Destiny Only Han

Chapter 681 Lu Wan: Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger...

Chapter 681 Lu Wan: Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger...

Before Liu Ying finished speaking, Liu Bang frowned: "Why, could it be that the cost of such a big stall you built is lower than that of a small workshop with a dozen people?"

Liu Ying shook her head: "It's definitely not low. The main power here is the steam engine. Compared with the water power of the small workshop, it doesn't cost much. The coal burned by the steam engine every day is not a small amount."

Liu Bang frowned more and more: "The cost is high, how can you compete with others?"

"Who said we are in a competitive relationship? We are actually in a relationship of mutual benefit and symbiosis." Liu Ying shook her finger, corrected Liu Bang, and continued:

"As I said, this sugar mill mainly serves planters who grow sugar cane. I can squeeze sugar more efficiently, so I can make some extra profits and increase the purchase price of sugar cane."

"This means that if they focus on planting sugarcane and strive to maintain the variety without degeneration and produce more sugarcane, even if they do not participate in the sugar industry, they can still obtain considerable benefits!"

"Although the combination of production and sales completes our own industrial chain, it takes too much energy. It is better to mainly operate plantations and earn profits simply and rudely!"

Well, the sugarcane mainly grown in Lingnan today is not native species, but a kind of sugarcane signed by Liu Ying. Although it has degraded over the years, the overall sweetness is two or three points higher than the original bamboo cane.

Although it does not sound high, it is a very objective profit to add up!
Hearing Liu Ying's words, Liu Bang nodded lightly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. His own son knew very well that the little son in front of him was saying a lot of nonsense, but in fact it was just to cover up the truth.

Lu Wan came over and complained: "Yeah, don't wait too long, I don't have enough quota for King Yan, and I'm so annoyed to be chased by Zhang Cang for money every year..."

As a result, Lu Wan's face became darker, and even Zhang Buyi, who was huddled in the corner, had black lines all over his face. After all, he was always the target of the old father-in-law's suppression, he was the enemy, not his son!
Liu Ying laughed awkwardly, and rounded up the topic again:

So he leaned into Liu Bang's ear and whispered, "Father, you don't think there is any benefit in the sale of sugar cane to me?"

"After all, there will be a large number of slaves in the plantation, and there will be a large number of slaves in their mansions and manors. When the two are superimposed, even many nobles who have reached the full vassal, the number of slaves in possession exceeds The maximum number stipulated by their titles."

In this way, the Han family will be passed on stably.

Liu Ying explained:
"Dad thinks, to open a plantation, you first need to get land from the government, right? Then transform the terrain, build roads, irrigation canals, ditches, fences, houses, warehouses and other infrastructure projects. Then hire a knowledgeable person with a high salary Stewardship, recruitment or purchase of workmen or slaves . . . "

And for a family like Lu Wan, whose slaves do not exceed the legal limit of [-], wouldn't it make people laugh to death?

The sugar mill he opened was only for profit, and there was no exchange of benefits.

Now he is the prince, and in the future he will be the emperor... Liu Bang helped Liu Ying complete what he hadn't finished speaking in his heart, and with a smile on his face, he looked at Lu Wan and continued to run.

Liu Bang smashed his mouth, felt that Liu Ying was not only mocking himself, but also had something to say, so he clenched his fists and said, "Little brat is getting tight again, right? Tell me, what do you mean by that?"

Liu Bang was stunned, and said in silence for a while: "What, what kind of benefit transfer? Naigong didn't think about anything!"

Therefore, this is not a matter of hundreds of dollars!
Lu Wan was silent for a while, and looked at Liu Ying with a little pleading look in her eyes.

Why not eat minced meat... Liu Ying looked at Lu Wan who was speechless, and smiled inwardly.

Therefore, many nobles have withdrawn from the real economy, that is, the plantations in Lingnan.

"Actually, Uncle Lu and the others are not afraid of Zhang Cang, but Ji Xiang's identity. After all, Ji Xiang now has nearly a thousand tax collectors, and the important thing is that there is a history of more than 5000 soldiers. This is all battle-tested. Veterans!"

He was able to defeat Xiang Yu and win the world, not only by relying on the three-foot long sword in his hand, but also by virtue of his sophistication!

"What do you mean?" Liu Bang asked.

Liu Ying nodded: "It's fine if you don't think about it that way. It seems that Dad is still so discerning."

Thinking of this, Liu Bang raised the corner of his mouth, patted Liu Ying's shoulder, and then patted Lu Wan again, with a face that made Lu Wan grit his teeth and Liu Ying smiled in a daze.

"Therefore, it is necessary to double the gift!"

A few hundred more than one, tens of thousands more than a hundred.

For example, he wanted Lu Yu to be the princess, not only because of the previous oath, but the most important purpose was to bind Lu Wan and Lu Wan's disciples to Liu Ying.

For example, Zhou Bo used to be struggling daily on the verge of bankruptcy...

Liu Bang froze for a moment, looked straight into Liu Ying's eyes and asked, "You really think so?"

Only by dividing the cake well can we gather more hearts!

"What's the matter? Mosquitoes with small legs are not meat? As the saying goes, you can travel a thousand miles without taking a single step. Uncle Lu now has to maintain the face of King Yan, support a large family, and most importantly, prepare a dowry for Lu Yu." , can you save some money?"

Liu Ying nodded heavily: "Of course. I still remember that I once said this to Uncle Liu Jia in the past, that there are thousands of rooms in the vast mansions, and it will shelter the underprivileged people in the world and make them all happy!"

But this is fighting the world, and sitting in the world is much more complicated than this. Not only does it need to be able to divide the pie, but it also requires everyone's interests to be entangled with each other.

"What? This is the privilege Naigong bestowed upon Zhang Cang. Are you dissatisfied?" Liu Bang looked sideways, his face full of sternness.

"I dare not. On the contrary, I support it very much!" Liu Ying made a gesture of salute, and said with a smile: "Taxes are collected from the people and used by the people. In my opinion, taxation needs to be adjusted again in a few years, according to income. The tax rate is adjusted according to the amount, the rich pay more tax, the poor pay less tax, and the poorer still pay more!"

ps: In fact, Qin Shihuang's prestige depends somewhat on Liu Bang.

Now, in this era when everyone is no longer ashamed of talking about profits, why would people give up the profits they could make?
Who can manage a large plantation in this fertile land where barbarism and civilization coexist in Lingnan, which one is not standing behind the nobles of the court?

Who are you lying to!
Liu Bang narrowed his eyes and said nothing more.

"Did you see, this is our son! Well, it's also your son-in-law, barely half a son!"

There are many things that can be unreserved between brothers, but between the monarch and his ministers, they must never be said clearly, even if both parties know it well, they still cannot be put on the table!
So Liu Ying smiled, changed the subject and said:

Liu Bang nodded his head up and down. After all, the Han Empire was founded by a group of people who rushed out of the Mangdang Mountains. Except for some people, most of them were mud-legged, so there was a large group of poor relatives waiting to help.

Liu Bang looked at Lu Wan with a dark face, laughed a few times, and said narrowly: "You see, raising a son is really not as good as raising a daughter. You see that the son-in-law started to help the daughter before she got married." Talking to the old father-in-law... Hehe, you are the father and son, Naigong is actually an outsider..."

At least on the surface.

This old man won't think too much, will he?I'm really just talking about business... Liu Ying squinted at Liu Bang, who was already a little shorter than herself, feeling helpless.

After all, with the passage of time, the new aristocrats have gradually become old aristocrats, so naturally they must pay attention to their appearance, so as not to be too ugly and make jokes from the same class.

Liu Ying cleared her throat and continued:
"But the times have changed now. As long as you buy the right bonds, you can lie down and make money, and after so many years, the old relatives and old friends are no longer poor, so naturally there is no need to maintain the plantation anymore."

"Who still works on the plantation now? Not to mention making a lot of money, if you have too many things, you will die!" Liu Ying silently took half a step back.

After all, the word "emperor" has been passed down for hundreds of years in the Han Dynasty, and has since become the synonym for the supreme ruler.

After all, now he and Liu Bang are not only "Fengyi brothers" in the past, but also monarchs and ministers!

So, they gave in to Liu Ying, is it really for that little money?

Liu Ying thought for a while, and decided to tell Liu Bangming, who was thinking wrongly, so that the old man would not have any careful thoughts about balance and restriction in the future.

"The investment of this huge amount of money is only to ensure the opening of the plantation, and whether it can make money depends mainly on God! After all, it is agriculture, and it will not work if it is flooded or drought... Well, this is Lingnan, so I am not afraid of cold waves. Compared with the manors in the north, it is somewhat more secure."

"To avoid this kind of tax that can be clearly checked by casual inspection, it is better to just lock yourself in the Tingwei Mansion. As long as you die there, you will be fined, and you won't be like a fortune teller, tax evasion and tax evasion. What? It's time to pay off and when to go out..."

"It's just that I was just a child at that time, just the Marquis of Wu'an..."

Liu Bang glanced at him and asked, "It's twice as rich, but it's just a few hundred dollars more, you, the King of Yan, can't even afford this?"

"If this is the past, then of course I don't have to say it. Anyway, idle is idle. Even if the plantation is laborious, there are still profits. The important thing is to find a job for relatives and friends at home to settle down and establish a career."

Lu Wan picked up a bag of icing sugar with a dark face, looked at Liu Ying and said, "What a Juhuanyan. I remember you said that eating candy can make people feel happy. So Juhuanyan, how much are you going to sell for this candy? Can't it make people really happy?"

That's why the title of 'First Emperor' sounds awesome.

If Liu Bang wanted to play tricks at that time, following the example of the Western Zhou Dynasty, changing the title of the emperor to Tianzi, adding a "sacred" honorary title, that is, "sacred emperor" to show his dignity, then more than 20 holy emperors in the Han Dynasty, under the convention, also There is no such thing as the word 'emperor'.

Qin Shihuang, and Sui Wendi are basically equated...

Even Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty may not be famous, after all, the Qin Dynasty collapsed faster than the Sui Dynasty...

(End of this chapter)

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