Destiny Only Han

Chapter 724 Liu Le: Visit the East Palace Treasure Twice in a Year, and Discover New Things Every Ti

Chapter 724 Liu Le: Visit the treasure house of the East Palace twice a year, and discover new things every time!
Bingwu in July of the 16th year of the Han Dynasty, Nanshan Holiday Villa.

In the moon of meng qiu, the cool wind hits, the white dew first falls, and the chilly cicadas cry.

Amidst this horrific scene, this manor built between mountains and rivers is very lively. The wide cement road in front of the gate is full of four-wheeled carriages with luxurious decorations and gold and jade everywhere. Many famous horses and horses that ordinary people dream of It's just the driving horse of the rich and powerful!
Today is Liu Qi and Liu Xuan's [-]-day banquet.

Liu Ying now has thick thighs and a particularly big face, so not only all the nobles from Guanzhong were present, but also Liu Xin, the governor of the Nichinan Governor's Mansion, Zhong Limei, the Governor of Jingdao Governor's Mansion, and the king of Dongou who were far away overseas. , King of Southern Fujian, and King of Northern Fujian were also present!
There are huge crowds of people, and all the talents are here!
When everyone gathers in twos and threes to gossip about family affairs, only one person lives alone, alone.

Zhao Wang Liu Ruyi.

Without him, everyone thinks he smells bad...

Zhang Buyi, who also came to Hexi, looked left and right, and felt that Liu Ruyi was a bit pitiful. After all, he and Liu Ruyi were also playmates who grew up together, and the relationship was not so rigid.

The important thing is that after the little Lolita became pregnant, the Virgin's heart overflowed, and the most important thing was not to see others suffer.

After hitting it off, Zhang Buji helped little Lolita to find Liu Ying who was smugly showing off in the crowd, and whispered:

"You have to forgive others and forgive others. After all, brothers and sisters, it doesn't have to be like this?"

Liu Ying frowned: "What happened to you, Yuanshen?"

"Huh?" Zhang Buyi was stunned: "I mean Ruyi, just raise your hand and let him go!"

Liu Ying was full of surprise: "How do you say that?"

Zhang Buyi pointed to Liu Ruyi whose painting style was different from those around him: "Look, he is not only isolated now, but also always, always attacked, and his face is always blurred...haha!"

Well, he didn't hold back, the merit was deducted from Liu Ying.

Liu Ying shook her head with a smile, and did not shy away from Zhang Buyi: "The incident of his being isolated has something to do with me. After all, they were the ones who made the first move, so don't blame me for fighting back. As for the incident of his being smeared, It really has nothing to do with me!"

Zhang Buyi was full of disbelief: "If it wasn't for your instigation, who would have the guts to chase King Zhao and attack him for several months?"

"Let me stroke it for you...Come on, sister, sit here."

Liu Ying took Zhang Buyi and Xiao Luoli to the corner and sat down, and said with a smile: "This is like Pandora's box... Well, don't care what a magic box is, you know that once something starts, Just can’t stop anymore.”

"Back when Ruyi was attacked in the square, because she didn't catch the murderer in time, the other party might commit the crime again, or cause others to imitate her, so Ruyi was later confused..."

"The reason is very simple. In order to maintain the name of Iron Face King, Ruyi's relatives deny her, find fault with everything, find fault everywhere, no matter who it is, they will be arrested on the spot and sent to Ting Wei's Mansion for questioning!"

"As you know, Ting Wei Hou Feng's teacher is Han Fei, and he is an out-and-out legalist. Therefore, those who are sent to the prison of Ting Wei's mansion will peel off their skin if they don't die!"

"Especially those Zuo Er officials who graduated from Dahan Public School. They are basically handling the government affairs of the government. They make many mistakes, so many people are implicated in prison!"

Facing Zhang Buyi's dazed expression, Liu Ying shook her head and argued:

"Well, I'm not trying to offend them, I'm just explaining a phenomenon. Most of the Zuoer officials in the counties around Chang'an City are from the old Qin Dynasty in Guanzhong. I am determined to take revenge, not to mention Ruyi, the King of Zhao, even I cannot guard against him!"

Zhang Buyi nodded: "It's no wonder that when Zhiyang and I passed by the East Palace these days, we always saw that the guards were heavily guarded, and the outer wall was being repaired. It turned out that it was for this... ouch!"

Little Lolita pinched Zhang Busu fiercely, and then turned her head away as if nothing happened. If it wasn't for fear of being scolded by Lu Zhi in the crowd, she would even want to whistle again...

Liu Ying's heart tightened: "Why didn't I know that you and my sister had been to the East Palace? I haven't been in the East Palace for the past two months. Why did you two go to the East Palace?"

Zhang Buyi was stunned for a moment, and changed the topic: "It's not important, what's important is that Ruyi has long stopped presiding over the rectification of officials, but why do attacks against him still happen from time to time?"

Liu Ying looked at the "male and female thieves" in front of her, shook her head helplessly, and continued, "Well, we started talking about it two months ago."

"Ruyi was attacked twice at that time, so the common people in Chang'an, who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and the underground gambling stalls in Chang'an, who dare to make any money, hit it off. There are odds on the proportion of the face area and so on, it seems like a mid-year carnival..."

"Then, Linyuanhou (Qi Ji), who became angry from embarrassment, used his function as a lieutenant in charge of maintaining the law and order of Chang'an City, and searched a batch of underground gambling stalls, arresting about 600 people..."

"But you know that in Chang'an City, the capital of benevolence, those who can open underground gambling stalls have hard relationships behind them!"

"So, the man is arrested in the morning, and he will be released at noon. In the evening, he will clean up, and the casino will continue to operate as usual, without any delay!"

"So Linyuanhou changed his approach. Instead of catching gambling stalls, he catching gamblers. Anyone who participated in betting on the attack on King Zhao will be arrested and sent to build the Weishui embankment..."

"Then, he was outraged."

"This has caused the people in Chang'an City to change from just having fun and avenging their personal vengeance to supporting justice and fighting against the dog officials who abused their power. Hugging, but this is still hard to guard against, and people often slap their faces..."

"All of a sudden, Chang'an is expensive..."

"This farce didn't calm down until my father couldn't stand it anymore and issued an edict to reprimand my uncle and ask him to send some law enforcement officers composed of vicious teenagers on the road..."

Zhang Buyi and the silly, blissful little Lolita looked at each other, looked through the crowd, and saw a fat middle-aged man with such an amiable smile on his face that strangers wouldn't even use the word "killing like hemp" to The man he was connected to.

Marquis of Wuyang, Fan Kuai.

Others don't know, but Zhang Buji knows that since about five years ago, apart from Xinfeng City, which never sleeps, the Wuyang Hou Mansion has been operating all the large and small gambling stalls in the surrounding counties of Chang'an City.

Therefore, the gambling stalls that Qi Ji seized were actually Fan Kuai's property, so after Liu Ying's so-called Ruyi was attacked for the second time, the casino and the gamblers hit it off, which is very intriguing.

It seems to be a joke, but in fact, Donggong is fighting with the Qi family.

As Liu Ying said first, it was they who made the first move!

When Zhang Buyi was thinking about it, Liu Bang walked down the stairs slowly with a smile on his face. Today he is wearing a relatively formal Xuanxuan and Tongtianguan. The crown of the chapter pattern.

The arrival of Liu Bang also marked the official start of the Hundred Days Banquet.

Today is sunny and sunny, and the breeze is not dry, so the Hundred Days Banquet was chosen in the courtyard, and before eating and drinking, there was one more important thing to do.

Receive gifts.

For the convenience of receiving gifts, Liu Ying also wanted to play something different, so she chose to make an oversized round table in advance, and then installed a rotatable disc on it...

Therefore, Liu Qi and Liu Xuan, who were fed in advance in the silence of the full house, were placed on the turntable, and moved from the front of the guests in turn as the turntable turned.

After a while, the bamboo baskets in front of them were filled with gadgets such as jade pendants, jade formulas, and pearl earrings and gemstone walkers, but most of them were rags, which were used for making The material of Baijiayi.

Although Shusun Tong on the side felt that this was not in line with etiquette, he was the eldest son of a concubine after all, so he chose to go with Liu Ying, so as not to annoy Liu Ying. Fallacies and heresies such as the nature of nature and the nature of temperament...

Therefore, can't afford to provoke or hide?

Leaning on crutches, the old man slowly moved to the side of the smiling Grandpa Liu, gossiping about the daily routine.

After all, the farming family and Confucianism have a deep relationship, and the two old men also have some common language.


Mobei, Dragon City.

This is the place where the Huns worshiped the heavens. Every autumn, when the livestock are fat, the Huns will gather here to celebrate the harvest and pray for the blessing of the gods.

After all, the grassland is vast, and sometimes a fast horse gallops for half a month without seeing a living person, so it is necessary to hold such group activities on a regular basis.

In the big tent of the twelve hanas that symbolize the Great Chanyu, the former Right Wise King Ji Porridge, and now the old Shang Shanyu, listened to the reports of the number of livestock and people controlling Xuanyu from various ministries, and his heart was full of pride ambition.

After these years of recuperation, the Xiongnu's national power has returned to the level of the late Qin Dynasty.

So, it's wolf hunting time again!

The old Shanyu leaned on the tiger skin cushion once stained with Maodun's blood. What appeared in his mind was the vast mountains and rivers. He was thinking about where to start and start his first battle as the Great Shanyu!

This option was first ruled out by him.

After all, the Donghu people defected to the Han people, and there were frequent business exchanges between them and the country of Yan, so there were often Yan troops patrolling the grasslands.

If the attack on Donghu cannot be resolved quickly, the Yan army will cut off the back road.

South invasion?

Old Shang Shanyu was taken aback by his own thought. After all, Lin Zhi, who is called the King of Ghosts by the Huns, is guarding the Great Wall in the north of the Han Kingdom. It is said that he eats a pair of children's hearts every day...

Therefore, the old Shang Shanyu's eyes were fixed on the Wusun people who had been the subjects of the Huns in the past, but later broke away from the ranks of the Huns.

"It's time for King Wusun to return to the embrace of the Huns!"

The old Shang Shanyu stroked his beard, looked at the group of blond-haired blue-eyed female slaves who came from the north and danced a very seductive dance, his blood sank, and he pounced on him like a wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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