Destiny Only Han

Chapter 74 The Great Change in Lingnan

Chapter 74 The Great Change in Lingnan
Nanhai County, Longchuan County.

More than [-] miles to the north of the county seat, there is a low mountain. It is said that during the period of Shun, there was a multicolored dragon entrenched here, riding the clouds into and out of this mountain, so it was named Longchuan County.

After Qin conquered Nanyue, such a holy place would naturally belong to the Qin people.

It's midsummer, and the mountain is lush and green. Among the exotic flowers and plants all over the place, there are a series of elegant houses scattered, occasionally revealing a corner, which is picturesque.

On the bamboo floor in the room lay a man in his 30s with a slightly fat body.

This person is Zhao Tuo, the magistrate of Longchuan County.

At this moment, he was drinking coconut milk, quite contented, and he couldn't see the killing spree when South Vietnam was pacified in the past.

But the most striking thing is his head.

To be precise, it was his hair.

Compared with the long hair of the Central Plains people, Zhao Tuo's hair is short and long, which is more similar to the Yue people in Nanhai County.

Regarding his nonsense, except for Ren Xiao's occasional reprimand, no one else did, or dared not interfere too much.

But at this time, sayings such as "the body, hair and skin are the parents" are not regarded as the standard, but in Zhao Tuo's view, as long as he can wear the Juebian, there is nothing wrong with having shorter hair.

At least Lingnan is extremely hot, and short hair is cooler!
Moreover, he has short hair, which also makes the Yue people in Nanhai County closer in appearance.

Therefore, among the three counties in Nanyue, Longchuan County has the best law and order, and is rated as the 'best' every year, that is, the best.

On the bamboo floor, Zhao Tuo watched a small official running from a distance, and slowly sat up from the couch.

Resting and taking a bath today, to make this tired and lazy guy brave the heat, something important must happen!
"Long Chuan Ling, the county captain ordered you to go to Panyu immediately to discuss matters!"

"Did you say what happened?"

"I didn't say it, but the county soldiers have already begun to gather."

Zhao Tuo was helpless after hearing this.

The county official mentioned by the little official was none other than Ren Xiao. Out of trust in Ren Xiao, the First Emperor did not set up any county guards for the three counties in the South China Sea, and let Ren Xiao concurrently serve as the county captain of the three counties. The title of 'First Lieutenant of Southeast'!

As for Zhao Tuo's helplessness, it is even simpler.

When Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled before, news spread from the Central Plains to Nanhai County, Ren Xiao immediately ordered the army to assemble, ready to go north to quell the chaos at any time.

But within a few days, Chen Sheng was defeated and killed...

So, the assembled soldiers went back to their homes, each looking for their own mothers...

After Zhang Han was defeated by Xiang Liang, Ren Xiao ordered the army to assemble again...

But not long after, Xiang Liang died in battle...

The soldiers went back to their homes again...

Zhao Tuo sighed, looked at the little official in front of him and asked, "Is there any bad news from the Central Plains?"

The little official said in a low voice: "Several traveling merchants reported that the Nine Plains Army was defeated at the foot of Julu City, and the entire army was wiped out..."

"What?" Zhao Tuo suddenly sat up straight, his eyes wide open, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Although he was young, he had served in the Nine Plains Army, and he knew something about the combat effectiveness of this army, and he also had deep emotions.

Zhao Tuo said bitterly: "Even if there are more than [-] pigs, Gong also confessed to the enemy's death. How did Wang Li do it..."

The petty official stood there quietly, listening to Zhao Tuo greeting the female relatives of Wang Li's family with his hometown slang.

After a while, Zhao Tuo's anger gradually calmed down, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

Now that the Central Plains is in turmoil, the momentum of rebellion comes one after another, and it is getting out of hand!

Qin Guo, it seems that he can't make it through.

So, although he is far away, he has to think about his future...

Zhao Tuo suddenly raised his head and looked at the little official in front of him: "How is the county lieutenant's health? I heard that he has suffered from heatstroke, but has he improved?"

The little official shook his head slightly: "I don't know about this. I just asked the county magistrate to leave immediately, and the county lieutenant is still waiting there!"

Zhao Tuo nodded and said, "You can wait outside first, let me change clothes."

After the little official saluted, he turned and walked out of the room. Zhao Tuo looked at his back on the bamboo slump, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.


Panyu County, Junwei Mansion.

On the empty street, more than a dozen cavalry rushed past like flying.

The leader is none other than Longchuan Commander Zhao Tuo.

He jumped off his horse, looked back at the sun that was gradually setting to the west, sighed, and strode into the county captain's mansion.

In the bedroom in the backyard, Zhao Tuo saw Ren Xiao leaning on the couch.

He was a little surprised. Although Ren Xiao was old in the past, he was full of energy, with a face that was black and rosy, and eyes that were piercing.

But now, no need for others to say more, Zhao Tuo knew in his heart that Ren Xiao would not live for a few more days.

His eyes became hot, and he rushed forward to hold Ren Xiao's skinny palm, as if he wanted to transmit his strength to the opponent's body.

Ren Xiao's eyes were half closed, and he shook his head slightly: "Don't be such a little girl, it's disgusting..."

Zhao Tuo forced a smile on his face: "The county lieutenant is still so quick to talk."

Ren Xiao gasped for a few breaths, and said with great effort: "I can't do it anymore, but Qin State, Qin State's future, please leave it to you..."

Zhao Tuo slowly let go of Ren Xiao's hand: "Junwei, no, teacher, Qin Guo, do you have a future?"

Ren Xiao was stunned for a while: "You... hey..."

He put thousands of words into one long sigh.

The corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised a sneer: "The teacher didn't let the younger brother tell me about your physical condition. I'm afraid it's to deceive me to come here, so that Qin can get rid of me as a second minister, right?"

Outside the house, the sound of shouting and killing suddenly sounded, and the quiet and deep county captain's mansion was suddenly full of people, the sound of guns and halberds colliding, and the sound of fighting with cursing and shouting intertwined.

Zhao Tuo pointed out the window and said, "Teacher, listen, those good boys are being massacred because of you! I don't understand, the second generation is so stupid, and the traitors are reused. Such a state of Qin, how can we be buried for him?" ?”

Hearing Zhao Tuo's all kinds of rebellious words, Ren Xiao lay down slumped, and a series of hallucinations seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

The vast and boundless Loess Plateau, the towering Xianyang Palace, the Weishui soup, the Jingshui bubbling, the big river...

The majestic warrior who sang the war song and went to die willingly, the great king with a stalwart figure and a resolute face...

"Sisi Kongfu, with six bridles in hand. The prince's charming son, from the prince to hunting..."

In Ren Xiao's ears, "Qin Feng·Si Si" seemed to be ringing, which was the first poem his father taught him.

Father, Qin Guo...

Slowly, Ren Xiao's eyes fell into darkness, but a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Tuo knelt down in front of Ren Xiao's gradually stiff body, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't make a sound.

The sound of fighting outside the window gradually stopped, the door opened, and a Yue warrior with broken hair and tattoos walked in: "County magistrate, what should we do next?"

Zhao Tuo wiped away his tears and took out a silk cloth from his arms: "Kill all the people on the list and close all the checkpoints leading to the Central Plains!"

(End of this chapter)

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