Destiny Only Han

Chapter 903 Liu Ying: The Han Army of the U.S. Army

"Blessed people don't have to worry, the eggs will be delivered to your door..."

In the royal garden on the west bank of the Bashui River, Liu Le was humming a ditty he made up, jumping up and down, looking very happy.

She was holding a basket in her hand, in which she could vaguely see mountain delicacies such as mushrooms and wild vegetables, but the most conspicuous among them were those round eggs.

Today, when I went to live in the mountains, Liu Ying took Zhang Liang, Liu Bang, and Zhang Buyi to go fishing. Liu Le didn't have that patience, so he chose to lead a group of children to the nearby mountains and forests to pick up some mushrooms and wild vegetables. of……

So behind Liu Le, Liu Xuan and Zhang Dan shook hands, as if they wanted to share the pressure for her and carry the basket for a while.

This is to share the credit.

We 'three' picked up a basket of good things...

But Liu Le is not willing to follow.

So she directly raised the basket above her head, and ran all the way to Lu Zhi who was playing cards with Concubine Cao and Zhang Liang's wife under the pavilion in the distance.

"Mom, praise me quickly! I picked up a lot of mushrooms!"

Liu Le rushed into the gazebo in three or two steps, and put the basket on Lu Zhi's face as if offering a treasure.

Lu Zhi was disgusted.

The important thing is that she lost several times and was in a bad mood.

But after all, there are not only the Cao family and Yu Ji, but also the Zhang family here, so she can't directly vent her anger on Liu Le, but just scolded: "Look how dirty you are? Do you still look like a princess? Royal You've lost all your face!"

"Hmph! Don't let your mother eat the mushrooms I picked up!" Liu Le raised his head, Doudou's eyes were full of arrogance.

Lu Zhi snorted: "If you beg me, I won't eat it. I still want to live for two more years!"

After all, Liu Le has squirrel disease, and basically picks up all the mushrooms she sees. She doesn't care if they are poisonous or not. Anyway, if she sees them and doesn't pick them up, she always feels at a loss...

Liu Qi who was standing by the gazebo opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

And beside him, Liu Xuan, who didn't care that he was also a mud monkey, sat proudly beside Lu Zhi: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my brother has seen the mushrooms that my aunt picked up this time, and said they are edible and not poisonous." ..."

Liu Xuan's younger brother is Liu Qi, she and Liu Qi are twins, and she was born a little earlier so a little while...

"Oh?" Lu Zhi was stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Qi who was standing solemnly in the distance, and waved: "Come here, Mother, and tell me, who taught you how to identify mushrooms?"

Liu Qi tremblingly walked over.

Different from his sister who is as nervous as his aunt, he is very afraid of Lu Zhi. Although Lu Zhi is playing a harmless kitten at this time, he is as smart and sensitive as Liu Qi, and he still instinctively thinks that It's a big tiger, the kind that eats people without spitting out bones!

So he stood at a distance just enough for Lu Zhi to touch his head, bowed and saluted: "If you go back to the mother, it's the father..."

Lu Zhi squinted his eyes: "Your father has so many opportunities, how could he still have time to teach you this?"

Do everything possible?This is the funniest joke I've heard this year... Liu Le Doudou's eyes are full of humor.

Liu Qi explained: "It's not Professor Father Huang, but the "Guide to Wilderness Survival" compiled by Father Huang, which contains descriptions of wild mushrooms, which ones can be eaten and which ones can't...My aunt picked it up this time. There are a few mushrooms in the mushroom that can make people hallucinate after eating, but it will be fine if you add more garlic and fry..."

"Well, according to the book, it tastes delicious after frying, and it is the most delicious in the world..."

"Huh? Really? I just said that those few mushrooms grow weirdly, and they are not good at first sight!" Liu Le hurriedly flipped through the basket on the side.

Lu Zhi frowned and said: "It is good to read a lot of books, but serious homework must not be neglected. After all, you are the eldest son of your father, and the future vassal king represents the face of your father and our Liu family. There is no way to learn without skills!"

Liu Qi bowed his hands again: "I would like to be taught."

When he stood up straight and looked at Liu Le, he continued: "Auntie, those few are not poisonous, they are Hericium erinaceus, valuable and delicious..."

Liu Le froze, rubbed his head and giggled.

On the other side, Zhang Dan stuffed himself into Lu Zhi's arms and said, "Yaya is hungry, Yaya wants to eat meat..."

Yaya is Zhang Dan's nickname.

Lu Zhi suddenly turned cloudy, his face was full of doting: "Okay, okay, let's have dinner..."

She raised her head, looked at Liu Le who was standing stupidly by the side, and said, "What are you still doing, go and call those fishing men back! Really, I don't know what fish is good for, I want to eat fish Just buy it if you can't catch said you can't even catch it, so why bother..."

Ha, I know who she's talking about, but I won't say... Liu Le ran out waving his arms, ignoring Lu Zhi's anger again.

Lu Zhi was stunned for a moment, looked at Mrs. Zhang and shook his head and said, "We have no way to discipline, sometimes I really feel sorry for you and Liuhou..."

Mrs. Zhang waved her hand, smiling all over her face: "I have always liked Zhiyang's character, perhaps, this is the heart of a child."

When Lu Zhi was about to say something, Zhang Dan's lacquer-like eyes lying in her arms rolled around, and slowly came to her ear and whispered.


"Your mother also 'picked up' eggs?"

"Where is it? Show it to me!"

After Lu Zhi finished speaking, her beautiful eyebrows frowned.

On the other side, apart from Yu Ji, Cao Shi and Zhang Shi also frowned.

How can there be eggs in the wild?
Moreover, although this mountain forest is a royal garden, it has not been fully completed, and naturally there are no hens that wander out of the chicken coop to lay eggs in the wild.

Therefore, the so-called "picking up" is very intriguing.

Little informer, Isolate you... Liu Xuan glared at the innocent Zhang Dan, feeling sorry for her aunt.

After all, in the understanding of children, they are really picking eggs!


Puddle side.

Under the gaze of a group of halberd-wielding warriors, Liu Le tiptoed behind Liu Ying who was in a trance.

"younger brother!"

"Hahaha, you were scared by me..."

Her laughter became smaller and smaller, after all, around Liu Ying, there were still Lu Yu, Zhang Buyi and Zhang Liang holding fishing rods.

Her voice scared away all the fish...

Liu Ying resisted the urge to throw Liu Le into the water to make a nest, and asked angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Le stuck out her tongue: "Your niece said she was hungry, mother asked me to ask you to eat!"

Liu Ying took the opportunity to put away the fishing rod: "Hey! It's really not the time, I just saw a big fish take the bait... Forget it, let's talk about it next time."

"Yes, yes, we'll talk about it next time." Although Liu Le followed Liu Ying's words, his expression was contemptuous.

At this moment, Yuan Ang, the official from far away, rushed over, bowed and saluted, and raised a letter with the word "urgent" above his head.

"Your Majesty, this is an urgent telegram from Chang'an."

Liu Ying took it, looked at Liu Le who was probing his head, and said, "You guys go to eat first, I have something to discuss with the teacher."

Although he didn't know what the content of the telegram was, he managed to catch Zhang Liang once, so naturally he had to squeeze it hard!
Zhang Liang let out a long sigh, and looked at the innocent Zhang Buyi.

After all, he had listened to the guy's slander, saying that this trip was just a wilderness in the mountains, so he followed along, but he never expected that he would have to work overtime...

What a headache!
Liu Le nodded and looked around: "Where's Dad?"

Liu Ying pointed to the other side: "Hey, eating skewers and drinking wheat water with Uncle Lu under the tree..."

"Wheat water?" Liu Le was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Beer is beer, or wheat water? Are you tired of hiding?"

Liu Ying spread her hands: "Ask your mother! If it weren't for the limited drinking order, would dad be so cautious?"

"Oh..." Liu Le Doudou's eyes flashed a look that made Liu Ying feel scared, and she jumped towards Liu Bang.

Obviously, she was going to catch Liu Bang.

You see, let me just say she is a black-hearted little padded jacket... Liu Ying and Zhang Buyi exchanged a look, and then they looked disgusted.

After all, that guy is the pig who stole his cabbage, and the important thing is that his cabbage is probably going to benefit that pig at this moment...

This, I can't bear it anymore!

Therefore, Liu Ying directly drove away Zhang Buyi who wanted to stay to satisfy his curiosity, and opened the lacquered telegram to read it.

Sure enough, the telegram was sent from Alexandria, and the content was also about the big man sending troops to Carthage to put an end to chaos and save the nation...

Liu Ying read it hastily at first, and then read it again word by word, and then handed it to Zhang Liang, who believed in "being sick and fishing" for the rest of his life.

After a while, he asked, "What do you think, teacher?"

Zhang Liang smiled: "It's very good, supporting the weak and defeating the strong, maintaining regional harmony and stability... It's just that this excuse is too old-fashioned."

Liu Ying shook her head: "As long as it is useful, it doesn't matter if it is old-fashioned or not. When Duke Huan of Qi conquered Chu, didn't he say that Ergong Baomao was not allowed, and the king's sacrifice was not shared. There is no way to shrink wine. Widows are a sign; No more, the widow is asking..."

Zhang Liang was silent for a while, then asked: "I don't understand, why did you set your sights on that area? I remember hearing people say that many places in Numidia will be covered by desert one after another... Such a remote place, can it really strengthen the country if it is obtained?"

After all, people cannot escape the limitations of the times, even if they are as strong as the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty.

Although Zhang Liang is extremely resourceful, all his cognitions are based on what he has, and then he infers it on this basis.

Therefore, his idea is still stuck in the previous era of great geographical discovery and pioneering, that is, using the sword of the Han to obtain land for the plow of the Han, and to open up new markets, dumping the industrial products of the Han...

Liu Ying smiled all over her face:

"Does the teacher know about the Anman Protectorate's Mansion? The remote place that the teacher said has the same resources as the Anman Protectorate."

"Oil, black gold, the blood of industry."

"Well, in about two more months, my new gadget is almost done."

"At that time, the teacher will know what it means to use the sword of a big man to obtain an infinitely possible future for a big man..." (End of this chapter)

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