setting aside time for the reunited Maodun family to talk to each other.

After a while, he cleared his throat, looked at Mao Dun who was looking at him and said, "The Yan family returned the Great Chanyu unscathed, which shows the humility and kindness of my big man. If this is the case, can the peace contract be signed?"

Mao Dun smiled and nodded: "Okay, sign! Bring paper and pen!"

It's just that when he looked at the document full of small seal characters spread out in front of him, his right hand holding the brush began to tremble.

This is called a peace treaty?
(End of this chapter)

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