Destiny Only Han

Chapter 595 Liu Ying: The Spirit of Internationalism!

Chapter 595 Liu Ying: The Spirit of Internationalism!
"A county?"

Wu Chen looked back and saw the thirty five-by-six garment trucks in the factory building. He opened his mouth and widened his eyes, and froze.

Because next to this factory building, there are four factory buildings with the same layout side by side...

He calculated silently, and his heart became more and more shocked, and he had a deeper understanding of Liu Ying and the strength of the Han Kingdom.

But he was already ready to hug his thighs, so the thicker the thighs, the better!
Liu Ying gently scratched a mosquito bite on her chin, which is another reason why he has always allowed Zhang Buyi to follow him.

He has the physique of attracting mosquitoes, and so does Zhang Buyi!

Therefore, mosquitoes, rain and dew are all exposed to him, so they won't kill him...

As for what Zhang Buyi said, yes and no.

It is true that the cost of a garment truck is equivalent to a year's tax in a large county, but it is a comprehensive cost, that is, the cost after all expenses are amortized.

But the crux of the problem is that many of these costs will be double-calculated and then added together, causing the light industry of textiles to become a heavy industry that requires a lot of cost...

Well, in this way, Liu Ying can blatantly pay less dividends to them...

Wu Chen woke up from the brief shock, and murmured: "At this rate, how much cotton cloth will be consumed in a day?"

"Well, it's about [-]% of the output of Hanoi County...Although it is suitable for cotton growth, it has a large population after all, and needs a variety of grains to support itself."

Liu Ying recalled a little and then said: "Nowadays, what affects the production of cotton yarn is mainly the efficiency of picking cotton and the efficiency of stripping cotton seeds is not high."

"However, the matter of picking cotton is not easy to solve in a short time. After all, the season of picking cotton almost overlaps with the season of ripening grain, so there is not much labor left..."

"As for peeling the cottonseed, I have recently improved the artificial cotton gin I used before, and I will take you to see it later..."

The artificial cotton gin he mentioned refers to a kind of roller gin. The principle is to use the surface of the roller with a large friction coefficient to attach and drive the cotton fiber, so that the cotton and cottonseed are separated.

Well, the system gave...

The characteristics of this cotton gin are simple structure, low manufacturing cost, easy operation and maintenance, just like the hand-cranked threshing machine, which is convenient for popularization among the people.

The most important thing is that the cotton processed by the cotton gin can be packed and compacted directly, so that it can be conveniently shipped to the spinning workshop, where it is made into cotton yarn using a hydraulic spinning machine, and then used for weaving.

However, Liu Ying has been trying to save the intermediate step, which is to promote the hand-operated jenny machine, and directly purchase the finished cotton yarn from Zhinu.

The purpose of doing this is, of course, to maintain stability and ensure that the production structure of men farming and women weaving that has been maintained for hundreds of years can continue.

Just like Huang Lao’s famous saying, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish.

Every time there is a transformation of the production structure and an increase in productivity, many people's lives have become fragmented behind the scenes.

Take a chestnut.

For example, in the United Kingdom, after James Hargreaves invented the Jenny machine, because he did not apply for a patent, although he himself became rich, the Jenny machine gradually spread.

As a result, a large number of spinners lost their jobs. They rushed into James' house angrily, not only destroyed the Jenny machine he made, set fire to his house, but even drove James' family out of the small town where they lived. .

However, in the following four years, the Jenny machine increased from the original eight spindles to [-] spindles, and there were more than [-] Jenny machines in the whole of Great Britain...

It's just that although the spinners lost their jobs, the employment of weavers increased sharply, from 4 to 20!
But the good times didn't last long. When more efficient looms appeared, the weavers also began to lose their jobs...

However, compared to the last time it was left alone, the British Empire chose to maintain stability, which means prohibiting the use of more efficient looms from a legal perspective, and prohibiting mechanics from immigrating to the UK in an attempt to curb the spread of advanced technology...

In fact, it is exactly the same as a certain eastern empire's approach to "extraordinary obscenity and skill"!

But this can only be in vain. After all, capital is profit-seeking. The efficiency of steam looms is five times that of hand looms. As a result, factories are blooming everywhere, and weavers are unemployed and bankrupt.

Thus, in 1811 and 1812, laid-off workers in Britain began to riot, smashing factories and destroying looms. It was not until the British government dispatched [-] soldiers that the riots were suppressed...

And this kind of behavior fascinated the poet Byron, who wrote the poem "Down with all kings except King Lud".

Well, Ludd is the name of a patron saint in mythology, when rioting workers called themselves 'Luddites'.

However, when the number of hand-loom workers dropped to less than 5, the number of weaving workers in the steam spinning factory next door soared from 8 to nearly 30!
What Liu Ying has to do is to minimize the pain of the transition period, or to find a way to transfer the pain of the domestic transition period, so that foreigners can play the spirit of internationalism and bear this pain for the Han people...

For example, the third brother next door...

Now the continental cotton originally produced in Africa should have spread to the Indian subcontinent, so the local people should have learned how to grow cotton.

In this way, you only need to do business with the third brother normally, and you can get the cotton they planted all over the mountains and plains.

Afterwards, the cotton is shipped and shipped back to the country to be processed into clothing. On the one hand, it can be consumed by the Chinese people, and on the other hand, it can be exported to the poorly clothed Ah San...

After all, the reason that a person covered in silk is not a sericulture farmer, is also applicable to the third brother who suffers from famine every year in the country, but is a big grain exporter.

As for the Weaver Girls in the Han Dynasty, those with relatively poor textile skills could work in textile factories and use the money they earned to subsidize their families, and by the way, promote the ideological trend of women's liberation and the labor movement, and become a force for social progress.

And those weaving girls with exquisite craftsmanship can continue to reel silk and raise silkworms to make silk.

After all, today's silkworms are limited by the variety of silkworms, and the silk they spit out is so thin that they can only be spun by hand and cannot be used for large-scale industrial production.

Therefore, the speed of weaving is very slow. Usually, one person can produce about one foot of silk per day. If Kesi is used, a few centimeters a day can be regarded as a master...

However, scarcity is the most expensive thing, the strong demand in the country, coupled with the rich and powerful merchants in the Western Regions, this has led to the high price of silk, even the lowest-level laborers like textile women workers can have a lot of income .

Liu Ying once saw it in the newspaper, saying that there are some industrious Weaver Girls who even bought a manor of several hundred acres just by the income of weaving!
(End of this chapter)

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