Destiny Only Han

Chapter 787 Liu Ying: Prosperity × Exploitation

"Thousands of miles transmission?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Looking at the several black boxes in front of them, as well as the scattered and unnamed parts all over the floor, Lu Wan and Liu Bang looked at each other and shook their heads.

As an elderly person, his first reaction to new things is naturally to remain skeptical.

However, they also witnessed countless new things that subverted their inherent cognition, so now they are in the duality of doubt and belief...

Especially Liu Bang, after he finished questioning, his wrinkled face was full of curiosity, and he stretched out his hand to touch it, to try the feel...

Just beside him, Lu Wan grabbed him and murmured in a low voice: "Don't move around, lest he can't make it, and it's up to you. How treacherous your little brat is, don't you know?"

Well, Lu Wan has never been afraid to speculate on Liu Ying with the worst malicious intentions...

You wait, Lu Yu will give me a football team in the future... Liu Ying looked at the two old men who were looking at him with disdain, and asked with arms folded: "Father, Uncle Lu, what are you two looking for?" What am I doing, don't you see I'm busy here?"

Lu Wan looked at Liu Bang and motioned him to speak.

Coward... Liu Bang walked over slowly, with a bit of embarrassment on his face:
"Your Uncle Lu has been living in Chang'an for so many years, and you haven't returned to the fief much. Isn't this just about to use troops in Liaodong? So he thought, can he be allowed to lead the North Route Army... After all, your Uncle Lu is King Yan and Taiwei."

Liu Ying looked at Lu Wan, and only one word came to mind.

When the court meeting was held that day, Liu Ying sent someone to notify Lu Wan, but the guy said that he was not in good health, so he might not be able to come...

But in fact, that guy took his wife and daughter to the big theater to listen to a play...

Now hearing that Fan Kuai was in charge of the army, I felt itchy again.

Why did you go early?
Liu Ying shook her head, her face full of embarrassment: "I'm afraid it's not easy to handle..."

Well, fake.

After all, it is different from the historical line, Lu Wan's daughter will enter the palace to become the queen in two years, and Liu Bang is still in the palace. Without Lu Zhi's support, why would Fan Kuai dare to fight with Lu Wan?

But the crux of the problem is, what good does this do for Liu Ying?

Lu Wan likes him and does not prevent Lu Yu from being his queen. Lu Wan hates him and does not prevent Lu Yu from being his queen.

Therefore, Liu Ying deliberately prolonged her voice just to wake up Lu Wan.

Sure enough, Lu Wan gritted her molars and choked out a few words with a look of shit on her face: "Let's talk about the conditions."

Amid Liu Bang's bewildered face, Liu Ying smiled and stretched out a finger, thought for a while, and then stretched out another finger: "20 households of Yan people...immigrated to the Liaonan Peninsula after the war (chao xian ban) against river crabs).”

Liu Bang was full of curiosity: "Didn't it mean that the rise and fall will continue? Well, yes, it will never continue now. But, what's the point of that poor place? There are so many mountains and mountains, and it's still cold in winter..."

"It's cold, but the river valley can still be populated, especially with coal and iron, and the resources are okay..." Liu Ying justified a few words, then scratched her head, and asked someone to bring over the latest version of this year's map.

"Father, Uncle Lu, look, do you see something?"

Lu Wan shook her head lightly, Liu Bang pinched his chin, made an expression that I understand but I don't want to say, and nodded seriously frequently.

Hehe, the old man's inexplicable desire to win... Liu Ying pointed to the map and said:

"The dark red plots on the map are the counties and counties directly under the central government of the Han court, and the light red plots are the kingdoms of princes and several governor's mansions, the governor's mansion, and the Fangguo under the governor's mansion."

"As for the white areas, the countries or tribes that have not yet become vassals of the Han are marked with red pen, and the vassal states marked in black are our vassal states..."

"So, do you see it now?"

Lu Wan shook her head again, Liu Bang still had the look of "I understand but I just don't say it", but the blankness in his eyes revealed his true thoughts.

After all, he is already an old man in his seventies. Although his body is strong, his mind is no longer as clear as before, especially Liu Ying, who can't keep up with his increasingly clear thinking...

So Liu Ying looked left and right with contempt, until Lu Wan clenched her fists and was about to go crazy, she pointed to the east of Bohai Sea and said:
"Look, from here to the east, it's all pink, but there is only a gap here, which makes the map unsightly! So don't say that Wei Man has done it, even if Wei Man doesn't do it, I will have to do it in two years. Get your hands on them..."

"Otherwise, this obsessive-compulsive disorder is simply unbearable!"

Well, this is the root cause of his illness when he played Paradise games, coloring the map, and sometimes declaring war directly with the slogan of 'imperialism' for the sake of the integrity of the map...

Therefore, not to mention that those places were originally Xuantu and Lelang of Han Dynasty, it is true that there is nothing less!
Hearing Liu Ying's explanation, Lu Wan was stupefied, and Liu Bang was silent for a moment, then he said, "20 households? Is it less?"

"A lot." Liu Ying shook her head and said, "The basic conditions there are too poor, and you need to immigrate while building roads... But fortunately, there is too much food in the country now, so the immigrants in the southern Liaoning Peninsula don't need to start from scratch." Level the land and reclaim farmland.”

"When the time comes, they will be directly awarded a rank of nobility, so that they can legally raise one or two households of farming slaves to work for them. As for themselves, they will engage in infrastructure construction or work in factories or mines."

"Didn't I say it before, there is a lot of coal, iron, and rich minerals. Now there are steam excavators, pumps, elevators and other equipment, and it is close to the ocean, so it is easy to transport. It will not take more than ten years. The level of development It won’t be much worse than the Central Plains.”

"So not only are 20 households relocated from Yan, but millions of households will be relocated from Chu, Qi, Jing, Zhao, Zhongshan and other countries..."

Lu Wan looked at Liu Ying and said nothing, Liu Bang was silent for a moment, and sighed softly: "Now that you are the emperor, it is natural for you to decide the affairs of the country, but don't forget the words that blood is thicker than water."

The old man was thinking about it again... Liu Ying pursed her lips.

In fact, he didn't even think about curbing Wang with different surnames and Wang with the same surname, and forced the emigration of people from them, mainly because the population of counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the empire was not enough to support such a large-scale migration.

In other words, the current state of Han does not restrict population movement. After the second son of many ordinary people grows up, he will choose to pack his bags and travel far away.

After all, the Han country as a whole has a vast land and few people, and the factories that have sprung up like mushrooms also require a lot of cheap labor.

But the vassal states are different.

A large part of their source of income is poll tax, so they are not very willing for the people to leave the fief, especially Liu Bang issued an edict before leaving office, confirming the existence of the Tweet Order.

Therefore, those second sons and concubine sons who lived in the vassal states and had no legal inheritance rights before now also have the legal endorsement to share a share of the pie from the eldest son.

Farming is civilized, and the people relocate in peace. When they inherit the land from their parents, build a few tile-roofed houses, marry a wife and have a baby, as long as they don’t starve to death, they won’t think about going out for a living.

This is not in line with the main theme that Liu Ying has set for this era.

Especially if this trend is allowed to spread, I am afraid that the strange cycle of history will repeat itself again. The Chinese first started the great geographical discovery, but in the end they guarded their own one-acre three-point land and handed over the endless ocean and land let out.

But Liu Ying didn't bother to explain, and just concentrated on the debugging in front of her.

As a result, Liu Bang's attention was gradually attracted by the inexplicable and bizarre scene in front of him.

Especially when Liu Ying swung a few times in front of one black box, and the buzzer in the other black box beeped, Liu Bang wished he could do it himself.

Well, if it can ring, it means there is nothing wrong... Liu Ying whispered something in her heart, and then looked at Han Tan who was waiting at the door: "Someone come to take the telegraph away, has the previous training manual been printed?"

Han Tan led a few tall servants in, cupped his hands and said, "Go back to Your Majesty, there is news from the telegraph company that people have sent paperwork to the street to recruit students."

You see, this job post will be available again... Liu Ying nodded slightly, then looked at Liu Bang, who was reluctantly staring at the telegraph being carried away with her head poked, and asked with a frown:

"Huh? Why are you still here?"

"What's your attitude?"


Lantian South, Grand Military Academy Field.

Amidst the sound of rumbling drums, a knight wearing a full set of plate armor and riding a tall horse like an iron can galloped in the martial arts arena.

It's just that what he holds in his hand is not a lance, but a musket.

To be precise, they were two large-caliber pistols.

The moment the horse soared into the air, the knight in one man and horse instantly found the best shooting opportunity, so he aimed at different targets with both hands and pulled the trigger at the same time.

In the billowing white smoke, two gunshots almost overlapped, and at the same time, the paper figurine that was used as a target was also torn apart.

After all, if a pistol of this caliber is shot at close range, even the plate armor, which claims to have the strongest defense in the cold weapon era, will have a hole in each shot, let alone a paper man.

So, when the sound of target reporting sounded, the school field suddenly cheered.

But next to Liu Ying, Marquis Guang Yan Zhao Ou stroked his beard and smiled with a humble face.

After all, that tin can was his eldest son, Zhao Sheng.

Well, Zhao Ou is a native of Pei County, and he followed Liu Bang all the way into Guanzhong, Huai Ding Sanqin, and during the Chu-Han War, he and Li Shiqi jointly persuaded Zang Tu, the King of Yan, to surrender, and later participated in the Battle of Gaixia, so he was granted the title of Marquis Guangyan, Shiyi 2000 two hundred households.

Liu Ying came here today to point out generals.

To be precise, it is a cake.

The reason why Zhan Kuang is Zhan Kuang is mainly because they can grab the wealth and status that they can't usually get, and ordinary people can't get in their lifetime through fighting.

Therefore, a group of buzzing flies gathered around Liu Ying these days.

For the sake of 'fairness', or because Liu Ying wanted to come out to play, and to see if there were any available talents among the second generation, there was this scene in front of him.

Liu Ying looked at Zhao Ou who was full of humility, but there were three words in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs..."

"Your Majesty's praise, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed..." Zhao Ou clasped his fists, smiling all over his face.

Is it cheap... Zhang Buyi rolled his eyes invisibly, but the corners of his mouth immediately raised.

Because today, not only the military test but also the literary test!
Zhang Buyi, as the top class of the big man, the popular fried chicken in the noble circle, is very familiar with the second and third generations of heroes, and knows how much they weigh!
For example, Zhao Sheng, horseback riding and archery, he is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, but it is a pity that a person cannot be an all-rounder. If he is asked to write with a pen, he can write [-] characters in three hours, which is considered to be smoke from his ancestral grave. ...

So Zhang Buyi just didn't say a word, just waiting for the fun.

Standing on the other side of Zhang Buyi was Han Xin who couldn't save face and was dragged out of his home by a group of heroes.

As Liu Bang's certification of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty who are sure to conquer and win battles, if Liu Ying is present, if he comments on those heroic children who are showing themselves in the martial arts arena, it will be a few good words to be precise , those young people must have a smooth career.

But the crux of the problem is that this guy's name is Han Xin, and he is angry that Liu Bang has only one-tenth of his own ability, and Han Xin who is ashamed to be with Fan Kui and expresses it in public.

Therefore, expecting this kind of person to play with the things that everyone carries the sedan chair is really just a dream.

However, Han Xin also has another advantage, that is, he is merciless against others, but he will also give pertinent praise.

For example, Zhao Sheng held two guns and was able to hit a target [-] paces away on a galloping horse. Although it was mainly luck, there was also a lot of hard work behind it.

So Han Xin pinched his beard and looked at Zhao Ou who was showing humility in front of Liu Ying:

"Guang Yanhou is too hypocritical. People say that the strong master wins the ancestors, and your Zhao Sheng is much better than you. You can hold two pistols within thirty steps, even if it is a rifled carbine. Can hit the target..."

In an instant, there was no sound, and the smile on Zhao Ou's face froze immediately, and he turned his head a little bit and said, "The Marquis of Huaiyin taught me a lesson... I will practice more after I go back today..."

Hahahaha... Liu Ying twisted her thigh hard, took two deep breaths and said:
"As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get but a general is hard to find. Now that we have firearms, personal bravery is not so important... Guang Yanhou's ability is not in personal martial arts, but in commanding cavalry to fight. Huaiyinhou is a bit harsh... ..."

Zhang Buyi's face was distorted, and he asked with trembling lips: "The martial arts competition is almost over, can I notify you to prepare for the literary test?"

Before Liu Ying could speak, Zhao Ou frowned and asked, "Do you feel unwell when Zhong Shupu shoots?"

Zhang Buyi shook his head with pain on his face: "It's okay... I'm fine, but my leg was bitten by a mosquito..."

Liu Ying nodded nonchalantly: "Since that's the case, let's prepare for the essay test. If you want to come to the general family, you will definitely not disappoint me..."


Liu Ying threw away two papers one after another with a look of rage, so that the waiting general standing in front of him didn't even dare to breathe.

"It's understandable that Sun Wu and Sun Bin messed up, I don't blame you, after all, the age is too far away...

"Can Li Mu and Bai Qi also be wrong?"


"Li Mukeng killed Zhao Jun 40? Oh, I understand, the co-authors are both named Wu Anjun, are they the same person?"

"On weekdays, if you blow it, you are a Confucius with a knife on your waist, both civil and military. When it's time to get serious, why did you write such nonsense to me?"

"There are still people who dare to hand in blank papers? Do you think that if you don't write your name, I won't know who it is?"

"Everyone writes their name, but you don't. Why do you think I don't know you?"

"What a clever little ghost!"

"Also, you don't know how to calculate the food and grass of the army, which even the children who have just started to calculate? Are you living on the dog because of your age?"


Amidst Liu Ying's roar, the group of second and third generations facing him became more and more humble, wishing they could sink into the dust.

But that's just pretending.

After all, in their opinion, what's the use of distinguishing between Li Mu and Bai Qi? Their father and grandfather couldn't read a whole bunch of Chinese characters, and they would raise troops from Pei County anyway and sweep the world!
Liu Xiang didn't read books!
Besides, the matter of calculating the food and grass of the army is not in their control. They have plenty of money. At worst, they will hire a few poor scholars and outsource the work of writing and calculating, and the work will be over?

As generals, they only care about fighting!

After cursing for a while, Liu Ying felt her mouth was dry, so she took a sip of herbal tea, but she choked again and coughed repeatedly.

Ma Dan, people are unlucky enough to drink cold water and stuff their teeth... After Liu Ying slowly sat back in the chair, she shook her head, recalling the useless knowledge she had learned while surfing the Internet.

For example, the origin of the modern military academy system can be roughly divided into two models.

One is the lecture hall, which was very popular in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, that is, the military training school model.

This model first appeared in feudal monarchy countries such as Tsarist Russia and Prussia. The main feature is that the learning time is relatively long, and it has a tendency to become longer and longer.

This is because the nobles at that time generally did not go to school, but received education from tutors at home. The ability of tutors was limited, which required the children of nobles to spend time continuing some basic knowledge education after entering the military academy before they could enter military majors. educate.

In the second half of the 19th century, with the development of basic education, the military reserve school model was also derived from the reserve officer school. The nobles still received primary education at home, then went to the reserve officer school to receive intermediate education, and then entered the military reserve school.

The other is the specialized education model.

This model is most typical in the United States, that is, young people first receive a full education in the national education system, and then learn elementary command studies ranging from a few months to a year.

The main reason why the United States adopts this model is that the United States does not have a tradition of military aristocracy. After all, the United States was just an emerging country that had not been founded for many years.

However, although there is no history, it is rich, so the teaching level and national education level of the United States can be regarded as top-notch in the world.

So this model of officer training gradually spread to Europe. For example, several marshals with mustaches graduated from military schools with this type of education.

The military officer training system introduced in the late Qing Dynasty was the model of the Armed Forces Academy.

The reason is also very simple. The Qing Dynasty did not establish a national education system at all, and almost all basic knowledge had to be taught by military academies.

Liu Ying looked at the messy test papers in front of her and felt that the issue of education reform was actually imminent.

The first thing to do, of course, is to build a military academy.

After all, he is also a warrior...

Liu Ying raised her head and said in a chilling voice that was calm before the storm: "What are you still doing here? Waiting for me to let you eat? Do you have the guts to eat?"

So, after a group of relieved people left, only Zhang Buyi, who was watching the fun with his arms folded, and Han Xin, who had a face full of indifference and had long been familiar with it, were left.

Zhang Buyi walked over slowly and asked, "What's for lunch?"

Liu Ying said angrily: "Eat and eat, you know how to eat, my sister infected you? Is it true that the whole family does not enter the house..."

Zhang Buyi sneered: "Very well, I will pass this sentence on to Zhiyang truthfully."

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, recalled for a while and said, "I heard that there is a small shop outside the military camp that makes good noodles, and the homemade dried tofu is even better..."


Southern Liaoning Peninsula, Wang Dangerous City.

The fire in the city has been extinguished, and the scene of corpses everywhere no longer exists.

It's just that among the dilapidated or well-preserved houses, the occupants have been replaced by the family members of the Weiman army.

This is a very important reason why they are willing to follow Weiman into Wang Dangerous City.

After all, the dogs in Wangxian City all have a comfortable kennel, but these fighters who fought for the safety of the Jizhuo were poor and destitute, wandering on the peninsula without a roof tile to cover their bodies.

Well, a little exaggerated.

But after all, what they live in is just a wooden house, but in Wang Dan City, there are all cement and concrete houses!

Compared with wooden shacks, concrete houses are stronger, thicker, and warmer. Needless to say, the important thing is that you can burn wood for heating in winter, and you don’t have to worry about the walls being ignited by flames!
But the biggest improvement is Wiman.

Now he is sitting in the royal palace that Jizhun hired a designer from the Han Dynasty to build at a great price, and in his arms is Jizhun's concubine who has not had time to enjoy it yet.

It's just that although the other party swayed his waist and squirmed in his arms like a snake, there was no expression of enjoyment on his face.

Instead, he was bored!

So he threw that charming woman on the ground, and when she was terrified and trembling, he stood up alone and walked to the window, looking west with his triangular eyes wide open.

There, it was foggy and there was no special scenery.

But Weiman still stood where he was, without blinking his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to see a towering palace, a man sitting with a sword in his arms and his face covered by a crown.

That is the emperor of the Han Empire, the most powerful man in the world!
It's just that this man doesn't intend to leave him a way out...

He killed the cowardly and incompetent Jizhun and established a dynasty of his own, which is a heinous crime, and everyone has to punish him!
And your father beheaded the snake and rebelled, punishing the tyrant Qin, just to punish the people and punish the people, and to obey the heavens?

This is unfair!
Wei Man stood there for a long time, his resentment turned into a fighting spirit.

Today's Wang Dancheng is a strong city, and the Han people want to fight, so let's fight to the death!

So he turned around, walked towards the woman lying on the ground with high fighting spirit, and fought fiercely.

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