Destiny Only Han

Chapter 764 Liu Le: Father Liu Bang, Family Kindness Lu Pheasant!

Another day of rising sun.

In the spring, the soft but not hot sunshine poured into the windows. Although Liu Ying, who had worked too hard for the past two days, was very tired, she was still dominated by her powerful biological clock, half asleep and half awake, struggling to break free from the seal of the bed.

It's just that in this hazy moment, he felt as if someone was slapping his big mouth one after another...

clap clap clap...

One left and one right, the rain and dew on both cheeks, it's very fair...

So bold, the crown prince dared to fight... Liu Ying opened her eyes in a flash, just about to get angry, but suddenly laughed out loud.

On both sides of his pillow, the energetic Liu Qi and Liu Xuan are 'fighting' for some reason...

But the crux of the problem was that their hands were too short, so the one who was beaten was Liu Ying who was caught in the middle...

Teammates, save me... Liu Ying raised her head and looked at the dressing table in the bedroom. She was next to the big dick, admiring the beautiful scenery on the other side.

The spring is cold and cold, but there is floor warmth in the hall, neither hot nor cold, so Dou Yifang wears a light gauze, sits by the dressing table, combs her makeup in front of the mirror, combs her hair lightly, and behaves gracefully.

To move the body, to raise the gas.

The little girl who was trembling under the butcher's knife of the rebellious army back then is now a mature and charming little woman, like a dewy rose, with elegant demeanor.

Yushu combed her soft and beautiful long hair to the end, and Dou Yifang looked at Liu Ying's gaze in the mirror, and said with a smile:

"It's all because of my poor health. I should have let them play with the nanny first, so as not to wake up His Highness..."

Although she said the words of pleading guilty, her tone and expression did not mean to plead guilty at all.

After all, this is the East Palace. She and Liu Ying are not ordinary people. Liu Ying not only has her as a woman, but also does not have only one son. Therefore, let Liu Qi show his presence in front of Liu Ying more often. OK

Liu Ying rested her arm on her pillow and said with a smile:
"It's okay, anyway, I wake up at this time every day, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later... Ah, this kid is really strange, he can't even stand upright, and his father is very powerful when he slaps him... Since he was a child It’s just such a cheating, how can you pay off when you grow up? I don’t know who I followed..."

Dou Yifang froze for a second, then quickly turned her head, although she didn't make a sound, the shrug of her shoulders revealed her mood at the moment.

After all, she has been a little maid by Lu Zhi's side since she was a child, and when it comes to cheating, those two little guys can't catch up with someone!
Liu Ying casually put aside Liu Xuan who was trying to grab his hair, and a thoughtful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"I always forgot to ask, when they caught Zhou, what did they catch?"

Dou Yifang put down a piece of wet lip paper, lightly parted her vermilion lips, shook her head and said, "I haven't done it yet... Mother said His Highness is not in Chang'an, and I plan to wait until His Highness returns..."

Well, in fact, it was she who found Lu Zhi and begged hard, and Lu Zhi reluctantly complied.

After all, it was the child she gave birth to her son. How could his son be absent on such a memorable day?

"Hey... It seems that when the time comes, I will avoid my father... The first time I caught a spoon, my father was chased and beaten for two blocks..."

Liu Ying shook her head lightly and said with a smile: "It's a good thing that I caught the money sent by Xiangxiang Xiao later, so I barely let my father let my father"

He didn't say it clearly, but Dou Yifang understood it in seconds.

She used to be the little maid who served Lu Zhi's body, so she naturally knew that their old Liu's family had always followed the principle of producing dutiful sons with sticks, beatings were kisses, scoldings were love...

Therefore, if Liu Qi caught something weird, Liu Ying's beating would be unavoidable...

So Dou Yifang lightly clenched her pink fists, and decided to train from now on... Teach Liu Qi, let him become interested in things like bows, crossbows, long swords, seals and ribbons, so as not to trap her when he catches Zhou son!
In this regard, she is full of confidence.

After all, she saw that scroll in Liu Ying's study, and it recorded the idea created by a certain Ba people in ancient times...

Conditioned reflex, yes, that's the word... Dou Yifang nodded secretly, planning to try Liu Xuan first after today's morning greetings are over.

Well, she's patriarchal...

On the bed, Liu Ying was still lying on the bed, but she just teased Liu Xuan for a while, and her face suddenly darkened.

"Stop sucking, Nai Gong has no milk..."

As he spoke, he picked up Liu Qi, who was lying on his chest and sucking hard, but his face was full of confusion and grievance, and gently put him on the other side.

In front of the dressing table, Dou Yifang looked like she couldn't help but lie on the table and twitched, the chubby baby naturally drooped, bouncing and dangling, Liu Ying stared at it straight , hold your chest up.


In the eastern suburb of Chang'an City, Princess Zhiyang's Mansion.

Zhang Buyi hurried back from the outside, looking like he had seen a ghost.

He heard the news from a few friends who ate and drank every day, saying that several censors in the imperial court were going to impeach him, and the reason was to force a good man into prostitution...

After all, he opened seven textile factories in the surrounding counties of Guanzhong and recruited nearly 2 female workers. According to the understanding of the grandfathers of the censor who immediately thought of white arms when they saw short sleeves, they actually took care of Zhang Liang face...

But the key issue is that Zhang Buyi can't argue with it.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

There are so many factories, so many middle and high-level managers, when there are many women in the factory, there will always be one or two scum who use their power to play with their subordinates.

Therefore, when the family of the bitter master knelt in front of the gate of Changle Palace, the fire would naturally burn to Zhang Buyi's head in a very short time.

In the main room, Liu Le was dumbfounded after Zhang Buyi finished speaking.

She had also heard about the fact that someone went to the gate of Changle Palace to file an imperial complaint before, but what she never expected was that when watching people set off fireworks, what was finally ignited was her own firewood pile...


People say that snakes and rats are a nest, and they are colluding, and they will immediately knock Zhang Buyi and even Zhang Liang to the ground, and their reputation in this life will be over!
So Liu Le asked: "What about our father? What did our father say?"

The father she mentioned was Zhang Liang.

And Zhang Buyi stomped his feet resentfully: "Father and mother went to Lingnan to play, and when they left, they said they wanted to go out to sea by boat to see those rabbit monsters as tall as people... I have sent them a letter by flying pigeons. I don't know if it's too late..."

Liu Le shook his head lightly:

"It must be too late. Lingnan is thousands of miles away. I'm afraid that by the time we and our father communicate well, the fire will have already burned to the roof of our house..."

"Well, let me figure out how to do it..."

At this moment, compared to Zhang Buyi's panic, Liu Le is completely calm.

After all, her father's name is Liu Bang, and her mother's name is Lu Zhi. No matter which one it is, it is the top existence of the pyramid in the thousands of years of Chinese history!
Therefore, even if Liu Le just inherited a little bit of wisdom from Liu Bang and Lu Zhi, it would be enough.

But Liu Le's Doudou rolled his eyes twice, and then said with a smile: "Yes, my brother should say hello to my mother at this time, and we are leaving now, just in time to see him!"

Well, use your own brain, there is no such thing as a hands-off shopkeeper.

After all, Liu Ying is a sister-in-law, although she can swear, she will definitely help when it is necessary!
She knew this very well since she was a child!
So Zhang Buyi clapped his hands and swallowed the word he was about to blurt out.

Ugly Wife Jiabao...

At the same time, he also felt that the soft rice really tasted extremely sweet!


Pepper House.

Liu Ying was bewildered and let Zhang Dan, who looked very much like Zhang Buyi when he was a child, grab his trouser legs and try to climb up.

Well, Zhang Dan is Zhang Yan who was supposed to appear on the history line...

On the other side, Lu Zhi also had an angry face.

But it's not about Zhang Buyi, but about those censors.

As a woman whose political wisdom crushes more than [-]% of men and is at the top of human beings, Lu Zhi immediately understood that those censors were not for justice, but for self-interest.

After all, the industrial revolution can first happen in the textile industry, because the textile factory has a small investment, and the return is rich enough.

And Zhang Buyi took advantage of the first-mover advantage here, mainly because of his relationship with Liu Ying, and basically occupied more than half of the market share, especially now that he has signed a bunch of monopoly agreements with Aya, monopolizing the wool trade in the entire grassland , will set off a new round of expansion.

Naturally, she became a thorn in the side of others...

After all, due to human nature, it doesn't matter if you don't make money, but watching your acquaintances make a lot of money is more uncomfortable than killing yourself.

Therefore, it is normal to make dirty tricks behind the scenes.

According to the understanding of people in this period, Zhang Buyi was a member of the royal family. When encountering such a thing, he would just admit his failure and shut down the factory to calm things down.

Therefore, the market share is vacated, and the purpose of other people who help push the flames is achieved.

Liu Ying is also well aware of this.

So he rushed ahead of Lu Zhi and said:
"In my opinion, it's better to let the people from Tingwei's Mansion intervene and investigate to the end. Those who violate the law and have bad morals will not be tolerated!"

"Not only that, I'll have someone tell Ting Wei Hou Feng later that this matter will be strictly enforced, and the official punishment will be issued as a warning to others!"

"As for those victims...give more money, and then you will personally come to the door to apologize and plead guilty. I don't think anyone will criticize a person who has come to his senses and has the courage to correct himself."

Liu Ying's eyes were piercing, there was no doubt about it, and she looked confident.

After all, according to his cognition, more than [-]% of ordinary people do not have the ability to think independently, and spend most of their time following others' advice.

Therefore, as long as a few more newspapers are printed and the rhythm of public opinion is brought, not only can the negative impact be minimized, but also many unexpected benefits can be brought.

Zhang Buyi nodded lightly:
"Okay, let's do it like this. After all, I am not strict in discipline, and I am sorry for others. It is only natural to ask for sin..."

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