Destiny Only Han

Chapter 890 Liu Ying: Don't kill living things, only kill familiar ones

Chapter 890 Liu Ying: No killing, only familiar...

After Liu Ying finished speaking, Cao Yu and others were silent.

Although most of these second generations of meritorious officials are anointed and do not distinguish between bean and wheat, that is, they cannot distinguish the difference between wheat seedlings and bean seedlings, they are all land aristocrats after all, and the foundation of their family business is the food towns and villages in the feudal country. farm.

Therefore, they naturally know the importance of this kind of fertilizer that can increase production when sprinkled on the ground!
On the other side, Ren Jing leaned closer and asked, "I don't know how much is the price of such a magical thing?"

Liu Ying smiled mysteriously: "Secret."

Well, he really hasn't figured out how to set the price yet.

The factory here has not yet been built, and the railway is still missing. The important thing is that the production of raw materials, namely sulfuric acid and struvite, cannot guarantee a stable and large supply.

Struvite is not bad. The weather in the Southeast Asian island country is hot, rice is cropped three times a year, and with the technical support from Han, the cheap human resources are almost inexhaustible.

Therefore, it is only necessary to spend a small sum of money to hire them to go to the island to dig.

The difficulty lies in the sulfuric acid.

Not to mention that the construction of a sulfuric acid plant is a difficult point, and there are generally three different sources of modern industrial sulfuric acid production, one is the by-product of the coal coking industry, the other is the production of sulfur and saltpeter, and the third is the production of pyrite.

Liu Ying chose the third type.

After all, there are many pyrite mines in the territory of Han, and not long ago he launched a super large open-pit pyrite mining plant in Nanhai County.

But the crux of the matter is cost.

Transporting pyrite ore from the South China Sea to the North for industrial production is undoubtedly much more expensive than transporting finished sulfuric acid to the North compared to local production and processing!

So his entanglement lies in this.

Now without the Yangtze River Bridge, Lingnan is too far away from the Han Empire whose capital is in Guanzhong.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the current state of Han, the two armies departed from Chang'an City at the same time, the army heading north arrived at Lake Baikal for a round trip, and the army heading south should have just entered the jurisdiction of Nanhai County...

There is no difference between trains and boats on horseback.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the three Lingnan counties are actually enclaves that are no different from overseas colonies!

This is because the geographical conditions over there are very good, but it has always been used to develop agriculture, grow rice, and squeeze sugar cane...

As for the port...

Well, that belongs to the interests of mountains, rivers and rivers, and is the emperor's private treasury.

Liu Ying thought for a while, but she still insisted on her original idea.

The cost of making fertilizer has increased, so shouldn't it be enough to pass the cost on to consumers?
This is the unbreakable truth for thousands of years.

But he doesn't look down on those ordinary farmers, he is sharpening his sword against the group of honorable sons around him, and the farmers who are inextricably linked to them!

Liu Ying looked at Cao Yu, Ren Jing and others who were whispering to each other with a smile, and asked, "Have you heard of the pre-sale system?"

Zhang Buyi silently took half a step back.

He instinctively sensed that there was a pit ahead.

But Cao Yu asked with the bait in his mouth: "I don't know, please let your Majesty speak clearly."

Liu Ying explained: "The so-called pre-sale system means that when the product has not been produced, the producer and the buyer agree that the buyer will pay a deposit or advance payment, so that the buyer can pick up the product directly after the product is produced! "

Cao Yu cupped his hands: "I would like to be taught."

Ren Jing also held the bait in his mouth, and asked by inference: "The pre-sale system that your majesty said today, is it related to the kind of gods that can increase the production of food? I will pay the money first, and then pick up the goods..."

Liu Ying nodded: "That's right."

In fact, the pre-sale system has long appeared in the Han Dynasty.

When Liu Ying built the Jiuyi Mountain Resort in Beiban, Liu Jiao and others received the money first, and then slowly built the manor before delivering it.

And it's the full amount!
It was the same later when Mrs. Fan and a group of Fengpei heroes developed the Zhongnan Mountain Summer Resort, they made a pre-sale system according to the same pattern, but his reputation was not as good as Liu Ying, so he only received a deposit...

After getting Liu Ying's affirmation, Ren Jing said first: "Where to pay? Your Majesty said that the annual output of the first phase of the project is [-] tons. I am not greedy, and only ask for half!"

Ren actually put on a posture of being slaughtered, not only because his family is rich, after all, his father is Ren Ao, who saved Lu Zhi once in the past, so he was taken away by Lu Zhi all the way these years, and the family's money was so much that it was completely used up. Not finished!
And when the relationship between their family and Lu Zhi was very good, he was not worried at all about being cheated by Liu Ying.

Cao Yu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his IQ went off the charts once.

He said loudly: "Aren't you greedy for taking half of it alone? Just don't say how I will distribute it to so many people. Doesn't His Majesty's Huangzhuang need this kind of fertilizer? Let me tell you, Your Majesty will take half of the share, and I will take the rest." Wait for an even split!"

I don't need it, my Huangzhuang has been built into a factory... Liu Ying watched coldly.

But people such as Gong Shangwu agreed.

Not worrying about scarcity but inequality, they are unable to compete with Liu Ying, but they are also unwilling to watch Ren get the most benefits!
Zhang Buyi rolled his eyes: "Oh, what you said is not level... What kind of person is Your Majesty, how can he compete with the people for profit?"

What he meant is very clear, that is to use words to run on Liu Ying and make Liu Ying give up competing with them, and he also knows very well that Liu Ying does not have any farmland under his name, otherwise he would not rent their farm To grow tobacco and peanuts...

Liu Ying glanced sideways.

Zhang Buxin understood, and then said: "Now at the speed of the big man, there is one period a year, two periods in three years, and four periods in five we might as well take a long-term view and sign a five-year, five-year contract. Even a ten-year contract!"

Cao Yu and the others nodded.

As a new generation who grew up with Liu Ying, they have almost blind trust in Liu Ying.

Liu Ying said that this kind of fertilizer can increase production, so it will definitely increase production!
Therefore, signing a long-term supply agreement is actually a very cost-effective thing.

After all, the farmland directly or indirectly controlled by their family is not in units of mu, but in units of thousands of hectares or ten thousand hectares.

One hectare is one hundred acres!

In her own silence and in the laughter of everyone, Liu Ying easily passed on one-third of the cost of building the factory!

But this is actually compared to the coal chemical industrial park he planned, which covers an area of ​​20 mu and has an investment of nearly [-] billion yuan in the first phase. Even if the full payment is paid for these orders, it is just a drop in the bucket.

What is the concept of 20 billion dollars?

This is equivalent to one-eighth of the total annual income of the Han Empire, which covers the Eastern Mediterranean at its farthest point!

And the cost of supporting an army that maintains such a territory is only more than 5000 million yuan!
Therefore, he still needs to find some other people to take advantage of.

Based on the principle of not bothering two masters with one thing, he is going to sharpen his knives again on the group of fat sheep around him...

Especially that little boy who offended him!
So, Liu Ying pretended to be full of emotion and said: "Do you know how many workers were recruited to build this industrial park?"

Ren actually shook his head.

Cao Yu said with certainty: "As of now, there are a total of 14 workers. According to the overall plan, including the construction of the railway, the total number of workers should reach as many as 300..."

After all, his father is a big man Xiangguo.

Everyone has selfish intentions. Now Cao Yu is appointed as a Chinese doctor, but in fact, he has been listening to him in the Xiangguo Mansion. It is because Cao Shen tried his best to teach him every day, so he knows a lot about this kind of confidential matter.

But it is a pity that people will gradually become mediocre due to the influence of genetic factors.

Cao Yu showed his face again, facing the envy of Ren Jinggong, Shangwu and others, he immediately became full of complacency.

Zhang Buyi said with emotion: "There are more than 20 people. If they were placed in the former Qin Dynasty, I am afraid that there will be wars everywhere at this moment, and bandits and soldiers will be rampant..."

Gong Shangwu curled his lips: "Don't be embarrassing."

As a former old Qin family, he more or less wanted to honor the former Qin.

The important thing is that the "History of Qin" has almost been completed, and many things have been settled, so even in front of Liu Ying, he still has the confidence to argue one or two.

Zhang Buyi sneered all over his face: "Awkward? The population of the Qin Dynasty was only 2000 million, but 30 were recruited to build the Great Wall in the north, more than 300 to build the Wuling Mountains in the south, and more than [-] to build the Afang Palace and Lishan Mausoleum. There are no less than [-] million people recruited to serve in Xiuchidao and other corvees every should I put it, isn't it considered black?"

There is no need to whip the corpse repeatedly... Liu Ying waved her hand to stop the upcoming debate.

He smiled and said, "I asked you if you know the number of workers recruited. I wanted to ask if you have any other ideas...such as outsourcing projects."

Zhang Buyi was stunned for a moment and did not speak.

Cao Yu asked, "What is outsourcing?"

Zhang Buyi explained to him: "Did you see the steam excavator digging ditches over there? That's mine. Although the construction of industrial parks is an act of the state, today's Han Dynasty no longer takes the initiative to collect a large number of corvees, but Hand it over to private commercial organizations to recruit personnel, participate in construction, and then make financial settlements.”

"This is outsourcing."

Cao Yu suddenly realized: "What you mean is that those people are not slave laborers, but recruited workers... Well, they are workers you recruited, and then you get money from the government and distribute it to them as compensation!"

Zhang Buyi nodded.

As a result, the minds of Cao Yu and the others became active in an instant.

Zhang Buyi was authorized by Zhang Liang to organize Liuxian, that is, farmers on Zhang Liang's fief to go out to work, which not only made money, but also improved the living conditions of the people in the fief.

But most of their fathers are conservative and believe that the people in the fiefs are farming first, so there are a large number of almost unemployed farmers in each of their fiefs.

So, they are going to have a good chat with Zhang Buyi later...

After all, the cake in front of him is too big, Zhang Buyi alone can't eat it!
Start to close the network... Liu Ying said with a smile: "There will be a bidding meeting in three days, which will roughly divide the construction project of this coal chemical industrial park and outsource it to private commercial organizations."

"After all, sometimes the efficiency of private business groups is more than a little higher than that of the government!"

Cao Yu and the others nodded.

Although they have vested interests, they have to admit that the government's work will be inefficient because of procedural justice.

Of course, there are other reasons...

But no one dares to say it, after all, after some words are spoken, there will be too many people offended...

From the side of the crowd, Zhang Buyi squinted at Liu Ying with a playful look on his face.

It's not that his interests will be damaged by the bidding that Liu Ying said, just like what Cao Yu and others think, this cake is too big for him to eat alone, and the engineering team under his name not only He contracted the project here, and he also got a share of the artificial canal that was going to be dug in the Far West.

Therefore, Zhang Buyi's scrutiny at this moment is actually guessing, guessing what is hidden under Liu Ying's Dukang map...

Liu Ying smiled and twirled her short beard under her jaw.

What bad intentions could he have? It was nothing more than wanting to introduce another concept from later generations.


If the engineering team wants to contract the project, it will naturally have to pay some price.

For example, a certain belt owes more than 2 trillion yuan, of which the bank accounts for only more than 3000 billion yuan, and the rest is the contractors at all levels except for the money from the homebuyers who took advantage of it...

Therefore, Liu Ying is also going to let this group of poor nobles who only have money left to make an advance, freeing up the country's money to do other things first.

For example, spend money to build a Yangtze River Railway Bridge that runs from north to south!

One bridge flies from north to south, and the moat becomes a thoroughfare.

As for the follow-up Gaoxia out of Pinghu, there is really no rush.

As the sun rose gradually, Liu Ying looked around and asked, "Who will arrange lunch today? It's better to have some local specialties..."

Zhang Buyi teased: "Didn't you say that His Majesty is treating guests today? Could it be that His Majesty forgot the... milk pig that he captured with his own hands before! Well, apart from being uncharacteristic, it is very 'local'!"

Liu Ying wanted to kick him but held back, sighed and said, "Okay...then let's talk ugly first, don't blame me if we don't have enough to eat!"

After all, it was just a little wild boar more than a foot long. To feed the twenty or thirty men in their prime, Liu Ying might really need to learn Jesus' five loaves and two fish methods...

So Gong Shangwu smiled boldly: "I would like to solve this trouble for Your Majesty."

Liu Ying nodded.

Gong Shangwu cupped his hands and said: "The minister's family has a land property, and also operates restaurants. In Qing County, there is a restaurant opened by the minister's family, which specializes in seasonal seafood. If your majesty does not dislike it, why not drive Qing County to taste it?" ..."

"It's not that I'm boasting, the chef there is quite skilled at easy teething!"

Still talking about Yi Ya?Think I'm not unlucky enough... Cao Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

But Liu Ying obviously didn't mind it long ago. Although he was stingy and held grudges, he would be fine after venting his anger.

So he looked at Gong Shangwu and asked, "Are there any lobsters that are two feet long? Where are the scallops that are as big as a bowl? Where are the sea urchins that are as big as a fist..."

Gong Shangwu nodded frequently: "Yes, yes, yes! Your Majesty, feel free..."

Liu Ying thought for a while: "I don't like freeloading..."

Zhang Buyi couldn't hold back his laughter.

Liu Ying glared at him, ignoring everything and continued, "That's all right, let someone go to the palace and tell the Supreme Emperor to go to your restaurant to taste the food together. If it is really delicious, let the Supreme Emperor write a sign for you... "

(End of this chapter)

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