Destiny Only Han

Chapter 761 Liu Ying: Let the person sitting on Leshan get up, I will sit up...

Chapter 761 Liu Ying: Let the person sitting on Leshan get up, I will sit up...

The snow in Yanshan Mountain is as big as a mat.

But at the moment on Yanran Mountain in Mobei, the fluttering snowflakes are not too much.

However, in the snow, there were countless soldiers of the Han army standing densely. Although the bamboo hats on their heads and the woolen cloaks on their bodies were covered with white flowers, their faces were filled with unstoppable smiles.

Today is the day when Liu Bang enshrined Zen in Yanran Mountain and recorded meritorious deeds with stones.

Naturally, these soldiers who participated in this feat were full of pride.

This kind of glory is worth bragging about for a lifetime!

Especially under the altar, under the leadership of the shamans wearing various bird and feather ornaments, the Huns who surrendered to the Han Dynasty sang, danced, and rapd very respectfully.

This is the magnificent martial arts of the Han Empire!
Under the shed built on the other side, Liu Bang held a brush in his hand. Although he was happy in his heart, he didn't show anything on his face.

Not only that, but he also made a look of contempt on his face.

Anyway, this is their first time in the world, and they can do whatever they want!
It's just that when Liu Bang turned his head and saw Liu Ying's foolishness inadvertently, he wished he could kick him off the mountain...

But the most important thing is that there is an extra wise and powerful, benevolent and loving Crown Prince in the Han Kingdom!

On the platform in the distance, the royal painter supported by Liu Ying once again drew on the drawing board.

Feng Zentai.

At this time, the cold wind was blowing, the snow was flying heavily, and the temporary altar was a little slippery. Liu Ying was naturally worried that Liu Bang would slip and fall.

Therefore, when Liu Bang's private message to heaven was thrown into the cauldron and ignited, the cows, sheep, and hogs used as sacrifices were immediately slaughtered, and the blood gurgled into the prepared bronze ritual vessels, and then, while still steaming, was placed on the altar.

Especially Le Shi Yanran!
After all, in history, due to the passage of time and the change of dynasties, especially the frequent changes in the territory of the Han people, some people will question this magnificent martial arts.

So, don't blame them for gathering crowds to follow them, and then directly buying them for zero yuan in a wave of raids...

But when I saw someone's handwritten manuscript and the handwriting on the rice paper, Liu Ying couldn't help but believe it!
Amidst Liu Ying's contemptuous expression, Zhang Buyi's eyes lit up:
"Say it sooner, why didn't you say it earlier! I'll write a letter to Zhiyang later, asking her to send someone to Xinfeng City to see if she can buy back His Majesty's autographed manuscript!"

This will be an important step for him to curry favor with Liu Bang!
It's your turn to collect this kind of black history... Liu Ying curled up her lips, her face full of complacency and she didn't say a word.

Basically, for a year or two, there will not be any smugglers coming to their tribe to trade supplies...

For example, the morning dew has a lot of suffering.

The reason why they worked so hard was not simply that Liu Ying had promised them that they would be released to reunite with their families after repairing Juyan County, but the points system.

Han and Xiong's family, who would fight and kill?

This is not painting for Liu Ying, but preparing to record today's grand event.

Therefore, Liu Ying couldn't let Liu Ying write the "Feng Yanran Mountain Inscription" he was writing now.

However, seeing Liu Bang's strength piercing the back of the rice paper, flamboyant and flamboyant, Liu Ying also felt that this inscription should be written by Liu Bang.

The other reason was that he saw Liu Bang's still white hair under the crown, and his heart twitched inexplicably, so he let it go.

At the beginning, he heard people talk about this incident, but he didn't believe it at all at that time. After all, he judged others by himself, and felt that someone would not be so boring.

After all, according to what he unilaterally announced, Liu Ying and Liu Le's characters are all inherited from Lu Zhi, and they are better than each other...

"It's about your father-in-law, Taishan, who often left the palace in low clothes, went to Xinfeng City to eat and drink for free, and was caught by others to write plaques and couplets to repay debts!" ​​Liu Ying said angrily, and then laughed stand up.

But Liu Bang didn't care too much about it. He was standing on the altar, looking up at the sky, and felt that it was almost time.

What Liu Bang despises is naturally Liu Ying.

Han five baht!
Since the economic sanctions imposed by the Han, many Huns have completely forgotten what the Han currency looks like...

After all, their future king is a woman, a woman married to a Han.

For example, a piece of tea brick weighing one catty is worth two sheep, and an equally important piece of salt requires a cow to exchange for it!


Although real-name purchases are required, special personnel will visit the door every six months to check, but for ordinary herdsmen like them, they can check as soon as they want, and they don't plan to rebel, so it doesn't matter.

Here is the place where Le Shi Yanran is.

Behind him, Liu Ying, who was wearing a fur suit, followed unhurriedly.

This year is the 18th year of the Han Dynasty, that is to say, it is the day when Liu Ying becomes crowned.


The warm sun, which is rare in winter, makes people drowsy, but for those Hun prisoners of war carrying shovels and swinging their legs, they are full of energy, and the whole construction site is full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Buyi tilted his head: "What is true?"

Liu Bang raised his eyebrows proudly: "Of course, let's see, isn't it much prettier than your dog crawling?"

Therefore, Liu Ying plans to not only erect a few more statues here in the future, but also to add a few more groups of reliefs on the central street of Chang'an City!
With so many evidences, no one can hide his great achievements!

Which group is more efficient at work, and there is not only meat for dinner, but also wine!

Perhaps, this is why a shrewd and wise man like the Qin Emperor and Han Wu will be played and applauded by a small folk magician, wasting the country's money and begging for the medicine of immortality.

And the object of sacrifice is Yanran Mountain in front of him.

However, Liu Ying's eyes were mainly focused on Liu Bang's footsteps.

Liu Bang, who had changed into black clothes, held the rewritten astronomical scriptures in his hand, and walked up to the temporary altar step by step.

It's like the famous mountains and rivers that Liu Bang sacrificed in Guanzhong either personally or from afar, and sent Sangong to sacrifice to Wuyue, and princes and kings to sacrifice to Sidu.

Even if my father still occupies the title of Supreme Emperor, it doesn't matter, who stipulates that there can't be two Supreme Emperors?
Big deal, give my father the title of 'Madam Emperor'...

Immediately afterwards, the phalanx formed by the warriors in the army let out bursts of roars, the sound was like thunder, reaching straight into the sky.

No matter how hard he tries to find all kinds of rare medicinal materials to prolong Liu Bang's life, all things are just things after all, not Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass, at most they can strengthen people's health, and they won't live forever.

Occasionally, there are smugglers who sneak in from the Han Kingdom, and they also practice bartering, and the exchange rate is outrageous.

On the other side, there was a loud bang. Amidst the trembling of the Huns who surrendered, the blasting was completed, and in an instant there was a side of the rocky place that was big enough to write down all the accompanying merits and honors. The mountain wall with the name above the captain.

This will be the magic weapon for him to run on Liu Bang in the future!

If you don't mention this, we are still good friends... Liu Ying bulged her cheeks invisibly, and lowered her head to read.

What's even more outrageous is the pottery pot, which used to be worth more than 20 yuan. It was actually exchanged for two good horses by the Han smugglers!
It's true that I don't want any face!

Liu Bang, who was writing the inscription, seemed to have sensed it. He stopped writing and raised his head. He frowned and said, "Zhu Zi, you're talking bad things about Nai Gong behind your back again!"

Where is the back, it's clearly face to face... Liu Ying squeezed out a flattering smile on her face, leaned over and asked, "Father, have you finished writing?"

Liu Ying took half a step back, leaned close to Zhang Buyi, who wanted to flatter Liu Bang but was worried that he would hit the horse's leg, and whispered, "It seems that it is true."

Although Liu Ying was very dissatisfied with the fact that the old man stole her limelight again, there was nothing she could do about it. After all, the old man opposite had always been known for being shameless, and his own morality was still very shallow, so he was naturally not an opponent.

After all, compared with this old man's words, he is really like a dog...

The most important thing is that the top-ranked teams will also be given wages for weekly reviews!

Although he no longer remembered Liu Ying's exact birthday, it was not important. The important thing was that he was planning to hold the abdication ceremony immediately after Liu Ying was crowned!

The eighteen salute guns roared one by one after the Taiwei Lu Wan, who was temporarily serving as the ceremony officer, gave an order.

Importantly, I heard that iron pans, kitchen knives and other iron utensils are also on sale.

Of course, the price is also very painful.

But it’s all right now. I heard from the supervisor Han that there will be no more wars in the future. The Han will build roads on the grasslands and open up state-run supply and marketing cooperatives to buy their livestock leather and sell them grain, salt, tea bricks and others at market prices. Cloth and other necessities of life.

"Only in the winter and October of the 18th year of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu Bang of the Great Han Dynasty and his prince Liu Ying led a hundred thousand troops to the Northern Expedition, leaving Jiuyuan, the greater desert, and the settlement of Datouman. Zhao Ming Shangde."

Ju Yanze.

When the distant Mobei was snowing heavily, this pearl in the desert was full of sunshine.

To be precise, it is the spirit of Yanran Mountain.

Without His Royal Highness, it is naturally obvious what the fate of the Huns who were captured by the Han army would be.

It doesn't matter if you disturb or not, the key is that if Liu Bang falls at this age, it will be terrible!
Fortunately, although the ground was slightly frozen, Liu Bang walked steadily, and there was nothing that Liu Ying was worried about.

To be precise, the construction site here is not contracted by a large contract, but contracted by marshalling.

Without him, I can't afford to lose that person...

This is blood food.

Therefore, the Prince's kindness will last forever...

So amidst the bustle and bustle, many Huns murmured a language that was neither Hun language nor Chinese, which sounded very obscure.

Those were the words taught to them by a few bald men who had just appeared in Juyanze recently and had traveled a long way from the south of Daxue Mountain to the Hexi Grassland.

Namo Prince Buddha, with immeasurable life span and immeasurable light...

(End of this chapter)

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