Destiny Only Han

Chapter 577 Liu Ying: Finally, Marry Her!

Chapter 577 Liu Ying: Finally, Marry Her!

Liaodong County, the port of Tashi County.

A big strange-looking ship sailed out of the port in the fierce sea wind, raised its sails and cut through the waves.

This is a newly launched whaling ship, and it will go to the fishing ground in the north of Whale Island to hunt the whales that follow the school of fish.

Large ships are used to transport crew members and supplies. Around the large ship, several small boats are tied up as the main tools for hunting whales.

When a whale is found, the crew needs to go hunting in a small boat, and then the big boat will follow, dragging the prey up for cutting and further processing.

Such as whale oil, and spermaceti, which has a good lubricating effect.

The former is used as a lighting tool. For example, John Adams, the leader of the beautiful country, once praised that among all substances known in nature, spermaceti emits the clearest and most beautiful flame...

In China, it was also used as a ghost lamp in the underground palace in ancient times. For example, Emperor Qin shot big fish with a crossbow in the North Sea.
Of course, the first emperor's behavior of shooting big fish was mainly fooled by Xu Fu and others, saying that there were giant beasts on the sea intercepting the fleet to go to the East China Sea to find immortals...

However, with the emergence of calcium carbide lamps, and the thermal power station and power supply plan that Liu Ying is preparing, whale oil no longer needs to set foot in the lighting field.

Therefore, whale oil has only one purpose, and that is as a lubricating oil.

Not only the use of steam engines, but also all equipment that needs to use bearings such as carriages have a large demand for lubricating oil.

Although Liu Ying has the technology to use oil to refine lubricating oil, it is just a mirror image.

After all, petrochemicals cannot be manifested with a slap on the head, and a series of basic industries such as education and warehousing are needed to support them.

This must have been the work of ten years!
Therefore, although Liu Ying felt that it was wrong to hunt whales for lubricating oil, she still reluctantly approved the hunting plan, and in the next three years, at least [-] large whaling ships will be launched...

But compared to Liu Ying, other people don't have this twisted Virgin Mary heart.

In their view, the killing of whales should be done as much as possible, and no one in the offshore area should be missed as much as possible.

After all, by killing a large whale, you can get at least a few thousand catties of meat. Although it is not as good as cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock raised and fattened by humans, meat is meat, and eating meat can make people feel happy!
Especially the workers in the shipyard and those forest farms in the north of Dashi County feel that it is a very happy thing to be able to eat whale meat for three meals a day.

Therefore, the whaling ships that go to sea are specially installed with large stoves.

One is to extract whale oil conveniently on the spot, and the other is to stew whale meat with spices, make canned whale directly on board, and then send it to the warehouse on the wharf when returning to the wharf for the daily diet of workers.

Not only the workers, but also the fishermen along the coast are in favor of whaling.

After all, for them, whales are here to steal money!
Especially for those large baleen whales, they need to cast the net four or five times to catch so many fish that they swallow in one bite!

Therefore, it is very important to them that there are no whales in coastal and offshore fishing grounds!


Chang'an City.

Today is the day of little Lolita's big wedding, and the entire road leading to Liuwai Zhang Liang's mansion in the east of the city is full of patrolling soldiers and Fengcheng law enforcement officers holding five-color sticks.

On both sides of the road, the roadside trees with withered leaves and yellow leaves are wrapped with silk ribbons, and the bright red lanterns are hung high. When the sky gets dark, the whole road is brightly lit, like the Milky Way.

However, this will not amaze the people of Chang'an who are used to seeing big scenes. What makes them dumbfounded and from ear to ear is the dowry convoy walking in the middle of the road at the moment!
Because the eldest princess was married, Zhang Liang's family has been rich and honored for many generations, so when the dowry was delivered, more than 100 carriages were used, full of silks and satins, jewels and jade.

In order not to lose the wind, Liu Bang is a slave to his daughter, and little Lolita has been searching for Liu Ying in the past, and she has bought countless bonds, so the front team delivering the dowry has already arrived at Zhang Liang's mansion, and the rear team Haven't left Weiyang Palace yet!
Cars and horses lined up on the long street, and boxes and cages piled up like a mountain, all tied up with red silk, and the most conspicuous one was the golden pig Liu Ying gave.

Although the overall weight is not too heavy, only 250 jin, it is pure gold after all. At this moment, Yeye is shining brightly. If it is not because of the guards on both sides of the road, I am afraid that there will inevitably be many more "Qiren grabbing gold" in the crowd... …

Well, when Liu Ying sent the golden pig, the reason on the surface was of course a blessing, but in fact, the first one was teasing Princess Zhang Buyi, who is a soft eater, and the second was to secretly compare the little Lolita to a pig... …

A golden pig not only wins face for itself, but also satirizes others, it's worth it!


Weiyang Palace, Jiaofang Palace.

Little Lolita was sitting on the couch very dignifiedly, holding a green round fan, which completely covered her face, only a little bit of skin could be seen from the side.

What she was wearing was exactly the wedding dress that Lu Zhi had custom-made for her before. The circumference of the skirt was 24 meters, and more than a catty of gold was used up!
Therefore, her only feeling now is that she is hungry...

Make-up, combing hair, bathing, dressing and other things have been tossing for a whole day. She hasn't eaten a grain of rice or touched a drop of water. It really made the little loli who ate six meals a day plus supper feel endless grievances...

But the thought of being able to get rid of her old mother from now on, the little Lolita is so excited that she wants to jump up and dance...

On the other side, Lu Zhi's Kazilan's big eyes were full of tears...

Thinking that her daughter would never be able to stay by her side from now on, and get along day and night, Lu Zhi felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

What's so good about having a daughter?Sooner or later, it belongs to others!It's better to have a son, so that he can be with him all the time... Lu Zhi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and tightly held Liu Ying who was standing beside her.

Since then, my little coffers have been at peace... Liu Ying suppressed her restless heart, and softly comforted the crying Lu Zhi.

Just after a while, he looked at the old maid who walked in with a few trays in her hand, thought for a while, and walked out of the Jiaofang Palace voluntarily.

After all, what the old maid was holding were teaching materials, and it was not suitable for him to be present as an underage male.


Changle Palace, Xuanshi Palace.

Listening to the elegant music from afar, Liu Bang also cried into tears...

His daughter is getting married!
Although the son-in-law is really good-looking, many times more beautiful than the precious daughter in the eyes of an old father, he still wants to cry and beat Zhang Buyi, the pig who is about to steal his cabbage!

So he gulped down his wine, looked at the Zhanlu sword placed on the sword stand, and was slightly fascinated, somewhat understanding Lu Gong's subtle expression when he himself married Lu Zhi that day.

After all, he was not the emperor of the Han Dynasty at that time, but just a little Sishang pavilion chief!
So he waved his hand lightly, calling Wei Wuzhi: "Go, send the plate of Hepu pearls that Liu Xin sent to Duke Lu..."

Although Wei Wuzhi didn't understand what Liu Bang meant, he still nodded silently, indicating that he would write it down.

But he didn't leave here, but whispered: "Your Majesty, the auspicious time is coming soon, do you want to drive to Weiyang Palace?"

Liu Bang stretched his neck, stood up, and put Zhanlu on his waist casually: "Go, go and see how that beautiful and outrageous kid picked up Naigong's daughter!"


In front of Weiyang Palace, Lu Tai and Lu Chan, who acted as the maiden's family, held wooden sticks wrapped with ribbons in their hands, and looked at Zhang Buyi who was riding a horse from far to near, and smiled fiercely.

When Lu Tai got married last time, Zhang Buxin and a group of bastards hung him on a tree for half an hour on a swing!
This time, I finally waited for him to come to avenge my grievances and revenge!
But when the firecrackers sounded, they only felt that their eyes went dark, as if they were being wrapped in a sack!

Then, they heard a very familiar voice, Liu Ying's voice

"Yes, it's the two of them, just throw them into the water, shallower water, be careful not to drown..."

Lu Tai was furious and struggled crazily: "Bastard, I'm your cousin, dear! I didn't care about the grudge between you and an outsider who hung me on a tree last time, but this time you turned your elbow out again!" !"

"What a fart!" Liu Ying rushed up and kicked him: "Zhang Buyi will be her own in the future! And have you thought about the consequences? You messed up my sister's wedding, can she forgive you?"

For a moment, Lu Tai stopped still, his whole body was like petrification.

At this moment, what emerged in his mind was a female version of the big devil, the little loli with strange power, it doesn't matter if you can't beat it, the important thing is that every time they finish fighting with the little loli, their father will beat them again !
Lu Tai let out a long sigh: "Okay then, what I heard from you is, Your Highness, please put me down..."

Liu Ying and Zhang Buji, who walked in quietly, winked, and then waved their hands to signal the soldiers carrying Lu Tai and Lu Chan to continue to carry out their previous orders.

Then, Lu Tai struggled again crazily, furious: "Bastard, I can't spare you..."

Lu Chan begged for mercy loudly: "Your Highness, please forgive me, my elder brother forced me to come..."

Unmoved, Liu Ying led Zhang Buyi and a large group of second and third generations of nobles who came to greet the relatives to the palace.

In fact, he has long been unhappy with those two bastards!

He had heard people say before that it was Lu Tai and Lu Chan who, relying on their relatives of the emperor and their identities as Prince Lu's heirs, ran amok in the market and wantonly smashed the shops that competed with them for business!

Although the Lu family sent people to make financial compensation to the merchant afterwards, they did not bring these two guys to justice!
Liu Ying just took this opportunity to deal with them well, and if they don't repent later, don't blame him for being unkind!
He would never make such a "strength order". After all, the "strength order" is equivalent to Song Renzong forcing Bao Zheng to confess his mistake to Chen Shimei. How absurd is it?

(End of this chapter)

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