Destiny Only Han

Chapter 702 Liu Ying: Where's the beep?

Chapter 702 Liu Ying: Where's the beep?

"serious consequence?"

Lu Shizhi frowned, puzzled.

Liu Ying didn't answer directly, but walked with Lu Shizhi from the sacrificial field to the street outside, bought two cups of freshly squeezed sugarcane juice and handed them over:
"Try it and see if the sugarcane from Shu County is sweeter or the sugarcane from Lingnan... Well, this should be the last time I eat fresh sugarcane. If I want to eat it again, I will have to wait until late autumn at least..."

Well, human beings have the habit of joining in the fun since ancient times. Although the sacrificial scene is solemn and solemn, outside, there are crowds of melon-eating people who come to watch the excitement. Under the crowd, small merchants and hawkers naturally come to hear the sound!

Lu Shizhi absent-mindedly took a sip of the sugarcane juice, which was icy sweet and had fine scum that did not hinder the entrance of the drink. Under the unique stimulation of sugar, his anxiety eased a little, so he just stretched out his hand and drank a glass, ready to drink Liu Ying turned back and had another drink:

"Let's get down to business first, I'll wrap up that stall later, and send all the people and sugar cane to the East Palace, so you can drink to your heart's content..."

After Liu Ying and Lu Shizhi pulled the hook, they said as they walked: "The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and the system of granting land for military merit that we use now actually originated from the Qin law formulated after the Shang Yang Reform of the Qin Dynasty."

"Of course, this is a newly revised law, which is much more generous than that of the former Qin Dynasty. This has also led to a decrease in the number of public land owned by each county by more than half in just 16 years..."

"And the crux of the problem is that it's impossible for everyone's granted land to be good land, especially the farmland near the irrigation canal, which has already been owned..."

When Liu Ying said this, Lu Shizhi sniffed uncomfortably.

After all, from the collapse of the well field system in the Spring and Autumn Period, after the Jin State first opened up rice fields, and then Li Kui's reform, the countries have long acknowledged the matter of land annexation in fact.

Therefore, in the "Tongkao Field Fukao" compiled by Ma Duanlin in the Song Dynasty, it is said that Jingtian received it from the public and could not sell it. Therefore, the king said: "There is no vend in the field."Qin opened the field, so he got a deal.And the one who won the first battle, Yitian house, the five firsts and the five families, the trouble of annexation began from then on, and those with more people's land took thousands of mu as their borders, without any restrictions.

The country's taxation has also changed from land rent in the well field system period to a poll tax that is more exploitative, that is, "the taxpayer who gives up the land".

Therefore, the farmland close to the water source is undoubtedly the highest quality wealth...

Of course, in the Han Kingdom nowadays, opening factories is the fastest way to make money, but no matter ancient or modern, Chinese and foreign, human beings have always had the same enthusiasm for occupying land, especially for nobles like Lu Shizhi, who keep using all kinds of land. means to legally occupy a large amount of the most sought-after wealth of irrigated fields.

Even if the land rent collected every year can’t be sold for a few dollars, when Lu Shizhi is alone, looking at the land deeds all over the ground, the satisfaction in his heart is no less than that of those icebergs in the brothel, which look pure and elegant. The oiran lady peeled into a little white sheep...

It's just that at this moment Lu Shizhi felt inexplicably uneasy amidst Liu Ying's faint smile, and felt a chill down his spine, just like the feeling Lu Shizhi felt when he called his full name with a straight face.

Damn it, I'm his uncle, my dear... Lu Shizhi murmured in his heart, trying to straighten his back without showing the slightest flattering smile.

Liu Ying continued without realizing it:
"...It is precisely because of this that the rhetoric that a thousand stones are easy to see, and fighting food is difficult to deal with. After all, although the official position of fighting food is not high, he has the privilege of granting civilians farms and houses. If you don't bribe him, he will I will give you those desolate and rotten lands full of stones..."

"However, rectifying the administration of officials is a wishful thing, and has nothing to do with the reclamation order we are talking about today."

"What I want to say is, if there is a detailed rule of exchanging good land for barren land in the reclamation order, will someone use coercion to force the good people under the rule to sign the reclamation order and return the good land, and then they will use other means to Replace the woodland or dry land under your own name with the good land returned by the head of Guizhou?"

Liu Ying turned her head slightly, now he is much taller than Lu Shizhi, so she looked down at Lu Shizhi and asked:
"Uncle, I don't often deal with those petty officials. Do you think it is possible for them to do such a thing? Or, will they use the country's wealth to 'corrupt' the nobles of the court through such means?" , so that I can make myself a success?"

For a moment, Lu Shizhi was dripping with cold sweat, as if there were many sticky bugs crawling around on his spine.

After a long time, he replied hoarsely: "Probably not... Most of the nobles bought a lot of bonds, and the annual interest alone does not know how much it is, and there is a rest with the country... ..."

"Sleep with the country?" Liu Ying interrupted Lu Shizhi, with a slight sarcasm on the corner of her mouth: "The premise of the same sleep with the country is that you don't violate the laws and regulations. Although the Han Dynasty is not legalist, the cruel officials are not obvious... But Huang Lao is even worse. Advocating the 'Dao Sheng Law', stressing that the crown prince's crimes are the same as the common people's crimes, except for my father, no one can be above the law..."

"As a prince, I still have to be in awe of laws and regulations, and dare not go one step further... So, I hope they will take care of themselves."

Lu Shizhi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. In Liu Ying's gentle and drizzle-like tone, he felt a strong murderous intent. His nephew is different from Liu Bang. He is as ruthless as his elder sister in his bones, but just like Lu Zhi. In comparison, there is a little bit of kindness more or less, and generally they will not do things that kill the whole family. At most, those who do not deal with it will go to the backcountry to eat chaff...

However, for people like them who are used to enjoying the glory and wealth, eating bran swallowed vegetables is something more terrifying than death...

So he nodded slightly, with a very humble attitude: "No, no... Aside from other things, those who have made good friends with our family are very law-abiding, and they also strictly restrict their children... "

Heh, whoever believes it is naive, it has only been a few years since Lu Tai and the others rode horses along the long street... Liu Ying complained in her heart, and said with a smile:
"That's good. I remember that when my father cut the talisman to seal the seal, there were a few words inscribed on the iron coupon, which were called 'Let the river be like a belt, the Taishan be like a sharpening, the country is Yongning, and the Miao people', so the king and his ministers Live up to it, long time is also a kind of beautiful talk... Brother-in-law, don't you think so?"

Lu Shizhi nodded frequently in agreement.

So Liu Ying approached Lu Shizhi and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, can you tell me who encouraged you to come and suggest to me that I amend the cultivation order?"

Lu Shizhi was stunned for a moment, and said without hesitation: "Warm scabies, it's warm scabies!"

Liu Ying frowned: "Who? Wen Jie? Could it be the former Yan Xiang Wen Jie who reported Zang Tu's occupation of Dai's land and intended to rebel?"

Lu Shizhi nodded: "That's him. Because of his meritorious service in destroying Chu and reporting on Zang Tu, he was granted the title of Marquis, with eight hundred households in the city... He told me about this matter."

"Uncle, I didn't mean you, why did you hang out with this kind of boy?" Liu Ying shook her head dumbfounded.

"Hey, don't I always like to go to Xinfeng City? Wen Jie comes and goes frequently, and it has something to do with you!"

Liu Ying froze, tilted her head and said nothing.

Lu Shizhi put his hands on his waist and said, "Yes, it's because of you! The bloody sweat horse you wanted to leave me before, it was Wen Jie who helped me buy this good horse! That's why I owe you a lot of money." For his favor, do you think it's because of you!"

Liu Ying licked her lips, inexplicably feeling something strange, but she figured out the problem.

Under the system of military meritorious titles, titles below the Marquis of Guannei are granted land, but those above are not. The main source of income for the Marquis is Shiyi.

Of course, there are still homesteads.

For example, the largest homestead area that can be owned is 18 houses. If converted, it is about [-] square meters, which is equivalent to one-third the size of the Forbidden City...

In such a large mansion, there would probably be hundreds of servants just for daily cleaning. If you add other cooks, grooms, maids, housekeepers, and the necessary expenses to maintain a decent appearance, all these money add up. However, it is far from enough to rely solely on the income of Shiyi.

Therefore, it is necessary to find other ways to make money.

For example, exchange tens of dollars per mu of sloping land for three to four thousand dollars per mu of fertile land, no matter whether you sell it or keep it for yourself, the huge profit of a hundred times is enough to make even a full-timer excited!
Liu Ying scratched her head and looked at Lu Shizhi who had been sizing him up secretly: "Okay, I know what to do... But brother-in-law, I suggest you stop eating 'Laojiu' later and go to me first Let's chat..."

Lu Shizhi froze for a moment: "Why?"

"Why?" Liu Ying almost didn't get laughed at by him, but said insincerely: "Did you know that my father set up a special position a few years ago, called Lieutenant of the Guard?"

"I know." Lu Shizhi nodded: "Isn't the lieutenant serving as the guard Chen Ping, who was changed from Huzhou (yǒu)hou to Qunihou two years ago? What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Liu Ying made a long voice, pointing at the halberd and glaring: "Don't you know what he does? Do you think you, an internal historian, who swaggered to Xinfeng City to meet prostitutes, could hide it from his eyes and ears? No. It's an exaggeration to say, I'm afraid that my uncle knew exactly how many gasps you had at that time! So how can you hide the relationship between you and Wen Jie, and Wen Jie's own deeds? He knows, Can my father know?"

"Even if you don't look for me today, I'm afraid I will look for you in two days! To be honest, my father has already had a problem with you! Uncle, you are the internal history, you are the biggest in the capital, those fighting food The petty official obeys the yin and violates the yin, and asks for cards, so don't you have the slightest responsibility?"

"Why do you think my father agreed to your suggestion before and asked Ruyi to rectify the bureaucracy? Is it to let Ruyi offend people? Don't you know what my father really wants?"

"At this moment, are you still in the mood to go and drink 'Lao Jiu' happily?"

"Are you stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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