Destiny Only Han

Chapter 830 Liu Ying: Listening to Thunder in a Silent Place

early morning.

When the sun jumped out of the water and the sea was dotted with golden scales, the warships of the Roman fleet slowly left the port of Athens.

This is a routine work they do every day, aimed at curbing the rebound of the Greek city-states, and blocking the waterways, preventing the Seleucid army from using the convenient sea transportation to transport food and supplies.

The invincibility of the recent period has made the Roman navy, including the slave oarsmen, all the more arrogant, sweeping away the panic and embarrassment when they fled from Greece with Flaminin that day.

In order to restore the lost dignity and maintain the continuous suppression of the Greeks, the Roman warships marching on the edge of the port will even slightly deflect their course, and use the huge ram angle of their own bows to knock out a huge hole in the Greek merchant ships parked on both sides. !

Then, amidst smug laughter, one after another warship stretched out its long oars and sailed into patches of white sails, scattered with islands in the Eastern Mediterranean.

It's just different from today. Not only dolphins swimming on both sides of the ship's side, the increasing wind and waves, but also eleven civilian-to-military warships with black sails are waiting to greet them!

Warships of the Han Kingdom!
On the podium of the flagship, stood a young man wearing a half body armor, unshaven but very sturdy.

This person's name is Du Dan, and he is the commander-in-chief of the expedition fleet.

His father's name is Du Dechen. When Liu Bang became Peigong and led the army to capture Huling, he joined Liu Bang's army as a soldier. Because of his bravery and fearlessness in combat, he was selected as a man who dared to die, and was favored by Liu Bang. , became a Lang general, and followed Liu Bang to break out of the siege in the Battle of Pengcheng.

Then, Du Dechen participated in the battle where Han Xin led the army across the Yellow River to attack Wei Zhao, and then participated in the battle to destroy Qi when Liu Ying was the supervisor, and the final battle of Gaixia.

As a result, Du Dechen was awarded the title of Marquis of Jiyang, and he had thousands of households in the city.

In a sense, Du Dechen is not only Liu Bang's confidant, but also Liu Ying's direct descendant. Naturally, Du Dan, who is only 27 years old, has made great progress and obtained the status of fleet commander.

But in the early Han Dynasty, although Shiqing Shilu, Liu Ying always adhered to the idea that the capable are superior to the mediocre, and she would not blindly favor Du Dan because of Du Dechen. Therefore, Du Dan could become the fleet commander. Two brushes.

What is reflected on the battlefield at this moment is that the Han army fleet quickly changed from the previous wild goose formation to a single column formation that can best take advantage of artillery.

After all, all the artillery of the sailing warship are broadside guns, and this tactic can effectively take advantage of all the main guns.

Shaoqing, when the Romans didn't understand what was appearing thousands of meters away from them, billowing white smoke suddenly appeared from the battleship of the Han army.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whistling sound of piercing through the air, and a muffled thunderous roar.

And then, like an urchin playing with stones to float on the sea, the waves appeared. A Roman trireme was flying with sawdust, and there was a hole extending from the deck to the bottom of the ship very abruptly!

In an instant, there were bursts of mournful cries on the deck and in the cabin at the same time.

On the deck, there were several bodies that looked like they had been torn apart by monsters, with blood flowing and pieces of flesh and blood everywhere. In the cabin, this scene was even more tragic. It smells like blood, and it even has a faint smell of burnt flesh.

The Chinese want to vomit!

What's more, what makes the cabin even more panic is that sea water is pouring in through the hole at the bottom of the cabin!
"What happened?"

"Monsters, there are monsters!"

"No, this is the Sea God, only the Sea God has such power!"

"Great Jupiter..."

In the midst of panic and panic, thick smoke billowed again from the Han warship controlling the speed of the ship with half its sail, and whistling and muffled thunder sounded successively.

click la la...

The main mast of a quinquereme broke from it, and in the panic of the soldiers on the deck, it seemed to be slowly but quickly smashed down.

In an instant, the deck that was previously full of crew members was empty, and there were many Roman sailors floating on the sea on both sides of the ship, but those sailors who did not have time to jump into the sea were miserable... …

On the deck, there are mourners everywhere, and blood flows like rivers!
Immediately afterwards, white smoke rose again in the distance, and the whistling and muffled thunder could be heard endlessly.

By the time the Romans finally reacted, seven or eight warships had sunk completely, and hundreds of warships had suffered varying degrees of damage.

On the surface of the sea, flowers of blood have also emerged, and on the surface of the sea farther away, there are faintly visible triangular shark fins.

Today, this kind of creature that appeared on the earth earlier than the dinosaurs is destined to usher in a gluttonous feast!
"Rush, rush over!"

In the Roman fleet, the more than 200 surviving warships suddenly stretched out their long oars, accompanied by the sound of drums, stirring up waves.

The Romans have fully understood at this moment that those strange-looking big ships in the distance are the chief culprits that caused the disaster at this moment!
And they have no way out!
After all, those big ships can use that inexplicable weapon to attack them from such a long distance, so even if they retreat to the port, they are still living targets!
What matters is that the pride of Roman citizens does not allow them to flee without a fight!
Therefore, there is only charging, rushing to start hand-to-hand combat with the enemy!
This is how they defeated the mighty Carthaginians!

Today, it will also be their way to defeat this group of inexplicable enemies in front of them!

And the confidence to support their belief lies in the fact that we are outnumbered!

Although the enemy's attack was extremely sharp, there were only eleven ships, but now they have more than 200 ships, and even a ten-rowed warship that they forcibly acquired from Greece as their flagship!
This is simply the greatest masterpiece of mankind in history!
Ten-remere warships can hold [-] oarsmen, and those five-remereme warships can be easily crushed to pieces with just a slight collision!

As a result, the Roman navy became full of confidence, and even held on to the railing, chanting softly:
"Great sea king Neptune, you are the master of the sea... Jupiter!"

Neptune, Neptune, is a Roman sea god independently developed by the Romans with reference to Poseidon, the sea god in Athens mythology. As for Jupiter, it is compared with Zeus in Greek mythology...

But at this moment, they are chanting Jupiter's name, not praying, but amazed, just like OMG...

The reason is simple. The flagship they had placed high hopes on was falling apart at the moment, and the deck was full of panicked sailors running around.

Morale plummeted.

But the charge continued. After all, the main force of the Roman fleet was citizen soldiers. Unlike slave soldiers and conscripts, Rome was able to win the final victory in many cases because of the subjective initiative and perseverance of these citizen soldiers.

It's a pity that naval warfare is different from land warfare, and human will cannot make up for the gap in technological weapons.

When they braved the fierce artillery fire and constantly adjusted the angle to rush towards the Han fleet, they gradually became desperate.

They, can't catch up...

After all, the clipper ships are designed for fast sailing. The wind speed in the Mediterranean Sea is not strong enough to give full play to the full speed of these clipper ships, but at least they can maintain around nine knots. Compared with the fastest fourteen to fourteen The sixteenth quarter was much worse.

However, the galley is limited by its natural shortcomings. Although the maximum speed can reach more than ten knots, it all depends on the full output of the oarsman, and manpower is sometimes poor. After the initial outbreak is over, the speed will quickly drop to eight knots about.

As a result, naval battles turned into massacres.

The warships of the Han army, constantly adjusting their sails, sailed in a zigzag shape above the sea, using the sea wind to keep a distance from the pursuing Roman fleet, and at the same time transferred the twelve-pound guns to the stern, and called the ships at the forefront of the Roman fleet one by one.

As for the largest number of three-pound guns, it was originally only to curb the forced boarding battle by the Roman fleet.

After all, the Mediterranean Sea is a bathtub, and a galley has advantages over a sailboat, but it is obviously useless at this moment...

The reason is actually very simple. Humans are animals of experience. They will make judgments based on known things and then make corresponding decisions. There is no flash of inspiration. The natives have learned the skills to fight against advanced weapons.

For example, when the Spaniards conquered Central America, the aborigines there had never seen horses, so that they regarded the Spanish cavalry as half-human, half-horse creatures, and frightened themselves to death...

In the Old Continent, even Neko would not have such an idea.

So when the sun was westward, the first naval battle between Rome and Han was basically over. The sea was full of broken logs and Roman sailors lying on the logs and trembling.

At this time, the Mediterranean ecology is also very good, and the population of great white sharks is also amazing.

Although great white sharks often don't eat people, they can't help but eat a few bites everywhere...

Therefore, when the warships of the Han army approached with the wind and waves and dropped the ropes, the Roman sailors immediately forgot the previous hatred and grabbed the ropes to climb up.

Even if, they will become captives and then slaves.

It's better to die than to live. It's better to be humiliated than to be buried in the belly of a fish!


Athens City, Marathon Avenue.

The messenger ran wildly.

Just as he was beaming when he reported the defeat of the Romans in the Asia Minor peninsula that day, today the messenger's face is also full of unstoppable smiles.

"The Roman fleet was defeated, and the Han army is pursuing..."

"The Roman fleet was defeated, and the Han army is pursuing..."

As he ran, he shouted the exciting news to every Athenian citizen he met.

In the next second, he was completely surrounded.

"real or fake?"

"It's not me. With that ten-remere warship, how could the Romans lose?"

"Yeah, that's a giant, even Poseidon can't easily destroy it!"

After the courier rushed left and right to no avail, he said with a helpless but happy brow: "Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, go to the port to see for yourself. Many ships have already left the port. After all, there are countless good boats floating on the sea. Whoever picks it up will own it!"

"Let me tell you, those proud Romans are floating in the water right now, waiting to feed the sharks!"

"And I also heard from those who quietly approached the battlefield that the Han army seemed to be magical. When the thunder rang, the Roman warships would be smashed to pieces by lightning!"

"One sound, one broken, one sound, one broken..."

He said a few words vividly, and then ran away while the people around him were stunned.

After all, he is a messenger, and only by spreading the news to the city of Athens can he get rewards!
Especially those aristocratic lords, they are very generous!

In the city of Athens, an extremely luxurious courtyard.

In the courtyard, many graceful or strong male and female slaves walked around, delivering various foods such as wine, fried fish, barbecue, rice wrapped in grape leaves, etc. to the Greeks who were half lying on soft beds.

And the wooden barrels placed next to the soft bed have proved that the banquet lasted for a long time.

After all, the nobles of Athens have always been very extravagant. A banquet usually lasts for a long time, and it is the kind that eats and vomits...

A noble lady with her boobs almost reaching her navel, picked up a bunch of grape leaves to wrap rice with her stubby fingers, stuffed it into her mouth forcefully, and at the same time wiped it on the hair of the pretty female slave beside her.

This is why slaves need to have long hair and clean it frequently.

Their hair is the owner's towel.

Although this behavior seems very humiliating, the slaves have long been used to it, and they are even more used to it. When the master plays with women, they even push their master's ass hard.

Even if that woman is their wife or daughter...

In this kind of situation that masters and slaves have long been accustomed to, the Athenian nobles who were full of lust and had vented a round began to talk.

"What do you think of what the messenger Eugenis said?"

"You mean that the Han people had Zeus to help them? They killed the Romans with lightning?"

"of course."

"It's a little exaggerated. Zeus didn't even help Athens, so how could he help the Han people? But anyway, the Han people have already defeated the Roman fleet, and they will enter the port of Athens at the latest at night... So, is it too late to notify other city-states to recruit troops now? gone?"

"It's late, but not too late."


"The warehouse of the Roman fleet is in the city of Athens, but the Han people don't know it. What if we open the warehouse first, sell the contents, and then bribe the generals of the Han people with money?"

"it is good!"

So, amidst bursts of triumphant laughter, the banquet continued.

The delicious food was delivered like running water, and the wooden barrels filled with vomit were also removed. A moment later, those well-built male slaves lay down on the soft bed docilely.


"No reason!"

On the Civic Square in the city of Athens, many Athenians dressed as scholars were furious.

The bamboo paper they held in their hands was filled with Greek characters.

This article mainly criticizes cynicism, but also criticizes Socrates and Plato.

Therefore, after cursing loudly for a while, the scholars in Athens decided to go to the country of Han in person to scold the bastard who wrote this article face to face.

Liu Ying.

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