Destiny Only Han

Chapter 717 Liu Bang: I don't feel sorry for the cub!

Chapter 717 Liu Bang: I don't feel sorry for the cub!

East of Chang'an City, west of Bashui.

The gate of the industrial park is closed, and the towering chimneys are straight to the sky, showing loneliness and desolation; the towering water towers and brand-new dormitory buildings silently tell the prosperity of yesterday.

Liu Ying strolled on the cement road of the factory building, as if she had fallen into the old days, and she could only feel emotion along the way.

Every road and every factory building here was designed by him himself. Now that they are going to be demolished by blasting, one can imagine the reluctance in his heart.

But if it is not broken, it cannot be built. We can only pray that the industrial seeds here can take root and sprout elsewhere, and bloom beautiful fairy flowers.

After a while, Liu Ying thought about it for a while, and slowly walked out of the industrial park. The engineer waiting outside led a team of workers in, and carried out blasting and demolition according to the plan.

Well, it's the chimneys that need to be blasted, not the factory buildings.

After all, Liu Ying has witnessed the transformation of modern industry from electrification to informatization, and from informatization to intelligence, so she will not be complacent and complacent because of these rough and rough early industries.

Therefore, the factory building did not have much foundation. It was just an ordinary brick-concrete structure. When it was demolished, it only needed to be bulldozed and the ruins cleaned.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Ying walked back to the crowd with her hands behind her back, and Zhang Buyi standing beside her held up a folding fan with a flattering face, fanning him.

If you don't have him, you can ask others.

The construction of the Bashui Railway Bridge was in the preparatory stage. In the early stage, some earthwork was cleared with a steam excavator and the embankment was piled up. Therefore, the engineering team under the name of Zhang Buyi didn't have much work to do.

Coincidentally, the industrial park has to clean up all the high-polluting primary industries quickly, and then fully implement the Industry 2.0 plan. Naturally, there will be a large number of infrastructure projects!
Therefore, Liu Ying felt particularly at ease when enjoying it.

A moment later, with a series of loud bangs, the chimneys in the industrial park fell down one after another, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. Accompanied by the loud bangs, there were mournful cries from the surrounding people.

Although the government has promised that after the ruins are cleaned up, a new factory will be rebuilt on the original site. At that time, they will still be able to work here, exchange their sweat for money, and support their families.

But before seeing the real thing, people are always apprehensive and dubious.

After all, if the government keeps its word, can it still be called a government?

Gradually, this pessimistic mood began to spread, spreading rapidly among the crowd like an epidemic. Many laid-off workers who might be emotional or worried about not paying their mortgages began to cry loudly, and even sat on the ground and beat their chests.

Zhang Shizhi, the county magistrate of Chang'an, walked up to Liu Ying and whispered, "Your Highness, who is a daughter of gold, should not stay here. It is better to leave first... I will leave this place to my subordinates!"

Zhang Buyi looked left and right, and also tried to persuade him: "The so-called son of a thousand gold can't sit still. It's better to leave first..."

Liu Ying waved her hand to stop Zhang Buyi's rambling: "It's normal for them not to understand. It's because I didn't think carefully."

Zhang Buyi frowned: "What does this matter have to do with you? It's clear that Chang'an County didn't handle it well, so the demolition was demolished. Why do you have to let so many people come here to see it and make it so public? Well, I can't step down now Come on!"

Liu Ying pointed to the kneeling and crying workers and said, "Look at the clothes on their bodies. Although they are very clean, the stains on them can't be washed off, and there are patches all over them..."

Before Liu Ying finished speaking, not only Zhang Shizhi frowned in puzzlement, but Zhang Buyi interrupted with a confused face: "And then?"

Liu Ying sighed softly, Zhang Busu is a son-in-law, and Zhang Shizhi did not give in. His father's name is Zhang Lei, and he was the magistrate of Yangcheng County in Nanyang County in the former Qin Dynasty. Yangcheng County is no exception, so Zhang Lei has not been liquidated, but still serves as the magistrate of Yangcheng County.

As the son of the county magistrate, Zhang Shizhi, who was surrounded by others before and after his travels, naturally did not know the sufferings of the people.

So Liu Ying quietly explained:
"Although the work is hard and the money is not much, but the benefits that should be given are full, such as free soap, shampoo and other cleaning products every month, in order to reduce the risk of workers suffering from infectious diseases. Possibly. As for work uniforms, they are also distributed free of charge on a quarterly basis.”

"But look at those people, those work clothes that sacrificed their beauty for the convenience of workmanship, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have been worn for a year or two! So where are the new clothes? They must be worn by family members!"

"So how can such a family afford to be unemployed for more than half a year!"

Hearing Liu Ying's explanation, Zhang Shizhi nodded slowly, but Zhang Buyi frowned and asked, "I'm unemployed here, so why don't I just go and do odd jobs elsewhere? Why do I have to act like this?"

Liu Ying looked at him full of contempt: "Part-time jobs? If it used to be no problem, but now that such a large number of people are unemployed at the same time, how can there be so many part-time jobs for them?"

"That's's something I've overlooked." Zhang Buyi nodded lightly. He was a little self-conscious before. After all, he was the son of Zhang Liang, and he was the princess. Whether to enter the court as an official or do business as a Jia is a matter of one sentence.

So Liu Ying looked around, walked to a small mound, and opened her arms: "Be quiet, be still, listen to Gu's words!"

The shadow of the tree of names.

Someone in the crowd of onlookers recognized Liu Ying, so they spread the word. The noisy crowd became silent, and some laid-off workers who were far away also slowly gathered around.

Zhang Shizhi was taken aback, and was about to direct the orderly soldiers to Liu Ying's side, but when he saw Liu Ying shaking his head slightly, he gave up, with a nervous expression on his face.

Liu Ying leaned forward, looked at the laid-off workers gathered and asked, "Do you recognize the orphans?"

A somewhat limping man squeezed out of the crowd, knelt down on one knee and gave a military salute: "Mr. Huaili, Lantian County takes the victory, and pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Liu Ying was a little curious: "You used to be a sergeant?"

The man named 'Sheng' said loudly: "A certain person once followed His Highness in the Eastern Expedition to destroy Qi, and divided the corpses into Xiangji!"

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, and looked up and down: "Since you are a hero, why are you so messed up?"

Sheng shook his head and said: "A few years ago, my mother was seriously ill, and the medicine and stones were ineffective. I lost my family's wealth, but my mother passed away after all... This leg was broken by Xiang Yu. I can't use it. I can only look at the gate. Sweeping the road, and now..."

Liu Ying let out a long sigh: "After all, the hemp rope is broken at the fine point... But it's okay, I came here alone today, one is to preside over the demolition of the old factory, and the other is to read the imperial edict on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng knelt down on the ground like pushing a golden mountain topple a jade pillar. Under his leadership, all the laid-off workers who surrounded him also knelt down, like wind blowing wheat waves. After a few moments, Liu Ying There is no longer a single people standing.

Although the Han Dynasty was not in favor of kneeling and worshiping, the feudal dynasty was strictly hierarchical, and ordinary people had to kneel to greet the county magistrate, let alone the emperor's edict.

Liu Ying cleared her throat and began to pass on the imperial decree: "The emperor said, you are hardworking and diligent, and I see it in my eyes and remember it in my heart. Now that the factory is demolished and you are unemployed, the prince is specially sent to read the imperial edict. All unemployed workers will be compensated by the government. Pay three months salary!"

There was a complete silence that could be heard as the needles fell, and no one knew who started it, and thunderous cheers erupted in an instant, countless people kowtowed their heads in the direction of Changle Palace, and blood was even faintly visible.

Liu Ying sighed deeply in her heart. In fact, these workers were worse than farmers. Most of them chose to sell their land grants and homesteads for the convenience of going to work, coupled with the consumerism advocated by someone. The eastern suburbs of the county bought a house with a loan.

Therefore, the peasants still have to take care of the Susukida at home. Although they are poor, they will not die of hunger. If the workers cannot find a job as soon as possible, the end can only be described as disastrous.

But there is no way, for the prosperity of the Han Empire, for the future generations they may or may not have, they can only continue to carry on with the heavy burden.

Liu Ying felt a little better in her heart, and waited for the crowd to gradually calm down, and said with a smile: "Just now, His Majesty gave you benefits on behalf of the country, and now His Majesty will also give you some benefits on behalf of private individuals, do you want to hear what it is? ?”




Liu Ying raised her hand to signal silence, and immediately said loudly in complete silence:
"After each of you has received three months of relief funds, you can receive another three months of relief funds until you find a job again, but the money for the last three months is only half of the first three months!"

"It's not that His Majesty is stingy, but that you don't forget to support yourself..."

Well, Liu Ying has calculated that it will take about two to three months to demolish the ruins, and then large-scale construction will be required, so the number of jobs will surge, and then after the new factory is built, it will be able to provide more than before. more than half of the jobs.

So, six months is enough time to tide them over.

After the train opened to traffic, the old man made a lot of money from the coal mines, and now he just robs the rich and helps the poor... Liu Ying leaned forward, stretched out her right hand slightly downward, as if shaking hands with someone, cosplaying happily The look of Radimir's mentor.

Well, except that his hair is black and shiny...

Therefore, what he didn't realize was that there were more than a dozen men with black and white collars standing under a street tree at the end of the crowd.

ink person.

And in the middle of these inkmen was an old man sitting in a wheelchair with all white hair and wrinkled face.

This person is exactly the former Song Mo leader Pan Gong who retired to retire after the failure of the 'election campaign'.

Looking at Liu Ying in the distance, the corners of Pan Gong's mouth twitched. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After all, he was regarded as "leading wolves into the house". So sinking.

Therefore, he silently shook his wheelchair and walked away to the distance, drifting away from Liu Ying.

He must do something to make the Mo family great again!
(End of this chapter)

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