Destiny Only Han

Chapter 832 Fan Yu: Having a cheat is really spicy!

Egypt, Sinai Peninsula.

The sun just came out, and a little bit of golden light shone down, and there were endless military tents on the field.

If you raise the angle of view, you can see that these are actually two distinct groups.

The military camp of a simple city built with adobe in the west belongs to the Roman Legion and the levies of the city-states and provinces under the jurisdiction of Rome, while the military camp in the east is even simpler, with only a simple trench, which is Han, Macedonian, and Seleucid. And the Parthian nomadic cavalry who want to join the Eastern Mediterranean Treaty Organization.

In the shogunate of the Han Army, the candles were flickering, and under the flickering light, everyone seemed to be worried about gains and losses, especially Fan Kuang, who was lying on the table with his chin resting on his hands, his eyes were fixed and he looked very anxious.

He sent out everything he saw during the confrontation with the Roman Legion last time, and now he is waiting for Chang'an to call back, so that he can refer to the big brother's strategy.

Well, it's a reference, not a copy.

After all, wars are always full of uncertainties, and talking about wars on paper according to the script will only harm others and ourselves.

Beside him, the same is true for Chongzhong and the others.

On the other side, Wu She smiled silently.

The expressions of these guys at this moment made him vaguely feel as if he had returned to Dahan Public School, back to the time before the exam, when he was highlighting those little bastards...

After a while, Fan Fu looked at the telegram handwritten by the sender and laughed.

"Beat the drums, gather the generals!"


Roman barracks.

Cato was lying on a simple soft bed, with a thin blanket over his body, his eyes were bloodshot looking at the top of the tent.

He stayed up all night.

The enemy once again overwhelmed the border.

But this time, those Han people stopped pretending, and took down the Seleucid flag that they held high before, and replaced it with their red flag with the word "Chinese".

But that wasn't what kept him up all night.

What kept him from falling asleep was the war drums that rang next to the barracks all night.

The drums of the Han army!
dong dong dong dong dong dong...

The sound shakes all over the world, ringing non-stop, disturbing people's dreams!

He also sent light cavalry to drive away the enemies who came to make trouble, but he never fought...

Then came the legionary infantry. This time they discovered that the enemy had loaded the war drums on the carriage and ran very fast...

So, after the two expulsions failed, those troublemakers pushed the drum cart closer to them, making more noise to death...

What's more, the enemy tried to set fire to their military tents and provisions with rockets!
Well, it's a real rocket.

It's the kind of rocket with a sky-swiping monkey tied to the back and a cloth strip stained with gasoline wrapped around the arrow.

Therefore, throughout the night, Cato's ears were not only filled with the beating of drums, but also accompanied by the sound of explosions and the sound of legionary soldiers shouting to put out the fire...

This, how can make people fall asleep!
But soon, Cato knew that he was going to be free.

The messenger came to report that the enemy army had already started to form and was coming in their direction!

This battle will determine the ownership of Egypt, and even the Greek world!
This battle, if unsuccessful, will become benevolent!


Han, Macedonian, and Seleucid allied forces.

On the cloud car of the Chinese army, Mrs. Fan held a telescope that Philip V and Antiochus IV envied, and looked at the entire front from north to south.

The arrangement before the battle was quite different from what he said that day.

The right wing near the sea is the phalanx infantry recruited by Seleucus from various places. Because of the width of the battle line and the education received by Fan Fu, he habitually keeps enough reserves. There are only 1 people fighting the enemy. , and the remaining 2 people are used for rotation.

Well, this is called fighting one and defending two, and it is the tactical method advocated by Sun Bin, that is, one-third of the troops will fight, and two-thirds of the army will be the reserve team.

Therefore, the central line of the coalition forces will be fought by [-] Macedonian phalanx infantry, and [-] phalanx infantry will take turns.

Although the number of people on the center line is much smaller than that of the right wing, the Macedonians are citizen soldiers, and they have a hatred of killing their fathers and brothers with the Romans, and their tenacity in combat is far greater than those of Seleucid conscripts.

As for the left wing of the coalition forces, the infantry of the Han army is naturally in charge.

However, they are different from the Seleucid and Macedonian armies. The Han army did not implement the principle of fighting one and defending two, but combined infantry and cavalry, and was ready for a deep breakthrough at any time.

Therefore, the army on the left wing now has 3000 infantry from the Han army, [-] black sail knights from Chongzhong, and more than [-] mercenary cavalry from the Han army, as well as light cavalry from Seleucid, Macedonia, and Anxi.

As for the war elephants brought by Macedonia and Seleucus, they were ordered by Fan Kang to stay in Arish City.

After all, the Black Sail Knights are equipped with artillery, and the God of War will definitely not be absent from this battle, so it's okay if the horse is frightened, but it's not good if the big guy weighing several tons is frightened and runs around.

After all, when the Seleucids and the Romans fought for the first time, they suffered this kind of loss, which caused their own elite troops to almost wipe out another elite army of their own...

On the opposite side, the Roman Legion is still fighting the last time.

At the front of the center line are about 1 catapults, archers, and light infantry manipulating various ballistas, followed by ten Roman legions with about 5000 heavy infantry, and war elephants are still at the back. This was the trump card that the Romans considered themselves to be, and it was natural to use it at the most critical moment in order to turn the tide of the battle.

On their right flank, there are more than 2000 auxiliary cavalry of Rome itself, as well as the [-] Numidian cavalry who followed Scipio against Carthage, and scattered Gaul and Germanic cavalry with only a few hundred people. cavalry.

As for the left wing close to the sea, it is naturally the Italian city-state allies and the armies of the provinces. There are about [-] of these people. It is loose and loose, and it is ready to run at any time at a glance...

In the intensive battle between the two sides, the Romans' long-range troops were the first to attack.

Those slingers wearing sandals, bare-legged short shirts, and wearing only a helmet trotted forward, shaking the slings in their hands, and came straight to the Macedonian infantry holding a seven-meter super long gun.

After all, the phalanx infantry advanced slowly, especially to hold super-long spears, so the small round shields tied to their arms had almost no defensive capabilities.

Therefore, the catapult soldiers will naturally not let go of this opportunity to prostitute the battle damage before the battle begins!

Well, battle damage.

The stones thrown by a single-handed sling are not enough to kill a grown man, but even if it only disrupts the enemy's formation, the sling is worth it.

If it were in the past, this move of the Romans would have succeeded.

It's just that the commander of the Macedonians has changed from Philip V to Chen Cheng, who was temporarily seconded.

Although Chen Cheng is only the second generation of a hero, he has been influenced by it since he was a child, and coupled with his work experience in the Anman Governor's Mansion, he believes in what Liu Ying said.

Da Ze blows me up...

Well, if you can kill with a crossbow, don't bother with that knife and spear!
So when the Romans' catapults started to move, the Macedonian phalanx infantry kept the original formation, and in the seams between the phalanxes, a Macedonian dressed as a phalanx infantry but holding a crossbow fast forward.

What they hold in their hands is not a Greek or Roman crossbow, but the same type of crossbow used by the Han army.

Among them, those small military officers who were tall and above the middle class were holding an extraordinarily huge waist.

Well, there are different types of crossbows.

Arm tension crossbow refers to a crossbow that is wound by the arm. It is usually a light crossbow used by cavalry. Although it has low lethality, it is small and easy to carry. It can be wound on the back of a galloping horse for aiming and shooting.

After all, the Han Chinese cavalry often fought against the nomadic cavalry who could ride a sheep and lead a bow to shoot birds and mice, and if they were young, they could shoot foxes and rabbits.

The kicking and stretching crossbow is wound with waist force, which is the mainstream weapon for infantry crossbowmen.

As for the waist-stretched crossbow, when winding the bow, the crossbowman needs to sit on the ground and stretch the bow, pull the string with a waist hook on the waist, and at the same time push the bow with both feet to exert force, the action is similar to the Qin army crossbowman in "Heroes".

But the size is wrong in the movie.

The bow strength of the waist-stretching crossbow is about ten stones, which can be converted to a thousand pounds. The total length of the crossbow (bow arm) is nearly two meters, the thickness of the center is about six centimeters, the width is nine centimeters, and the thickness of the tip is four centimeters. Five centimeters wide.

Therefore this strong crossbow cannot be operated by a non-strong man.

Well, the force movement of the waist tensioning crossbow is not a deadlift, but a leg lift. The main force is the hips, legs and waist. Therefore, with a little training, a stronger person can easily push a heavy weight, and the leg lift strength The endurance world record holder is a Ukrainian. His highest leg lifting record is 1350 kg 52 times!
Therefore, when the group of Macedonians with big arms and round waists sat on the ground to complete the winding, and pulled out a finger-thick iron arrow to complete the nocking, the fate of the Roman slingers can be imagined.

"It's too cruel..."

Fan Kang muttered softly, and at the same time waved the command flag, giving the order for the whole army to attack.

On the other side, King Philip V of Macedonia's eyes flickered, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

He, after returning to China, immediately paid the final payment and bought out the powerful crossbows that were leased to him!
In this way, he doesn't need to be held hostage by the weapons commissioner stationed there, and every time he uses crossbow arrows to fight, he has to pass the inspection of the weapons commissioner...

Although according to the preliminary contract that Wu She negotiated with them before, the East Treaty Organization is not allowed to attack each other, which means that he cannot annex Greece, capture the Asia Minor peninsula, recover Seleucus and a group of successor countries, and finally rebuild the Alexander Empire... …

But this is not important, what is important is that the treaty has loopholes in the constraints of the foreign wars of the participating countries!

The treaty only prevented him from launching wars against civilized countries, such as Rome, Cyprus, and Crete, countries or city-states that had not signed the treaty, and did not order him not to attack the surrounding barbarians!

For example, the Gauls occupying Byzantium, and the Thracians further north!

In the past, those places were tasteless, even if the barbarians there were driven away, there would still be other barbarians coming out of the forest or grassland, screaming and grabbing the land back!
But now it is different. The East Treaty Organization aims at peace and development, so the commercial passage controlled by Byzantium is very valuable, and with the kind of cement that the Han people said, they can quickly build fortresses to prevent settlements from being destroyed. The barbarian broke through easily!
Of course, the premise of all this is that they must first defeat the Gauls and Thracians.

Therefore, this is why Philip V is particularly greedy for this kind of crossbow.

Just as he said, he quickly grabbed Dou Guangguo who was standing on the other side of the cloud car and watched the battle, and discussed with him about the arms trade.

He has already inquired. This person is not only the governor of Egypt appointed by the Emperor of Han, but also the younger brother of one of the emperor's women. According to the tradition here, Dou Guangguo is also a member of the royal family, and even has the legal principle to inherit the emperor's position...

So what's the point of selling them some weapons?

On the other side, the elder brother of another woman of the Emperor of Han was earnestly directing the Seleucid infantry forward.

According to the style of play formulated by Fan Kang with reference to Han Xin's suggestion, the task of the right-wing army led by Xu An is the simplest.

After all, what they were facing was not the Roman legion, but a mob composed of second-class people.

But soon, Xu An knew that he had been tricked.

Not Fan Kang, but Seleucid conscripts.

This group of guys temporarily recruited from all over the world did not have the idea of ​​fighting to the end for Seleucus. It was a coincidence that the Italian city-state allied forces and the Roman provincial corps opposite them also did not have the belief to fight to the death for Rome...

Therefore, in the sound of slogans one after another, the two armies were [-] meters apart, and they stopped at the same time, staring at each other.

Although there is no communication at all, there is a tacit understanding.

If you don't hit me, I won't hit you...

Xu An was furious, but at the moment he was surrounded by Seleucids. He felt that if he killed those soldiers who were hesitant to move forward, they might betray him every minute...

So he just took two deep breaths and kept muttering something in a low voice.

"The enemy doesn't move, I don't move... Anyway, I have held back tens of thousands of enemy troops..."

On the cloud car, Fan and his wife are also full of black lines.

At this moment, he remembered a storybook written by Liu Ying. The story happened in a strange world, where there were strange rules and strange-looking people.

However, the creation is based on reality. Although the rules of the small country in the story are strange, they are generally similar to the vassal states in the early Spring and Autumn Period.

And in the early Spring and Autumn period, the battles among the vassal states were mainly fought by the people and the nobles, and the savages were only responsible for soy sauce as cheerleaders. The same is true for the small countries in the story, except that the members of the cheerleaders are hired rogue proletarians or Wandering knight.

Therefore, in the description of the story, when two vassal states are fighting, if no archers directly under the vassals take the initiative to kill the mercenaries of the other party, it will arouse the hatred of the other party.

Then the mercenaries of the enemy and us can stand in the confrontation with each other forever, even if the rain is pouring, they will not move...

But you are not a mercenary... Mrs. Fan complained in her heart, silently looking at Antiochus IV who wished he could get into the cracks in the ground.

But the complaints belong to the complaints, and Mrs. Fan also knows very well that the other party has nothing to do.

After all, under the propaganda of the Romans, the people of Seleucus knew that Antiochus IV was a kinslayer beast who killed his own father to get the throne.

Therefore, even those silver shield infantrymen who swore unconditional allegiance to the royal family were on the sidelines at the moment.

They are not willing to sacrifice their lives for this kind of person!
Therefore, as long as the Romans on the opposite side do not attack them, they will not attack the Romans...

The enemy can't move, I can't move...

On the opposite side, Cato is also full of helplessness, just like Fan Kang.

At this time, Rome was not an empire period, and class solidification was very serious. There were not many channels for second-class foreigners to become Roman citizens, so it was normal to work without effort.

Therefore, the winner in Cato's mind is the ten Roman legions!

And the winner in Mrs. Fan's heart is the Black Sail Knights on the left flank of the coalition forces!

This battle is very important!

And they are making history!

Union left.

Chong Zhong was wearing a heavy plate armor, riding a tall horse with a black smock, watching the battle in front of him coldly.

According to the prediction made by Han Xin recounted by Fan Kang, the Romans who were used to fighting cavalry with infantry really didn't take them heavy cavalry seriously, and only sent some miscellaneous soldiers riding thin and small horses to deal with them!

This is an insult, and the Romans will pay for it in blood!
So he raised the halberd in his hand and rushed out first.

Behind him, the Black Sail Knight, also wearing a black hooded horse, rushed forward like a tide.

Murderous, but not a word, like a lion hunting!
This kind of behavior made the nomadic cavalry who followed them tremble.

But when they thought about it, this was their ally, so they became more confident, especially the camel cavalry, who shouted loudly, wanting to rush to the forefront of the team.

After all, horses are afraid of camels, so they have full experience in how to bully those light cavalry who ride horses like donkeys.

But the ones rushing to the forefront were the cavalry of the Han army in half armor.

Most of these people came from Longxi County and Beidi County. When it comes to horseback riding and archery skills, they are not inferior to those Hun cavalry who grew up on horseback.

It's a pity that in their hometown, their positions in the army have been replaced by dragoons holding muskets, but here, they have regained their previous self-confidence, which made them believe in a truth.

It's not their fault, but the development of Han country too fast...

Now, they are going to teach those black sail knights who only know how to fight and dash a lesson!
All of a sudden, they rode their horses and galloped, surpassing the black sail knights who were in a tight formation with their long halberds stretching forward, and rushed towards the Roman light cavalry who launched a countercharge.

The two sides have not yet contacted, and the arrows have been pouring down like a torrential rain.

All of them are riding masters who can shoot arrows on horseback. This shot was so random that the arrows rained heavily. At least hundreds of enemies fell from their horses. The arrows hit the throat or the face.

This is the art of piercing Yang with a hundred steps!

Well, a hundred steps is a bit exaggerated, but within twenty steps each of these Han army light cavalry can hit the first shot, and can shoot left and right.

"Rush rush!"


In a burst of yelling, one party took advantage of the victory to pursue, while the other party began to flee.

Chongzhong scolded in a muffled voice, shamelessly grabbing the head, and at the same time turned the horse's head slightly, and rushed towards the Roman center in a circle.

There, although the Roman infantry was in an orderly formation, they were actually waiting for their rotation, and did not realize that they would be attacked from the side.

After all, they have never seen such an enemy before.

But although the ordinary Roman soldiers were ignorant, the commanders of the legions who commanded the battle watched all directions and heard all directions. Naturally, they saw the group of cavalry in the gleaming iron armor rushing towards them like a stormy sea!

"There are enemies! Form an array!"

After a few anxious shouts, the battle-hardened Roman soldiers quickly broke up from the previous rest and formed their tortoise shell formation to fight against the powerful enemy.

Behind the huge shields are pairs of eyes full of murderous intent, and a dagger held tightly by the handle.

It has always been a cavalry nightmare for heavy infantry to fight in formation, even if it is a group of heavy cavalry in plate armor rushing forward.

However, Chongzhong was ecstatic.

All the countermeasures of the Romans were listed one by one in the telegram sent from Chang'an City, and many countermeasures were also given.

For example, when Chong Zhong waved his hand, the black sail knights behind him immediately separated from the left and right, rushed past a hundred meters away from the tortoise armor formed by the Roman infantry, and rearranged in the distance.

Soon, amidst the suspicion of the Roman soldiers, they saw many strange chariots appearing behind the group of armored cavalry.

After all, the chariot is a weapon used to charge the battle, usually with sharp blades on both sides of the axle, such as Seleucid's scythe chariot.

But there was no chariot in front of them, only a black iron pillar...

At this moment, they are guessing, is the other party planning to use this iron pillar to break through their tortoise shell array?

If this is the case, then I am really laughing to death!
The Han people are nothing more than that!

Especially when those chariots stopped two or 300 meters away from them, bursts of sarcasm erupted from the tortoise shell formation.


"You, come here!"

ps: The data of Tensioned Crossbows comes from "Plowing Surplus Skills" written by Cheng Zongyou, a famous martial artist in the late Ming Dynasty.

pps: about Roman citizens.

The first stage: Before the War of Allies from 91 BC to 88 BC, only the natives of the city of Rome and the surrounding areas had Roman citizenship.

The War of Allies led the Roman ruling class to realize that other city-states in Italy did not have citizenship rights, but the mentality of fulfilling civic obligations (such as military service) had exploded to the point of an uprising. Therefore, in order to suppress the uprising and prevent future troubles, Rome All Italians were given varying degrees of Roman citizenship (Latin Citizenship, Roman Citizenship).

The second stage: After the War of the Confederates to the promulgation of the Edict of Caracalla in 212 AD, everyone on the Apennine Peninsula had Roman citizenship, the elite in the conquered areas had citizenship, and those who served in the military had citizenship.

The third stage: From the Edict of Caracalla to the demise of the Roman Empire, free citizens in the empire enjoyed citizenship rights.

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