Destiny Only Han

Chapter 86 Wait and Die

Chapter 86 Wait and Die
"Yingchuan County?"

Liu Bang murmured softly, his pupils dilated slightly.

He let go of the arm around Lu Wan's neck and paced back and forth.

Zhang Liang continued: "Our army is advancing westward across the board, and Yingchuan County's defenses are empty. Qin's army only needs 1 people to conquer Yangdi! At that time, we will have a strong enemy in front of us, and our retreat will be cut off. It is in danger!"

Lu Wan frowned and asked, "Only that idiot, Huan Juan, can he think of this?"

Zhang Liang shook his head and said: "Huanju was born as a law official, it's normal that he doesn't know how to fight, but he is definitely not a fool! Yangdi has my army's granary, and there are Han Wangcheng and Mrs. Wu'anhou's son, how will the general choose? "

Lu Wan nodded lightly, and suddenly her eyes widened: "It was you Zhang Zifang who said to abandon Wan County, and now it is you Zhang Zifang who said to turn around and besiege Wan County!"

"And judging by your posture, it's clear that you have already thought about what to do! I really don't understand, what are you going around like?"

Zhang Liang smiled confidently: "If the general doesn't understand, how can that idiot Huanju understand? This is exactly the so-called surprise and surprise!"

Liu Bang looked at the dumbfounded Lu Wan, then at the high-spirited Zhang Liang, and suddenly burst out laughing.


Nanyang County, Wan County, the back residence of the Sheriff's Mansion covering an extremely large area.

Walking again and again, deep in the flower path with hundreds of twists and turns, there are carved beams and painted buildings. At first glance, it is impossible to know how much people's fat and people's anointing were spent.

At this moment the night was deep, there was a bright moon in the sky, the stars were dotted with stars, and when there was silence around, a frightened and hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the dormitory of the county guard Huanjue.

"No, don't...don't kill me..."

Huan Jue sat up suddenly, he stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, it was wet and cold, covered in cold sweat, and he felt the same feeling behind his back.

Since he was defeated by Liu Bang that day, he has had several nightmares almost every day.

With broken limbs and broken arms, blood was flowing, an enemy in single clothes, with a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, approached him with a grinning grin...

Although the scene changes occasionally, the man holding the shield and sword is never absent...

Huan Yu's heart was beating wildly, and he was wearing rough clothes.

Beside him, a young woman with an oval face and willow eyebrows slowly sat up, sighed slightly in her heart, and stroked Huan Yu's back with her hand: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's all over..."

Huan Yu suddenly laughed: "Madam, is this coaxing the youngest son?"

Just as the young woman was about to answer the conversation, she saw a flicker of light outside. It should be the maid who was on guard at night lighting up the candle lamp after being awakened.

Huan Juan asked, "When is it?"

The servant girl outside the house replied: "Master, it's past Pingdan."

Pingdan is Yin time, which is from three to five in the morning.

Huan Jue thought for a while, got up and got out of bed, and turned to look at the young woman with a puzzled face: "Don't sleep anymore, I'll go to the top of the city for a while..."

The young woman grabbed his sleeve and said softly: "It's not yet dawn, my beloved should sleep a little longer! If your body collapses, it will be a real serious problem..."

Huan Juan sighed in frustration and said, "But I can't sleep anymore, and even if I do, I'm afraid I'm going to have a nightmare again..."

The young woman suddenly pressed Huan Juan on the bed domineeringly: "Sleep if you can't sleep, I will watch the night for my beloved, and promise not to let the evil spirit that makes people have nightmares approach!"

Huan Yu smiled: "If you get a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for..."

The young woman lowered her head, her hair full of black hair sprinkled towards Huan Juan, she bit her lips lightly, her eyes watered.

Sometimes people's negative emotions can be vented through the love between husband and wife.

Hmm, made it up...


early morning.

On the city wall of Wan County, the county soldier who had slept against the corner all night slowly woke up, and was about to unbutton his pants as usual and urinate into the moat.

His whole body froze, his face was pale, his eyes slowly opened to the maximum, he pissed on his own leg, and howled loudly:
"Enemy attack!"

The rest of the sleeping soldiers were awakened by him, and hurriedly lay down on the top of the wall to look down, and all of them froze on the spot, gasping for air.

Under the city wall, as far as the eye can see, there are densely packed Chu troops.

The battle flags, as red as blood, fluttered and fluttered under the rising sun.

Moreover, unlike the tentative attack that day, at this time, the Chu army was setting up camp in an orderly manner, burying pots and cooking, obviously preparing to besiege Wan County for a long time.

Some old soldiers on the top of the city even recognized many familiar figures, among which the ones that frightened him the most were the busy engineers.

Those are the engineers who were rumored to have died in the Battle of Jidong!
With their help, the Chu army can build all kinds of siege equipment without needing three to five days of effort. By then, the advantage of Wan County's high pool and deep pool will no longer exist.

The old soldiers on the top of the wall glanced at each other, and they all saw the same idea from each other's expressions.

The opponent has a large number of people, plus there are siege equipment, and there are no reinforcements outside Wan County, most of the defenders are recruits, and it is only a matter of time before the city is broken.

The most important thing is that once the defenders put up a strong resistance, massacres will follow immediately after the city breaks. At least they, the soldiers defending the city, have absolutely no chance of surviving!

Such things, these veterans who have participated in the annexation of the Six Nations War, have more or less participated in it.


County Sheriff's Office.

When the news came that a large number of Chu troops had appeared outside the city, Huan Yu froze with a mouthful of porridge in his mouth.

In the next moment, he threw down the bowl and chopsticks, and ran out like crazy. Before the driver could prepare the carriage, he jumped on the horse and went straight to the city wall.

The horse's hooves as big as a bowl stepped on the bluestone slabs, and the sound was as sudden as rain.

"Impossible, Chu Jun has already left...Impossible, definitely impossible..."

The single clothes on Huanju's body were loosened, and the cool morning wind poured into his chest, making him shiver uncontrollably when he was covered in cold sweat.

From a distance, he saw the city wall of Wan County, but the city wall that gave him an infinite sense of security in the past seemed so small to him now.

He jumped off the horse, rushed up to the city wall in three steps at a time, and glanced out, dumbstruck.

Outside the city wall, there are many spears, and groups of soldiers are neatly lined up, and the edge can't be seen at a glance!

In a trance, all the sounds between heaven and earth were far away from him, only the sound of his own heartbeat, as loud as thunder!
In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a picture of himself being captured and beheaded in the city, and his family members being humiliated...

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!
"Yuyou heaven, treat me so poorly!"

In grief and anger, Huanju drew the long sword from the waist of the soldier beside him, and put it on the neck suddenly!
"and many more!"

A panting voice sounded from behind Huan Juan.

He turned around slowly, and what he saw was the doorman Chen Hui, who was sweating profusely and was holding the hem of his clothes.

Chen Hui didn't care much, and rushed forward to snatch the long sword from his hand: "It's too early to die now!"

(End of this chapter)

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