Destiny Only Han

Chapter 575 Liu Ying: Xu Negative Walks Over the Wall...

Chapter 575 Liu Ying: Xu Negative Walks Over the Wall...

In the restaurant, a small private room surrounded by a curtain.

Liu Bang sat down cross-legged carelessly, watching Liu Ying obediently tore off the fat and tender chicken buttocks and placed them in front of him, feeling very refreshed.

My little brat just needs to be cleaned up, but now after beating him, he is really a lot more honest!
In this way, he no longer has to worry about waking up, opening his eyes and seeing his father's furious crown, and then being forced to start his morning run...

So he happily gnawed on the chicken butt, letting the yellow chicken fat slip from the corner of his lips and stick to his thick beard.

Liu Ying felt sick for a while, and the beggar chicken in her hand became tasteless.

After thinking about it, he recruited Han Tan who was standing outside the private room, and asked him to take some of the newly delivered lychees to eat.

This is the fruit of the lychee trees he introduced in the Bashu Mountains, and with the development of the mountainous areas, many local wild varieties have been discovered!
The important thing is that this wild variety surpasses the lychees that Liu Ying ate in Lingnan in terms of growth, fruiting rate, and sweetness!
This is mainly because of the water, soil and temperature, which has led to the fact that litchi is actually a native species of Bashu.

After all, the average temperature at this time is relatively high, and lychees need a certain low temperature to bloom. It is normal that Lingnan lychees in the tropical climate are not as delicious as the Bashu lychees in the subtropical climate.

As for the transportation of lychees, Liu Ying has found the best method after two years of exploration.

For example, if you want to eat lychees in the best tasting period, you should first look for a lychee tree that grows well, cut off the branches when the lychees are still green, and graft them directly to the small lychee trees planted in flowerpots, and then slowly Shipped to Chang'an.

In this way, you can eat the lychees just picked from the tree!
Moreover, the lychee plant was called "Lizhi" in the original history. Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu" recorded that the lychees eaten by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were transported to Guanzhong in this way.

It's just that the roads in the Han Dynasty were not good, so this kind of fruit can only be enjoyed by the royal family.

Well, the branches are just cut off, not uprooted, so the big lychee tree will not die, and will continue to bear fruit the next year.

As for the song "Three Quatrains from Huaqing Palace Part One" written by Du Mu, that is, "Chang'an looks back at the piles of embroidery, and the thousand gates on the top of the mountain are opened one by one."A concubine who rides the world of mortals laughs, but no one knows that it is Lychee. '

This quatrain is not meant to be critical, but to show off that the prosperous Tang Dynasty surpassed the previous Han Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty had good horses and good roads. It is no longer necessary to use grafting methods like the Han Dynasty to eat fresh lychees. up!
After all, Du Mu is the grandson of Prime Minister Du You. At the age of 26, he became a Jinshi and was awarded the school secretary of Hongwenguan. Later, he became the governor of Huangzhou, Chizhou, and Muzhou. The official second generation!

Therefore, the ancients were just underdeveloped in terms of productivity and technology. It does not mean that they had brains, and those who were wasting their money just to eat some fruits...

And Liu Ying has the confidence to hold the Lychee Dog Meat Festival in Xinfeng City because he found another method of transporting litchis, which is much simpler than the labor-intensive grafting, and has even been used in later generations .

That is, the 'straw air conditioner' that Ah San next door is still using.

In human terms, it is to use the principle of cultivation and the simplest and cheapest evaporative cooling method to keep the fruit from rotting and deteriorating during long-distance trafficking.

The specific steps are that when the lychees are about to mature, cut off some fresh branches, break off the juice and throw them into the water tank, pour half of the total volume of the water tank into clean mountain spring water, and then insert the branches full of lychees. Enter the water altar and cover it with bamboo strips and straw.

In this way, it is equivalent to having a petri dish filled with culture medium.

As for moisturizing and heat preservation, the water jar is placed in a watertight carriage covered with oilcloth, and then the carriage is filled with straw, and water is kept on the straw during transportation.

When the moisture starts to evaporate, a constant low temperature will be formed in the cabin.

The petri dish, that is, the branch sap in the water jar will be kept at a relatively low temperature range.

Well, if the road is far away, you can also pour some wine or sugar in the water jar with lychee sticks in advance, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also have a certain bactericidal effect...

Although this method of transportation will lose a little taste, it is only the gap between the chilled lychees sold at regular prices in supermarkets in later generations and the lychees sold overnight at a discount.

After all, the whole process of cold chain and even air transportation in later generations is to sell lychees bought for a few cents a catty at a high price of ten or even dozens of yuan.

With such a high premium, the cost of transportation is naturally negligible.

After a while, when Han Tan instructed Bank of China to walk in with a huge ice cup in his arms, and Liu Ying began to eat lychees happily, Liu Bang's eyes straightened suddenly, and the beggar's chicken in his hand became tasteless.

But because Xiao He was sitting next to him, he didn't have the nerve to grab the fruit in Liu Ying's hand again.

So, he began to look forward to the Lychee Dog Meat Festival held in Xinfeng City in a few days...

It's just that before that, he needs to appease his father's anger. After all, Liu Ying has sued him a lot of black cases, and his father is too old to beat him anymore, so he doesn't know who instigated him to choose Beat him up in installments!
In an instant, Liu Bang turned his grief and indignation into appetite, and bit the beggar chicken in his hand, as if it was his well-backed little boy!


Chang'an City.

After receiving Xiao He's handwritten letter, Liu Ying posted notices of donating to build bridges all over the streets and alleys, and called the fat sheep in the city, um, good people to hold a meeting, directly setting the tone.

Donate from [-] yuan!
There is no ceiling, if there is less, he will come to the door to do ideological work in person!

So, the law enforcement officers in Fengcheng, all over the nine gates of Chang'an, caught a few rich and powerful families who had gone out of the city overnight to go back to their hometown for a summer vacation. , The big households who were waiting and watching finally resigned to their fate and paid money obediently.

So Xu negative, who was playing dominoes with gold bricks at home, suddenly saw his maid rushing in with messy steps.

"No, it's not good, His Royal Highness is coming to see you..."

Xu negative was stunned for a moment, looked at the golden cuties on the ground, his starry eyes were full of reluctance, and he murmured the name of a certain prodigal son.

She had heard these days that Liu Ying was searching for money all over Chang'an City to build the Second East-West Bridge over the Weishui River.

What else did you say, "Look at the second bridge in the southeast, and enjoy the day and night together"...

"Damn! Don't you just want to build the bridge without spending money? Can't the old bridge be used? Isn't it just a little bit blocked..."

So she stood up suddenly, and the pure white dresses piled up because of sitting cross-legged poured down, and rushed towards the backyard like a cloud, flying over the courtyard wall lightly, as if without a trace of weight, and disappeared without a trace, leaving only a Ethereal voice.

"Just say I'm not here..."

"By the way, tell daddy to put away all the valuables at home!"


Xinfeng City.

In June, Yihai, the first day of head volts.

Today, the Taifeng Cup Cuju Tournament, which has already selected the top [-], has come to an end for the time being. Neither the players nor the audience will brave the scorching heat to watch the ball in the open-air stadium.

Without him, I don't want to die.

After all, it is already a scorching heat, and as soon as the sun came out early in the morning, the temperature soared to 35 degrees!

Well, 35 degrees.

Nowadays, with the development of glass manufacturing industry, large thermometers for monitoring temperature are naturally not difficult.

So every morning, not only the bell towers and drum towers all over Chang'an City are used to tell the time, but also the meteorological station above Ji Que for everyone to know today's temperature and weather conditions.

Although the weather conditions are accurate, it is an afterthought...

For example, the group of fortune-tellers in Fengchang Mansion said that today is sunny, but it rained suddenly at noon, Taibu did not hide from the rain, but went straight to Jique, and replaced the flag representing the sunny day with Cloudy and rainy flag...

This coquettish operation really amused those Chang'an people who were drenched in water!
But everyone has no choice. After all, it’s God’s work on sunny days and rainy days. It’s normal for those people who only eat and wait to die to be masters!
Today, however, they were fooled.

Since early in the morning, the sun has been hanging in the sky, blushing, emitting endless light and heat.

Even so, people still can't resist the enthusiasm of people flocking to Xinfeng City to participate in the Lychee Dog Meat Festival instead of escaping the summer heat at home.

Tickets are [-] yuan, but drinks are free, and each person can get ten lychees soaked in ice water with the tickets!
Rounding up, this is tantamount to giving away for nothing!

Especially after they heard that the person hosting this dog meat festival today is Fan Kuai, Marquis of Wuyang!
This person, brave in battle, resolute and loyal, saved the current emperor at the Hongmen Banquet, and more importantly, married the current queen's own sister!

The truth is that they are envious and jealous!
Therefore, thinking that the dog meat eaten today was slaughtered and cooked by Fan Kui himself, even if there are knives in the sky, they will come!

Letting the emperor's brother-in-law serve him, this is the treatment only the people of Chang'an City have!

However, in the bustling crowd, some people didn't have a smile on their faces. On the contrary, they frowned, as if others owed him millions of dollars...

Well, to be precise, he owes 100 million to others.

Lieutenant, Qi Ji.

The wealthy households in Chang'an City were happy to donate to build bridges under Liu Ying's call, and he was no exception.

Moreover, as a high-ranking lieutenant and a relative of the emperor, the amount of money he is happy to donate naturally cannot be the lowest price, which is [-] yuan.

After all, when the bridge was repaired, Liu Ying promised to erect steles on both sides of the bridge, engraving the names of all those who were willing to donate and the amount of money donated.

Those who donate a lot of money will be drawn in big characters in gold, and those who donate less will be outlined with red paint...

So, it was all face that hurt him!

(End of this chapter)

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