Destiny Only Han

Chapter 869 Liu Ying: In fact, I'm not that stingy

Chapter 869 Liu Ying: In fact, I'm not that stingy...

Bianliang City, Longhu Palace.

This is a palace built by Liu Ying in imitation of the Qingming Shanghe Garden in later generations. In order to show closeness to the people, the first half of the palace is open for the people to play on weekdays. Whistle, will not allow unrelated people to step in half a step.

Therefore, there may be a few frogs and birds singing in the whole palace, but there is no sound other than that.

However, Liu Ying still followed the biological clock and cock crowed.

To be precise, he woke up from the cold...

It was warm and cold in early spring. The sun was shining yesterday, and it was a bit of a summer scene. However, a light rain in the evening and a sudden drop in temperature seemed to remind people that the cold winter was not far away.

Liu Ying slowly opened her eyes from curling up, with helplessness on her face.

No wonder it's so cold, I knew that someone should turn on the floor heater... Liu Ying looked at Lu Yu who snatched away both quilts and wrapped herself into rice dumplings, sighed softly, and couldn't help poking her the back.

"Don't... don't move my wings!" Lu Yu muttered in his sleep, his arms slapped in the quilt.

God, crazy... Liu Ying sat up dumbfounded, stretched, and walked towards the bathroom.

The appearance of the inner garden of Longhu Palace looks like a palace, but in fact, it is an ancient luxury star hotel inside.

Therefore, he lived in a bedroom, rather than a presidential suite...

Well, this is a choice made for future consideration.

In case of an unpredictable day, when the royal family needs to make changes in accordance with the historical trend, this building belonging to the royal family can be transformed from the original palace to the Longhu Holiday Hotel of the Liu Group at a very low cost. ...


Liu Ying turned on the shower, and the warm water washed over his body from top to bottom like a waterfall, and the dense water vapor gradually permeated the entire bathroom.

Then, it's time for the most tedious hair combing of the day.

Although he often stays up late, he is not a programmer after all, so he has long black hair that is thick and barely reaches his waist...

Therefore, in this age without hair dryers and hair dryers, it is not at all difficult to dry this long hair to make a style.

Therefore, Liu Ying, who was sitting in front of the dressing table with disheveled hair, looked like a gentle girl...

Behind him, four little maids wiped his wet hair skillfully with a cotton cloth with good water absorption.

This is called professionalism.

After all, the big man takes a bath once every four days. The so-called "mu" refers to washing his hair.

Therefore, the ancients were only limited by productivity and technical conditions, did not have too many toiletries, and did not have poor sanitary conditions as many people imagined.

For example, "Book of Rites Internal Rules" says that hair should be washed every three days, and if the face is dirty, it should be washed with rice washing water.

Another example is Liu Yuxi's poem, five days to think about returning to Mu, three springs to envy all invitations.

Of course, as Gui Mu, he is mainly thinking about the holiday, after all, who doesn't think about the holiday?
Well, not only scholar-bureaucrats bathe frequently, but commoners too.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" records that Yang Jizong, styled Chengfang, was born in Yangcheng.At the beginning of Tianshun's Jinshi period, he was awarded the head of the Ministry of punishment.Many of the prisoners died of the disease, and when they were given food and drink, they were ordered to bathe each other for three days, and many of them survived.

In other words, when Yang Jizong was in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, he did not skip the diet of the prisoners, and arranged for them to take a bath every three days. Therefore, not many prisoners in the prison died of the disease.

Therefore, the Chinese people before some time period were poor, but they loved cleanliness very much.

But Liu Ying looked at herself in the mirror. Although she wanted to cut her hair short, she hesitated for a moment and gave up again.

This is not the so-called "body, hair and skin receive the parents", but the ritual system.

The coming-of-age ceremony of the Han people is called the crown ceremony.

Therefore, Liu Ying has a wide variety of crowns for use on different occasions.

For example, the clothes he was going to wear later were red regular clothes with black gauze, and a simple version of the flat sky crown on his head.

If the hair is too short, it is difficult to fix the crown, and it looks very unsightly.

However, Liu Ying touched her wet hair, looked at the busy little palace ladies, changed her mind again, and planned to cut her long hair short.

Of course, it won't be gross.

Instead, cut it as short as possible without affecting the length of the crown.

After all, long hair is not only difficult to clean and dry, but also hides dirt and breeds bacteria.

It's just that Liu Ying saw Lu Yu sitting on the bed with the quilt dozing off in the mirror, and decided not to participate in this reform from scratch, but to let Lu Yu play the striker...

When women start cutting their hair short, men have no reason not to cut their hair!
The important thing is that the older Lu Zhi was, the more he was influenced by Huang Lao and believed in the Three Treasures.

Well, not the Three Jewels of Buddhism, but the Three Jewels of Taoism.

"Tao Te Ching" once said, I have three treasures, which I hold and treasure: one is compassion, the other is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world.Compassion, so you can be brave; frugal, so you can be broad; not daring to be the first in the world, so you can be a leader.

The point is not to dare to serve the world.

Therefore, the Empress Dowager did not dare to be the first in the world, so naturally she could only let the queen be the first in the world...

Anyway, Lao Lu regarded her as his own daughter, so he probably wouldn't hit her too hard... Liu Ying narrowed her eyes and laughed, which made Lu Yu feel shuddering for a moment.

"Brother Emperor, I really didn't mean to grab your quilt..."

"Really, I fell asleep and didn't know anything!"

"I apologize to you, you say something..."


Bianliang City faces west, leading to the Chidao in Guanzhong.

There are many pedestrians on both sides of the road, but in the middle of the road dedicated to the army, high-ranking officials and the emperor, you can see county soldiers standing upright holding long guns everywhere.

In the distance, the horseshoe rumbles, and the armor shines toward the sun.

Behind the horse team was a four-wheeled carriage pulled by six horses, with two three-star flags stuck in the back of the carriage.

The three-star flag is the flag of the sun, the moon, and the stars. The sun, the moon, and the stars are called the three stars. They are painted on the banner, like the brightness of the sky, and are the exclusive flag of the emperor.

Inside the carriage, Liu Ying was playing chess with Wang Ling.

If you look carefully, you will find that they are not playing Go, but backgammon...

After all, Liu Ying is a bad chess player, and Wang Ling didn't dare to beat him, so naturally he could only play backgammon, which at first glance seems to be a high-end game, but in fact is shared by both the refined and the popular...

Zhang Buyi was full of contempt.

His family has been rich for many generations, he has received a good education since he was a child, and he is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but this does not prevent him from being just a little face of a princess...

"By the way, where are we going?"

Liu Ying glanced at Zhang Buyi, who had nothing to say, and said concisely: "Central Plains Mint."


Zhang Buyi was stunned for a moment.

Liu Ying won Wangling again, and she was in a good mood, so she repeated: "Central Plains Mint."

Zhang Buyi frowned: "Central Plains Mint? Why don't I have any impression? Is it newly opened? But didn't you say that you only make money in Guanzhong? Why did you move the Mint away?"

Are you a hundred thousand why... Liu Ying nodded, and motioned to Bank of China standing in the carriage to put away the chessboard.

After all, he is a four-wheeled carriage pulled by six horses. The interior space is like a small living room, and it is easy for a few people to serve.

Liu Ying explained: "The Mint is an important place for the country, and it's normal for you, a small official like sesame seeds, to not know about it."

Taunt me, you wait... Zhang Buyi clenched his fists and prepared to file a complaint when he went back.

Wang Ling laughed at the side and said, "Don't say you don't know, even if I only heard his name, I don't know his appearance! This time can be regarded as an eye-opener, to see how coins are minted..."

"It's not coinage but coinage." Liu Ying corrected and explained with a smile: "Although the name of the Central Plains Mint still uses the existing coinage, the skill of making coins today is completely different from before."

Zhang asked without questioning, "What's the difference?"

The next second, he suddenly realized: "Oh, yes... I remember that when you made those silver coins, they were no longer melted and cast, but pressed out of the silver plate by a machine..."

Wang Ling frowned: "Press? How?"

Zhang Buyi looked at him and explained: "It is to use the machine to make the melted silver into thick silver plates, and then use forging hammers and other equipment to directly stamp patterns on the silver plates and cut them into individual silver coins. "

Wang Ling nodded: "I see."

"I've always been surprised. Although the silver dollar and the five baht coin are similar in size, they look completely different. It turns out they weren't cast!"

Zhang Buyi knowingly asked: "Hey, Prime Minister Zuo also knows that the five baht coin is made by casting!"

Wang Ling shook his head first, and then he was triumphant:
"How difficult is it to cast money? It's nothing more than melting copper water and casting it with molds!"

"Although the old man has never seen how the five baht coin is cast, but the half tael coin of the Qin Dynasty in the past, the old man has not only seen how it was cast, but also..."

He froze for a moment, and immediately pointed at Zhang Buyi with a dazed expression on his face: "You almost caught your asshole!"

After all, when the Wang family was in Pei County, they were both powerful and knight-errant.

Han Feizi once said that a chivalrous man uses martial arts to break the law.

And Wang Ling is a bit more advanced than those rangers Han Feizi mentioned.

When he was in Peixian County, his main business was not to fight and kill, to act chivalrously, but to make counterfeit money...

After all, the government mints money to make a lot of money, and when privately minted money is mixed with more impurities, it is unconscionable to make money!

The most important thing is that there are laws in the state of Qin. Merchants are not allowed to refuse to accept half taels. Regardless of whether it is old or new, it must be used and circulated as currency. Violators must be punished!
The Qin State harvested the world with such strict laws and exclusive coinage rights, while people who made counterfeit money like Wang Ling used fake money to harvest the Qin Dynasty...

Therefore, the death of Qin II was really too slow...

Well, the fact that Wang Ling sells counterfeit goods is also the reason why people in Pei County support Liu Bang but not him...

In a sense, Wangling has made money, but lost the world...

Liu Ying suppressed the smile on her face, looked at Wang Ling and said, "It's too easy to counterfeit half taels, so half taels were abolished in the early Han Dynasty, and five baht coins were used instead."

Wang Ling nodded in praise: "Your Majesty's move can be said to be a godsend. Five baht coins are too light. For those who mint coins privately, if they use too much copper, they will lose money. If they use less copper, the quality will be too poor. A little force on the hand can even make money." Crush copper coins..."

"There is no profit, and there will naturally be no one who mints coins privately."

Zhang Buyi also agreed with his face.

After all, there are people in the business of decapitation, but no one in the business of losing money.

The reason why the government can profit from minting five baht coins is that it monopolizes most of the copper mines and the scale effect can minimize the cost of minting coins, but those who privately mint coins obviously do not have such conditions.

Liu Ying went on to say:

"When minting coins in the past, the reason why only machines were used to forge silver coins was that the value of silver coins was high, which could make up for the cost and loss of using machines."

"But now I plan to abolish the five baht coins made of copper and use iron coins mixed with silver, so minting coins has become coinage."

"Well, the main reason is that technology is advancing."

"After all, the hydraulic forging hammer can move the silver plate. This is because the hardness of silver is not high. Even the forging hammer driven by flowing water can be used one at a time. Although the process of making a single coin is very slow, it can be used day and night. It has to be used in the market.”

"But now the elbow-operated coin minting machine driven by electricity is to place a large flywheel behind the side of the machine body and connect multiple connecting rods. There is a toggle joint on the machine body, and the upper end of the toggle joint is fixed. The pincer device completes coinage.”

"A single machine can produce ninety coins in one minute, and it is so powerful that it can easily forge iron coins!"

"Well, words are pale after all, you will know it when you see it with your own eyes."


Central Plains Mint.

Zhang Buyi got off the carriage, and a rumbling sound immediately rang in his ears.

But this is not the sound of the minting machine, but the small steam generator in the factory area.

After all, electricity is better than steam for power.

Liu Ying pointed to the heavily guarded factory building in the distance: "Let's go, let's go and have a look together... Huh? Then who, the back looks so familiar!"

Wang Ling smiled and said nothing.

The figure in front who Liu Ying said was 'so familiar' turned around, with an angry expression: "Familiar? Naigong beat you to death!"

That person was Liu Bang.

Liu Ying stepped forward with a flattering face: "I'm nearsighted... I can't see clearly. But dad, didn't you accompany my mother to live in Luoyang?"

A bit of embarrassment flashed across Liu Bang's face: "I'm old and can't remember the date. I thought the peonies had already bloomed, but after I went there, I found out that this year's spring is cold, and the peonies bloomed later than usual. Remember a month early..."

"Hey, it's a waste of time..."

Zhang Buyi blinked and suddenly remembered something.

When he and Liu Le were visiting the futures exchange in Bianliang City, he saw Liu Le buying several peony futures. At that time, he didn't understand what flowers were good for buying. Now it seems that everything can be sold as futures. ...

Liu Ying looked left and right, and asked, "Huh? Why didn't you see my mother?"

Liu Bang shook his head and said, "She's not here. I heard that you were coming to the mint here, so I stopped the train halfway, and she went directly to Bianliang. She should be living in the palace by now."

Liu Ying pointed to the extremely noisy mint workshop: "Then, let's go in and have a look together?"

(End of this chapter)

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