Destiny Only Han

Chapter 836 Liu Ying: National image is very important!

Chapter 836 Liu Ying: National image is very important!
Seleucus, Pergamum.

In the early morning, a loud horn sounded to wake up the sleeping city.

On the sea outside the port, there are galleys with owl-like marks painted on the sails.

These are the fleet of the Greeks.

After the Han expeditionary fleet raided and almost wiped out the Roman fleet stationed in the port of Athens, Greece finally got rid of the slavery of the Romans. Representatives of various city-states unanimously decided to join the Eastern Treaty and embrace the thigh of Han.

After all, they know very well that the Han Kingdom is too far away, and it is already the limit to draw Egypt into their pockets, not as close as Rome. Therefore, their cooperation with the Han Kingdom is a matter of mutual benefit.

And Du Dan, who left immediately after resting for an afternoon, made it clear that the coalition forces of Han, Seleucid, and Macedonia were about to start a decisive battle with the Roman legion, so the Greek heavy infantry that had just begun to assemble could not catch up with the battle.

Therefore, in order to obtain the status of a full member, Greece dispatched their most proud military branch.


But instead of fighting the Romans, I did something else.


Although the fleet of the Han Expeditionary Force was sharp in combat, it only had eleven warships after all, and they were still tasked with combat missions. The Seleucus and Macedonian fleets were previously blocked at the port of Arish City, and they will be responsible for Naturally, there is no extra capacity to do other things when transporting luggage and spoils.

Therefore, when the Greek fleet arrived in the city of Pergamon, it was actually to empty the collection of books in Pergamon, and transport these books written on parchment together with nearly a thousand scholars in the city responsible for copying books and their families.

The target, of course, is the Seleucid city of Antigonus.

From there, together with the books in the library of Pergamon and the library of Alexandria, they were transported back to Han by land.

Although sea transportation is convenient, the sea conditions are unpredictable, so there is a risk of the transport ship capsizing, and many of these books are orphans, Liu Ying cannot bear the risk of being robbed by the Sea Dragon King.

Therefore, land transportation is still safe.

Although it was slower and cost a little more, after all, the overland Silk Road passed through the city of Antigonus, and there was an endless stream of businessmen traveling to and from East and West over the years, so although the road conditions were poor, it was a very mature route.

Especially with the official move of the Protectorate of the Western Regions from the Hexi Corridor to the Ili River Valley, Han's radiation to Central Asia has further increased!
As long as the transport team flies the flag of the Han Dynasty, no country will dare not give the green light!

As for the horse bandits and robbers on the road, not only did they dare to rob the transport convoy of the Han State, but also the countries that the transport convoy passed through, who would dare not send troops to escort them?
So, overland transshipment, slow, but foolproof!
Therefore, when the port of Pergamum City began to get busy, Alexandria gradually woke up from her sleep, and the streets were bustling with traffic.

At noon yesterday, Chong Zhong led the Black Sail Knights to officially enter the power center of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, marking that this place will be the overseas territory of the Han Kingdom from now on.

And Dou Guangguo immediately posted notices in the streets and alleys, abolishing all the privileges of the Ptolemy family in the entire Egyptian region, and tore up the various unequal treaties signed between Egypt and Rome.

Especially the treaty on food trade.

Therefore, as soon as the notice was posted, the cargo ships of hundreds of Roman merchants in Alexandria were immediately detained, and the navy led by Du Dan was responsible for taking over.

These cargo ships carried wheat, which was forcibly purchased by officials of the Ptolemaic dynasty from Egyptian farmers at a price below the market price according to the previous unequal treaty, and then resold to Roman merchants.

Well, they didn't profit from it, they just made a shipping fee.

If it is said that the silkworms are not silkworm farmers, it is more of a crime of capital, but the government of this country forcibly buys grain from farmers at a low price, and then sells half of it and gives it to other countries so that their citizens can eat it. To be full, but to starve all over the place, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly the most brutal tyranny!
Therefore, when the unequal treaty was abolished, not only the farmers around Alexandria cheered for joy, but even the handicraftsmen and small traders who had always been on guard against the Han people also beamed with joy.

Their vigilance is easy to understand. For ordinary Egyptians, they have already perished...

Therefore, for the subjugated slaves who have repeatedly subjugated the country, they already know what the winner will do to them!

But the crux of the problem is that this repeated subjugation has made them lose the courage to resist!

So at the beginning, when the Han fleet captured the docks and the Han soldiers entered the palace, they encountered almost no decent resistance. All the streets and alleys were filled with numb and indifferent eyes.

But now it's different.

Not only the troops of Han were stationed in Alexandria, but also the Egyptians who had been 'awakened' in Suez.

With Dou Guangguo's intentional connivance, they not only destroyed the temple dedicated to the Ptolemaic dynasty along the way, but also the governor of the garrison, the chief Nome and many evil Greek accomplices!
There are more and more cases of ransacking and destroying houses, and the torrent is getting bigger and bigger.

Naturally, Dou Guangguo, the Egyptian governor, also became rich and powerful.

After all, when the old order is broken and a new order is established, real estate such as land and houses will naturally belong to the people at the bottom, and floating wealth, such as gold and silver, will naturally be taken away, so as not to be snatched back by the Home Returning Group...

Therefore, most of the busy traffic on the market at the moment are members of the Self-Help Society who came from afar and are growing stronger.

After all, this is the capital of goodness, bureaucrats are everywhere, and ill-gotten gains are naturally everywhere!

These all need to be collected!
On the wall of the Egyptian royal palace, Dou Guangguo and Wu She stood side by side, and said with some emotion: "Your Majesty is right, why the only way to get rich is to destroy the country...Look, isn't this rich?"

Wu She smiled and asked, "Then, what are you going to do with the grain on the more than 100 cargo ships at the port?"

Dou Guangguo thought for a while: "Isn't this the beginning of the trial meeting? I plan to wait until the trial is over and the Egyptian Governor's Palace is officially established. I will distribute two catties to every citizen present, and keep the rest to stabilize food prices for future use." A rainy day."

Wu She asked back, "Are children of what age also to be judged?"

Dou Guangguo replied naturally: "Otherwise? Since he eats people's blood, he should bear the corresponding consequences. And if the execution is not public, how can we declare our act of hanging people and punishing crimes?"

Wu She nodded: "Very well, you should be patient when you should be patient, you should not be short of breath, you should be ruthless when you should be ruthless, and you should not be soft... Your Majesty's vision is not bad, and the Dou family is really amazing..."

Dou Guangguo smiled slightly, but did not answer the question: "When the envoy from the Greek city-state arrives, will the treaty be officially concluded, declaring the formal establishment of the East Treaty Organization?"

Wu She also laughed: "That's right, when they come, the contract will be formally concluded, and I can return home with peace of mind!"

Dou Guangguo shook his head: "I'm afraid Mr. still has a task..."

"Huh?" Wu She frowned slightly: "What mission?"

Dou Guangguo pointed to the east: "Don't forget that you have a mission to welcome the bride. There is still a princess in Seleucid who is waiting to marry a big man!"

Wu She was stunned for a moment, looked at Dou Guangguo, and laughed loudly.

"Extremely great!"

"Hu Nu is affectionate, and you like to be lingering on the bed, but it is a good alliance between the two countries, I am afraid that His Majesty will suffer again..."


City of Rome.

It was raining lightly and continuously.

In the past, there were only a few travelers in the bustling city of Rome, and there was a bit of a sense of déjà vu in the autumn wind and autumn rain.

The news that Cato was defeated and that ten entire legions were homeless has spread throughout the streets and alleys.

What is important is that the Senate voted almost unanimously, vetoing the proposal of the Seleucid envoy to ask Rome to redeem the people, but more than half of the members agreed to execute the Seleucid crown prince, and Seleucus, Macedonia, Greece, Proposal for Egypt and many city-states in the Eastern Mediterranean to sign peace treaties.

Well, the Seleucid Crown Prince held by the Romans is the elder brother of the current Seleucid King Antiochus IV. This is obviously a personal clause added by Antiochus IV.

If Rome had not been defeated in the past, they would naturally not agree to this clause.

Although the Romans don't know what is a rare commodity to live in, they still know the reason for supporting a king who is friendly to Rome so that the Romans can profit from it.

It's a pity that this time and that time.

Today's Rome is surrounded by enemies, the false and lifelong enemies of Carthage and the centipedes are dead but not stiff, and the true and lifelong enemies of Gauls and Germans are ready to move south at any time to the Apennines and drink the Tiber River!
Especially the Gauls.

They are determined to win Marseille City!
The city of Marseilles is an ancient city built in the sixth century BC. During the French Revolution, the Marseilles sang the "Battle Hymn on the Rhine" and marched into Paris. The passionate singing inspired people to fight for freedom.

The song later became the French national anthem and was known as "La Marseillaise".

Now the Gauls are preparing to retake the heroic city from the Romans.

Therefore, the reason why the main combat faction in the Roman Senate persuaded the doves to agree not to pay for the ransom was to use the money to prepare the army for war!
Can't beat Han, can't beat Gaul?

The war faction not only wants to teach the Gauls a lesson, but also prepares to invade Carthage on a large scale to completely defeat this trouble in the heart!

Well, this is probably the loss of the east and the compensation of the west...

But the gloom hanging over the city of Rome at this moment is not because the fathers and brothers of many citizens will become slaves to others, nor is it because of the order of conscription issued by the Senate again, but because of those Latin city-states, people have gone to redeem people with money!
This is so shameless!

Of course they were talking about the sanctimonious fellows of the Senate!
After all, they have also heard that the conditions offered by the Han people are extremely favorable, not only do they not require war indemnity, but even the ransom fee can be paid in installments!
Rounding up, isn't that just not worth the money?

If you don't even agree to this kind of treaty, do you really stop treating poorer citizens like them as human beings?

In the continuous autumn rain, a force even more frightening than a volcanic eruption quietly brewed in the city of Rome at this moment.


In Chang'an City, the sun was shining brightly after noon.

Beside the embankment of the Weishui River, Liu Ying was wearing a bamboo hat and holding a fishing rod, drowsy.

In this age without video games, fishing is a very good form of entertainment.

The sense of anticipation when waiting, the sense of control when pulling, and the sense of satisfaction after catching fish can all give people the joy of evoking ancient memories.

Of course, the air force is impossible, the air force is impossible in this life...

After all, Liu Ying has prepared several firecrackers...

On the other side, Zhang Buyi had gained a lot, turned his head and glanced at Liu Ying: "I don't know what you think, why, the white-skinned ghost is noble, and he doesn't need to pay compensation if he loses the battle, and he can also pay in installments to redeem people? Chen Guo It was defeated, and now it has become part of the three counties in southern Liaoning..."

Liu Ying looked sideways:

"How close is Chen Kingdom to us? How close is the white-skinned ghost to us? Can the difficulty of annexation be the same?"

"Besides, maintaining a stable market and then continuously obtaining profits, isn't it something that was discussed at the beginning?"

Well, this is called crossing the river by feeling the eagle sauce.

Since we want to open up the global market, it is natural to make money in harmony.

Although many times Yingjiang is not a human being, sometimes I have to admit that Yingjiang's philosophy is very unique.

Like Alaska.

When Maozi sold his ancestral property, Yingjiang’s family had a meeting and said that they would either buy the land with more than 700 million US dollars, or use the money as military expenses to destroy this land!

After all, Mao Zixu was dying at that time, and he was beyond his reach.

But the final decision of Yingjiang's family was to spend money to buy land.

In this way, Yingjiang and Maozi did not have any enmity. When Maozi brought up this matter, at most he would mutter that his ancestors were short-sighted, and that the great rivers and mountains were sold at a low price...

Liu Ying is also out of this consideration.

Whale swallowing will show the state of tiger and wolf, and retreating one foot or two inches will show the demeanor of a great country!

Zhang Buyi curled his lips: "So, the Egyptian Governor's Mansion has followed the abolition of the vassal system that you have been advocating?"

Liu Ying nodded:

"Of course, where does a slave have the consumption power? It takes more than ten years for a person to grow from a child to an adult. During this period, his consumption power is far inferior to that of an adult."

"Although the current market size is increasing, the annual increase is limited. It is a stock market, so why not find another way?"

Zhang Buyi frowned, but seeing that Liu Ying lacked interest, he stopped talking, but he was a little absent-minded while fishing.


At night, Changle Palace.

Dou Yifang stood at the gate of the hall, looking out like a husband-watching stone.

When Liu Ying left the palace in the morning, she said that she would come to spend the night with her tonight, but she didn't come after dinner, which really made her a little worried.

After all, Liu Ying is a scarce resource...

After a while, Dou Yifang saw a row of lanterns meandering towards her, she immediately felt relieved, tidied up the dress that she specially put on to show her figure but not look coquettish, and greeted her with lotus steps.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty..."

"Hey, how do you know that I caught a big fish weighing seven catties?"

(End of this chapter)

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