Destiny Only Han

Chapter 809 Liu Ying: Moving forward, the iron flow is rolling forward

Chapter 809 Liu Ying: Moving forward, the iron flow is rolling forward
"They are dead!!"

Lucius sneered, and Domitius, the tribune beside him, and Eumenes II, king of Pergamon, looked at him at the same time, their eyes full of confusion.

"What happened? What's dead? Who?" asked Domitius.

"Look at the Seleucids across the way." Lucius said succinctly.

Domitius looked at it for a while, then shook his head blankly.

As a tribune, he actually came here to take credit.

After all, Rome is in a period of expansion, and with overseas combat experience, it can be re-elected to a large extent...

Although, he has never had the experience of leading troops in combat...

Well, the tribune is a special official position that protects the interests of civilians. After all, Rome has not yet entered the empire period at this time, and most members of the Senate are elected...

Although everyone understands the election process, at least civilians can eat free bread and watch gladiator performances without paying...

Lucius explained:
"The Seleucids used the oblique attack."

"During the Greek city-state period, Sparta entered Boeotian and stopped at Leuktra, not far from Thebes."

"The king of Thebes knew that his army was inferior to the Spartans, but he still decided to fight Sparta to the death. This is the method he used at that time!"

"He placed the most elite holy team as the main assault force on the left-wing phalanx, then defeated the Spartan army in one fell swoop, and finally won the entire battle!"

"Now the Seleucids intend to use this tactic, but I can see through it at a glance, so I say they are dead!"

Domitius nodded half confused.

After all, he was only a tribune...

But he knows about the Thebes Holy Team!
It is an army that only considers individual abilities regardless of social class. The selection criteria are homosexuality, lover relationship, and strong combat effectiveness!

They exchanged sacred oaths in front of the tomb of Iolaos in Thebes, swearing to be loyal to each other, to follow honor, and would rather die with honor than live in a mess, and especially emphasized that they died in the same year, the same month, and the same day!

Therefore, although the holy team is small in number, its combat effectiveness is exceptionally strong!
After all, the ancient Greeks believed that true love is rational, a combination of soul and eternal wisdom, and a pursuit of virtue rather than lust.

So Domitius raised his lips slightly, looked at Lucius and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Lucius thought for a while: "He hits obliquely, so we will too!"

So under his dispatch, the entire army on the Roman side was divided into three parts.

The Roman legion, composed of two legions with a total of 1 people, formed the left wing and lined up near the river bank. Behind the main force of the Romans were [-] soldiers from the Italian Allied Army, and behind them were soldiers from Pergamum and Asia Minor. Three thousand soldiers.

In the middle part, there are light infantry and crossbowmen from Rome and Pergamum, as well as catapult soldiers recruited from Greek city-states in the Balkan Peninsula. It's very long, and it looks like there are far more than 1 people!

The important thing is that two hundred war elephants followed closely behind!

As for the right-wing corps, they are mainly light cavalry conscripted from the mainland of Rome, the Italian city-states and Pergamon, a total of 3000 people, in order to prevent the flank from being pierced by the Seleucid cavalry like last time...

"Domitius, you go to command the army in the middle, Eumenes, you go to command the cavalry on the right, and I will personally command the main force on the left!"

Lucius spoke loudly about his plans.

Eumenes nodded and rode away, but Domitius hesitated: "Do you want me to command the army?"

"Of course, don't forget that you are a tribune!" Lucius said without refusal.

Under Lucius' persecution, Domitius was silent for a long time. Although he was full of anger, he turned his head and walked away with his helmet in his arms!

Although the Roman nobles were secretly despicable and shameless, they still despised cowards and worshiped the brave. If Domitius refused to fight on the battlefield today, his reputation for the rest of his life would be completely ruined!

The important thing is that he will shame the family!
Therefore, even if it is to drive ducks to the shelves, he must agree to it!

Just wait, I will let the Scipio family know what a tribune is... Domitius clenched his fists, his eyes were burning with flames.

Looking at the back of Domitius going away, Lucius had a smile on his face.

Although the scope of the tribunes' authority is limited to the urban area and suburbs of Rome, they have the right to veto, even the resolutions of the Roman Senate can also be vetoed!

So Lucius felt that if Domitius died in this battle, then the position of the tribune would be vacant, and he would naturally do his part!

In other words, Domitius must die in battle...

Who made Domitius vote against when his brother sought re-election?


"Shameless, learn from me!"

On the cloud car, Mrs. Fan, who had a panoramic view of everything with a telescope in hand, jumped up and down and scolded.

"Look, are they learning from me?"

"Let's see, it's really hey!"

Xu An took a glance through the binoculars, and nodded vigorously in agreement.

So Mrs. Fan rolled up his sleeves vigorously, and put his hands on his waist: "It's time to show real skills!"

Well, in fact, after he sent his tactical arrangement back to Chang'an by telegram, he quickly received a reply, saying that the other party would definitely use the same tactics to fight him, especially since both sides were on the south bank of the river, the other party would definitely use the main force to fight against him. Put it on the side close to the river to avoid being outflanked by the coalition cavalry during the battle!

Therefore, what is placed in front of Mrs. Fan at this moment is the three plans that Han Xin wrote to him in one breath, even accurate to the deployment of the thousand-man team...

"Then who..." Fan Kang beckoned.

"Here!" Yu Wenbo who was sitting in front of the telegraph suddenly stood up.

"Who called you?" Mrs. Fan was puzzled, he shook his head and looked at Xu An: "Do you want to make a contribution?"

Xu An nodded his head: "Then there is no need to ask? I am not resting in peace, but have been following you all the time. Could it be that Tuseleucian women have long breasts and thighs and are easy to push down?"

Fan Kang laughed a little wretchedly.

After all, Antiochus III almost entertained them with his wife these days. If it wasn't for the fact that he still had a Marquis position to inherit, he really wanted to live here and not leave...

"According to the Marquis of Huaiyin... no, it's my own decision, I'm going to change formation!"

Fan Kang pondered and said:

"The previous slanting attack remains unchanged. After all, it is too troublesome for the infantry to change formations, and it is easy for the enemy to find flaws. Therefore, my plan is: let you lead the Han army armored cavalry to attack the Roman central army. Don't think about it, just want to defeat their central army, and then lead the Seleucid cavalry to attack the right flank with the largest number of Romans from the side!"

Well, the two sides are opposite, the left wing of the Han army is the right wing in the eyes of the Romans, and the right wing of the Roman army is the left wing in the eyes of the Han people.

Xu An nodded: "No problem."

He was born in a county magistrate's family. Although his sister thief can make money, she is a brave man who can only get in and out, so he was not able to practice horseback riding and archery when he was a child.

But after he grew up, especially after Xu negative entered the East Palace, the Xu family was considered to be fully developed, so he spent a lot of money to buy a lot of excellent retired horses, and when he had nothing to do, he found a special place to practice riding and fighting. .

After all, the Han Dynasty ruled the world with martial arts, and the wind of folk martial arts prevailed. There were not only bow and arrow clubs, spear clubs, and kendo halls, but also special places for young masters like them who had money and leisure to practice horse racing and archery.

But the most important thing is that among the two thousand cavalry, there are many elite cavalry who have been selected into the Langzhong cavalry!
So he doesn't need to command the battle, he just needs to take care of himself not to be dismounted by the enemy, and the rest is to rush and fight with the veterans who are in the lead...

Confidently, Xu An asked his attendants to help him take off the previous armor and put on the cavalry armor.

The biggest difference between infantry armor and cavalry armor is the protection of the buttocks.

After all, cavalry rode on horses when they were fighting, and they didn't worry about being shot, so their buttocks and inner thighs were not protected by armor, while infantrymen, because they might be attacked from all directions, naturally needed to cover everything, even Yinba had A special armor plate is used for protection...

Under Fan Kang's command, two thousand elite Han cavalry were also changing into armor in an orderly manner.

But they are not for themselves, but for the horses under their crotch.

Now they are going to attack the light infantry of the Romans, so they don't need to wear a full set of vests, they only need to prevent the flow of arrows, which can also improve mobility and combat endurance!

And this is why many prosperous dynasties could not maintain tens of thousands of heavy cavalry.

After all, the horses of the heavy cavalry had to carry a heavy and strong man to charge into battle, as well as the opponent's weapons and armor and a set of equipment on their own that weighed at least [-] kilograms!

This led to the fact that the heavy cavalry could not charge for too long, so they had to come back to replace their horses.

Therefore, most of the [-] elite cavalry recruited this time have five horses per person, and unlike the infantry who only received basic rations before going to the battlefield, the grandparents of the cavalry have one-third of the food and fodder that the horse chews every day. Dalic money...

At this moment, it is these Han cavalry who most want to embrace peace and keep the Seleucids and Romans from fighting for a long time...

But people always have professional ethics.

Therefore, there was no need for too much urging, and the cavalry of the Han army immediately got on their horses, but the flag in their hands was the word Seleucus...

They are mercenaries. If they use the banner of the Han Army or the Shangxian Hall, they will destroy the image of the dove of peace that Liu Ying has finally established...

After all, peace makes money, Love and Peace...

So when Xu An finished changing his costume, the cavalry of the Han army put down their helmets one after another, so that no one would know their true identities...

In an instant, thousands of horseshoes began to beat the ground.

Da da da, da da da!

This is the signal that death is about to come to the world!
Trampled by iron hooves, leaping with long halberds, teams of cavalry galloped like flying, like moving steel forests, no one shouted, no horses neighed, and the murderous aura was soaring in the solemnity!
By the time Lucius, who was on the left wing of the Roman legion, passed the combat order to the central army, the distance between the Han cavalry and the Roman front had been shortened to less than 300 meters!
Unlike many marketing accounts, the durability of the war horse is actually much higher than they imagined.

The cavalry assault is at a normal speed, that is, approaching from four to five kilometers away at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. After entering three kilometers, it starts to speed up and rush, and the last kilometer is the maximum speed impact.

Because the impact force of the horse is also very lethal, that is, the horse is urged to accelerate more towards the end.

At this time, the horse will enter a state of rapidity, and the top horse can even run at a speed of about 600 kilometers per hour. Although it can only maintain a distance of about [-] meters, the horse will not stop immediately after running these hundreds of meters. Instead, I will continue to run at a speed of forty to fifty kilometers per hour until I run myself to death...

So when the archers of the Roman army opened their bows and set their arrows, they were shocked to find that the cavalry on the opposite side seemed to be flying close to the ground, galloping at a speed they could not understand!

At this moment, they seemed to be able to hear the rapid and heavy breathing of the war horse!

At this moment, they seemed to be able to smell the mixture of green grass and horse dung on the horse! ,

At this moment, they also foresaw what kind of fate they would suffer!
"Let the arrow, let the arrow go!"

There were several desperate cries from the crowd.

What made them even more desperate was that the bow and arrow shot out and hit the target, but they just hung on the opponent's body, dangling back and forth following the galloping horse...


"The devil... must be the devil!"


With more and more mournful shouts, the cavalry of the Han army flew towards them. Countless catapults and archers wearing only short jackets or leather armor were directly knocked out by the flying horses, and then landed heavily on the crowd. In the middle, blood gushed out of the mouth.

It was clear that they were not going to survive.

Immediately after that, the light infantry who were squeezed into the crowd and couldn't advance or retreat were the ones who suffered the most.

They looked almost desperately at the cavalrymen wearing hideous masks, piercing their chests with a strange weapon, and then flew up involuntarily, smashing heavily on the crowd behind them to prevent them from running away Companion body!

With a loud roar, Xu An followed several elite Han army cavalrymen and galloped forward with all his might.

They must fight resolutely and use all their strength to defeat the enemy's central army front. Only in this way can they complete the predetermined tactical arrangement. As for beheading and recording meritorious service, it will be done by the riding slaves they brought.

After all, it is normal for Grandpa Cavalry to have attendants.

People are like tigers, horses are like dragons, iron hooves are flying, rolling iron streams pass by, the sound of weapons hitting, roaring, slashing, sharp weapons entering the body, and the sound of fighting horses are intertwined, and countless lives bloom in an instant. Final touches.

The style of blood!
In the blink of an eye, they had pierced through the enemy's formation and saw huge monsters one by one.

war elephant.

But no one, no army can stop the charge of the Han cavalry!

 I thought what was wrong?

  That's it?

(End of this chapter)

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