Destiny Only Han

Chapter 779 Zhang Buyi: First of all, I didn't offend anyone...

Chapter 779 Zhang Buyi: First of all, I didn't offend anyone...


This was Liu Bang's first impression of the United Coal and Steel Corporation.

After all, small steam trains are used for loading and transporting goods here, which slowly pull more than a dozen carriages along the rails to and fro.


This is Liu Bang's second impression of the United Coal and Steel Corporation.

Not only him, but even Cao Shen, Xia Houying and others were stunned.

Liu Ying took the lead and led the way:

"Han Yiping Coal and Steel United Company covers an area of ​​1 mu and has 30 workers. If it is considered a family area, the total population is close to [-]. There are not only steel plants, coking plants, power plants, water plants, rolling mills, forging factories, as well as schools, clinics, bazaars, bathhouses... Well, there are also two entertainment centers and a park to purify the environment..."

"Hey, 30 people, this is comparable to the population of several large counties..." Cao Shen looked like he had never seen the world.

He was Qi Xiang before, and after taking over from Xiao He, he became a father and son two hands-off shopkeepers. He has never been out of Chang'an City...

Liu Ying said with a smile:

"This is only the completion of the second phase of the project, and the remaining three phases of the project will be completed in the next 20 years...the main reason is that there are not so many engineers and raw materials."

"Well, not only coal and iron ore, but also rubber..."

"After the overall completion, the area will be expanded to 12 mu, and it is expected to accommodate 70 workers. If the family members are included, the total population may exceed [-]!"

"So although the Coal and Steel United Company is located in Yiyang County, it is directly under the jurisdiction of Sanchuan County. After the fifth phase of the project is fully completed, it will belong to Hanting Central."

As Liu Ying said, Cao Shen, Lu Wan and the others showed expressions that should be taken for granted.

One hundred thousand workers, with a little training, one hundred thousand troops!
Moreover, they are all strong men!
In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, Zhang Han, who was the general at that time, organized the prisoners who built the imperial mausoleum for Qin Shihuang, and pushed them all the way from Guanzhong to Qilu, almost saving Qin's life!

Therefore, such a huge force can only be directly controlled by the central government of Hanting!
Liu Ying familiarly led Liu Bang and others to continue walking inward. Before approaching the foggy factory areas that were spewing thick smoke, he took out a mask from his sleeve pocket and put it on silently.

Behind him, Liu Bang and others followed suit, except for Lu Wan who was full of confusion.

What the hell?

No one told him to wear a mask?

When Lu Wan coughed twice and was about to cover her face with her sleeve, Liu Ying leaned over to Lu Wan's side, took out another clean white gauze mask from her sleeve, and handed it over.

Lu Wan froze for a moment, met Liu Ying's flattering eyes, and slowly put on the mask, but when she looked at Liu Bang, she was full of complacency.

Your son is awesome!

While the two old men were eyeing each other, Liu Ying silently walked to the front of the crowd.

When he went to Lu Wan's house to drag the drunk Liu Bang back to Weiyang Palace a few days ago, he 'coincidentally ran into' Lu Yu who jumped out to greet him when he heard him coming.

At that time, Xiao Douding had become a young girl of cardamom age, slim and graceful, although it still looked like Xiao He's sharp corners, but there was also a bit of graceful shadow.

According to Liu Ying's conservative estimate, Lu Yu's current height is about 1.6 meters, and at her age, she is still tall.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to say that she is beautiful, but at least the two things of skin white and long legs are not too much!

Therefore, it is necessary to please the future father-in-law.

"Now that there is electricity, the way of making iron is quite different from before." Liu Ying said as she walked, pointing to the factory building with the slogan "No entry for idlers".

"The converter steelmaking method is used here. The biggest difference is that there is an additional regenerator, which replaces the former cold air with hot air. After all, the converter requires that the molten iron coming out of the furnace must reach more than 300 degrees Celsius."

"Well, the reason why those family-style iron smelting workshops have disappeared is that the mass production of industrial-grade thermometers makes it no longer necessary to observe the color of the flame to judge the temperature when smelting iron. You can just look at the instrument directly, which is simple, rude, and efficient. The improvement is more than ten times..."

Liu Bang, who followed behind Liu Ying, sighed softly, but finally said nothing.

From his personal point of view, he is very sympathetic to those blacksmiths who shut down their ancestral properties, but from a national level, these are necessary sacrifices.

Liu Ying glanced back, but also did not make any statement.

In fact, he only said half of what he said. Although those iron smelting workshops were closed, they were only half closed, that is, they no longer smelted iron, but purchased steel ingots from the market for processing.

Especially today's Han people will definitely get a long sword as a coming-of-age gift when they become adults, especially like women's bags, men will choose different styles of long swords according to different clothes...

Therefore, the business of customizing long swords should not be too good, and blacksmiths will naturally not lose their jobs.

After all, they are equivalent to private arms dealers. On the other side of the ocean, there are bankrupt banks, but are there bankrupt military industrial groups and gun shops?
"Today, this coal-steel complex has 30 converters and supporting facilities, and the daily steel output is about [-] to [-] tons. If converted to common weights and measures, it is conservatively estimated to be more than [-] jin!"

Liu Ying said, with one hand on her hip, expressing her satisfaction with Lu Wan and others with their eyes wide open.

Although the converter here will be shut down immediately in future generations, but in today's Han Dynasty, it is undoubtedly the most advanced, the most productive, and the most environmentally friendly existence!
"That is to say, just this one place can produce more than [-] million catties of steel every year?" Liu Bang counted repeatedly several times with his fingers, still full of disbelief.

"That's right. Is it a lot?" Liu Ying was full of arrogance.

Just, want to hit someone... Liu Bang, Lu Wan and others looked at each other, and found that everyone had the same thought in their eyes, so when they looked at Liu Ying, they became murderous.

In order to stabilize Liu Ying's thigh, Cao Shen took the initiative to stand up and make a rescue: "Your Majesty, I have one thing that I don't understand."

Liu Ying nodded: "Say."

Cao Shen clasped his fists and asked, "Can such a high output of steel be sold? If there is such an output, I'm afraid that ordinary Qianshou homes will no longer use pottery bowls and porcelain plates, but iron bowls and plates..."

"Don't just focus on the country. The world is so big that you can't even imagine it." Liu Ying explained with a smile, "Ms. Cao, do you know how many iron wares are shipped to the sea every year? The sea goes west and passes through a strait." , is a country whose population is not inferior to my big man."

"Over there, tens of millions of people are still farming with wooden farm tools. They only lack the money to buy iron tools, but they definitely don't lack the desire to buy iron tools!"

"If you go further to the west, the people there will have a greater demand for weapons, armor and iron tools. Unfortunately, our production capacity is still too low to meet their needs..."

Amidst the exclamation, Liu Bang's ears moved, and a word caught his attention.


This stinky boy actually earns this money... Liu Bang frowned: "I can understand selling knives, guns, swords and halberds, and I can accept selling some leather armor and leather clothes, but iron armor is also sold, isn't it a bit too much?"

After all, it is as open as the Han Dynasty, but it can't help the swords, guns, bows and crossbows. Even hunters or veterans secretly buy a set of leather armor and turn a blind eye. But if you hide the iron armor, whoever touches it will die!

Liu Ying didn't bother to explain too much, she just called a steward standing next to him to get a set of foreign trade swords and armor.

After a while, Liu Bang looked at the set of gleaming armor in front of him, and his brows were furrowed.

This is clearly the infantry armor deployed by the Han army during the Chu-Han War!
Within ten steps, even a strong crossbow would be hard to penetrate!
Liu Ying said with a mysterious face:

"Father, have you ever heard of that word? It's called a silver-like pewter gun head, such as Zhang Buyi... This kind of armor is that the armor plate is not only thinner than the old Han army standard, but also not tough enough to withstand a sword attack. There's nothing wrong with chopping, but it doesn't matter if it's a spear or a halberd, it will break if you poke it..."

Liu Bang stepped forward to check it suspiciously, and then he was dumbfounded: "Isn't it too much for you to sell such defective products?"

"What's too much!" Liu Ying called out to Tianqu: "Foreign trade products are originally monkey versions. Who would sell their best weapons and equipment to others? Besides, if the quality is too high, they will be passed down from generation to generation as family treasures." Go on, who will sell the new products to?"

"You know, workers don't produce food, they only consume food. If we can't use industrial products to exchange a lot of food from the poisoned people, what will our people eat?"

"Well, although the Han people want to eat well, the poisoned people will starve to death, but what does this have to do with us..."

Liu Bang looked as if what you said made sense, he was stunned for a while and asked: "Before you said that there was a lack of rubber, what is that?"

Liu Ying explained: "It's a kind of liquid that flows out of the tree trunk, such as the black layer wrapped around the wires. We don't have many places suitable for planting rubber trees now..."

Liu Bang frowned and asked, "Where is it suitable?"

Liu Ying thought for a while: "Nanhai County is further south, and the islands over there are very suitable for both light and temperature..."

Liu Bang said very domineeringly: "Is there any king in the world, if it is suitable, then send troops to destroy the country!"

Heh, this old warrior... Liu Ying said in a hurry: "It's gone, it's gone, now counting the days, it's almost time to receive the good news..."


Luoyang Palace.

Lu Zhi held Liu Le's chubby little hand, tears in his eyes.

In front of her, one of the most popular opera troupes in Luoyang City is babbling and singing "The Peacock Flies to the Southeast"...

Especially when the handsome young man who played the heroine sang the line "I will die today, my soul will die and the corpse will stay forever" with a sad face, Lu Zhi couldn't make a sound, sobbing and said to the bewildered Liu Le:

"Mother is wrong, I shouldn't have forced you to marry someone back then, if you think Zhang Buyi is not a good match, just make up with him..."

ps: Cardamom Nianhua refers to around thirteen or fourteen years old, some old aunts in their 20s should not touch porcelain (escape...

(End of this chapter)

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