Destiny Only Han

Chapter 740 Liu Ying: After learning my brother's operation, frame A and win...

Hexi Corridor.

The warm wind is blowing slowly, indicating that the severe winter is about to pass, and spring will come to the world again.

At the head of Zhaowu City, the galloping horse flag decorated with yak tails flutters in the wind, conveying a message to the entire grassland.

Wusun is still alive!
But soon.

Zhaowu City is an isolated city with not much grain accumulated. When there is no foreign aid, they can only sit and eat, and use up the food stock little by little.

Then, the Wusun people who guarded the city taught a lesson to the "volunteer army" formed by merchants from all walks of life, and also reminded those Han merchants who were actively leading the way before that it was said that it was written by a certain Confucian scholar to belittle the Mohists, to An excerpt that was broadcast at the Xinfengcheng Grand Theater at the age of [-].

Dong Guo and the wolf!

The main idea is that Zhao Jianzi of the Jin State was hunting Zhongshan, and a wolf escaped with an arrow. He happened to be rescued by a passing Mohist, Mr. Dong Guo. story.

For the merchants in Zhaowu City, the Wusun people are the Zhongshan wolf.

When there was a shortage of food in the city, the camels and horses carried by the merchants became the military rations of the Wusun people, and after that, one or two caravan members would disappear every now and then.

The first is orchids and the guides and servants of the caravan, then the Hu merchants in the Western Regions, and finally the Han merchants who resisted violently...

Without these merchants and the guards they hired to provide technical support and tactical command, the price was that after the battle sheds and turrets on the city wall were damaged, they were never repaired at all, completely losing their role in defending the city.

Fortunately, the Huns outside the city did not have the initial momentum.

When the Baishou army who was forcibly conscripted and the servants of Hunyu, Qushe, Dingling, Gekun, Xinli and other countries refused to fight because of their high death rate, those transformed from ordinary Xiongnu herdsmen Although the light cavalry were driven to attack the city by nobles such as the commander, the householder, and Qi Qu, they did not work hard, and they just pretended to be thunderous and rainy.

Therefore, these days, the feathered arrows shot up from the city are sparse, and the feathered arrows fired back from the city are also very few.

The old Shang Shanyu knew this well, but he had no choice. Who made the Huns go from sweeping thousands of troops before to being procrastinated now?
Therefore, he has been waiting until the Wusun people in Zhaowu City eat up the last morsel of food and can't bear the hunger before launching a general attack!

Well, persuading surrender is no longer possible.

The Wusun people are not stupid, not to mention the hatred of killing their fathers and taking their wives with the Huns before, even the battle of defending the city during this period has killed many Huns.

Therefore, even if they surrendered in Kaesong, they would inevitably be massacred by the Huns!

Therefore, the Wusun people in the city are also waiting. Their king has gone to Han to ask for reinforcements, and he must be back soon!
And their confidence comes from the fact that Zhaowu City is a pearl on the Silk Road.

In the past, during the Taiping Festival, there would be teams of caravans going into the city every day for repairs, and by the way, they would buy goods that were sold at low prices by merchants who were afraid of the long journey.

Although King Wusun's exploitation is not heavy, but the accumulation of less will make more, and the palace in the city is resplendent!

When the weather is fine, if you stand on the grassland far away, you can also see the pure gold spire of the main hall of the palace shining brightly, silently boasting of the prosperity and glory of the Wusun Kingdom!

It's a pity that the people of Wusun are nomadic and live by water and grass, even the king of Wusun is no exception.

Therefore, under the blitz of the Huns, King Wusun only escaped with his own life, and his wife and daughter became captives of the Huns...

But this is nothing to the grassland people. The most important thing for them is themselves, wealth and horses. It is not the first time that King Wusun left his wife and children and ran away by himself.

The last time they were raided by the Yuezhi people, didn't they rebuild the Wusun Kingdom?
So, as long as the Han army attacks, everything will be fine!
On the top of the city, the sallow-faced Wusun people began to encourage each other, and at the same time they did not forget to draw a mark on the conspicuous part of the city wall.

This indicates how many days they were besieged and how fiercely the enemy attacked the city.

Therefore, it can be seen from the long series of pictures that the Huns have not seriously attacked the city for at least a long time...

And just when the people of Wusun thought that today would be another little performance with thunder and rain, there was a loud clap of hooves outside the city, and the arrows shot up suddenly became dense like rain!
In a few moments, hundreds of Wusun people fell down from the arrows, howling in pain like wild animals!
After the rain of arrows, they regained their courage after a short break. To be precise, the Baishou Army, who had been forced by the Huns with knives, carried the simple siege equipment built these days, and once again launched a fierce attack on Zhaowu City.

Not only them, even those Xiongnu herdsmen who were attacked by Buddhists in the past have become extremely brave!

Now that winter is coming to an end and the grasslands are turning green, not only farmers have to be busy, but herdsmen are also very busy.

Not only do you have to drive the herd to the spring pasture, but you also have to pick up the lambs.

Especially the latter, the most hard work!
At the beginning of giving birth, many ewes do not secrete hormones in place, and their maternal instincts are not strong. They neither raise lambs nor breastfeed them.

Therefore, this requires manual intervention.

For example, wrap the lambs and bring them back to the grazing land to prevent the lambs from being taken away by wolves or eagles, or frozen to death on the still cold grassland, and then wait until the ewes recover, and then give the lambs to the ewes to feed.

The crux of the problem is that the ewes do not give birth on the same day, which leads to the need for herdsmen to travel frequently between the flock and the grazing land when the lambs are received in spring. From morning to night, the total distance accumulated every day is five or six hundred There are always kilometers!

You know, this is not driving, but riding a horse!

Therefore, for these Xiongnu herdsmen who have been out for a winter, they have no time, and they must rush to end the battle here as soon as possible before returning to the earth in spring.

Otherwise, the labor force in the family is insufficient to complete the transition and pick up the lamb, and there is a high probability that people will starve to death in winter!
Therefore, under the united mind of the Huns, Zhaowu City was destroyed, only in the blink of an eye!
As a result, the Wusun defenders, holding bows and arrows and squatting behind the low wall, began to regret. They knew that they should have let those Han merchants go. Strike back like before!
There's no more food, so it's enough to eat merchants from the Western Regions and those thin companions?

It's a pity that I didn't know it earlier!
At this moment, there are only two paths before them.

Defend the city desperately, and live and die with Zhaowu City!

Then they went out of the city and surrendered, and the Huns who lined up were cut off their throats, tied them to a wooden frame, and let the goshawks and jackals share the food!

There is no other choice!

Under Zhaowu City.

Amidst the bleakness of horns and trumpets, the Xiongnu cavalry who rode back and forth to shoot gradually approached Zhaowu City. Many Hun nomads holding super-long horse poles used lassoes to encircle the temporary war sheds at the head of the city, pulling hard, and there was a sound of sawdust Flying horizontally, when the war shed fell down, the Wusun people hiding behind it were also exposed.

In just a few moments, arrows pierced the entire city wall, and the Wusun man who was shot into a hedgehog fell from the top of the city like a ripe persimmon, splashing blood everywhere.

At this time, the Baishou army began to attack the city.

After the last attack, they already knew that the city gate was blocked, so they only carried ladders and climbing poles, and under the cover of cavalry archers, the ants attached themselves!

Soon, the first Baishou Army soldier boarded the head of Zhaowu City.

In the next second, under the swords and guns of the Wusun people, he rolled down the wall.

It's just that when the second and third Baishou army ascended to the top of the city, everything reversed.

The city wall is the last psychological barrier for the city defenders, and they can even have the belief of guarding the city wall until they die of old age when foreign aid is cut off!
But when the enemy can be seen everywhere on the top of the city, this belief quickly collapsed.

I don't know who took the lead, and the Wusun people who guarded the city shouted.


Then, they really abandoned the city wall, turned around and fled.

But the problem is that there is only one gate in Zhaowu City, and it was blocked.

Where to flee?
But obviously, no one thought about it at this time.

All they know is that as long as they run faster than another Wusun man beside them, they can live!
Even if you can only live for 1 more minute!

When the Wusun people's banner fell suddenly, the old Shang Shanyu took over the horns of the soldiers around him and blew them vigorously.

This is an order for a general attack!
So in an instant, countless desolate and sobbing horns rang through the entire grassland, and the sound echoed like an elegy.

At this moment, the death knell is tolling for Wusun!

It seems that the sky couldn't bear it, and grabbed a few clouds to cover the warm winter sun, and the manic wind became extraordinarily gentle.

Snowflakes, one after another.

Horn, sobbing long.

But at this moment, as if in response to the sound of horns one after another, another kind of music came from afar.


The drums of war are rumbling like thunder!
The Han army, which Wusun people have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally arrived!

On the hillside, Liu Ying was wearing bright silver armor, her scarlet cloak fluttered behind her, she pointed her long sword obliquely, puffed her chest out and shouted loudly, making the clearest voice that Han people have ever seen on this land.

"The Han army is mighty, our army will surely win!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled the rein abruptly, and the pure white, priceless bloody BMW stood up and neighed sharply.

Eighteen war drums with a diameter of nearly ten feet were beating at the same time, and the deafening drums swept across the empty and desolate grasslands and hills in front of them like thunder and lightning.

"Come on!"

Liu Ying tapped the horse's belly lightly with her boots with spurs, and the sweaty BMW immediately ran wildly, with a scarlet cloak flying behind her, and the white horse galloped on the withered yellow grassland, unstoppable!

Behind him, the armor of the Han army galloped ten thousand horses, overwhelming mountains and seas, Zhang Buyi pursued closely, and the white ponytail on his helmet was flying in the wind. Beating a horse like flying, without flinching in the slightest.

Standing on the cloud car, Han Xin retracted the telescope, only feeling his blood boil in his chest, and his breathing became short of breath.

Liu Ying in the distance took the lead, like an invincible warrior, he vaguely remembered a man, a man who silenced thousands of troops just by standing there.

Overlord of Western Chu, Xiang Yu!
Xiang Yu is taller and stronger than him, but he is not as handsome and personable... Han Xin smiled and waved his flag.

As a result, the sound of war drums became louder and louder, and ten infantry phalanxes consisting of 3000 people began to move forward slowly.

Between the phalanx and the phalanx, a four-pound gun that is convenient for maneuvering has taken off its gun coat. The soldiers in gray artillery uniforms seem to be in a hurry, but they are actually loading gunpowder and shells in an orderly manner, and constantly adjusting the firing position. angle.

God of War, get ready!

In the distance, facing the galloping horses of the Han army, the Huns did not rush over likewise, but turned their horses' heads and ran away.

Without him, you can't beat it.

Although the oncoming cavalry of the Han army at this moment was less than one-third of their number, the shiny armor made them lose the courage to fight against them in an instant.

The Han soldiers have horse armor, and they can't do it if they want to shoot people first!

However, although the Huns ran away, the Baishou army who were waiting in the army formation and preparing to rotate were dumbfounded.

Although they also had horses, they stayed in the camp. At this time, how could they outrun the four legs of the Han army with two legs?
So they stopped running.

It's not because of desperation, but because of tradition.

These guys still stay in the clan society, so when fighting, both men and women go into battle. There is no tradition of men fighting outside and women taking care of the elderly and children at home.

It's just that a woman is a woman after all, and her physical strength is always inferior to that of a man. Therefore, in a war, it is the man who rushes forward, and the women in the tribe only do one thing.

That is to take off the shirt, shake the hat, howl loudly, and launch a sonic attack on the enemy...

Well, in fact, it is to add BUFF to his own man. Although the content of howling is cursing the enemy, the meaning behind the words is to tell the man who is fighting in front of him a truth.

That means you are defeated, and my mother will become a prisoner of others!

At that time, other men will step on your body, fuck your woman, and beat your baby!
It's just that Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, feeling that she couldn't have her eyes anymore...

The reason is very simple, those women in the White Shoujun are not the white models of the later generations, with long legs, buttocks, and white and pink...

Those girls are all big and big, and many women who have given birth have their navels hanging down to their belly buttons...

So Liu Ying suddenly pulled the reins outwards, stabbing obliquely to avoid the white-headed army in front of him.

Behind him, nearly [-] cavalrymen of the Han army separated from the left and right, like the Red Sea separated by Moses, and precisely passed the Baishou army who was stunned in place, leaving only a few thousand cavalry to confront the Baishou army , waiting for an opportunity to wipe out or accept surrender.

Liu Ying's goal was directed at the Huns camp in the distance!
The Huns cavalry also had four legs. In this endless wilderness, it was almost impossible for the Han cavalry to catch up with and annihilate the Huns cavalry.

But the Huns' tents, cattle and sheep, and forage supplies piled up in the camp could not escape!

Therefore, if this big camp is occupied, the only way for the fleeing Huns to starve to death is in the Hexi grassland!

After all, there were no takeaways such as Meituan and at this time. Fifty to sixty thousand Huns cavalry ate and drank, and what they consumed every day was the supplies in their horse bags.

In the past, they relied on robbing Wusun people's livestock to live, but now there is no other Wusun people for them to rob!

But this is in the hands of the old Shang Shan.

In his opinion, although the Han army is well-equipped and brave and good at fighting, they are all greedy, especially when he recognized the general of the Han army who led the charge at a glance!

So, he decided to retreat in a half-truth, luring the Han cavalry to attack their camp, and rob them of the wealth they plundered from the Wusun people!

The Xiongnu cavalry, on the other hand, made a detour and charged at the Han infantry!

In the wilderness, infantry without cavalry as cover is a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

What about wearing heavy armor?

The cavalry of the Huns are united as one, and they will be trampled to death if they are stepped on!
Moreover, as long as the infantry of the Han army can be crushed and the supplies of the Han army can be robbed, it will not only make up for the loss of the camp captured by the Han army cavalry, but more importantly, the Hun cavalry will have the ability to fight head-on with the Han army cavalry!

Although the Xiongnu did not have the technology to smelt iron ore into steel, they still had the technology to process iron, so they only needed to beat the infantry armor of the Han army to change it into cavalry armor!
The Great Huns will rise from this!
So, while the cavalry of the Han army were galloping towards the Huns' camp, the old Shang Shanyu also led the main force of [-] Shanyu's headquarters, and charged directly at the infantry phalanx of the Han army.

As for the remaining [-] Xiongnu cavalry, they were divided into two teams to detour to the two wings of the Han army, one team flanked the flanks, and the other team went around the rear to sneak attack!
The old Shanyu's idea is very good, but it's a pity that his opponent is none other than Han Xin.

Bing Xian Han Xin!

Back then, Li Ling beat up the Huns with 5000 men more than ten times as many as his own. Now Han Xin has 3 heavy infantry with a breastplate, while the Huns have only [-] light cavalry...

The important thing is that among the 130 heavy infantry, there are also [-] musketeers and more than [-] four-pound guns...

It's really bullying...

So Han Xin ordered the flag to be unfurled, and the God of War immediately roared out!

White smoke billowed, and the earthquake shook!
It's just that smart people will always learn from a pit.

After the Huns suffered losses in firearms several times, they learned from the pain. When attacking the Han infantry phalanx, they did not form a tight formation, but separated first, and then assembled after preparing to get close.

More importantly, their horses have also undergone special training. In the past few years, whenever there was a thunderstorm, the Huns would force the horses to run to the place where the thunder struck to accept the baptism of thunder and lightning.

Although many horses were killed by lightning, the surviving horses were no longer so sensitive to the loud noise of the gunpowder explosion.

Not only were they not afraid, but even the Huns' war horses were extremely excited. Without being urged by the riders on the horses, they rushed to the artillery positions of the Han army on their own!

Without him, Pavlov's laws apply everywhere.

Although the Huns didn't know who Pavlov was, they knew how to train hounds.

Therefore, every time after driving the horses to hit the thunder, the remaining horses will be allowed to eat the pasture that belongs to the sheep. Therefore, the conditions for the horses to not be afraid of thunder and lightning, and even rush to the place where the lightning and thunder take their own initiative reflection.

Han Xin was taken aback for a moment, then waved the command flag calmly.

Then the drumbeat changed again, the artillerymen lowered their muzzles and reloaded shotguns, while the musketeers leveled their muskets, touched the trigger lightly, and waited for the salvo command.

Two hundred steps, 150 steps, fifty steps!

When the Xiongnu cavalry quickly changed from the previous scattered formation to a dense shock formation and began to speed up, Han Xinling's flag fell suddenly, followed by whistles, and then the rumble of guns, and the muskets made a dense sound like fried beans .

In an instant, the Xiongnu cavalry brigade became empty, and the galloping horses froze. No matter how urged by the owner on the horseback, the four hooves remained motionless as if they were nailed to the ground.

In the next second, they stood up, threw the master on the ground heavily, raised their hooves and galloped backwards...

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether the grass is green or not, the most important thing is to get rid of the burden and save your life!

As a result, not only the Huns who fell into the blood and mud were stupid, but even the Han army with muskets were also stupid.

It's just that the former is because of the embarrassment that the nation on horseback was abandoned by the horse, while the latter is shocked. When the number of muskets doubles, the lethality caused is far more than doubled!
In front of them, there are Hun cavalrymen howling in a pool of blood, and majestic war horses that have been beaten into a sieve and blood gushes like a fountain!

The wind blows the grass, the smell of blood is wafting, and the stench from the broken organs makes people want to vomit!

Han Xin was unmoved, but waved the command flag and ordered the Musketeers to continue loading, completely annihilating the thousands of Hun cavalry who had lost their horses and were destined to be unable to escape.

War has nothing to do with justice or injustice.

No matter how passionate, magnificent, magnificent and bizarre you describe it, its essence is always cold-blooded and cruel, and its purpose is to kill life.

So, amidst the calmness of the veterans and the panic of the recruits, the second reloading was completed, and immediately the whistle sounded, and the dense crackling like fried beans sounded again in the Han infantry phalanx.

The billowing white smoke drifted away with the wind, just like the lives of those Huns who stood there stupidly!

Under the banner of the wolf head, the old Shang Shanyu turned his horse's head, and led the few hundred Qingqi who remained behind him to gallop towards the empty grassland in the distance.

Nothing can be done, the wind is screaming!
This is the law of survival of the Huns.

However, Liu Ying, who relieved Zhaowu City and occupied the Huns camp, did not intend to let him go. On the way back to the infantry phalanx, Liu Ying waved her hand, and Zhou Yafu immediately led five thousand Rongdi cavalry in hot pursuit!

Not only Zhou Yafu, but also the Yuezhi cavalry led by King Yuezhi.

On this Hexi grassland, no one can escape from the Yuezhi people!

On the other side, King Wusun also wanted to pull his horse to follow, but was kicked off his horse by Zhidu.

"There is an edict: King Wusun has not been in court for several times, and he also condoned the tribes to slaughter Han merchants. He is heinous, and he will be beheaded on the spot!"

Ps: The description of the women in the White Shoujun is based on the female warriors of the Gauls (Celtics).

The Spanish War by Appian: He finds the women fighting and dying with the men, so brave that even in the slaughter they make no cry.

As for arranging them to scream, it comes from the Roman War...

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