Destiny Only Han

Chapter 892 Liu Ying: Let's Go, Connect the World!

Chapter 892 Liu Ying: Let's Go, Connect the World!
Dealing with government affairs, driving the harem, fishing, dealing with government affairs, driving the harem, fishing, fishing, fishing...

After being so boring for a long time, Liu Ying finally waited for the news that the expedition fleet was about to set sail again.

"You wait, we will fight again next time!"

Liu Ying threw off her bamboo hat and strode away to the car that came to meet her.

On the bank of the river, Cao Yu and others bid farewell.

It's the first time I've seen someone pull like this when they can't catch a fish... Zhang Buyi pouted and chased after him, his face full of disdain.

Liu Ying sat on the carriage and stretched, and decided to take a good bath after returning home.

After all, it is a big event for the fleet to sail, and a ceremony needs to be held, so naturally it is necessary to take a bath and change clothes in advance.

Sitting next to him, Zhang Buyi tilted his head and asked, "The expedition fleet? Is it the circumnavigation you have been talking about for a long time?"

Liu Ying nodded: "Exactly."

Zhang Buyi asked with a smile: "Just to prove what you said that the earth is round, do you have to work hard?"

Liu Ying nodded again, expressionless: "Well, steamed bun, are you not convinced?"

I really want to hit someone... Zhang Buyi smiled helplessly: "I am convinced, of course I am convinced. Anyway, I heard that the royal family is the exclusive sponsor of the expedition fleet. Since the state money is not wasted, who can say anything?"

He still vaguely remembers that when Liu Ying proposed the global voyage plan, everyone was shocked and the room was in an uproar, but when he asked for sponsorship, there was no sound...

This is not just because everyone thinks that the sky is round, but that it is simply throwing money.

After all, there are not many civilizations in this world. It takes too much time and energy to contact barbarians, build trust, and cultivate the market. It is far less cost-effective than maintaining and deeply developing the existing world.

Liu Ying folded her fingers in front of her body, and asked in a very calm tone: "What do you think is the reason why those old guys... those people insist on the idea of ​​a round sky and a flat earth?"

Zhang Buyi smiled: "It's very simple, if you stand in the center of the plain, if you look up and face the vast starry sky without end, and look down at the vast and boundless land, the round sky will naturally be deeply rooted in people's hearts. "

"But actually, as far as I know, everyone has long agreed with what you said that the earth is an oval-shaped big rock lump, and then revolves around the sun..."

Liu Ying frowned: "Huh?"

Zhang Buyi crossed his arms, as if you were begging me.

Liu Ying clenched her fists and crackled.

Zhang Buyi couldn't help showing a flattering smile: "I'm just kidding you... Really, it's too violent!"

After he finished speaking, his face changed into a complacent look:
"Actually, long before you said that the earth is a ball, the ancients had rejected the idea of ​​a round sky."

"There is a cloud in "Zhou Bi", the sky is like a hat, the law of the earth is overturned, and the sky and the earth are high and low. Below the North Pole, it is among the sky and the earth. The middle of the sky is [-] li higher than the winter solstice of Waiheng, the lower ground of the North Pole is [-] li higher than the lower ground of Waiheng, and the outer scale is [-] li higher than the lower ground of the North Pole. The sky is beautiful and turns flat, and the roads traveled by the day between winter and summer are divided into seven equals and six rooms. The number of miles in each equal circumference is calculated according to the arithmetic. Using the sentence weight difference, the sundial shadow travels to the extreme, and the number of distances can be obtained from Watch stocks also..."

"This not only explains the shape of the sky and the earth, but also clarifies how high the sky is and how thick the earth is..."

"Although, it's wrong..."

Liu Ying smiled silently.

Zhang Buyi looked surprised and said again: "What really makes them unacceptable is actually what you said that the earth revolves around the sun. Who can stand it?"

Liu Ying sighed: "But, this is the truth."

Zhang Buyi nodded: "It's the fact that makes people feel terrible. Think about it, in the past, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, there were clouds in the sun, and rabbits in the moon. Now it's better. The sun is a big ball of fire, and the surface of the moon is full of pits and pits. Like a toad..."

"The most important thing know."

Liu Ying scratched her head: "I don't understand."

Zhang Buyi pursed his lips: "Pretend, keep don't understand, are you lying to ghosts?"

Liu Ying smiled: "Have you heard of Amway... Bah, is it Pangu who opened the sky?" (Note 1)

Zhang Buyi shook his head blankly: "I only heard that Fuxi and Nuwa created the world, but I have never heard of Pangu..."

Liu Ying asked: "Tell me about you."

Zhang Buyi touched the short beard under his jaw: "Let me just say it briefly."

"It is said that in the era of chaos, the ancestor gods Fuxi and Nuwa were the creators. In order to create the heaven and the earth, they happily transformed Yu and Qi, and Yu and Qi began to plan and measure. First, they measured the distance between the heaven and the earth. , and then created heaven and earth..." (Note 2)

"This is the story that Zhiyang told her one day when she was coaxing Wuji to sleep. I overheard it, and when I asked her later, she said that it was the bedtime story that the Supreme Emperor told her when she was very young..."

Why haven't I heard of it?That old man is too biased... Liu Ying puffed her cheeks invisibly.

Although he is very clear about the reason why he has not heard of it, it is because when he remembers, Lao Liu has already gone to Mount Mangdang, and he has no time to take care of himself. They are not father and son, but brothers...

Between brothers, naturally there will be no bedtime stories.

Zhang Buyi took a sip of herbal tea: "I'm done talking, it's your turn."

Liu Ying thought for a while: "Let me just say it again."

"In general, there was a god named Pangu in ancient times. He woke up, and then split the chaos with a few axes, creating the world we know..."

"However, the difference from your story is that after Pangu's death, his exhaled air became wind and cloud, his voice became thunder, his left eye became the sun, his right eye became the moon, his limbs and five bodies became four-level five mountains, and his blood became Rivers, tendons become mountains, rivers and roads, muscles become heaven and earth, hair and beards become stars in the sky, skin and fine hairs become flowers and trees, teeth and bones become various ores, x-rays and bone marrow become pearls and jade. His sweat turns into rain and dew.”

"So the sun is not a ball of fire, but an eye of God."

After Liu Ying finished speaking, Zhang Buyi understood in seconds.

The reason why he didn't pretend to be the god of fishing in front of Cao Yu and others was to catch up with Liu Ying and remind Liu Ying vaguely.

Divine right of kings.

If the god is falsified, how should the king replace the herdsmen?
Without the Red Emperor, where would the Red Emperor's son come from, and where would the Snake Rebellion come from?
Well, the above two sentences were said by Zhang Liang.

But the myth of Pangu's creation perfectly solved this problem.

The sun is a ball of fire, but it is also the eye of a god, and only a god can have such great power, so mortals just need to worship...


Qingxian port.

In the early morning, when the red sun rises in the east, there are already crowds of people, red flags waving, gongs, drums and firecrackers blaring.

Today is the expedition fleet sailing away, which not only proves that the earth is round as Liu Ying said, but also shoulders the mission of transporting all countries.

Liu Ying sat in the shade, waiting for the auspicious time to come.

And beside him, Liu Bang, who had been playing like crazy for a while, was leaning on the soft bed, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, but he didn't light it up, just playing with his few teeth...

This is the latest tobacco harvest this year.

Well, the picking time of tobacco leaves is usually in autumn, but different parts are harvested at different times. For example, the tobacco leaves that grow first at the bottom end have already turned yellow, and they can basically be enjoyed after harvesting and drying...

"Where shall we eat later?" Liu Ying tilted her head and asked.

"I'm tired of eating seafood. I'll eat a piece of soup when I go back to the palace..." Liu Bang casually rubbed a ball from his armpit, smelled it, and then flew out: "I'm old, I don't pay much attention to the desire of tongue, The sliced ​​soup made by your aunt Cao is more to my liking."

Liu Ying also rubbed herself, and found nothing, so she said angrily, "Then I'll go back to the palace to eat some soup later, add a few skewers of roast meat, and then roll it into the pancake..."

After all, it’s not good to eat free food. When he was eating and drinking with Liu Bang, most of the time Liu Bang sold his words to pay back his debts...

Liu Bang didn't bother to expose it, he just moved his buttocks to make himself more comfortable, and then pointed to the port and asked, "Why are the two fleets setting off at the same time?"

Liu Ying nodded: "One east and one west."

Liu Bang leaned forward and asked, "What do you mean?"

Not only him, but Zhou Bo and Liu Jiao who were also sitting next to him also pricked up their ears.

Liu Ying explained: "I don't need to say more about the route to the west? In recent years, in addition to the official large ships, ordinary people have also chartered boats to run commercial transportation. At least the channel leading to the Anman Governor's Mansion has long been sunken. A thousand sails on the side pass by..."

"However, after passing through the Anman Protectorate's Mansion and reaching the Cape of Good Hope all the way, the fleet can still obtain normal supplies, but after crossing the Cape of Good Hope, it becomes somewhat difficult to obtain supplies such as fresh water stably."

"The important thing is that due to the installation of the radio station, the fleet will lose contact with the empire in the second half of the return route, which leads to problems that we cannot coordinate and guide the fleet, and may cause unnecessary losses!"

Liu Bang said loudly: "So the two fleets set off at the same time, one heading east and the other heading west, so that they will meet each other halfway... After all, the earth is round!"

Although he always likes to sing against Liu Ying and throw cold water on weekdays, it is a father's love for his son. He is afraid that Liu Ying will get carried away if he is too inflated, but it is different now. In front of so many outsiders, he will definitely give Liu Ying All the help he can give.

Although, he still doesn't believe that the earth is round...

Liu Ying shook her head and said with a smile, "It's not all because of this."

"As I said, the fleet set off this time is not only to achieve the great goal of 'circumnavigating the world', but also to communicate with all countries and spread the light of civilization to every corner of the world!"

To open up the market is to open up the market, and return the light of civilization?Hypocrisy... Liu Jiao pouted.

After all, the vassal states did not allow the development of industry, so the income of the vassal kings in the age of great voyages mainly depended on the labor-intensive industries such as silk and tea, and the industrialization of the most profitable ceramics and weapons should be powerless.

Well, especially ceramics.

Although mass-produced industrial products do not have a 'soul', they are large in quantity, and the most important thing is that they are cheap enough, so they are naturally loved by the middle and lower classes.

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever the overseas commercial ports of the Han Empire opened up, the pottery industry suffered a devastating blow!

"So, the fleet sailing eastward mainly carries glasses and other glassware..." Liu Ying posed in a hanging posture: "Although glassware is no longer rare in the known world of today's big man, but for the people of the New World For the natives, this is an artifact!"

"So, we can obtain land from them through peaceful means, establish a colony, and then make the second half of the round-the-world voyage less difficult!"

"In fact, the exploration to the east across the vast ocean has already begun five years ago!"

"Thus, the fleet sailing eastward will place radio stations on the nodes selected long ago in addition to communicating with all countries, and finally realize the possibility of global communication!"

Liu Fei stared at Liu Ying for a long time. Although Liu Ying's hanging posture at this time made him want to give Liu Ying a hard blow, it must be said that in some places, Liu Ying was indeed better than Liu Ying. He did a little bit better...

Invisible bits and pieces!

The old man's vision is still accurate... Liu Fei looked at Liu Bang who was lying on the couch with a cigarette in his mouth, and when he was about to go back, he tore up the letters in his study.

Perhaps, there is nothing wrong with going to Guanzhong to be the Prince of Taiping...

Liu Fei smiled silently, while letting go a little, he also planned to fulfill his mother's long-cherished wish.

Knowing mother Mo Ruozi.

He is very aware of the feelings his mother has for his father, so it is a blessing for both of them no matter who can guard who walks the final path of life.

Liu Ying was unaware of the change in Liu Fei's mentality, but slowly stood up and prepared to preside over the sailing ceremony.

When he passed by Liu Fei, for some reason, as if he couldn't control himself, he reached out and grabbed Liu Fei, and said with a smile:

"Brother, you are quite predictable..."

Liu Fei was stunned, and a whole set of plans to enter Chang'an and take the bird position suddenly appeared in his mind...

Note 1: The myth of Pangu opening up the sky appeared at the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, and it comes from Xu Zheng's "Sanwu Liji".

It is said that Biyang County, Zhumadian, Henan Province is the place where Pangu created the world in myths and legends, and it was named the "Holy Land of Pangu in China". I don't know if it is true or not.

Note 2: The theory of Fuxi and Nuwa is derived from the 1942 Warring States Chu Silk Book in the bullet library of Changsha, Hunan.This silk book has flowed out of the country and is now hidden in the private hands of the United States. It has not returned to the embrace of the motherland so far.

Well, in fact, we have lost a lot of things. For example, the Russian Kozlov excavated a large number of Xixia cultural relics at the ruins of Heishuicheng. Opportunity to research and witness our own literature...

The originals are still with them, and we have photocopies.

ps: The so-called rumors that have been passed down from before the matriarchal society are that Nuwa created the world, and there is no such thing as Pangu. It is probably a rhetoric made up by Mozhengnvquan for boxing... Don't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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