Destiny Only Han

Chapter 884 Liu Ying: Supporting All Humanity

Chapter 884 Liu Ying: Supporting all mankind...

On the rattling steam train.

Liu Le took out the seal from the small bag he carried with him, and in line with the principle of "logging tired", he signed and stamped the power of attorney prepared by Dou Yifang without looking at it.

Lu Yu blinked, a little in disbelief.

Before that, her attention had been on Dou Yifang, and then on Liu Ying, so that she didn't notice the small leather bag beside Liu Le.

And now she saw it.

As the former Princess of Yan and now the Empress of the Han Dynasty, Lu Yu has always been very fond of these luxury items that are popular among the rich and powerful in Chang'an.

Therefore, Lu Yu recognized at a glance that this small leather bag containing snacks, seals and other miscellaneous things by Liu Le was the star of the South China Sea that was auctioned for a sky-high price two years ago!

To be precise, it is Nanyang Star.

The material of the bag is crocodile leather.

But it was no ordinary crocodile, but a flawless white crocodile.

It's a pity that the crocodile hunters are only a group of Nanyang natives rather than full-time hunters. Not only is it a waste of money to directly kill and sell this auspicious person who can bring a lot of wealth, but what's more terrible is that because of the lack of hunting skills It is missing, so that this large crocodile, which is nearly ten feet long from head to tail, has very few usable parts, and in the end only such a leather bag was made!
Therefore, Lu Yu immediately grabbed Liu Le with staring eyes: "Sister, send me off!"

Liu Le was stunned for a moment, and found that Lu Yu was staring at her handbag, so he said without hesitation: "You like it? Well, I'll give it to you! But wait until I get the contents out first..."

"Yeah! Sister is the best!" Lu Yuman flattered her.

Liu Le smiled nonchalantly.

She really doesn't care.

Lu Yu is Lu Wan's only daughter, her playmate since she was a child, and now her younger siblings, her family.

Anyway, she has a lot of money, and she still has a lot of handbags of the same grade. The important thing is that she is not stingy, except that she likes to go to Liu Ying to search for nothing, and most of the time she also appears to everyone as a virgin who spreads money before……

Well, only for family members.

Look at sister, then look at you... When Xu Neg looked at Liu Ying with his big black eyes, he was full of contempt.

After all, in Xu negative's eyes, Liu Ying is a complete prodigal.

And one point that makes me particularly despised is that Liu Ying was trained very well by her in private and was very "stingy", but when she went outside, she immediately went back to her old ways and always liked to give away the vain money to the poor...

Such as the previous disaster relief.

Xu Negative almost passed out after hearing the figures compiled from various places!

After all, if the money is given out, at least [-]% of the gold and silver treasures accumulated in the palace over the years will be used up!

Although these are Liu Ying's wealth, even she herself is Liu Ying's wealth, but this is not important, and it does not prevent her from staring at Liu Ying with disdain at this moment!
And, she doesn't hide it!

The reason is very simple, Liu Ying is stingy and holds grudges. During the day she despises Liu Ying, so at night, Liu Ying will naturally take reciprocal revenge.

such as……

As a result, Xu negative, who had mastered the code of happiness, suddenly became more unscrupulous.

It's a pity that after Liu Le signed the power of attorney, Liu Ying entered the work mode. As a former civil dog, whenever he was in this state, even if the opposite side was a group of succubi who were having an impparty, he couldn't get his attention. Force draws away from the drawing.

Liu Xuan, who lay on his chest, looked at it for a while, from the initial excited expression of "I'm working with my father" gradually to the incomprehensible expression of "these are all bull and devil symbols" and his eyes were straightened , so I got out of Liu Ying's arms, looked at Dou Yifang and raised her hands: "Mother, hug me, sleepy..."

After all, Liu Ying's chest was hard, but her mother's chest was soft, and it was very comfortable to lean on.

Dou Yifang picked it up, nodded on Liu Xuan's nose, and asked, "Sleep before eating, or take a nap after eating?"

Liu Xuan began to struggle, but this struggle only lasted for a few minutes.

After all, Liu Le was already hungry, and as the patron's father, she was in charge of ordering food, and the delicious and delicious food was delivered over like flowing water, especially the seafood platter named by Liu Le, which made Liu Xuan, a little girl who grew up in the inland, The girl was a little dazed.

The so-called niece Sai Jiagu, Liu Le likes to eat, so naturally Liu Xuan also likes to eat.

So she raised her head decisively and said, "Eat first! Shrimp, I want to eat shrimp..."

Dou Yifang was ready to peel her shrimp with a doting face, but Liu Le handed over a dark object full of spikes.

"Eat this, sea urchin, it's delicious!"

Dou Yifang hesitated.

Liu Ying raised her head and frowned and asked, "Live? Seafood?"

Liu Le nodded, and demonstrated: "It's fresh when it's alive, try it, it's very sweet!"

Therefore, Liu Xuan in Dou Yifang's arms immediately overcame the fear, twisting and twisting greedily, hoping that Dou Yifang would show her the black bump called sea urchin in his hand.

"Mother... eat..."

But Liu Ying shook her head: "Children can't eat it."

Liu Xuan was stunned, wanting to cry.

Moreover, through the unique spirituality of a child, she looked at Lu Zhi, who had never said a word, with tears in her eyes.

Although she is young, she also knows who is messing around here...

Liu Ying shook her head and looked at Lu Zhi: "There are also parasites in seafood. Although many of them cannot parasitize the human body, everything is just in case... Could it be that mother has forgotten the tragedy that happened in the late King Liang's house?"

The tragedy he was talking about was that the two sons of Peng Yue, the king of Liang, both died after eating fresh seafood, that is, "chicken".

Lu Zhi was startled, and knocked the sea urchin from Liu Le's hand with his hands.

"No one is allowed to eat raw food from now on!"

Liu Le was full of grievances.

After all, she had inspected it before, and the fishermen who went fishing for her ate like this, and many of them were in their seventies and eighties, so she felt very safe.

Liu Ying smiled and said, "I know a way to eat it, which may be far more delicious than raw food."

The expression on Liu Le's face quickly turned cloudy.

She just likes to eat, but Liu Ying is the one who knows how to eat. She has known this since she was very young!
At that time, she was hanging out with Liu Ying, and there was always something new to eat!

What she remembers the most is that she can always see the little Liu Ying stepping on the bench and busy in front of the stove!

However, since Liu Ying officially participated in political affairs, she has become very busy, but the most important thing is that the older you get, the lazier you become. The acting personality of the past is gradually disappearing, so most of them just write some recipes, and they don’t know how to make them by themselves. .

Therefore, Liu Le is full of expectations.

But it's a pity that Liu Ying still didn't cook by herself today, and also wrote a few recipes.

Such as sea urchin steamed eggs, such as garlic oysters, and vermicelli scallops...

Taste is another matter.

But at least it is much safer than those cold seafood platters.

However, Liu Ying overlooked one point, that is, he has a loli who is so greedy...

After seeing those weird seafood platters being taken away, Liu Xuan quit directly and burst into tears, the kind that couldn't be coaxed.

As a result, Liu Bang, who heard the sound, was suddenly furious.

He, a tenth-level player who favors girls over boys!

Liu Ying was helpless, and hugged the noisy but fake crying loli in her arms: "Tell me, what can I do to stop crying?"

Liu Xuan wiped away tears: "Father, sing me a song..."

Could this poor kid be crazy... Liu Ying's face was full of black lines, but under the pressure of Liu Bang's dragon head crutch: "Alright then, but don't cry yet."

Liu Xuan looked like you believe it or not, I'll cry again for the eldest father: "Father, sing first."

She was extremely firm.

Liu Ying looked at the sea urchin shells thrown on the table, and said cruelly, "Dig and dig and dig inside the little sea urchin..."

Liu Bang: "..."

Lu Pheasant: "..."

The magic sound fills my brain... Liu Le covered his face.

But Liu Xuan wriggled along with Liu Ying's rhythm, looking very excited.


After eating the reprocessed lunch, Liu Ying finally got rid of her cheating and very noisy loli, and her work status went further.

The blueprint he drew at this moment is a large-scale refrigeration equipment.

Gas refrigerator.

After all, what he promised Liu Le was to provide inexhaustible ice for the cold chain transportation planned by Liu Le, and according to Liu Le, the plan to build ice banks in various places to store ice in winter is too expensive, and the overall effect is not good. Not so good.

Therefore, we can only rely on industrial means to solve this problem.

As for the gas used, the main reason is that according to the technical conditions of today's big man, it is impossible to produce the most widely used refrigerant in later generations, but the gas is easy to obtain, whether it is coking or other methods, this gas can be easily obtained .

Well, the so-called gas refrigerator is to use gas to heat the concentrated ammonia water to boil, and the evaporated ammonia vapor is cooled to condense and liquefy the water vapor in it, and the ammonia gas is condensed into liquid ammonia, which is then mixed with hydrogen at the inlet of the evaporator.

Due to the difference in partial pressure, the ammonia diffuses violently from the ammonia liquid to the hydrogen, which reduces the temperature of the evaporator, and the refrigeration temperature can reach minus 40°C, thereby playing the role of refrigeration.

After that, the ammonia gas is absorbed by dilute ammonia water and becomes concentrated ammonia liquid, and the remaining hydrogen gas returns to the evaporator to form a continuous diffusion absorbent refrigeration cycle.

The biggest advantage of a gas refrigerator is that it does not use electricity, which is especially suitable for occasions without electricity.

Such as cold chain steam trains.

And because the gas refrigerator has no mechanical moving and frictional parts, there is no noise. Except that the ammonia used as the refrigerant is poisonous and flammable, it is especially suitable for moving to the steam train and creating a cold chain transportation train!
In fact, Liu Ying had such a plan long ago.

But the crux of the problem is that for today's big man, what is not lacking is production capacity, but demand.

After all, Liu Ying has drawings with various classifications. After his education reform, he can provide the society with more than [-] high-tech talents every year. Therefore, it has never been difficult to establish a production line. The difficult thing is to sell the products.

Now with Liu Le's power of attorney, the most important thing is that the big dog is rich and powerful, with an attitude of asking the price casually, so that Liu Ying has the confidence to sell the products produced.

Therefore, not only gas refrigerator manufacturing plants and corresponding parts manufacturing plants, but also refrigerants, that is, large-scale ammonia synthesis plants can also be opened one after another.

The synthesis of ammonia means that the industrialization process of three acids and two bases can be officially started.

For today's world, making more efficient explosives is not an urgent matter, the most important thing is to make fertilizer.

After all, people take food as their heaven.

The growth of crops requires sixteen essential elements, among which carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen can be obtained from air and water, and the most deficient element among the remaining thirteen is called the limiting element.

Nitrogen is the most scarce element.

It is no exaggeration to say that more than half of the world's food production in future generations is directly related to synthetic ammonia fertilizers, which has solved the food problem for mankind.

One of the most important reasons for Liu Ying's east tour this time is actually to choose a site for the three-acid and two-alkali industrial park.

After all, chemical companies are polluting, so naturally they can't be placed in the capital of goodness...

And with the early payment from the big dog, Liu Ying prepared a lot of start-up funds.

Therefore, Liu Ying also intends to point out another technology by the way.

internal combustion engine.

Well, instead of burning oil, it's gas.

With the metallurgical level of Dahan today, it is not difficult to make a diesel-burning single-cylinder engine, but the difficulty lies in the extraction and industrial processing of oil.

Therefore, the single-cylinder internal combustion engine that Liu Ying is going to make burns gas.

Firewood to be precise.

This kind of firewood-powered cars can be found everywhere in Maozi's Far East in later generations. After all, there are so many woods there that it is almost free...

Liu Ying looked at the drawing of the single-cylinder engine, and began to fantasize about driving a wood-burning tractor around Chang'an City.

chug chug chug...

Very emotional!


Southern Liaoning Peninsula, Xuantu County.

Today's three counties in southern Liaoning are more than twice as large as in history. The jurisdiction of Xuantu County almost occupies the northern half of the southern Liaoning Peninsula, directly bordering Liaoxi County.

Well, Liaoxi County is a new county cut from Yan State.

After all, according to Liu Bang and Lu Wan's cut-off talisman, the counties and counties owned by Yan State are fixed, and the maximum number of households each county can have is also regulated, but if there is no war, the baby boom will naturally come to Yan State.

In particular, the Han State obtained cotton, which is an artifact of cold protection compared to flax, in advance. Therefore, even in Liaodong and Liaoxi, which are often called bitter cold places, the population growth rate is very fast, although it is not as good as that in the Central Plains. The planting has doubled several times in 20 years, but it is also enough to re-cut Liaoxi County, which has [-] counties, from the fiefdom of Yan State.

In the early morning, outside Woju County, the seat of Xuantu County, a group of more than a hundred cavalry came slowly.

The hundred generals guarding the city gate put away their binoculars and hurriedly ordered the city gate to be opened.

The reason is simple. The person who came was Zhou Yafu, the southern captain in charge of the southern Liaoning Peninsula.

When Zhou Yafu and his entourage arrived at the city gate, the officials from the Southern Colonel's Mansion hurriedly came from the city, bowed their hands and bowed: "Captain, Your Majesty ordered you to go west by boat immediately, and go to Qing County to accompany you."

ps: In the early years, Maanshan Refrigerator Factory produced a similar refrigerator, Sanjiu brand.Guo Degang had a cross talk, in which it was said that Master Yu’s refrigerator had three doors, and the top was frozen, the middle was refrigerated, and the bottom was dusted out, which probably refers to this kind of gas refrigerator.

(End of this chapter)

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