Destiny Only Han

Chapter 730 Liu Ying: The person riding the white horse may not necessarily be Tang Seng, but may al

Chapter 730 Liu Ying: The person riding the white horse may not necessarily be Tang Seng, but may also be the Prince of Han...

About seven or eight miles west of Huizhong Palace is a hunting ground for autumn hunting.

This is a piece of rolling mountains, especially in the hinterland of Liupan Mountain, facing each other far away and connecting mountains and hills, the mountains are high and the forests are full of dyeing.

The lakes, waterfalls, springs, streams, streams and other water bodies in the mountains are criss-crossed, forming a large area of ​​undulating and soothing grassland, which is a good place for all kinds of wild animals to live, and it is also a good place for galloping and hunting.

The reason why Liu Bang chose this place as a hunting ground was that officials here reported that a pure white elk was found in the mountains and forests.

Elk, that is, four different, its horns are like a deer and not a deer, its head is like a horse but not a horse, its body is like a donkey and not a donkey, and its hooves are like a cow and not a cow.

According to legend, this object is docile and psychic, and it has been the best sacrifice for ancestors of gods since ancient times.

With such auspiciousness, it is natural not to allow it to wander in the wild, but to be kept in captivity in the ancestral temple, waiting for the right time to be used as a sacrifice to the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, before the autumn hunting began, the local officials here organized the local hunters to dig pits in the mountains and arrange lassoes, in order to drive away ferocious animals such as tigers, leopards, and bears, lest they disturb the auspicious animal. Albino elk.

Of course, wild boars and black bears, which are too small to hunt elk, are not included in the expulsion list, and these will be used as targets for royal valor.

When the sun was rising and the autumn frost was crystal clear, according to the etiquette system, Taiwei Lu Wan, who was in charge of autumn hunting, gave an order that [-] armored cavalry composed of Langzhong cavalry and [-] elite infantry drawn temporarily were divided into three groups. Headed to the hunting ground mightily.

The drums and horns shook the sky, and the flags and flags fluttered.

Liu Bang wore a black hunting suit, held a strong crossbow, and took the lead on a hunting cart built according to the ritual system. The bright sunlight and the gold, jade and orbs inlaid on the hunting cart complemented each other, and Liu Bang standing on the cart was as brilliant and mighty as a god.

He looked around at the magnificence of the field, and the magnificence of the princes and kings behind him, and his heart was surging. Only when he looked at Liu Fei, the look in his eyes dimmed a bit.

Without him, Liu Fei's body would crush a horse to death in minutes...

Therefore, others are riding on horses, but he is the only one who drives a hunting chariot like Liu Bang, which is quite a bit of the old aristocratic fashion in the Spring and Autumn Period...

The sound of rumbling cars, horseshoes, drums, footsteps, and the shouts of driving wild animals from all over the world are mixed and pervasive. The ears of ordinary people are blocked, and they can't help but speak loudly.

Although Liu Bang was old and dim-sighted, after all, Qiushou was a political show, designed to let the monarch show his bravery to his subjects. Therefore, when Liu Bang was a little tired, a stag destined to be sacrificed appeared on the hillside in the distance. Wave your hands and shout loudly:
"There! Quick!"

Xia Houying, who was driving for him, flicked the reins, and the six pure black horses flew forward, and the hunting cart charged forward like flying!
Xia Houying is indeed an old driver who has driven a carriage all his life. Even if the carriage is driving on a rough road, it is still fast and stable, allowing Liu Bang to aim and shoot steadily.

And on the hillside, they also found a huge deer charging towards him, but they seemed to be frightened, and just stood still, without any move to run away.

The reason is very simple. This deer was brought up in captivity, so it is not very afraid of people. Before today, it was hanged by its head and neck and fasted for a long time.

Hungry in the belly, coupled with no sleep at all, if the deer is really psychic as in the legend, he must be thinking non-stop.

Destroy it, hurry up...

So Liu Bang shot an arrow, and the fat and strong male deer let out a mournful cry, and fell on the hillside in a state of dying struggle.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The sergeants onlookers on the surrounding hills cheered together, and the gongs and drums blared like thunder!
Amidst the cheers, the hunting cart rushed forward, and Fan Kui, who was riding in it, jumped out of the carriage and ended the life of the buck with a knife in his hand, and threw the nearly [-]-kilogram prey onto the carriage.

"Big Han mighty!"

"The emperor is mighty!"

There was another burst of cheers and jumps all over the mountains and plains.

Liu Bang returned to the crowd in the hunting car, looked at Liu Ying, who was wearing a red narrow-sleeved Hu suit and a purple gold crown, and said with a smile, "How about it, Naigong is not old yet!"

Hah... Liu Ying suppressed her disdain and clasped her hands together: "When you hunt a deer in autumn, the deer will die by His Majesty's hands. This is a good omen, and it indicates that the destiny is in Han!"

Well, he didn't borrow Liu Bang's words at all.

But Liu Bang showed great pride and waved his hands: "I have already got the deer, it's up to you!"

So Lu Wan, who was waiting by the side on horseback, waved the command flag in his hand and directed the soldiers around the hunting ground to continue beating the drums, driving all the prey hidden in the mountains to the hill hunting ground.

Liu Ying rushed out immediately, but instead of carrying a bow and arrow, he carried two carbine flintlock guns decorated with dragons, coils and phoenixes in gold patterns.

Behind him, Liu Ruyi, who was riding on a maroon sweat horse, followed closely, wherever Liu Ying went, he would go.

It's clear, today he is trying to suppress Liu Ying's arrogance...

Childish... Liu Ying squinted her eyes and galloped her horse, searching for suitable prey.

After all, he is no longer a child, and he came out with a gun on his back. It would be too embarrassing if he just beat two hares...

At this time, he suddenly saw Liu Ruyi turning his horse's head and rushing to the other side, so he slowed down the horse and set up an arbor to look around. Flying deer.

Obviously, this deer was the prey they found for Liu Ruyi.

So Liu Ying also turned the horse's head and chased Liu Ruyi away. At the same time, she took off the flintlock gun behind her, and was ready to cut off the barbarian at any time.


Liu Ruyi hit Ma Rufei, turned her head and scolded Liu Ying loudly for returning to her body.

Liu Ying didn't bother to talk to him. Although Liu Ruyi was riding a blood-sweat horse, that is, the legendary Akhal Tekin horse in later generations, this kind of horse was precious, but because the breed was too primitive, the Dawan people's breeding skills were not good enough, so There are not only the top war horses like the black horse, but also some face-saving ones with silver-like pewter heads.

And according to the understanding of later generations, the sweat horse has a narrow chest and a long back. It is useless except for its elegant body and golden coat to satisfy some people's aesthetics. Its endurance is not as good as that of Arabian horses; A blood horse is one that can't compete in the arena, but is favored by local tyrants.

Therefore, Liu Ying's mixed white horse, which is a mixture of Arabian horse, Hequ horse and Donghu horse, quickly surpassed Liu Ruyi's bay red horse without much effort.

Even the white horse turned its head slightly, and the long face showed a bit of contempt in a very humane way, but when it wanted to kick the bay red horse that had been keeping pace with itself for a long time, Liu Ying quickly stopped it by pulling the rein...

The guards of King Zhao also noticed this scene. Although they didn't dare to charge Liu Ying with their horses, they drove the deer to make a bend, and headed towards Liu Ruyi who was trying to overtake on the bend.

So Liu Ying tapped the horse's belly lightly with both feet, and the white horse sprang out halfway like an arrow to intercept Liu Ruyi's oblique thrust...

Then, while Liu Ruyi continued to yell at her for being despicable and shameless, Liu Ying unhurriedly raised her gun, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

Rolling eyes rolled, the deer fell down in response, fell to the ground as if struck by lightning, and twitched its hooves, unable to stand up despite all its strength.

Beside Liu Ying, the bay red horse under Liu Ruyi's crotch suddenly braked and stood still. In the next second, the man stood up, and ran away with Liu Ruyi in the distance.

Without him, the horse was shocked...

When Liu Ying shot, the ear of the claret horse was very close to the flintlock. This kind of precious thing that was kept in the stables for people to ride naturally couldn't bear the roar of hot weapons at close range.

"Third brother, just wait, I must sue my father..." Liu Ruyi jerked on the horse, but did not forget to turn around and say harsh words.

Liu Ying scratched her head with an indifferent look on her face.

Liu Ruyi's horsemanship is not bad, and she will definitely not be able to fall if she falls. At most, she will break out in a cold sweat...

Therefore, Liu Ying frowned while those Zhao Wang guards looked at each other in confusion, "What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and follow your king?"


into the night.

Outside Huizhong Palace, bonfires were raging and the smell of wine was overflowing. Daytime prey was stewed on a large iron pot with a diameter of one foot, and there were mountains of flatbread and naan beside the simple hanging stoves.

Back in the palace, Liu Ying held up a scorched roe deer leg with a yellow skin, and leaned close to Liu Ruyi, who was acting coquettishly with Liu Bang on her head, sniffed her nose, and said loudly: "Smell, how can it be so fragrant... "

As a result, Liu Ruyi became more and more wronged.

But Liu Bang was so happy that he turned a blind eye to the "brothers fighting against the wall" in front of him.

After all, when he fought with Uncle Liu and Zhong Liu back then, everyone swung their long swords and slashed at each other, but that didn't prevent them from loving each other when they grew up.

Therefore, Liu Ying and Liu Ruyi didn't even count as petty fights, so Liu Bang naturally didn't take it to heart.

Not only that, he even took the initiative to fight for more fun.

"Come on, let Naigong taste your prey. Is it really that delicious... Well, yes, yes, you still know how to eat it. Among so many prey, I picked such a good deer!"

"You still have to be accurate with your marksmanship. If you are successful, you might miss the shot and let this roe run away!"

This time, not only Liu Ying was stunned, but even Liu Ruyi, who was trying to act like a baby and let Liu Bang make decisions for herself, was also stunned.

Are you a dear father?
So, Liu Ruyi snorted, turned around angrily, and sulked secretly at Liu Bang with her buttocks.

Liu Ying snatched back the deer's leg with her hands, glared at the old man who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, turned around and left, then stared blankly at the door, froze.

There, Shangshu ordered Wei Wuzhi to raise his right hand, holding a wax seal, representing the urgent letterbox rushing towards him.

Gradually, the previously bustling hall became audible. Pairs of puzzled eyes chased after Wei Wuzhi's figure, and finally landed on the face of Liu Bang, who had been checked and read. superior.

"The Huns invaded Wusun, and the king of Wusun asked me for help. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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