Destiny Only Han

Chapter 800 Liu Ying: Concept is better than technology...

Chapter 800 Liu Ying: Concept is better than technology...

"That's not the reason..."

Liu Ying shook her head and said:
"Many colleges and universities with the title of 'royal' are paid for by the emperor's private money, just because the monarch lives on the blood of the people, and they should make some moves to repay the world."

"As for the Royal Agricultural University, the investment and return are completely disproportionate, and the colleges that are related to the national economy and the people's livelihood naturally need to be specially supported by the royal family."

"But having said that, it does not mean that the research results of the college can be shared with everyone for free."

""Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" once said that according to the law of the Lu State, Lu people are servants and concubines to the princes, and those who can redeem them will take their gold from the mansion. Said: "The gift is lost. From now on, Lu people have not redeemed people. If you take the gold, you will not be harmed. If you don't take the gold, you will not redeem people." , Zilu accepted it. Confucius said: "The people of Lu will save those who are drowning."

"Today I shared the latest high-yield seeds with everyone for free, and tomorrow I will share other technologies with everyone for free. If things go on like this, who will bury their heads in research?"

"Of course, the country and the emperor can allocate unlimited funds, but the question is, is the country's money unlimited?"

In Liu Bang's silence, Liu Ying sighed silently.

This is the limitation of the ancients.

To be precise, it is the limitations of the older generation of Chinese.

What is the industrial revolution?

Is it a steam engine?

The industrial revolution is actually a great change in the way of thinking and ideas of human beings.

The fundamental point is that knowledge is valuable.

Before that, if a craftsman invented a tool or technique that would increase productivity, what would he do?

The answer is obvious.

He will keep this secret, or pass it on from male to female in the family, or take in apprentices as professors, but only before his death will he pass this technique on to his closed disciples, so as to ensure that he can benefit from it.

After all, once the secret is revealed, he loses the possibility of making more money.

This concept has continued to this day.

The crux of the problem is that this kind of tool or technique will permanently disappear in the long river of history due to the accidental death of the person who mastered this ability, and will eventually be unknown, and it will not be possible for future generations to build on it. Go one step further and invent better tools or techniques.

But the patent system at the time of the Industrial Revolution changed that.

The patent system first stipulates that new inventions and creations belong to the inventor just like ordinary visible property, ensuring the inventor’s right to earn income, and secondly, allowing the inventor to expand his income by charging patent fees.

But in order to obtain this kind of power, the inventor must disclose it in detail, so that the knowledge can be disseminated, so that others can be inspired by it, and then produce their own inventions.

In this way, a concept can be established that knowledge can bring tangible value, thereby stimulating people to invest in new inventions, and finally making knowledge widely disseminated, so that more people can say what Sir Niu said That sentence:
If I say I can see farther than others, it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants!
And knowledge is valuable, and it will also give birth to professional scientists and the widespread dissemination of knowledge and information.

For example, Watt improved and invented a new version of the steam engine.

Watt started out as a mere craftsman, and learned the production and processing technology of instruments as an apprentice in London.

The first time he came into contact with a steam engine in his life was to repair a model of a Newcomen steam engine for a certain university. The reason was that the model owned by the university had the same structure as the Newcomen steam engine, but it could not work properly.

However, when Watt repaired this model, what he brought in was not the perspective of a repairman, but the mentality of an engineer, that is, he carried out the repair work with a research thinking.

So he measured the diameter and volume of the cylinder, calculated the structural parameters of the model, the pressure that steam condensation can produce, etc., and modified the model to make it work normally.

The fact that he was able to accomplish all this shows that he has received a very good education in mathematics and physics, and he also has a certain knowledge of thermodynamics.

An ordinary craftsman can track and master the most cutting-edge thermodynamic research and complete complex engineering calculations, which is inseparable from the academic journals published by the Royal Society of Science and many "wild" scientists.

But the most important point is that the society at that time supported Watt's sudden riches, and it was this kind of sudden riches that had a huge impact on the development of scientific research, especially engineering!

Therefore, the industrial revolution is definitely not the invention of a steam engine, the establishment of factories, the start of large-scale industrial production, and the establishment of a parliament or other institutions to reorganize the highest governing body, and then enter industrialization and modernization in an instant.

This kind of thinking is not fundamentally different from learning from barbarians to control barbarians.

The Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty and the golden decade of the Republic of China all adhered to this concept, and ended up in vain...

Just like the Wakanda people have the most advanced technology, but in the end it is still a tribal clan system. Although this is because of the colored glasses of certain people, but take a closer look at the people who live in the fertile land under the sun. It is not difficult to conclude that if Wakanda really exists, maybe it is such an idea...

It’s not terrible to be behind in science and technology, the worst is to work hard and catch up, but if the liberal arts that promote the development of ideas lag behind, then it’s really impossible... Liu Ying shook her head and looked at Liu Bang, and then said:

"Let's not talk about that, Dad, are you hungry? May I invite you to go to the gourmet city over there for a meal?"

"You please? Seriously?" Liu Bang was instantly happy.

Liu Ying suppressed the look of disdain on her face, stretched out her hand and pointed forward: "To be precise, it's not me, it's a big dog..."

Liu Bang looked in the direction of Liu Ying's finger, and he saw Zhang Buyi wearing a golden crown and red tassels on his head, a beautiful mutton fat jade on his waist, and a Shu brocade robe.

Under the sun, the beautiful face of that beautiful woman not only attracted countless passers-by, but also exuded an aura of local tyrants.

Liu Bang laughed strangely, and exchanged a glance with Liu Ying, planning to eat and take food later, the poor fellow!
But before that, he was stunned for a moment, and asked with a frown, "Food City? Shanglinyuan is now occupied by more than 20 universities after the split, and the students are all free board and lodging. How can there be a food city?" necessary?"

Shen Shiqi bowed his head silently, without saying a word.

Liu Ying said with a smile: "Father, you don't know that the school cafeteria is only for eating enough. Except for the only hard indicator of cleanliness, the rest is useless... That's why the food city was born..."

Well, this is actually what he did on purpose.

After all, there are tens of thousands of students gathered in the university city, and many of them are local tyrants. The food city not only improves their lives, but also boosts GDP, and then promotes the husband and wife restaurant with a daily income of [-] five baht... …

Although Liu Ying doesn't know whether the small bosses make money or not, at least he can guarantee one thing.

That's the booth fee, he's making a lot of money...


Nanhai County, Panyu Port.

Although it is summer and the weather is extremely hot, the wharf is still full of shirtless and tanned workers busy, but it is different from relying on the strength of the two arms in the past. Nowadays, the main labor force for loading and unloading at the port is those lined up. Steam boom.

Amidst the loud rattling metal noises, the cargo ships were emptied one by one, and the carriages carrying the goods kept flowing, both busy and orderly.

But on the other side of the port, there is a solemn scene.

The soldiers of the Sheriff's Mansion stood on both sides of the pier, forbidding all idlers to approach. At the same time, they dispatched patrol boats to guide the cargo ships docking at the port to the nearby berths.

Gradually, a gigantic warship appeared on the channel entering the port in the distance.

If there were those rich and leisurely uncles in Panyu County present, they would recognize at a glance that this ship was the 'Wan Guo Friendship', which was on a diplomatic mission...

After the warship docked at the port, Wu She walked on the pier with his feet as if he was stepping on cotton. Looking at the man in the bright red official uniform walking towards him, he was full of emotion.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead...

Bah, it's really good to have a good father, and it's good for one person to ascend to heaven...

After all, the man walking towards him at this moment is named Zhuang Ying, the legitimate son of Wu Qiang Hou Zhuang Bushi, and Zhuang Bushi is a hero of Feng Pei, who proved his absolute loyalty in the Chu-Han War...

But the most important thing is that Zhuang Ying is the former Donggong Sheren.

Therefore, after Zhuang Yingwai became the county magistrate of Helan County, he went to Dahan Public School to study for a year, and then from the county magistrate, he became the new sheriff of Nanhai County!
Silver seals with green ribbons, ranks of two thousand stones, feudal officials in frontiers, guarding one side!
Wu She shook his head lightly, and greeted him with flimsy steps, but he was waiting for the other party to salute him first.

Although Zhuang Ying's current official position is higher than his, but after all, he used to be the supervisor of Dahan Public School, and he could barely be regarded as the other party's teacher. People salute.

So Zhuang Ying went up to meet him with small steps, bowed and saluted, and then greeted him, "I've been away for so many years, is the teacher healthy?"

Wu She said with a smile: "Thanks to you, I'm fine..."

"Teacher is still so narrow..." Zhuang Ying smiled, helped Wu She, whose legs were weak, and walked out of the port, muttering in a low voice, "That old man with a face full of bitterness and hatred is what His Majesty wants. What Western famous general?"

"Yes." Wu She sighed: "The country is ruined and the family is destroyed. From then on, there is no possibility of returning to the hometown... It is normal for people to grow old when the heart is ashamed.",

He was not only talking about Hannibal, but also Kuai Che, who was also a political strategist with him.

Since the Han Dynasty fell to the Dian Kingdom, Kuai Che has been sick at home. He visited before going on a mission, and the other party described the manuscript as dry, and he may not have many years to live.

But Wu She didn't sympathize with the other party.

Let’s not talk about the debate between Hua and Yi, just say that as a political strategist, the first thing to lose is conscience, and you only need to keep professional ethics.

For example Zhang Yi.

Could it be that Zhang Yi, as a member of Wei, would still have a psychological burden when helping Qin Guo pit Wei?

It's just that Wu She remembered that when he was wandering in the bookstore in Chang'an City, he found a book that was said to be from a secret palace forbidden book. There were some allusions about Zhang Yi in it. shame...

Therefore, for those guys who owe him a thousand dollars, he will also steal the country in return!
Wu She shook his head, kept everything in mind, and chatted with Zhuang Ying casually: "Is there any major event happening in the country now?"

Zhuang Ying said with a smile: "Of course, I'm afraid His Majesty already knows that the teacher has returned from overseas..."

"Oh?" Wu She opened his eyes wide: "Could it be that there is a new breed of carrier pigeon that can spread its wings thousands of miles?"

"There are no carrier pigeons. It's a telegraph machine." Zhuang Ying said while thinking, "It's said that it took two and a half years of research and development. ... I don’t really understand, anyway, it’s able to transmit sound for thousands of miles!”

Although Wu She was confused, he still nodded with a smile: "I think it must be written by His Majesty!"

"The teacher guessed right!" Zhuang Ying said flatteringly, and then seemed to suddenly think of something: "Ah, by the way, the teacher may not be able to rest too much in Panyu County, and needs to return to Chang'an City as soon as possible!"

"Why?" Wu She asked with a frown.

Zhuang Ying grinned and said, "Your Majesty's wedding is coming soon, the teacher returned from overseas, and I think he brought a lot of rare treasures with him, just for His Majesty's wedding!"

"Big marriage?" Wu She suddenly realized: "Well, it's time for a big wedding. Princess Yan has also reached the age to get married, but I don't know... Hey, anyway, Your Majesty has many concubines, so it doesn't matter."

Zhuang Ying slanted his eyes, shook his head lightly and did not speak, thinking that this old man is really bold, and others don't know, but if Lu Wan, the king of Yan, hears these words, his head will fall to the ground in a few minutes, even if he is the emperor. I can't keep it...

It’s just that his father, Zhuang Buzhi, is from Fengyi, although he doesn’t have many food towns. When Liu Bang was the head of the pavilion, he was a pavilion soldier, and when Liu Bang was the Marquis of Wu’an, he was a close servant. The circle is very popular, so he even met Princess Yan a few times with him.

Although Princess Yan was influenced by King Yan's powerful genes, Queen Yan is a world-renowned beauty after all...

So, he just waited to see these venomous old guys get slapped in the face!

Chang'an City.

The joy of the autumn harvest has just passed, and the streets and alleys now burst into earth-shattering cheers again.

Their emperor is finally getting married!

But this is not important, what is important is that in order to celebrate with the people, all newborn children and minors in the world will be exempted from oral taxation for one year.

There is not much money, only twenty, but the crux of the problem is that the money was confiscated by the government in the middle of the year, and now it is announced that it will be exempted, and the people can get the money back from the government!
Although it is not copper plates but banknotes, but banknotes are also money!

The most important thing is that in the past thousands of years, only the government took money from the people, but now the people take money from the government, which is truly the first time in the world!
Therefore, their emperor is a good man, and the future queen is also a good man!

Good life is safe...

Bah, a good person has eighteen babies!


Weiyang Palace, Jiaofang Palace.

Liu Ying finally compromised and is currently trying on the first suit made by Lu Zhi for him.

However, when the figure of Bank of China appeared in a hurry outside the palace gate, Liu Ying felt that she was finally about to be freed...

"Your Majesty, Wu She is back..." Bank of China said, bending over like a shrimp, avoiding Lu Zhi's angry gaze.

"Hahaha... Mother, state affairs are important, I'll go first..." Liu Ying took off her clothes in a hurry: "This suit is not good-looking, old-fashioned, people think I am thirty after wearing it... I am not afraid of anything else. I'm afraid that when people see me and my mother standing together, they will say that we are brothers and sisters..."

Lu Zhi burst out laughing, patted Liu Ying, looked back at Liu Bang and said, "This brat just likes to joke... What do you think?"

Liu Bang was stunned for a moment, and really wanted to ask himself what he thought, whether the clothes were ugly or he looked like siblings, but in the end he agreed, "Whatever you say...why are you staring at me?"

This old man must have done it on purpose... Liu Ying laughed silently, and fled the scene of the crime before Lu Zhi raised her pretty eyebrows and was about to go mad.


Changle Palace, Xuanshi Palace.

Wu She, who was holding a yak-tailed scepter, bowed and saluted: "Meet Your Majesty, and congratulate Your Majesty..."

Liu Ying picked up two futons, sat on one, and threw the other to Wu She: "Sit."

Wu She looked at the position of the futon, hesitantly: "This is not in line with the etiquette... Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Liu Ying waved her hand indifferently: "I'll let you sit down. There is no third person here, so there is no need to be so cautious. Could it be that you want to resist the order?"

Only then did Wu She sit down cautiously: "This time I went to a country thousands of miles away, and saw mountains and rivers in foreign lands, so I know that the map drawn by His Majesty is indeed true..."

I'm just a porter... Liu Ying said with a smile: "You said this too early, if you say it in front of the Supreme Emperor and a group of veterans, you can justify my name!"

Wu She smiled, but did not speak in the end.

After all, strategists pay attention to estrangement and inseparability, so he will naturally not participate in the mutual criticism between Liu Ying and Liu Bang, love each other and kill each other...

Liu Ying stared at Wu She, and asked: "I have read the memorial you sent to Chang'an immediately. This time, the farthest is Antigonus in Seleucid... So, what do you think of that country? Compare it with the countries along the way. So what? Well, not with Hamby."

Wu She thought for a while and said, "Seleucus is a big country in the west, its population is much smaller than Xunga's, but it is far superior to him in terms of wealth. It's a pity that the army is weak, and I'm afraid it will be mermaid."

"The soldiers are weak?" Liu Ying asked back: "Tell me your opinion."

Wu She sternly said:

"I don't know anything about military affairs. I mostly listen to the words of the accompanying military officers and Hannibal, who is called a famous Western general by His Majesty."

"After the invincible Alexander died in the past, the person who inherited his country was his young son, but how could a child take power, so the ambitious generals scrambled, and his mother also participated in it, and finally made an extremely powerful The empire fell apart..."

"Then, their tactics changed."

"To put it simply, it is because of the power controlled by the successors that led to differences in the inheritance and development of their military thinking. For example, Seleucus mainly relied on cavalry, and even formed an elite armored cavalry..."

"So the previous tactics of using a large number of light infantry as an assault force, maintaining the front line with a phalanx, and attacking from the side with cavalry have finally become a swan song..."

"But I feel that it is not easy to lead the cavalry to find the enemy's flaws in an intricate battlefield, and then decide the victory with one blow."

"Chen, I've only seen it at one person's place."

Liu Ying nodded, he naturally understood who Wu She was talking about.

The overlord of Chu on his side of the house is rare in a thousand years, and so is Alexander next door.

"Is it weak to have elite armored cavalry?"

At the gate of the hall, Han Xin threw off his shoes casually, walked in excitedly, looked at Liu Ying and bowed to salute: "Meet Your Majesty."

"Sit." Liu Ying said concisely.

After Han Xin sat down, he continued with the previous question: "There are so many cavalry who can still lose to infantry? Don't they still have war elephants and chariots? Can't this beat the Roman legion?"

Liu Ying asked, "Have you met Hannibal?"

Han Xin nodded and said: "I have seen it, but the translator's level is too poor, we can't communicate at all... Fortunately, I am better at it, I can guess the general content of what he said, but he can't understand what I'm saying What, boring..."

"Hannibal is just a barbarian, how can he be the opponent of the Marquis of Huaiyin?" Wu She flattered him.

"Don't do this!" Han Xin waved his hand: "You haven't said what I asked you before..."

"This is too difficult for me..." Wu She looked at Liu Ying helplessly.

Liu Ying smiled: "But it's okay to say, anyway, today is just a small talk, let's just say it, I and Huaiyin Hougu listened to it..."

Then Wu She recalled and said:
"It is true that Seleucus had elite cavalry, but because of long-term suppression of rebellion and fighting with low-organized armies such as small eastern countries, war elephants and chariots have become universally recognized winning tactics."

"So when they were fighting the Romans, although they used iron cavalry to smash the Roman infantry line, but the war elephants were repelled by the Roman arrows, and they stepped into their elite silver shield phalanx from behind. And the chariot equipped with a scythe made a mistake in charging and broke the leg of the side infantry..."

"Then, the Romans surrounded them on three sides, and the Seleucids were defeated..."

Han Xin gradually opened his eyes wide, thinking about it, but he didn't understand how the battle was commanded. After all, it was all because he defeated himself...

Liu Ying frowned: "In other words, the Seleucids have already been defeated by the Romans once?"

Wu She nodded: "More than once, their navy has been defeated by the Romans before. When I left this time, the Seleucid king was mobilizing domestic troops to prepare and cross the Dardanelles and land in Asia Minor. The Roman legions fight to the death..."

It's broken... Liu Ying squeezed her chin, her expression was inexplicable.

After all, according to his memory, after this battle, Seleucus was completely defeated. Not only did he cede the land, but he also paid compensation and limited the number of troops...

(End of this chapter)

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