Destiny Only Han

Chapter 849 Liu Ying: Holding the Vajra Pestle in the Left and the Diamond Sutra in the Right

Chapter 849 Liu Ying: Holding the Vajra Pestle in the left hand and the Diamond Sutra in the right hand...

To the west of Shu County, across the Qionglai Mountains, is the place known as the Western Sichuan Plateau by later generations.

In the early morning, when the sun shines on Jinshan Mountain, golden scales appear on the blue lakeside and winding river.

As far as the eye can see, a piece of green spreads all the way from the foot of the snow-capped mountains, and finally stops in the villages in the river valley.

The headman’s son Gongga walked out of his stilted house, opened the gate of the cowshed sleepily, untied the ropes that tied the cows one by one, and let the cows line up to graze on the hillside in the distance. .

This year, there is plenty of rain and the pastures are growing well, especially a few years ago they bought some alfalfa and ryegrass seeds from Han smugglers, which made their pastures more fertile than those of other tribes.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that their cattle herd has expanded from more than 500 in previous years to more than 700!

And this is based on the premise that they sell a hundred cows every year!
After admiring the beautiful scenery of the cattle advancing under the rising sun, Gongga wrapped his cotton robes tightly around his body, walked to the corner and picked up a hoe, ready to start today's work.

They are very close to the Han Kingdom, and under the influence of the Han people, they are basically no longer the simple nomads of the past. Instead, they will open up a little farmland near their homes and grow some rye or cold-resistant barley.

In this way, they will not be afraid of those profiteers in the Han Dynasty who will raise the price of grain so high that they can buy their cattle and sheep cheaply!

Instead, they can double the price of cattle!
Anyway, the Han people have plenty of money, and the most important thing is that even if the price of their cattle has increased, it is still much cheaper than the cattle raised by the Han people themselves!
So this year they plan to increase the price of selling cattle a little more, and sell more money back!

After all, there are too many good things of the Han people!

For example, the set of cotton robes he is wearing now was tailor-made by Han tailors in Shu County, and it cost half a cow's money!

But worth the money.

For example, when the weather is cold in the morning, he wraps it up tightly, and when it’s time to work, he takes off one sleeve and wraps it around his waist. The important thing is that this kind of cotton robe is extraordinarily bulky, even if he is squatting on the ground to pull Shit, I don't worry about being seen by others with his white and fat ass...

Well, except for the watchdogs at his house...

It's just that these dogs are very polite. Before he stood up, he would not come up to fight, but lay obediently on the side, wagging his tail and waiting in line, just like those slaves carrying milk buckets and preparing to make butter tea.

They are also very hungry, but only when the master is full, will the leftovers be their turn.

if so……

After a while, Gongga lifted his trousers and walked towards the distant farmland. Behind him, several big dogs swarmed up, fighting for food.

So the corners of his mouth were raised, his face full of mockery.

The Han people actually regard this kind of thing as a treasure, and even spend money to buy it, saying that it is the reincarnation of the five grains that can make the grain abundant!


Wheat grains are the blessings bestowed on them by the gods, and they use filthy things to blaspheme the gods. No wonder those Qiang tribes in the north would plunder them!
This must be the will of the gods!

Therefore, the fields in their family can only be taken care of by him, his father, uncle and brothers. If the slaves in the family step into the farmland without authorization, their legs will be cut off and thrown into the mountains to feed the bears!
"Brother...wait for me!"

Gongga turned his head and saw a child in a leather robe running towards him.

This is his younger brother, Doga.

His name was taken from the sacred mountain, but his younger brother's name was not. This is because he is the eldest son in the family and will inherit his father's head position in the future, but the more important reason is that his younger brother is the son of the elder brother when his mother went out to participate in the celebration. Born to a man who came from nowhere.

This is normal.

After all, their place is very desolate, and there are hardly any people within a radius of a hundred miles. Therefore, sometimes they will entertain guests with their wives and daughters in order to give birth to children of different bloodlines, so as to prevent close relatives from marrying and giving birth to children cursed by the gods. child.

Therefore, although Doga was young, he was already engaged, and his wife was a child born to his father and a slave girl.

After all, tradition belongs to tradition, and men still have some grudges about it.

For example, Gongga, even though he had a fight with his uncle last year, he did not allow his wife to sleep with that Han merchant...

When Gongga was thinking wildly, Duoga came running from a distance, with a smile on his face full of plateau red: "Abba said, let you bring your knife, bow and arrow with you!"

Gongga patted his chest indifferently: "Just have a dagger and Udo (sling)!"

Doga raised his bow and arrow: "But Dad said, the bear came again last night, maybe dozens of steps away from our house..."

Gongga interrupted him, and said confidently: "Don't worry, if that bear dares to come, I'll kill it and make you a leather robe!"

Seeing this, Doga put the bow and arrow on his back, and said with a smile: "Okay then... I will go with you, and you will teach me how to weed, so that when I grow up in two years, I can also help you. You and Dad!"

Gongga touched his head: "Okay. Just like what Dad said, let's farm the land steadily and graze sheep diligently. Don't always be like those robbers in the north, thinking about going to the Han people all day long to rob them." thing……"

Doga lowered his head sadly.

The bandits his elder brother mentioned might be his father's clan, Bailang Qiang.

Although they are also called Qiang people by Han people, they have nothing to do with Qiang people at all. For example, Qiang people call themselves by various animal names, such as Bailang Qiang, Baigou Qiang, Yak Qiang...but they don’t .

Gongga patted his head again: "Okay, didn't you say that you want to learn weeding from me? Hurry up...wait a minute, what's the sound?"

Doga listened for a while with his ears pricked up, then listened on the ground again, frowned and said, "It seems to be the sound of horseshoes... there is no mistake, it is the sound of horseshoes!"

Gong Ga nodded, agreeing with his judgment: "You go back and inform Abba first, and I'll see what's going on."

After all, their land is sparsely populated, and they haven't seen many people for a whole month. Now there is a sudden sound of horseshoes, which is really abnormal!
Therefore, it is particularly important to judge whether it is an enemy or a friend!


At the foot of the snow-capped mountains, the wind blows.

A huge battle flag of the Han army fluttered, so that the flag bearer had to insert the flagpole into the saddle, and at the same time use his hands and feet to firmly hold the flag to prevent the flag from being blown away by the wind.

At the place where the banner of the Han army pointed, thousands of cavalrymen of the Han army galloped wildly on their horses, surging across the green grass like a wave.

Above the banner, the middle-aged man in a black battle armor and an earth-colored cloak is none other than Ji Xin, the magistrate of Shu County, and beside him is a handsome young man with a square face named Zhou Xian.

This person is the son of the late Wei Qizhuang Hou Zhou Ding, who is now Wei Qihou, the county captain of Shu County.

Zhou Ding was born in Pei County, and like Fan Kuai, he was Liu Bang's initial follower. When Liu Bang was the pavilion chief, he was a pavilion soldier. He followed Liu Bang to Xianyang and saw the majesty of the first emperor. Later, he followed Liu Bang to the grass. The follow-up Chu-Han War, and even the war after the founding of the country did not end, especially Zhou Ding and Zhou Bo, as well as Zhou Ke and Zhou Chang brothers belonged to the family, and belonged to the most hardcore and most powerful line of Fengpei heroes.

Naturally, his son did not pass this year, and he became a high-ranking official like the commander of the provincial military region, which is difficult for others to achieve in his lifetime.

After all, some people were born in Rome, and some people were born mules and horses...

Reincarnation is a technology...

However, Zhou Xian didn't have the pride of a natural nobleman on his face. Like his father, he always maintained a kind of humility.

Of course, it is very likely that Ji Xin is by his side...

This is the generation of heroes, and he is Liu Ying's confidant, Zhou Xian naturally dare not be presumptuous in front of him.

At this moment, Ji Xin spread a map on the saddle and said loudly: "In front is the Yongdang tribe of the Qiang people. There are more than 200 people. There are only about [-] men who can fight. The rest are slaves and soldiers. Old and weak women and children..."

Disapproval flashed across Zhou Xian's face.

After all, Shu County recruited a total of [-] soldiers for this battle, including [-] cavalry. That is to say, the ratio of their strength to the Qiang tribe in front of them reached an astonishing [-] to [-]... …

Really, spit and spit can drown them...

So Zhou Xian said with a smile: "In this way, the battle must be over at this moment..."

Ji Xin nodded slightly in agreement.

After all, slave owners can drive slaves to work, even deprive them of their lives, and take away their women and children, but if they want them to take up arms to fight for the slave owners, they must accept that they will flee without a fight, or even turn against each other. psychological preparation.

For example, the Battle of Muye in which Zhou destroyed Shang.

Therefore, when Ji Xin and Zhou Xian arrived at the Qiang village in the distance, what they saw were more than a dozen slave owners lying dead on the ground, their trembling and crying children, and more than 100 emaciated and full-faced slaves. Numb slave.

Zhou Xian frowned slightly.

He has seen a lot of slaves, whether it is the Bo people in the southwest of Shu County or the Hu people in the northern border of the empire. Although they are all slaves, they are at least somewhat human. No exaggeration!
So, the last trace of guilt disappeared in his heart, and he fully agreed with what Ji Xin said, that the pacification of the Qiang war was to punish the people and save the people from the fire!
Thinking of this, Zhou Xian stepped forward.

"Can you understand me?"

Those slaves with numb faces raised their eyes slightly, their faces full of timidity, and they didn't even know whether to nod or shake their heads.

After all, in their eyes, the Han people today are even more terrifying than those Qiang nobles!

So they just looked at Zhou Ding in a daze, without saying a word.

Zhou Xian shook his head lightly. He had been an attendant by Liu Ying's side since he was very young. Although Liu Ying didn't listen to the lectures given by the then crown prince and Fu Shu Suntong most of the time, his attendant was basically a class. fall……

Therefore, Zhou Xian at this time almost perfectly combined the advantages of Guan Erye and Zhang San.

Be humble to your superiors and tolerant to your inferiors.

Therefore, he half-slumped on the horseback and repeated what he had said before, slowly.

But this time, the numb slave finally gave him some response.

Although still silent, at least some people nodded slightly, indicating that they could understand Chinese.

After all, there is only one Qionglai mountain away from Shu County, and they also followed their master to sell cattle in Shu County on weekdays. In addition, there are Han merchants passing by them every year. I can barely understand a part of it...

So Zhou Xian said loudly:

"These lands are now the land of the Han State, so the cattle, sheep, horses, houses, and farmland also belong to the Han State. You are free people from now on, and you can decide whether to stay or not!"

Beside him, although the Shu County cavalrymen were a little upset, they just had helplessness on their faces.

After all, since October last year, the empire has promulgated a new decree.

That is, the partial abolition of the official system.

To put it simply, it is legal to buy and sell slaves before October, and after October, everyone is forbidden to trade slaves, even the government is not allowed to keep official slaves!

The detailed rules also stipulate that all officials and civilians who have slave ministers must gradually release slaves under their names in the next 20 years, and finally completely abolish the inhuman and extremely cruel system of slave ministers.

This prohibition does not only apply to the mainland of the empire, but also includes overseas government offices and plantations!
After all slaves don't consume...

But after Zhou Xian finished speaking, those Qiang slaves were not as overjoyed and cheered as he imagined.

On the contrary, after they looked at each other for a while and chattered, their faces were filled with a kind of fear of the unknown life.

Then, they knelt on the ground with a clatter, crying almost hoarsely, begging the Han people for mercy, so that they could continue to be slaves of their masters...

When Zhou Xian was bewildered and at a loss, Ji Xin slowly rode forward and said loudly:
"The matter of letting you become free citizens is not negotiable. This is the will of His Majesty the Emperor and cannot be refused!"

"But this place will be the pasture of our Shu County. If you are willing, you can become an employee of the Xichuan Animal Husbandry Trading Company in our Shu County, graze cattle and sheep for the Shu County government, and provide food and housing. One set will be distributed each summer and winter. work clothes..."

The Qiang slaves were stunned again for a moment. They didn't know what the Shu County Xichuan Animal Husbandry Trading Company was, nor did they know what an employee was, but they could understand a few key words.

Grazing cattle and sheep.

Pack and eat.

This seems to be no different from their previous lives...

So, they smiled happily and knelt on the ground to worship.

The corner of Zhou Xian's mouth twitched slightly, his face full of dumbfounding expressions.

Not because of these Qiang slaves, but because of the Xichuan Animal Husbandry Trading Company in Shu County...

As Ji Xin said, this is a government-run animal husbandry company, which belongs to the Chenghua stable under the name of the Shaofu. It was originally responsible for raising war horses. However, with the complete surrender of the northern Huns, the Hexi Corridor and most of the Western Regions also After belonging to the Han Dynasty, not only did the empire have no border troubles, but the most important thing was that there was no shortage of natural horse farms at all.

Especially the Hexi Corridor.

The land of Hequ has always been the most important horse farm of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Naturally, Chenghua Stables in places such as Bashu, Hanzhong, and Guanzhong no longer undertake the task of raising war horses, but the number of civil servants has never decreased, so Chenghua Stables has set up animal husbandry companies in various counties and counties. Mainly engaged in the breeding of carnivorous livestock such as cattle and sheep...

For example, in Shu County's current battle to pacify the Qiang people, the biggest contributor is the Xichuan Animal Husbandry Company under the jurisdiction of Chenghua Stable...

Therefore, when the Qiang slaves expressed their willingness to become the herders of the animal husbandry trading company, the auditors of those animal husbandry trading companies immediately stepped forward to sign the employment contract and at the same time count the property of this small tribe.

This is the battle mode of the big man today...

On the other side, however, riots resumed.

"It belongs to my family, it belongs to my family..." Doga waved his arms and shouted loudly.

His father died, his uncle died, and his brother died too. Now he is the only man left in the family, and the heavy responsibility of protecting the family property naturally falls on his shoulders!

In the next second, his mother, the short, fat middle-aged woman, was horrified, and quickly hugged him in her arms, covering his mouth tightly.

"Stop talking, stop talking... Mom, please, stop talking..."

Others didn't know, but the middle-aged woman knew very well that Doga's life was picked.

In the previous battle, the galloping Han cavalry just used their long halberds to knock Doga to the ground, but did not pierce his body. After all, he was just a child, and he was not threatening in the eyes of the Han cavalry. , so he spared his life.

But at this moment, if Doga continues to quarrel, his life will definitely end here.

Sure enough, the commotion here attracted the attention of the surrounding Han soldiers, especially the Han cavalry who let Doga out of his life. In order to avoid being called a benevolent woman by his colleagues, he didn't mind killing another Hulu child !
After the crowd, a bald head emerged.

It was a monk holding a bamboo stick, wearing a khaki robe and straw sandals.

"Fool, have you still not realized what happened?"

The monk stepped forward slowly, and in full view of everyone, hit Doga on the head with a bamboo stick, like a blow to the head.

Doga covered his head and frowned, but then he seemed to remember something and said: "You are, you are Guru Jiumo!"

"The master is ashamed, just call me Jiumo." The monk bent slightly, and raised his palm to the middle-aged woman in a one-handed salute: "Female benefactor, we meet again."

The middle-aged woman blushed and hurriedly returned the salute.

A year ago, Jiumo traveled to the plateau in western Sichuan, and stayed at her house when he returned to Shu County. At this time, the monks were far from the many rules of later generations. Lord...

However, the monks regard pink as a skeleton and the body as a stinky skin. Therefore, when Jiumo faced the middle-aged woman again, there was no lust on his face. He just looked at Doga and asked:

"I asked you back then if you would like to practice with me. You said you didn't know what practice means. Now I ask you again, are you willing to follow me and practice the supreme truth?"

Doga burst into tears: "Master, can learning the true law save my father and elder brother?"

After all, in order to eat and drink at his house, Jiumo had performed "spells" such as spring with a dead tree, so Doga naturally hoped that he would learn the magic that could bring his relatives back to life!
Jiumo's face was neither sad nor happy, he just raised his bamboo stick and hit Duoga on the head again:
"Idiot, what an idiot!"

"One drink and one peck, is it pre-determined; birth, old age, sickness and death are also predestined, and blindly demanding will only be counterproductive..."

"The suffering they have suffered in this life is the sin of the previous life. They died under the sword, which is the cause of the previous life. If you have the heart, you may as well go with me. I will teach you the supreme truth. Chanting it every day will save their spirits in heaven, and let them be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss as soon as possible..."

"The so-called Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is the Land of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha Buddha. There are pools of seven treasures and waters of eight merits and virtues, which are filled. Glaze, glass, clams, red beads, agate, and decorate them..."

When all the Qiang people were mesmerized, Zhou Xian leaned over to Ji Xin and muttered in a low voice: "That bald donkey is cheating again!"

Ji Xin shook his head:

"How can you say you're lying?"

"How do you know there is no Paradise of Ultimate Bliss?"

"Besides, don't you think that with this monk, the empire will have a better grasp of this snow-covered plateau?"

"You know, the monks always say to everyone that the present is the reincarnation of the future Buddha, the Buddha Lord of the world..."

Zhou Xian suddenly realized: "No wonder His Majesty allowed the bald donkeys to build temples in Qingcheng Mountain, so that's the reason..."

Ji Xinwei shook his head invisibly, but didn't say a word.

After all, what kind of person Liu Ying is, he knows best, how could he allow them to occupy such a large area just relying on a few words of flattery from the monks!
Although, today's Qingcheng Mountain is full of desolation, full of tigers, leopards and wolves...

The real reason is that the Shaofu has added an institution of the Department of Discipline, which is dedicated to managing those monks who are now preaching everywhere in the Han Kingdom...

To be precise, it is responsible for collecting religious taxes...

Eleven taxes.

That is to say, for every ten qian of incense money a monk gets, he can keep [-] qian for daily expenses and temple repairs, and the rest needs to be handed over to the national treasury to support Liu Ying, the future Buddha...

Therefore, this time when entering the Western Sichuan Plateau to fight, Jiumo was also in the ranks of the Han army.

When Ji Xin saw Doga kneeling on the ground to accept the precept, he walked over with a smile: "Master has accepted another high-ranking disciple, it's really gratifying..."

It's just that Jiumo didn't respond. Instead, he walked slowly to the Qiang slave owners who died in battle, put his hands together, and recited obscure scriptures.

The sunlight above the plateau is exceptionally abundant, shining on Jiumo's body in the yellow monk's robe at this moment, as if adding a halo of light to him, especially at the moment when his eyes are lowered and his expression is calm and serene, it makes Ji's confidence emerge involuntarily Come up with a word.

Treasure is solemn.

As for Jiumo's current demeanor, Zhou Xian, who had always regarded him as a liar, was heartbroken, and he put away his malice towards the monks a little bit.

However, Zhou Xian looked around and saw those Qiang slaves also bowing devoutly. He couldn't help but think of a sentence Liu Ying had inadvertently said when he was hunting with Liu Ying.

Religion, perhaps the version answer...

(End of this chapter)

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