Destiny Only Han

Chapter 879 Liu Ying: Dramatist!but i like it

Chapter 879 Liu Ying: Dramatist!but i like...

The rain is still going on.

Yesterday's rain, contrary to the normal summer rain that comes and goes quickly, fell intermittently throughout the night, and the torrential rain continued in the morning, as if a hole had leaked in the sky, and it was pouring down for a while.

The wind became more urgent, and the rainwater flowing down from the eaves like silk threads began to sway, wet the entire corridor.

On the artificial lake in the palace, the raindrops made little ripples, like epiphyllum blooming on the water surface, blooming and thanking each other, and blooming again after thanking.


Liu Ying was wrapped in a quilt, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

He caught a cold after being exposed to the rain.

This is the price of coercion...

"Your Majesty, I've taken the medicine..." Lu Yu walked in with a food box in his hand like a willow in the wind.

Xu Shi was drenched by the rain when she passed the corridor outside. The bright red gauze dress she was wearing stuck to her body, with a slender waist and long legs, full of different temptations.

But Liu Ying was unmoved.

This was not because he was sore and weak at the moment, but because a funny idea came to his mind.

Dalang, I drank the medicine...

Lu Yu didn't know anything about it, he just leaned over and sat by the bed, showing Liu Ying a perfect back view.

At this moment, there was both reverence and gloating on her face.

The gods in the world can also get sick... Lu Yu stirred the ginger soup in the bowl with a spoon, his eyebrows and eyes were full of narrow taste.

Taunt me?You see, if I recover from the disease, you will be done if you don't prick it... Liu Ying wiped her nose, and took the jade bowl casually.

But Lu Yu didn't want to. She was playing the role of a gentle and virtuous wife at the moment. She had to personally serve tea and water to her sick husband, ask him about his health, and feeding medicine was no exception!
So, after she rejected Liu Ying, she tried to put on a virtuous look: "Ah, I opened my mouth to drink the medicine..."

Liu Ying always felt that something was weird, but she still opened her mouth obediently with a dull face.

In the next second, he made a painful expression on his face.

"You, are you going to burn me to death?"

"It's not hot..."

Lu Yu took a sip and made an expression like Liu Ying on his face.

"It's hot, it's hot..."

"Then let's put it on for a while before drinking, hee hee..."

"Oh, I've never served anyone..."

Liu Ying complained all over her face.

Lu Yu was full of grievances.

In the next second, she clenched her fists to cheer herself up: "Little Yu'er, you can do it! Next time... I will definitely do my best next time!"

Neuropathy!And next time?Can't you expect me to order well?What mentality... Liu Ying remained silent.

Lu Yu's face was full of pleasing emotions, he took out a small jar from the food box, opened it, and immediately filled the room with a strong fragrance, but it was a pity that Liu Ying caught a cold and had a stuffy nose, but Huaxia cuisine pays attention to color, fragrance and taste, although Liu Ying can't smell it. No taste, but at least the porridge looks good in the jar.

So, he moved his index finger a little.

But he didn't show it, after all, now he is playing the role of a weak person who is sick and begging for care...

Lu Yuman held up the small pot as if asking for credit: "Brother Emperor, this is the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat that he personally cooked for you, drink it while it's hot!"

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hesitated.

After all, Lu Yu is a master who has never touched the spring water since she was a child. Once she was excited to "wash her hands and make soup", so she created a salty version of white fungus and lotus seed soup...

It's not scary, what's scary is that she put rock sugar and salt in the lotus seed soup, in the name of adding a little more compound taste, what's even more scary is that Liu Ying discovered it in time, otherwise she would have planned to put some more Red oil, coriander, add some different colors...

It's really scary!
So, Liu Ying looked at the jar of preserved egg and lean meat porridge that he couldn't smell, and suddenly shivered.

Seeing Liu Ying's expression was wrong, Lu Yu immediately pouted and said aggrievedly: "I won't do it this time, but according to the instructions of Taiguan Cheng, I did it exactly! If you don't believe me, you can ask mother, she will eat it." agreed!"

Let me tell you earlier... Liu Ying felt relieved.

Taiguan is the kitchen organization in the palace, similar to the imperial dining room. There are two officials, Taiguanling and Taiguancheng. Among them, Taiguanling is in charge of miscellaneous things such as administration and property, while Taiguancheng is in charge of cooking, which is equivalent to Executive Chef.

Therefore, with the supervision and guidance of Taiguan Cheng, this bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge should not taste bad.

Liu Ying took the jar, took a tentative sip, and slowly frowned while Lu Yu was nervous.

Although he has a cold now and can't taste anything with his tongue, to be precise, he can't taste umami, but as long as it's not Dark Cuisine 2.0, he still praises it without hesitation.

"That's right, I've put my heart into it, it's much better than last time!"

"Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Let's say it first, I'm sick and weak now, don't have any unreasonable thoughts about me!"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, first his brows were beaming with joy, and then he looked coquettish: "The emperor's brother is the worst, he still doesn't forget to tease him when he's sick! He won't obey him anymore..."

Well, she is playing the role of a sweet wife at the moment, so she can call herself "zhen" without being a queen, and she doesn't use the "I" that she uses the most on weekdays, but calls herself "renjia" with her throat closed...

Tired and crooked, disgusting... Liu Ying drank the porridge with a dull expression.

After a while, Lu Yu finally satisfied his desire to perform, and said tentatively: "The emperor's elder brother said that after the end of Fengchan, he will go east to visit the sea. Do you want to go now?"

Liu Ying thought for a while, nodded and said: "Of course. After all, I built this Chang (Chang'an) Qing (Qingdao) railway to build a super-large-scale industrial base in the east of the empire, so as to complement Guanzhong... ..."

"Besides, the rain in summer comes and goes quickly, so it shouldn't affect our go on tour."

I caught you... Lu Yu looked like I guessed you again, but he still couldn't hide his joy: "Then I'm going to see the sea, and I'm going to go fishing for big kun in a big boat!"

Liu Ying flicked the jar containing preserved egg and lean meat porridge with her fingers, and smiled: "For the sake of this bowl of porridge, arrange it!"

Lu Yu's face was full of emotion, and he made an inch of it:
"Then, when we go back, can we go to the country of Yan again? I, the princess of the country of Yan, have not been to the country of Yan since I was born! And my mother said that my father once built a building for my mother in the country of Yan. It’s a big palace, but after so many years, she hasn’t lived in it for a day..."

Liu Ying was about to speak, but heard a familiar sound of footsteps coming from far and near outside the door. He looked up and saw Lu Zhi who was pretending to be booing and asking for warmth.

"Son, are you feeling better?"

"After returning to my mother, my son-in-law is much better."

Lu Zhi froze for a moment, Kazilan's big eyes were full of doubts.

As a model of "Ma Baonan", Lu Zhi is a self-proclaimed heroine who knows her son and mother. She knows that Liu Ying is two people when she is sick and not sick. When she is not sick, she is a normal person, but once she is sick, she is fragile. A group of people, looking like they need everyone's care or they can't live...

The important thing is that he was a stingy and vengeful person...

So, if someone didn't show concern when he was sick, then wait until he recovers...

That's why Lu Zhi felt that today's Liu Ying didn't follow the routine...

The corner of Liu Ying's mouth raised, and she asked in a half hoarse voice: "How is the rain outside? Is it only raining on our side, or is it raining everywhere?"

Lu Zhi looked sideways, as if you were asking me who I was asking.

After all, her character at the moment is the Empress Dowager who takes care of her life, not Empress Lu who interferes in the government. She hypnotizes herself every day that she is not a South China Tiger, but a South China Golden Gradient...

Therefore, don't talk about state affairs!
On the other side, Lu Yu raised his hand: "I know, I know!"

Liu Ying said concisely: "Say."

Lu Yu replied very seriously: "I heard from my uncle that it rains the most here, and small rivers and ditches in many places have overflowed... Then the whole Taishan County, as well as the Qi and Lu countries and the north It’s raining in Zhao Guo!”

"Maybe, drought resistance will become flood resistance..."

Liu Ying said 'um' to show that she knew.

After a severe drought, there is a severe flood.

After all, when there is drought and no rain, water vapor is concentrated in the air, and once it encounters cold air, there will inevitably be a downpour.

Liu Ying secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, in order to fight the drought, many irrigation canals were dug in various places, and they were irrigated once every three to five days to keep the soil moist at all times, so as not to cause floods and mudslides.

Well, to put it simply, after a long drought, the land will become stiff, even hard to burst, and the soil permeability will become weaker.

If there is heavy rain at this time, the ability of the soil to infiltrate and retain water will be weakened. At the same time, the dry soil will suddenly encounter heavy rainfall, and the heavy rain will not be able to penetrate from the surface, resulting in floods, and the dry soil will be easily washed away by the rain and cause it to fall off. , forming mudslides.

Therefore, what Liu Ying is most worried about now is actually the flooding of the Yellow River.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the mother river of the Yellow River had already become a stepmother river, and it had also entered menopause, and no one could figure out its temperament...

Therefore, even after a series of water conservancy facilities such as the Xiaolangdi Reservoir were repaired in later generations, no one could guarantee that the Yellow River would not overflow and burst its embankments...

So Liu Ying nodded and said, "Help me call Uncle and Prime Minister Zuo, I have something to tell them."

Well, Lu Ze now holds the title of 'Shenzhi Zhengshi'.

This is Lu Zhi's suggestion.

After all, the news of Liu Ying's illness cannot be concealed. Although he has a cold and a minor ailment, how can others believe it if he has never seen it for himself?

Therefore, it is necessary to have a family member come to town...

Liu Ying didn't think it was necessary at first, but Liu Bang didn't object when Lu Zhi said it, so he naturally didn't bother to refuse Lu Zhi.

Anyway, a small cold is a weekly disease, and it will be better in three to five days.

Hearing Liu Ying's words, Lu Zhi nodded and was about to leave, but Lu Yu seemed to suddenly think of something: "Medicine, medicine..."

Chuck made trouble... Liu Ying blinked.

Lu Yu pointed to the jade bowl on the side: "I haven't taken the medicine yet!"

This is the product of her working in the kitchen for a long time in order to earn the title of a good wife, so it must not be wasted!
Liu Ying smiled, picked up the ginger soup that was no longer burning her mouth and drank it down in one gulp.

Only then was Lu Yu satisfied, and in Lu Zhi's eyes of "young people just know how to play", he continued to play the role of a gentle and virtuous little daughter-in-law, lowered his head and looked down, packed up quickly, and immediately crouched down to salute, carrying the food box again , the water snake twisted her waist, girl, swaying her ass that was as plump as a peach and walked away.


Taishan Palace, Shanming Palace.

The torrential rain continued.

The water droplets splashed on the bluestone slab, and the bubbles popped up and disappeared, and the sky was full of clouds. Even though it was past ten o'clock in the morning, the sky and the earth seemed to be dusk, so that this palace built in the Qin Dynasty It was particularly dark, and candles were even lit for illumination.

After all, this palace is far away from industrial areas and towns, so naturally there is no electricity, so there are no electric lights available.

But this is completely enough for Liu Bang, and he even enjoys it a bit.

The sky was dark and the rain was pouring down.

This situation vaguely gave him the feeling of returning to the former Pei County and sitting alone in the Sishui Pavilion.

At that time, what he thought about every day was to have a good time with those old brothers. If he had wine today, he would not be the same as he is now. …

After all, he now has many sons.

With more sons, there will be more troubles...

Outside the hall, on both sides of the long corridor, three or five steps away is a guard holding a halberd and a dagger at his waist. Even though it is raining heavily at this moment, their clothes have long been wet by the rain, but they still stand upright, without No slack.

Therefore, a middle-aged man walking from the end of the corridor seemed a bit cramped and nervous.

This person is Qu Nihou Chen Ping.

And he also has an identity that makes today's officials of the Han Dynasty, even the princes and kings, look at him, the lieutenant of the guard.

The big man wears a hat!

Under the watchful eyes of two lines of murderous soldiers, Chen Ping walked forward slowly wearing a coir raincoat. The years did not leave too many marks on his face, but his figure was a little stooped, and he looked very gloomy.

After all, he said, 'I'm so conspiratorial, it's forbidden by Taoism'...

Gradually, Chen Ping walked to the gate of the hall, slightly lowered his head to look at the raindrops dripping from the edge of his hat, and moved slowly, taking a few steps closer to the closed hall door.

Wei Wuzhi, the Supreme Royal Order, came over, cupped his hands and said, "The Supreme Emperor ordered, Qu Nihou can walk in."

Not sword shoes, this is the inner courtyard of the Royal Palace, even if people like Lu Ze and Wang Ling can't carry a sword, let alone Chen Ping, the lieutenant of the guard.

After all, Chen Ping is just a person who does private affairs. Even though he holds great power, his status will not be prominent.

Chen Ping nodded, took off his coir raincoat and bamboo hat, and stepped forward to open the hall door. The surface of the vermilion lacquered wooden door was slightly wet, and his fingers felt a little cold when pressed against the door panel, just like the gloomy coldness in the hall at this moment.

"Have you checked it out?"

Liu Bang's voice echoed in the empty hall.

Chen Ping hadn't adapted to the darkness in the hall at the moment, and he didn't know where Liu Bang was for a while, but he bowed his hands and bowed at the first moment: "Returning to the Supreme Emperor, we are investigating... There are already some clues."

As a result, Liu Bang's scolding voice with a distinctive Peisi accent sounded again in the main hall, but it was a little vague, and only a few fragments could be vaguely heard.

For example, inexplicable words such as 'not worrying', 'fake wine harms people' and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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