Destiny Only Han

Chapter 652 Liu Ying: Let's go, let's go!

Chang'an City.

Next to the Chang'an County Government Office, there is a small house with two floors and an attic.

Although the small house looks a bit inconspicuous, in fact, everyone in Chang'an City knows that the amount of money carts handled here every day, and the stamp duty collected by the imperial court here alone account for more than [-]% of the annual tax revenue!

Here is the place called Bond Trading Center.

If the Changle Palace is the political center of the Han Empire, then this ordinary little house with no distinctive features is undoubtedly the financial center of the empire!
The currency in circulation during this period was mainly brass, supplemented by gold and silver. Therefore, people who came to the bond trading center to buy or sell bonds either carried a bag containing money, or simply pushed carts with three or five people. come.

Well, money tickets are only used among powerful and wealthy businessmen. After all, they have property, and Liu Ying is not worried about their refusal. At worst, their family property will be forcibly confiscated to pay off the debt!
As for ordinary people, except for a few dilapidated houses, there is only one life left, and a small amount of lending is okay, unless they are prepared to spend money for nothing. far better...

Therefore, soldiers holding crossbows and long knives hanging from their waists can be seen everywhere near the bond trading center.

These are guards exclusively for the Prime Minister's Mansion. Anyone who encounters a strongman who robs the bond trading center or robs others can immediately shoot and kill them on the spot after a warning!

Not guilty!

So the law and order here has always been very good, not to mention thieves, even those rangers who were born as vicious teenagers walk around here.

If it is not close to the Chang'an County Government, it is impossible to allow small vendors to set up stalls and sell things here. I am afraid that this place will still be an extremely prosperous commercial street...

When it was almost noon that day, several teams of soldiers came with banners unfurled, and some rudely dispersed the people outside the bond trading center, and formed a human wall to block the inside and outside.

Some of the people who were driven away dared not speak out, but they did not dare to curse loudly, they just cursed in a voice just enough for them to hear.

After all, judging from the style of the armor on these soldiers, there are guards from the Eastern Palace, King Yan, and guards from various places who came to Chang'an for garrison.

The first two are okay. Liu Ying and Lu Wan respect their identities and will not get along with ordinary people. Usually, even if they hear scolding, they mostly pretend that they didn’t hear it. It’s just that after ten days and a half months, everyone forgets about it. After this incident, let someone go to his house to check the water meter...

Therefore, those who have not been beaten by society naturally have nothing to fear.

But those garrison soldiers are different. Most of them are foreigners, and they don’t pay much attention to their hometown and party friendship with Chang’an people. That will clarify the situation!
Usually, when Liu Bang goes on tour, and when Chang'an City holds large-scale events, Qiu Ba and the villainous boy are the two magic weapons for maintaining law and order!
However, the dissatisfaction among the crowd dissipated without a trace as the carriages approached in the distance, and they didn't even need to maintain it too much. The people all spontaneously leaned back.

Without him, the golden light in the carriage is shining brightly, and gold bricks and gold bars are placed in disorder in the open box!

So they backed away spontaneously, not only because the melon fields would not accept their duties, but because they were worried that there might be one or two robbers hiding among the passers-by, and when the soldiers were killed, they would splash blood on their faces...

However, they retreated back, but their ears were pricked up, and their eyes were fixed on the motorcade and bond trading center in the distance, hoping to get first-hand information!

Well, this is not only a topic of conversation after dinner, but also an opportunity to make a fortune!

As residents at the foot of the emperor, the people of Chang'an City know very well that the opportunity to make a fortune is not their turn. Often when they know the way to make money, the rich and powerful have already made a lot of money. Will release news, let them take orders at high prices!

But sometimes it is not like this, just like the saying that is very popular in Chang'an City.

Standing on the tuyere, pigs can go to the sky!
Therefore, they don't want to be rich and powerful, but if the big guys eat meat, they can just drink a little soup...

So when the carriages with the flags of the Naishi Mansion appeared in the distance, the entire street was even more silent, thousands of eyes did not blink, and thousands of ears pricked up, not letting go. No picture, no sound will be spared! (Note [-])

Liu Ying watched the scene outside through the car window, the corners of her mouth raised, a little triumphantly.

Although Lu Wan was rich, she didn't actually raise a billion for him. Even with the local bonds issued by Lu Shizhi, the sum of the two was only a little over 6 million.

But for those "pseudo-middle class" who have [-] to [-] baht in their pockets, there is no difference between [-] million and [-] billion, and they are both amounts that they will not be able to achieve in their entire lives!
But they understand that the bigwigs appearing here with so much money is definitely not for showing off their wealth, but for investment!

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with following the trend!

At a time like this, even a second of hesitation would be disrespectful to their Chang'an City household registration!
So, when the convoy drove past the crowd, what Liu Ying saw was a pair of staring eyes, and what she heard was the sound of panting like a cow!
Then, he knew that he had money to repair the railway!

But since this is the case, the railway can not be so anxious, it only needs to be paid on schedule and laid step by step.

The most urgent thing at the moment is to allocate money to the coal mines in Guangyan County, install steam engines for pumping water, and then build unloading docks at the upstream and downstream of Hukou Waterfall to transport the coal and water from the open-pit coal mines to Guanzhong!

Especially the steam engine for pumping water is extremely urgent!
After all, coal is a flammable material, if it is not watered to cool down after it is dug out, it is easy to spontaneously ignite.

For example, the Helanshan Coal Mine in Ningxia has spontaneously combusted for more than 300 years, with a net loss of up to 10 billion. This is the serious consequence of small coal mine owners greedy for profit and digging indiscriminately during the Qing Dynasty!
Although the combustion of an object must meet the two conditions of a certain temperature and a certain contact area with oxygen, the high gas and high activity of coal make it unnecessary to have sufficient oxygen during the combustion process.

Therefore, the coal seams of mines are everywhere, just like the briquettes in the hearth, with ventilation, oxygen, and the flammability of coal itself, the right time, place and people, how could spontaneous combustion not occur?

Watering is not enough to extinguish such a large fire. After all, water can extinguish fire, but high temperature can also evaporate water vapor, and the water vapor formed in this way is further decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by high temperature.

Oxygen will support combustion!

This is also the reason why the Helan Mountain coal mine fires have continued for years, because every rainfall will intensify the burning of the coal seams!

Therefore, when Liu Ying was digging coal, she did not hesitate to give up part of her profits, and also wanted to recruit Liu Bang into the gang.

After the coal mine became the private property of the emperor, regardless of whether it was a local tycoon or a noble in the court, if he wanted to dig a mine far away from the other end of the coal mine, he was stealing the emperor's property!
This kind of behavior can range from fines to decapitation!
After all, in the feudal dynasty, the crown prince needs to compromise and give in, but the emperor does not need to be reasonable!
For example, the mine supervisor sent by the Emperor Dameng to the local area, the emperor thought that the eunuchs would help him dig mines, but in fact, these guys did not succeed in anything, they did not have the ability to dig ore, but they had the courage to dig mines, and big!

Then the local wealthy households will suffer...

After all, no one knew if there was a mine underground before the mine supervisor commanded the hooligans to dig up his ancestral grave or ancestral house...

So they had to spend money to avoid disaster, but it's a pity that the money did not fall into the pocket of the emperor.

[-]% belonged to the mine supervisor, and the remaining [-]% had to be shared with the people in the palace. As for the emperor waiting to use the money, it didn't matter!
Therefore, instead of betting on the eunuch's character, it is better to trust the bureaucrats, at least they are willing to open [-]-[-]... Liu Ying touched the short gun that she spent a lot of money in her hand, and felt that she could get [-]% of it.

Liu Ying thought about it again. If she wanted to invest money in the coal mine, it didn't make sense to let herself pay for it. After all, Liu Bang is also a shareholder!
The important thing is that most of the money this old man earned in the past was used to buy dresses, jewelry, rouge and gouache for the Yingying Yanyans in the palace, but the past two years may not be enough, so the money has been saved.

So, after Liu Ying is ready to finish the business here, she will go to Changle Palace to fight a boss and explode some gold coins...

As for the saved money, it will naturally fall into his own pocket...

After all, the successful entrepreneurial experience of those bigwigs in later generations is very similar. They use PPT to fool the angel round, dilute the original stock, and then take the money and leave. As for the life and death of the project, whether the investor can make money is also not important...

Liu Ying knew very well that when the railway was repaired and the steam train rumbled past, Xiao He would definitely find a way to nationalize the railway.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. The important thing is that the railway is the lifeblood of the country in the future, and it cannot be in the hands of anyone other than the country!

Therefore, Liu Ying's bottom line is that as long as the previous investment cost can be recovered, and the profit can be doubled by the way...

The steam train is just the beginning, its speed is only [-] to [-] kilometers per hour at best, and it will continue to be upgraded.

After all, faster speed means higher efficiency!
At present, there is only Liu Ying who has a full set of research and development capabilities in the world!

The important thing is to formulate standards. After all, first-rate companies make standards, second-rate companies make brands, and third-rate companies make products. Liu Ying has the entire industrial chain...

In the fantasy of killing many birds with one stone, Liu Ying got off the carriage with great difficulty.

Without him, there is an extra pendant on the leg.

Lu Yu.

Xiao Douding hung on his lap like a sloth bear, no matter what Lu Wan said with a black face, she would not let go, and Liu Ying could only let it go for the sake of money...

Note 90: When the interest rate of treasury bills was extremely high in the [-]s, people started to squat outside the bank before dawn, and the streets and alleys were full of scalpers who bought back treasury bills at high prices...

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