Destiny Only Han

Chapter 793 Liu Bang: This baby is not like me...

Chapter 793 Liu Bang: This baby is not like me...

Autumn is high and crisp, suitable for going out and exercising.

Therefore, at the foot of Mount Tai today, there are a large group of men and women wearing narrow-sleeved short jackets.

The man among them, who was wearing a white hunting suit with arrow sleeves and a golden crown with fiery red pompoms on his head, who looked burnt was none other than Liu Ying.

Beside him, there are the elated Liu Bang, and the dejected Liu Fei and Liu Ruyi who look like they will faint in a second...

So Liu Ying stepped forward and announced loudly: "The "Book of Rites Moon Order" says that it is the moon, and the emperor teaches field hunting... Therefore, today's mountain climbing can be understood as an autumn hunting. Those who reach the top of the mountain will not be rewarded." , those who fall behind will be punished!"

Seeing Liu Ying's unpretentious expression, the expressions on the faces of Liu Xi, Liu Jia, and their sons quickly became serious.

After all, for princes and kings surnamed Liu like them, Liu Ying's so-called punishment must be to reduce food and fiefdoms...

Liu Bang just smacked his lips and said nothing, but Liu Le came over with a flattering face, and asked softly, "Brother, how are you going to punish..."

It's none of your business... Liu Ying frowned: "I said this is Qiushou. If women and children can't walk anymore, they can take a sliding pole...there is one over there, and it has been prepared for a long time."

After all, in the feudal dynasty, although the status of women in the Han Dynasty was not low, this kind of occasion was at best a background board.

Therefore, Liu Le didn't feel that he was being discriminated against at all. He happily walked up to Xu Negative, who was still full of sorrow, and muttered in a low voice: "Look, I knew that Brother Stinky had already made arrangements..."

Xu Negative nodded slightly, letting go of the boulder in his heart.

Although she is very physically fit, and has also practiced some secret techniques of the Yin Yang family since she was a child, and she can leap up a courtyard wall more than ten feet high, after all, Mount Tai is not a tourist attraction at this time, there are no stone roads and ropeways, Not to mention all the dirt roads, and the slope is still very steep...

So she had been very worried before, especially after Liu Ying said that there would be punishment...

She doesn't care about anything else, what she fears is the fine...

Well, although Liu Ying moved into the Taishan Palace two days ago, there will be sacrificial activities afterwards, and naturally she must bathe and fast, and she cannot get close to women...

But just when Xu Negative and Liu Le were about to join hands to sit on the sliding pole and be carried up the mountain, Lu Zhi stretched out his hand to stop them.

At this moment, Lu Zhi's unwilling soul was burning...

Well, the main reason is that she watched a play half a month ago.

Brother Liu's speech is too rational, who said that women are not as good as men...

So she said loudly: "Isn't it just to climb Mount Tai? What's wrong with women, we women must not be able to compare with their men? Except for Liu Qi and Liu De's children, no one is allowed to ride a pole!"

In an instant, mourning was everywhere.

The Acting Queen Ying Shi hated it even more...

But she didn't dare to reveal anything on her face. After all, she had a bad relationship with Lu Zhi in the past. Later, she joined forces with Liu Bang's sister-in-law to make a fuss about separating the family, and drove Liu Bang and Lu Zhi out of the house to live alone...

In the past, when Liu Taigong was alive, Lu Zhi took care of her as a stalker, but now the emperor is Liu Ying, and he will not show mercy to her second uncle who has almost no impression...

So, after the start of the mountaineering, not only the men's group was gasping for breath, but the women's group was also gasping for breath...

Liu Ying began to regret.

He also overestimated his physical fitness. At this moment, he remembered a certain saying in later generations, saying that the ticket gates in other places are outside the scenic area, but the ticket gates in Mount Tai are halfway up the mountain, in order to let you There is no burden when you retreat from adversity...

But the awesomeness has already been blown out, and he can only bite the bullet and go up.

Anyway, at his age here, even though he has a lot of things to do every day and less exercise after becoming the emperor, he can barely make it up by gritting his teeth.

Especially when he looked at Liu Bang, who had been at the forefront from the beginning of climbing, he chased after him with all his strength.

This old man is actually a Terminator... Liu Ying looked at the distance between him and Liu Bang, sweating profusely, panting heavily.

"Third brother, if you can't do it, go to the kid's side..." Liu Fei was sweating profusely, but he was full of aggression.

"Hehe." Liu Ying sneered, and continued to move forward.


St. Huangding.

When Liu Ying finally climbed up with sore legs, Liu Bang stood shirtless under the temporary shed, wiping his body, looking back from time to time, and despised every man and woman who came later than him.

Soon, Liu Ying also joined in, especially when Liu Fei was pushed up by seven or eight personal guards, he leaned close to Liu Bang and said loudly:
"Father, I think of a foreign fairy tale, do you want to listen to it?"

Liu Bang watched the excitement and nodded without thinking it was a big deal: "Speak."

Liu Ying looked at Liu Fei who was staggering towards him profusely in sweat, and said with a smile: "It is said that there was a man named Sisyphus who offended the gods, so the gods let him push stones uphill endlessly, but the stones When it is about to reach the top of the mountain, it will immediately roll down..."

"Fortunately, my eldest brother didn't offend God and won't fall from the top of the mountain..."

"That's it?" Liu Bang froze for a moment.

"Otherwise?" Liu Ying spread her hands.

This brat is not like himself, his aggressiveness is too bad... Liu Bang shook his head three times, and with a face full of sarcasm, he greeted Lu Zhi who was sitting up on the sliding pole.

Ah this?The old man is going to die again... Liu Ying put her hand on her forehead, but looked at Liu Bang who was fighting with Lu Zhi with piercing eyes, until the sound of Kazkaz sounded in his ear.

"Eat?" Liu Le raised a chubby hand, on which was a handful of fried sunflower seeds.


Holy Emperor Temple.

Liu Bang looked left and right with his hands behind his back, and nodded frequently to express his satisfaction.

"Well, it's just a preliminary renovation now..." Liu Ying stood aside and explained: "This string of yards is just an extension of the few houses that I lived in when I was in Fengchan. The front hall is just a temporary place for statues. After that, the second and third phases of expansion will be carried out..."

Well, his attitude at the moment is a little humble.

After all, the cost of building this Holy Emperor Temple on Mount Tai came from the "donations" of the princes and kings...

In fact, it is gold.

According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, the princes and kings need to offer gold to the ancestral temple every year as the cost of sacrifice and house maintenance, and the standard is four taels for a thousand people.

That is to say, for every thousand subjects owned by the princes and kings, they need to donate four taels of gold to the ancestral temple every year.

For example, the exquisitely shaped Linzhi gold and horseshoe gold excavated from the tomb of Haihunhou are the gold of the ancestral temple.

So standing in front of Liu Ying at this moment is not only his relatives, but also Party A's father...

Liu Jiao looked at the plan that Liu Ying presented, and nodded in satisfaction.

He is very rich, especially now that shipping is flourishing. As a vassal state close to the sea, although he nodded in favor when Liu Fei boasted that Qi State was the most powerful vassal in the world, he scoffed in his heart.

In today's Han Empire, he, Chu State, is truly the most powerful vassal in the world!

Therefore, for the matter of building a temple for his own father on Mount Tai, Liu Jiao has always given Liu Ying as much as he wants!

After all, he has another little thought.

That is his mother, Li Shi, who is actually the continuation of Liu Taigong. Before Li Shi, Liu Taigong had another wife, that is, Queen Zhaoling, who dreamed of a god and gave birth to Liu Bang.

So, he paid the most money for the construction of the temple this time, so can his mother deserve to be on the side of Liu Taigong's god?
But Liu Xi was obviously very resistant to this.

The title of Empress Xiaokang has already been given to Li Shi, so is it possible that she also has to give up the assigned position?
To put it bluntly, Mrs. Li is just a continuation.

And his mother is Liu Taigong's official wife, and also Liu Bang's biological mother, Liu Ying's biological mother!
When Dai and Chu were secretly fighting each other, Liu Ying put away the architectural blueprint with a smile, and pushed open the tightly closed palace door.

Then, everyone froze.

Without him, the scene in the main hall is completely different from what they imagined.

After all, at this time, no matter whether it is an official sacrifice or a folk sacrifice, a tablet with words written on it is placed on a high platform, and there are no clay statues like later generations.

Therefore, when Liu Bang, Liu Xi and others looked at the lifelike statue of Liu Taigong who was wearing the emperor's crown and smiled at them, their eye sockets suddenly became rosy.

"The dust is so big, it's confusing..." Liu Bang raised his head.

"That's right, I don't know how to find someone to clean it..." Liu Xi covered his face with his sleeves.

"Well, the second brother and the third brother are right, that bastard Liu Ying will ask for money..." Liu Jiao succeeded in throwing the blame on Liu Ying.

You see, there are no good people in their old Liu family... Liu Yingkuang rolled her eyes and complained in her heart.

But soon, Liu Bang and the others focused their attention on the statues, to be precise, the two statues beside Mr. Liu.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Li.

To be precise, it is Queen Zhaoling and Queen Xiaokang.

Liu Bang snorted lightly: "Second brother, do you think it looks like it?"

Liu Xi took a closer look, nodded first, then shook his head and said, "It looks a bit like... But you also know that I was still young when my mother left. If the elder brother was here, I would be able to distinguish clearly."

Liu Bang let out a long sigh, full of regret in his heart.

After all, it was his biological mother. Although it is better to be kind than to be kind, what son in the world would not want to see his mother's appearance with his own eyes?

So he grabbed Liu Ying and asked very seriously: "How did you know something that I don't even know?"

You see, Daddy, remember to beat him up in a dream at night... Liu Ying looked away from the statue of Mr. Liu, and said in silence:
"Of course the father told me. At that time, I happened to recruit a lot of famous painters. When I gave the portrait to the father, I asked them to draw the portrait of Queen Zhaoling according to the description of the father..."

"It's just that the father didn't want you to know, so he kept the painting hidden until...until..."

Liu Ying paused for a moment, but did not continue.

Liu Bang let go of him, wanting to reach out and touch his head, but in the end he put it down, and patted his shoulder very hard: "Not bad, very good...very good."

Behind them, not only Liu Fei, but even Liu Ruyi was full of envy.

After all, a son always wanted his father's approval.

And the current scene is the kind that they can't reach, wishing they could treat each other with their bodies...

Hmph, third child... Liu Fei bit his lip and looked away.

Hmph, second child... Liu Ruyi clenched her fists.

Liu Jiao looked left and right, and walked up to the grinning Liu Ying with a smile: "Third brother, let go, don't shoot our emperor to death..."

This old man is too energetic... Liu Ying rubbed her shoulders, and walked away from Liu Bang with a full face of wariness.

See it clearly, I beat your grandson, give me a dream tonight... Liu Bang laughed awkwardly, moved his eyes away from the statue of Mrs. Liu, and then gave another surprise full of surprise: "You two big mothers It’s true that I like children very much, but why are there so many children crawling around on them?”

"You don't understand this." Liu Ying explained with a smile: "This is called sending a child... I think the eldest mother and the others have a bit of luck, especially the kind related to the prosperity of the population."

"For example, Liu Fei, when he climbed Mount Tai yesterday, although only thirteen sons came, there were still more than 20 sons who could not come because they were too young... Another example is my elder brother Liu Xin, his more than 100 sons ..."

"So it's worthy of the name to be named a concubine..."

Well, this actually doesn't have much to do with money making ability.

For example, in certain dynasties that claim to be extremely rich, there have been various cases where they could not have a son, and finally completed the succession of the throne through adoption. Another example is some poor dynasties, and even Taizong was changed to Chengzu...

Hearing Liu Ying's explanation, Liu Bang and others looked at each other for a while, and finally nodded vigorously.

In fact, this kind of thing is more credible than credible. The important thing is that what Liu Ying said is very reasonable. In the past 20 years, not only the Liu Bang family, but also the Liu Xi and Liu Jiao family have flourished. The same is true for branches.

Especially Liu Bo's branch, Liu Xin, with his own strength, has expanded his bloodline to hundreds of people today, and this is actually just the names and surnames on the jade plate of the clan. The number of children who are forbidden to write on the jade plate because of their skin color is even more alarming!
Amidst the compliments from the crowd around her, Liu Ying smiled invisibly.

There is no thousand-year dynasty in this world. If you want a clay-bodied wood sculpture to enjoy the incense of a thousand years, you must endow it with a different meaning.

In particular, most Chinese people treat the gods they believe in in a state of "no money anyway, just a little bit of faith", so there are such wonderful things as the god of the driving test and the god of Ultraman...

Therefore, setting up a banner of 'sending children', at least before the pandemic of DINKism, can ensure that the incense here will continue...

Liu Bang turned back and asked: "You said before that you want to give your father an honorary title. Tell me, what kind of honorary title are you planning to give? If it sounds good, Naigong will give you a few words to ensure that you will flourish ..."

Liu Ying thought for a while: "My elder father, the name of the holy ancestor does not change. This is the temple name we set. As for the honorary title, it is called Taishang Wuji Jiutian Siming Tianzun Great Emperor..."

"What a long name..." Liu Bang repeated, exchanged glances with Liu Jiao and others, and nodded slightly: "Yes, it sounds very powerful... What about your aunt?"

Liu Ying scratched her head and said while thinking: "The one on the left is called the Holy Mother of Qingling Yuanjun Zhaoling, and the one on the right is called Taizhen Wuji Xuantian Holy about it, it sounds okay."

"I don't know what it means, but Nai Gong likes it very much." Liu Bang smiled and nodded.

The same is true for Liu Xi and others, especially Liu Jiao, who is even more satisfied with Liu Ying's behavior of not favoring one another.

"Bring a pen and paper..." Liu Bang turned his head and greeted, then looked at Liu Ruyi and said, "When I make a new set of plaques for your elder father, I will hold a crown ceremony for you... Well, go back and tell your mother, if She doesn't have a daughter-in-law she likes, so Nai Gong proposed marriage to you..."


Chang'an City.

It is now the first year of Yuanzhengshuo, but after October, there are still many vendors selling new year's goods at the market.

After all, the power of inertia cannot be dispelled in a short while.

Therefore, when Dou Guangguo led the envoys of the Xunjia Dynasty to Guanzhong, all the asan people who were amazed along the way were even more shocked by the scene in front of them.

Especially Agni Mithra Xunga, who believed in Buddhism, was dazzled and murmured.

"Could it be that this is the legendary Paradise of Paradise?"

"No, no... The road to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is paved with seven treasures, but here is only cement, although the price of cement is not much lower than gold..."

"Han, how extravagant it is to such an extent?"

Agni Midoro walked forward slowly until he saw the Changle and Weiyang Palaces standing on the Longshou Plateau in the distance.

At this moment, he couldn't help but worshiped again.

Here, even the Daxiong Palace in myths and legends is nothing more than that!
Well, as a member of the ruler, although he believes in Buddhism, he doesn't believe much in the things that monks brag about, or he believes selectively. is completely immune to...

Therefore, such a palace in the sky is definitely worth kneeling and kowtowing!
Dou Guangguo curled his lips and held back the three words country bumpkin.

As a native of Guanzhong, although the majestic Xianyang Palace has been ruined since he can remember, he has heard more or less from others that the grandeur of Xianyang Palace in the past was ten times that of Changle Palace more than!
After all, the Changle Palace was rebuilt on the basis of the old Xingle Palace, and among the many palaces of the Qin State in the past, the Xingle Palace was actually not ranked well!

But the rhetoric of "bad love Changle Palace" can only be said by local people, and foreign envoys from foreign countries knelt down to worship, which still made them feel very proud.

Especially the Han people walking on both sides of the road were very friendly to these Ah San who looked like jugglers.

So they stopped one after another, ready to wait until the thirds stood up, and the rich would make money...

For a moment, Dou Guangguo was annoyed by these guys.

He raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Zhan Zhan..."

At the same time, he took out the envoy decorated with yak tail from his arms, and installed it on a wooden stick inserted in the saddle.

The circus instantly became an envoy!

"Tch...speak early!"

"Waste time, go away..."

The melon-eaters, who had no excitement to watch, repeatedly criticized, turned around and left.

Now that the great Han and all kingdoms are coming to court, everyone has seen a lot of Hu envoys, and there are no beautiful orchids in ragged clothes among this group of people, so they naturally don't stop...

Amid Agni Midoro's bewildered face, Dou Guangguo rode his horse and walked slowly.

At the gate of the city, the official of the Dianke Mansion who received the report was waiting at the gate. When he saw Dou Guangguo coming, he hesitated for a moment, and then he took the initiative to greet him.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be you!" Dou Guangguo jumped off his horse and bowed his hands in salute: "I have seen Jianghou's heir..."

Zhou Shengzhi punched him, and said with a smile: "Why is heir not an heir? We have been classmates for three years, and now we finally meet again. Are you pretending to be Naigong?"

"Vulgar..." Dou Guangguo shook his head, with a smile on his face: "Hey, I brought him back for you. As for the follow-up arrangements? Where are the arrangements? It depends on your Dianke Mansion."

Zhou Sheng took a half step forward, pulled Dou Guangguo and asked, "If nothing happens, how about you and I go to Xinfeng City to get drunk?"

Dou Guangguo was silent for a long time, before he sighed and said: "It's still the officials of your Dianke Mansion who are having a good time... Why did I listen to His Majesty's words and prepare to make a name for yourself overseas, and didn't stay in Dianke Mansion?"

Zhou Shengzhi said with a smile: "It's too late now, as long as you have this idea, leave the rest to me!"

"Brother Zhou's kindness, I appreciate it." Dou Guangguo smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's getting late, so let's just say goodbye, wait until the day after tomorrow for a rest, and we'll get drunk again..."

Zhou Shengzhi frowned and asked, "It's just after noon, how come it's not early?"

Dou Guangguo said with a smile: "I came back from outside, and I still wanted to go to the palace to meet my sister, and my young but clever nephew... The gate of the palace was locked at that time, and foreign officials were not allowed to enter. Now It's already past noon, the sky is naturally not early..."

Zhou Shengzhi shook his head and said, "Could it be that you still don't know?"

"Know what?" Dou Guangguo was puzzled.

"Your Majesty's great victory in the Eastern Expedition has returned at this time, and he intends to enshrine Mount Tai..." Zhou Shengzhi said beamingly, and then shook his head: "Your Majesty is not in the palace, how can you, a foreign minister, enter the inner palace?"

"Oh? Your Majesty has won again?" Dou Guangguo was surprised.

"Yeah, again..." Zhou Shengzhi sighed softly: "My second younger brother has made new achievements, and now he is appointed as the Southern Captain, and his official position is higher than that of my elder brother..."

Well, that's why even though he is the heir of Jianghou and has a higher position than Dou Guangguo, he still chooses to welcome him.

After all, Dou Guangguo's elder sister is Dou Yifang, and Dou Yifang was not only Lu Zhi's close female official, but also the creator of Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, and she is favored by Liu Ying on weekdays.

Therefore, befriending Dou Guangguo means befriending Dou Yifang, which also means that one day in the future, he will defeat Zhou Yafu and succeed Zhou Bo's Jianghou position with greater confidence!
"Let's not talk about this." Zhou Shengzhi laughed: "So, you should come to live in my house, my house is big enough, and the old man is not around, the dancer and singer at home will follow know."

(End of this chapter)

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