Destiny Only Han

Chapter 736 Liu Ying: I'll go too!

Chapter 736 Liu Ying: I'll go too! (Chapter 5K)
Hexi Grassland, Zhaowu City (now Linze County, Gansu).

Located in the center of the Hexi Corridor, with lush water and grass and fertile soil, it has always been an important node of business exchanges between the East and the West.

Of course, the Silk Road was actually called the Jade Road in the earliest days.

Therefore, the history of Zhaowu City can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty, and Hetian jade from the Western Regions flowed into the Central Plains continuously through this place.

After the rise of the Yuezhi people, they drove away the Wusun people and took this place for themselves. Later, the Wusun people took advantage of the power of the Huns to restore their country and re-establish their capital here.

Then with the establishment of the Han Dynasty and the truce between Wusun and the Yuezhi people, Zhaowu City, an important node on the Silk Road, became the most shining pearl on the Silk Road, just like Singapore in the Strait of Malacca in later generations.

And now, the pearl is in the shadow of war.

Looking out along the top of the city, which is more than one foot high, there is still a little bit of snow on the grassland, covered with felt tents of the Huns. In the smoke from cooking, the smell of stewed beef and mutton comes with the wind.

As a result, the Wusun people in the city began to gnash their teeth.

The cattle and sheep stewed in the pot by the Huns are livestock they are reluctant to eat!

And the women who were locked in tents by the Huns and abused day and night were their wives, daughters and sisters!
Therefore, even if Zhaowu City is an isolated city, the Wusun people will never surrender!

Well, more importantly, the Huns must slaughter the city after the city is broken...

At this time, the sun was rising and the sun was shining directly down. The mountains were covered with snow, and the scenery was extremely beautiful, but the Wusun people guarding the city were not in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

Without him, the Huns attacked again.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the war, many Han merchants returning from the Silk Road were repairing in Zhaowu City. Therefore, in order to save their lives and the exotic treasures they purchased from further west from falling into the hands of the Huns, these merchants passed through After a brief discussion, the caravan's guards were gathered together, and a Han Chinese volunteer army was formed to command the Wusun people to strengthen the city defense and build various fortifications.

For example, the shacks where the common people lived in the city were demolished, and the city wall was raised with wooden boards as a shelter from the arrow rain of the Huns.

Another example is to use yellow mud mixed with grass stalks to make mud bricks, repair the female wall, and use the crenels between the brick stacks as lookout holes and shooting ports for guarding soldiers. people's movements.

What's more, taking advantage of the snow these days, when the bowstrings of the Huns were damp and unable to attack, a row of war sheds was built on the city wall, extending beyond the city wall, and they could attack from behind the Huns who climbed the city wall ...

Therefore, this is also the reason why the Huns were unable to attack Zhaowu City repeatedly.

So, when the black Huns galloped on horses and used their excellent archery skills to shoot at the top of the city, there was a loud voice commanding the defense in Zhaowu City.

The voices include Chinese and Persian mixed with Greek words, but most of them are the unique Indo-European language of the Wusun people.

Tens of thousands of horses galloped, arrows rained like rain, and people kept falling down with arrows, making scalp-numbing wailing, but they disappeared in the symphony of iron and blood.

At the head of Zhaowu City, the defenders are also fighting back, using old-fashioned bed crossbows fixed on the wall far away, and rolling logs and rocks nearer. The 'White Shoujun' screamed and fell to the top of the city, falling into bloody corpses, with broken grapples and broken siege ladders scattered everywhere. (Note 1)

With the support of nearly a hundred white guards, a huge and strong car rushed towards the city gate, hitting the thick and metal plate-covered city gate with all its strength. There was a fan-shaped guard plate installed on the car, so that stones hit it, bows and arrows Even shooting up can't hurt the white defenders pushing the cart below.

This is the siege technique that the Huns learned from the former Qin Dynasty. It is a pity that when they fought against the Han army in the past, most of them were killed by the long-range weapons of the Han army before they could attack the city at close range...

But this kind of technology is undoubtedly very advanced in the land of Hexi!

Therefore, the impact made the Wusun people defending the city's head beat faster.

It’s just that those merchants of the Han who were determined to command did not panic at all. After all, the Han Kingdom is a classical country where all the people are soldiers. Even the merchants have received military training. As early as the beginning of the war, they had people block the city gates. ...

Well, merchants are one of the seven subjects of exile. Since the former Qin Dynasty, they have been the cannon fodder that must be conscripted in every battle. Although the Han Kingdom does not conscript them in wars, the so-called sunny weather must prevent rain, so it’s okay to learn more.

Anyway, you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, so wouldn't it come in handy now?

And under the command of these Han merchants, pointed-bottomed clay pots were thrown from the city wall, smashed on the guard plate of the car, and then they were thrown down one by one torches, and the car slowly began to burn.

It's just that in the light blue smoke, the aroma is tangy...

What these pottery pots contain is not oil or gasoline, but sesame oil, that is, oil made from sesame seeds. Before the ancients knew how to use oil to make fire oil, this oil was used as a raw material for arson together with oil pressed from ramie. .

So during the Battle of Chibi, Boss Cao probably smelled the smell of oil, was burnt to ashes, and fled in embarrassment...

At the gate of the city, beside the car, the fire began to spread. Those white-headed soldiers who were splashed with oil, because they were all wearing thick fur and animal robes, turned into burning men in an instant, screaming and rolling all over the ground, trying to extinguish the flames. Squeeze out.

The defenders in the city didn't give them this chance at all. Taking advantage of them losing the cover of the car guard, they were smashed down with pieces of rolling wood and stones, instantly smashing their flesh and blood.

This is war.

A flower of evil watered with blood and life.


In the north of Zhaowu City, next to a stream that freezes in winter, the royal tents of the twelve Hanas that symbolize the status of the Great Chanyu are like a standing palace.

At the moment, there are only seven or eight people in the king's tent that can accommodate a hundred people, but these few people are now the supreme masters of the entire Mobei grassland and half of the Hexi Corridor.

In the center of the thick carpet paved with pure white bearskin, the brazier was burning and beeping.

The old Shang Shanyu sat on the main seat, holding two kneeling women on the left and right, with similar appearance but different ages.

These two Wusun women who only wore small clothes, bare their chests, and exposed their white thighs, one was the daughter of King Wusun, and the other was one of the wives of King Wusun.

Dear, mother and daughter...

But the old Shang Shanyu was not satisfied at all. He stared at the people in front of him fiercely with a pair of angry eyes and shouted: "Stop talking! The warriors of the Huns came to Hexi to hunt. If they don't win a big victory, they will return to the grassland. What face do you go to see the clansmen at home?"

Facing the fierce eyes of the old Shang Shanyu like a hungry wolf, a dignitary like Captain Zuo couldn't help but shudder, bowed his head full of humility, and even stopped flirting with the Wusun beauty beside him.

After all, this is a guy who is so ruthless that he even killed his own father!
Who is not afraid?
After looking around for a week, the old Shang Shanyu nodded in satisfaction. The crime of patricide is a double-edged sword. It can not only make the tribe alienated, but also deter them and make them obey.

Of course, the prerequisite is that he can't show any weakness, and lead everyone to eat meat!
Now under his leadership, the Huns successfully attacked Wusun and captured countless cattle, sheep and horses, as well as those Wusun women with fat asses like sheep. His prestige is no less than that of his dead father!

If he can break through Zhaowu City, kill tens of thousands of Wusun men in the city, and then snatch away the mountains of gold and jewels, his prestige will be unprecedented, and he will be worthy of that single sentence of support!

So, never give up halfway!

So under the instruction of the old Shang Shanyu's eyes, King Zuoguli, who was also a member of the Shudan clan, immediately said loudly: "What the great Shanyu said is, if we retreat here, where will we save face?"

"Besides, although the Wusun people were defeated, they did not surrender. The important thing is that their men are still alive! If the Huns withdraw their troops, it will undoubtedly be showing weakness to them. Those Wusun men who have been lingering in the wilderness like wolves so far, They will definitely gather and snatch their lost cattle, sheep and women!"

"This kind of woman with breasts bigger than a cow, are you willing to be snatched back by them again?"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed a dark-eyed, high-nosed, fair-skinned Wusun girl beside him and showed it to everyone.

So there was a sound of swallowing saliva, followed by the endless sound of tearing silk, and immediately amidst the silent cries of Wusun noble daughters who were stripped into white sheep, the Xiongnu dignitaries used their gasps to show their determination to fight to the end determination.


Guanzhong, Chang'an City.

In the Tangtang Weishui, a simple steam icebreaker is going upstream, breaking through the slightly frozen river surface, ensuring that the materials in Guanzhong can go upstream and be transferred to Longxi County.

After all, water transportation is cheap enough. Although it is slow, it is full of volume.

On the south bank of the Weishui River, [-] spearmen and [-] armored cavalry recruited from various counties in the Kanto region had all gathered in Chang'an City, ready to set off at any time.

Although Liu Ying still wanted to delay for another month or two, she was forced to a dead end by these guys who came to assemble all day and night...

After all, the Han family has its own system. Before arriving at the military camp, recruited soldiers need to prepare their own dry food and travel expenses. But after arriving at the military camp, not only the food and drink are all paid by the state, but also the salary is paid...

Therefore, without delay...

Fifty thousand soldiers eat up several mountains of rice and white flour every day, and lakes of salt...

Wine and meat are countless...

After all, these are 'citizen soldiers', which are different from some slave soldiers who not only do not pay their wages, but even maliciously ask for their wages and will be executed on the spot...

So in the midst of the winter fog or the industrial smog, the army marched out, divided into two groups, and marched westward along the Weishui River, but the song in the army was not "Qiyue Wuyi", or The battle hymn of "the body is dead, the spirit is alive" is a melodious sound.

For example, in that distant place, there is a good girl...

Therefore, outside the marching ranks, Liu Ying pulled Liu Bang who had just given birth to a granddaughter, so Zhang Buyi, who had a lot of face, was used as a shield to avoid being punched and kicked by the bearded and staring Liu Bang. ...

Liu Bang pointed at the timid Liu Ying bitterly: "I'll settle the score for you when you come back, little bastard!"

Liu Ying was full of grievances.

Others don't know, but he knows clearly in his heart that the Northwest has never been a good place, even if the average temperature today is higher than that of later generations, the rainfall is abundant, and the wind and sand are not too big.

After all, Loulan is still there at this time, and Lop Nur is still an endless lake, with lush water and grass, and cattle and sheep can be seen under the wind and grass...

Therefore, if they don't try their best to deceive people, how can these single dogs who have to pay a lot of money to find a wife in their hometown actively sign up and go to the Northwest to open up wasteland?
But it can't be considered a lie.

At this time, the Han people were in the first echelon. Even if they were dicks, if they went to the barbarian land, not to mention three schoolmates, at least there would be nothing wrong with hugging left and right!
After all, in the age of honesty and simplicity, hard work and steadfastness were a plus, and mastered farming skills, so the relatively wealthy Han farmers naturally crushed those barbarian men who lived only by gathering and hunting.

Therefore, this is why the ancestor of the Jurchen Wanyan family is the Langya Wang family, the Khitan Yelu family's ancestor is the Ji Zhou collateral lineage, and the Mongolian Golden Family's ancestor is the descendant of Liu Taigong...

Therefore, it is self-evident who is Shatuo Tartar.

Looking at the sullen Liu Bang, Liu Ying said with a smile: "Father, in front of so many people, do you want to save face?"

Liu Bang sneered: "Face? Okay, let's exchange the head of the Xiongnu Chanyu!"

Your request is too high... Liu Ying sniffed, nodded and said, "Alright then, I will try my best."

Liu Bang was taken aback, and warned: "Naigong is joking with you, don't take it seriously! Tell you, just repel the Huns, and don't dare to underestimate the enemy!"

"Hey, forget it, Nai Gong will go with you!"

For a moment, seeing Liu Bang who did not seem to be fake, Liu Ying was very moved.

After all, this is Liu Bang. Even in history, he clamored to abolish Liu Ying's crown prince status, but even at the last moment of his life, he was still fighting for Liu Ying, striving to leave a peaceful and prosperous world!
Perhaps, this is the father.

So Liu Ying knelt down and kowtowed heavily: "I don't need it, I hope my father will cherish himself and wait for the good news in this Chang'an city!"

Liu Bang was stunned for a moment, his eyes were red, and he wanted to help Liu Ying up, but he turned around suddenly to avoid people seeing his crystal eyes.

"Oh, the wind and sand are so big, it's blinding..."

"Bah!" Lu Wan spat, stepped forward and grabbed Liu Ying's arm, and pulled it up forcefully: "Tell you, kid! You come back with all your beard and tail, do you understand?"

Pain, pain, pain... Liu Ying grinned her teeth, but said with a playful smile: "Don't worry, Uncle Lu, even for my sister Lu Yu, I will definitely take care of myself!"

Then, he vaguely heard the sound of his arm cracking...

"Hiss..." Zhang Buyi gasped, and silently lit the wax for Liu Ying in his heart. At the same time, he glanced at Liu Bang gratefully, and knelt down in his heart to thank the old man for not killing him.

Fortunately, although his father-in-law is a slave to his daughter, he is not as terminally ill as Lu Wan...

However, there is another possibility, that is, he is more beautiful than Liu Ying...

So Zhang Buyi stood aside, complacent.

Sure enough, if the parents are too smart, the child will be stupid... Liu Bang sighed in his heart, regretting that he was blind and found such a son-in-law for his precious daughter, and at the same time, his heart was full of indebtedness to Liu Le.

And this kind of debt to Liu Le became more serious after he glanced at Liu Ying who was playing with Lu Wan.

It would be nice if it was evened out a little bit... Liu Bang sighed again, stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Buyi's shoulder: "It's hard for you, but it's okay, it's just like what is sung in the opera, it was born by nature."

"Ah?" Zhang Buyi scratched his head, confused.

Liu Bang didn't bother to explain, looked at Lu Wan who was panting heavily, and cursed with a smile: "Your surname is Lu, don't gasp your lungs, come back, that brat is no different than before, he can run faster!"

Lu Wan clutched her chest, out of breath but forced her respect: "I didn't eat this morning... If I'm full, let him run for half an hour first, and catch him anyway!"

Hehe...Although Liu Ying was disdainful in her heart, she accepted it as soon as it was good.

If Lu Wan is exhausted, Yu Ji will come to the door in no time to ask the teacher for the crime!
Don't look at Yu Ji's physical activity is small now, and she is no longer as neat as in previous years, but in Yu Ji's words, just hitting you is enough!
After all, Yuji's ex-husband is the overlord of Western Chu, and the army of thousands of horses is reciprocating. Except for Li Yuanba in the storybook, it is true that the combat power ceiling is true!
So Liu Ying clasped her fists together again, looked at Liu Bang and Lu Wan and said loudly, "Father, Uncle Lu, just leave now and listen to my triumphant song!"

Lu Wan scolded with a smile: "Go away... Well, you don't have to worry about your father's presence with me."

Liu Bang shook his head: "It's really old. If Naigong was ten years younger, how could you be a hero here? Let's go, remember to write to your mother, or she will go crazy, and I can't save you ..."

Then, Lu Zhi, whose eyes were red, stood aside, and Kazilan's big eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent, but because there were too many people, he gouged out Liu Bang's eyes fiercely, and prepared to settle the score after the fall.

Dad, you're done... Liu Ying was full of gloating, and after saluting Lu Zhi again, she wrapped her scarlet brocade cloak, got on the horse, pulled the rein hard, and the horseman stood up, and immediately ran away with all four hooves.

Behind him, Han Xin, Zhang Buyi, Zhou Yafu, Feng Tang, Zhidu and others saluted in turn, jumped on their horses and followed closely behind.

At this moment, as if the sky cleared after rain, the dense fog gradually dissipated, and thousands of golden rays of sunshine appeared in the clear blue sky.

In the distance, the banners and flags of the army are flying, and the cavalry is galloping.

Note 1: According to legend, there is a record in oracle bone inscriptions that "Fuhao led an army to the west and beheaded more than [-] white heads". After the defeat, he retreated to the area of ​​Lake Baikal.

The Dragon City of the Huns is near Ulaanbaatar, only a few hundred kilometers away from Lake Baikal, so the "White Shoujun" is just a stalk, and it is "Slavus (Sclavus)", so don't get too deep into it...

(End of this chapter)

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