Destiny Only Han

Chapter 857 Liu Ying: The Lesser of Two Harms

Chapter 857 Liu Ying: The Lesser of Two Evils
Hearing Cao Shen's words, Wang Ling immediately cupped his hands and said:
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

Liu Ying frowned: "Congratulations, what?"

Wang Ling was stunned, and said weakly: "Naturally, His Majesty He Xi added another concubine. I remember someone once said that the Princess of Seleucid is the most beautiful woman in the Eastern Mediterranean..."

Liu Ying asked back:

"Beauty? Is it important?"

"Nowadays, the affairs of the Han Dynasty are in vain. Our generation should strive to be strong, preserve the principles of nature, eliminate human desires, and ban women..."

"If people are always dominated by their own desires, then what is the purpose of a person's life? Is it for a higher realm or is it controlled by desires? What is the purpose of the existence of everything in the world..."

On the other side, Wang Ji and others, who were sitting in the carriage and prepared to listen to the hadith, looked at each other, but when they looked at Zhang Buyi blankly, they saw the other party silently raised his head and studied the texture of the ceiling, so they could only Guess alone.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"do not know."

"Maybe this is the time of the legendary sage?"

"I heard that it seems that the new chapter has been blocked for no reason..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Your Majesty is here!"


Liu Ying withdrew her cold gaze, and turned to look at Wang Ling who was sweating profusely.

"The marriage is for the diplomatic relations between the two countries, not for one's own selfish desires."

"It should be noted that on the paper of the marriage agreement, it is not only me and that who... What is it? Forget it, don't care, the foreigner's name is too long, and I have to change it for her when I come back..."

"On the marriage alliance, what is written are not two names, but hundreds of millions of souls from two countries!"

"Hexi, it shouldn't be He Xizhen, but He Xi Dahan and Seleucid. The two countries are in good alliance and build a better tomorrow together!"


Wang Ling cupped his hands: "Your Majesty's words are true, and I would like to be taught."

What he said was sincere.

After all, being an official is different from being a ranger. To be a ranger is to practice what you say, while an official must be both despicable and shameless.
And this is what Liu Ying taught him by precept and example at the moment.

Liu Ying turned to look at Li Shang: "Why is Prime Minister You here?"

Li Shang took out a roll of memorials from his sleeve and handed it to the Bank of China, who then passed it on to Liu Ying.

This is the rule no matter who submits scrolls or boxes to the emperor since Jing Ke left a picture of this idiom.

Liu Ying opened it and took a look, and found that it was a document asking for credit.

After all, the rebellion of the Qiang people was completely suppressed. Together with Shu County, more than 20 people were beheaded, and the population exceeded [-]. As for the cattle, sheep and horses, there were millions of them.

The important thing is to expand the land for thousands of miles. The territory of the empire basically expanded to the southwest to an altitude of about 5000 meters.

So, this is totally a great achievement!
After reading it twice, Liu Ying nodded lightly: "It's very detailed, Prime Minister You has done a good job. After returning to Chang'an, he will immediately announce to the world that all counties will complete the acceptance of meritorious soldiers within ten days. Lord."

Li Shang cupped his hands: "Observe the order."

Wang Ling tentatively asked, "Then, what about the rewards for meritorious businessmen?"

Liu Ying asked back: "What kind of praise?"

Wang Ling was silent for a while, staring at Liu Ying unblinkingly, his tone was a little weak: "Congratulations?"

Liu Ying frowned: "I pay the money, and they are responsible for the delivery of the goods, so you can pay according to the agreement, so why don't you talk about conferring the title?"

Liu Bang leaned over and asked, "What does war have to do with businessmen? Why, is it possible that there are people who have been exiled from seven subjects in this war?"

The so-called Qike banished refers to officials who have committed crimes, murderers, son-in-laws who have married, registered businessmen, people who have been businessmen, people whose parents have been businessmen, and people whose grandparents have been businessmen.

In the classical military-first countries formed during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, military service was the privilege of good family members. Non-ranked soldiers, that is, those who were exiled from the seven subjects, did not have the right to perform military service, but they would be conscripted into the army and used as hard labor and cannon fodder. ilk.

This is the banishment system.

But in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Xiao He almost abolished this banished system in order to recuperate. Therefore, when Liu Bang heard the words "meritorious businessman", he felt particularly baffled.

Liu Ying turned her head and replied: "No, in today's big men, it's not even their turn to do cannon fodder..."

Liu Bangqi said: "Then how can the businessman talk about meritorious service?"

Wang Ling explained: "This time to put down the Qiang rebellion, because it was a domestic war, His Majesty did not order the counties and counties in the northwest and southwest to collect corvees and deliver military supplies, but outsourced these tasks to merchants..."

"Outsourcing?" Liu Bang smiled: "Businessmen value profits, how can they be willing to do such a loss-making business!"

"Then let them make some money?" Liu Ying said proudly, "These all come from the progress of mathematics."

Liu Bang was stunned. He understood every word Liu Ying said, but the combination made him feel a little confused.

What, called the progress of mathematics?
Liu Ying explained with a smile: "In the past, the transportation of military supplies and military equipment was mainly based on the collection of corvees, wages, and food."

"It seems beautiful."

"A lot of times, this kind of corvee collection is like prostitution for free. It seems very cost-effective, but if you do the math carefully, you will find that the government has actually paid a lot!"

"Of course, if you let the peasants bring their own dry food, it will still make a lot of money..."

Liu Bang was stunned, shook his head and smiled, "How can there be any reason to let people work for nothing? The state's taxes are originally collected from the people, so naturally they should be used for the people. Give the money that should be given, and take care of the food that should be taken care of, otherwise it will be different from Tyranny?"

Old Liu is a kind person... Liu Ying nodded: "That's why I said that this is due to the progress of mathematics."

"A person carries six dou of rice, and the pawn carries five days of dry food with him. One pawn pays, and it takes eighteen days to go. Six dou of rice, two liters of food per day. If two people eat it, it will be exhausted in eighteen days. If you plan to return , only for nine days..."

"In this way, the government prostitutes the labor force of Guizhou head for free, but the head of Guizhou eats the food from the government. It can be regarded as a win-win situation..."

Liu Bang smiled silently.

After all, in the mouth of his little boy, there are many forms of win-win, and this is just one of them...

Liu Ying beckoned to Wang Ji and others to sit closer.

Now the heroes of the early Han Dynasty are old and dead, and those who can still lead soldiers and fight can be counted on two hands. Naturally, these younger generations are needed to take the lead.

But today the talk has nothing to do with tactics, but war.

Fighting is fighting for money.

So Liu Ying continued with a smile: "Before the war, Prime Minister You, the Marquis of Huaiyin and others, I calculated repeatedly, and found that if we change the original mode of expropriation and payment of corvee, we will call for tenders and let some qualified and capable businessmen be responsible It may be more cost-effective to guarantee the logistics of the army."

"So to put down the rebellion of the Qiang people, the Taiwei Mansion dispatched personnel to supervise, and the merchants were responsible for purchasing materials and collecting transport capacity."

"So far, it seems to be very effective."

"Except that Prime Minister Zuo wants to reward merchants..."

After Liu Ying finished speaking, she folded her hands on her chin, and stared oppressively at Wang Ling opposite.

The meaning is clear.

How much benefit did you receive from those merchants?

Wang Ling was sweating profusely, and said in horror: "I, I really just mentioned it casually. I have read the mansion newspaper. In order to accurately deliver food to the centurions sent by the merchants, some of them even lost their way on the wasteland. They almost lost their way." Buried in the belly of a wolf..."

"That's why I thought about whether to give them some praise..."

"Chen, if you have selfish intentions, let Tianlei..."

Liu Ying waved her hand to break Wang Ling's oath, and said with a smile, "I believe in you, Prime Minister Zuo's thigh."

"But the title is the most important weapon of the country, and it is not granted unless it is military merit or honor. Today, one or two businessmen just do what they are supposed to do, and they are going to give away titles. Once such a trend breaks out, there will still be people who care about our titles." ?"

"Just imagine, if one day in the future, a businessman who has no merits in the country other than being rich sits on an equal footing with you, how will you feel when the time comes?"

Cao Shen, Li Shang and the others looked at each other. Although they didn't say a word, the meaning they wanted to express was self-evident.

They will never agree!
After all, even though today's Han Dynasty has practiced mercantilism and consumerism, and the social status of businessmen has risen, where are the old traditions?

Businessmen are nothing but fat pigs raised by officials!
Whose pig can sit and eat at the same table as the owner?

The corner of Liu Ying's mouth raised slightly, indicating that she had successfully planted some foreshadowing and became the source of the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy...

This kind of pleasure of creating history and witnessing history is far more joyful than sleeping with him, being happy on the left and happy on the right!

As for what role the imperial power will play in the class war, that has nothing to do with Liu Ying.

Even if there is a flood after my death, bah, I believe in the wisdom of future generations... Liu Ying crossed her hands on the table and leaned forward: "That being said, this successful experience is worth promoting."

"Today's Dahan has too many territories overseas. I took a look at the newly drawn map some time ago. Adding up the overseas territories, the area is only much larger than the area of ​​Dahan's homeland!"

"War, of course, happens all the time."

"Therefore, this method of completing the logistics supply of the army at a relatively small cost is particularly important!"

Li Shang nodded heavily: "Your Majesty's words are very true. After I return to Chang'an, I will immediately find someone to collect information and formulate an effective plan!"

After everyone left, the carriage returned to silence.

Liu Ying sat in front of the window, quietly watching the receding street trees, and groups of soldiers standing with their backs, disappearing out of sight.

In fact, there are some things he has not said clearly, that is, the way of using the government and businessmen to jointly guarantee the logistics of the army, mainly to target local officials.

Most of these people belong to the local tyrants, and there is no way to rise up, so many people's daily life is to act as a domineering and bring disaster to the village...

In particular, the distribution of corvee is a great opportunity for them to profit from it.

After all, it matters who you let go and how long you go.

For example, in a farmer's family, there are three laborers on the books. When the imperial court distributes corvee, it is reasonable to select one person to serve in corvee. In an accident, two of the laborers were sick in bed, and there was only one laborer left!

Therefore, when the order to levy corvee is issued, they can only spend a sum of money to bribe local officials to exempt themselves from this corvee.

One can imagine the price paid.

The crux of the problem is that this kind of resentment caused by unfair treatment will not be directed at local officials, but at the government, a faint king who does not sympathize with the people!

This is the reason why many feudal dynasties are hard to return to in the middle and late stages.

Therefore, even if businessmen are allowed to participate in the logistics supply of the army, it may form a situation similar to that formed by the opening of China and France in the Ming Dynasty, Liu Ying doesn't care at all.

Throughout Chinese history, which dynasty and which generation died in the hands of merchants?

During the Ming Dynasty, those big salt merchants repaired gardens in Suzhou, Hangzhou and Yangzhou, doing extravagant things, visiting famous chefs from all over the world, and enjoying delicacies in various ways, in order to spend as much money as possible. !

After all, if they don't take the time to spend the money, they may not know who will spend it!

Therefore, governing the country first governs the officials, but governing the officials... Liu Ying shook her head and put this unrealistic idea aside.


Changle Palace.

The small garden that was deserted a few days ago has changed a lot.

Under the plan of Dou Yifang who came off the field in person and invited two engineers from Jiangzuo Shaofu, not only a standard Cuju field was built here, but also half a polo field was dug out on the other side!

This kind of use of space made Lu Yu, who was just planning to set up a Cuju field, dumbfounded.

However, this is exactly what she wants!

As the princess of the Yan Kingdom, although she often tries her best to show the image of a gentle and weak little white rabbit, she is very good at hunting on horseback, or playing polo and other aristocratic sports!

Therefore, with this half of the polo field, she can call her sisters into the palace to play together!
Of course, it is to find a time when Liu Ying is not in Changle Palace.

After all, according to the etiquette system, any man or woman in the harem except princes and princesses will be regarded as the emperor's sexual partner by default, and the emperor has the right to visit him/them anytime, anywhere!
A few days after Zhao Er called Xiao Zhouhou into the palace, Li Yu went to the West Tower alone without a word, and the moon was like a hook...

But today the weather was fine, and the sun was particularly warm on people. Lu Yu not only summoned his sister Tao, but also called Liu Le, who had returned from Xihai County early, because he felt a little bored.

"Sister, do you like this place?" Lu Yu murmured softly as he followed Liu Le.

As long as Liu Le says she likes it, then she will have another helper. When Liu Ying loses her temper, she will just pull Liu Le to suppress his arrogance!
But Liu Le, who was wearing a fox fur cloak and held his hands together as a farmer, shook his head: "I don't like it, it's average, it's very average..."

Lu Yu put his index fingers together: "Yes, but I think it's okay!"

Liu Le shook his head again, showing a rich smile: "Sister, I built an indoor lighting football field in Zhiyang County, do you want to go and see it together?"

(End of this chapter)

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