Destiny Only Han

Chapter 920 Liu Ying: We 2 Stinging Apes Are Like This

Chapter 920 Liu Ying: We Two Stinging Apes Are Like This (#^.^#)
"Let's go..."

Dou Guangguo packed up the documents he had written with Liu Ying these days, and was going to follow the Romans to the distant hills to negotiate.

And on the shore, the Black Sail and Black Crow Knights are also ready to go.

They will follow the negotiator Dou Guangguo and others to negotiate.

However, Mrs. Fan's face was still full of worry.

He found Dou Guangguo and said: "I always feel that there is a fraud in it!"

Dou Guangguo stood still and asked, "Tell me your reason."

Mrs. Fan shook her head: "I can't say, but I always feel that something is weird... How about we play it safe first?"

Dou Guangguo smiled: "How stable?"

Fan Kang pulled him aside and muttered softly.


Upper Tiber.

Many men dressed as Roman auxiliaries were busy.

They carried stones and branches in an attempt to build dikes on the Tiber during the dry summer months.

Civil engineering is something that the Romans have always been good at.

Therefore, without much effort, a simple embankment appeared in the river.

Under the influence of the dams, the Tiber River, which already lacked water flow, gradually showed signs of stagnation.

However, this embankment was built in a hurry after all, so it didn't take long for the water level to rise over the embankment and continue to flow downstream.

Except for the presence of an extra reservoir similar to the entire Tiber River, everything remains the same.


Bridge to the city of Rome.

Brutus frowned, and looked at the dozen or so four-wheeled carriages driving on the gravel road with some doubts.

These are the carriages taken by the high-level coalition forces who followed him into the city to negotiate.

Before leaving, the other party suddenly said that he was tired and didn't want to ride a horse or walk, and asked him if he could take a car.

Naturally, he couldn't object, and besides, this kind of four-wheeled carriage is not uncommon in today's Roman city. It is a car for nobles and wealthy merchants, but the price is too expensive, and it can easily cost millions of Denaeus, even though he was born in Junior The Si clan also couldn't afford it.

Therefore, amidst his doubts at the moment, there was also a bit of envy.

But he knew very well in his heart that this kind of envy would soon cease to exist!


On the east bank of the Tiber River, seven hills.

This is the heart of Rome's control of the Apennine Peninsula, and it is an important religious and political center that existed at the beginning of Rome's founding.

At the beginning, these seven hills were occupied by different groups of people, and there was no idea of ​​combining them into Rome.

After that, the residents of these seven hills began to participate in a series of religious activities together, and gradually combined, the city of Rome gradually took shape. Citizens cleared the swamps between the hills and built markets and courts.

The Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills, was the place where Rome and the East Treaty allied forces negotiated.

When the sun was slightly westward, a convoy with flags such as owls slowly appeared on the stone road below the mountain.

What greeted the convoy was not cheerleaders with heavy makeup, but stones and thick and long crossbow arrows that fell from the sky.

"Enemy attack!"

More than a hundred Han army knights accompanying the convoy immediately dismounted and used the four-wheeled carriages with iron plates in the carriages as concealment.

But the attacks came from all directions. Even though the knights of the Han army had made preparations immediately, many people were still smashed and screamed.

Well, after all, they are wearing plate armor. This type of armor used to defend the ceiling in the cold weapon era, in addition to being unable to resist hot weapons, even shooting from close range with a crossbow may not be able to kill them.

But there are not only muskets that can open tin cans, but also many kinds of melee cold weapons.

After all, the plate armor is not formed in one piece, the joint between the armor plate and the armor plate is the weakness of the plate armor, so the most effective way to deal with the iron can is to use wrestling techniques to throw him to the ground, and then use a dagger to break through the gap between the armor plates. Poke in to open the box...

For example, in the Battle of Agincourt, it was the longbowmen who brought down the French knights, but it was the British foot knights who opened the box.

The Romans also understood this.

Therefore, after killing the horses of the Han knights with arrows and stones, the Roman legionnaires holding large shields and daggers suddenly rushed in like a tide.


The shouts all over the mountains and plains made the hearts of those Han army knights who could not understand the Roman language but experienced many battles tense.

In the distance, Brutus, who had fled from the battlefield, looked up to the sky and smiled.

Those arrogant Han people are dead!

He bowed his knees to negotiate with the high-level coalition forces before, in order to lure them in and kill them!
In this way, without command, the enemies who invaded Rome would be defeated by the Roman Legion and the Italian Allied Forces who came from all over to support them, and they would be killed on this land desecrated by the other party!

Brutus was not worried that the siege here would fail due to the arrival of enemy reinforcements.

If he guessed correctly, the Tiber River had already begun to flood at this time, and the bridges on the river that had been tampered with by them had already been washed away!
Therefore, before the flood recedes, they have enough time to kill all the high-level coalition forces including Dou Guangguo!
Especially the bald one!
For some reason, Brutus wanted to punch the bald man when he saw him...


By the Tiber.

The soaring river was like a crazy beast, wrapped in branches and sacks, and rushed downstream.

Mrs. Fan vigorously rubbed her shiny head, with a smug expression on her face.

"Look, I know the Romans are up to something!"

Dou Guangguo also had a look of rejoicing.

Not only him, Antiochus IV, Anthony and others also looked like they survived the catastrophe.

Fortunately, they did not insist on going their own way. They followed Mrs. Fan's suggestion and said that they were going to negotiate in a carriage, but they sneaked out of the carriage while the other party was not paying attention.

Immediately, this rejoicing quickly turned into anger!
Not a man!

In Dou Guangguo's anger, there was also a bit of anxiety and intolerance.

He escaped unharmed, but how innocent were those Han army knights who followed him?

The surging river in front of them blocked their way to go for reinforcements, that is to say, they were going to watch their robes die under the enemy's butcher's knife!
However, there is a saying in the art of war that the lord cannot be angered to activate the army, and the general cannot be angered to go to war... A subjugated country cannot be revived, and the dead cannot be resurrected.

Therefore, I can only retaliate afterwards!
In the distance, the faces of the knights of the Han army stationed before the flood were full of sadness.

I don't know who took the lead, they sang a tactful and sad poem.

"Beating the drums and boring them, and actively employing troops. The earth's city is full of water, and I travel south alone..."


"Death and life are inseparable, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand, and grow old together..."

This is a poem "The Book of Songs·Beifeng·Beating Drums", which expresses the love between soldiers who are willing to live and die together.

Death and life are broad, and Zicheng said.

The vows of those years are still in my ears, are they going to separate heaven and man forever now?

No, never!

Do not abandon, do not give up!
This is the oath that every knight of the Han Army made when he joined the Knights.

So, they roared loudly about bondage, friendship and other oaths, jumped into the water, and swam to the opposite bank against the rushing water!

"Let them come back immediately!"

Dou Guangguo shouted loudly, ran all the way to Mrs. Fan, stared wide-eyed and said: "The enemy's situation is unknown, how can we attack recklessly? Wait until the water flow slows down a little, and it will not be too late to press the whole army!"

"You must know that there is a saying in the art of war..."

Mrs. Fan turned her head slowly and interrupted Dou Guangguo: "It's late."

Dou Guangguo frowned: "What?"

Fan's face was expressionless: "When the water slows down, those who are trapped in the siege will die. You are a politician and a member of the emperor, but you are not a soldier, so you will never understand this kind of love between soldiers. ..."

"It's a life and death relationship."

"Be punished together, suffer together, know each other's suffering, share each other's happiness, we trust each other, and give our backs to each other..."

"Don't you mean no clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son..."

He sang a desolate and heroic battle song, turned around and walked into the distance.

There, his attendants had prepared horses for him, as well as a set of golden plate armor that looked sturdy and gorgeous.

After a while, Mrs. Fan tidied up and rode slowly to Dou Guangguo, who was standing still, with a long halberd in his hand. He said in a passionate voice:
"If possible, I would like to die surrounded by everyone..."

"So, behind me, live with a smile on your face."

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the river with his horse and headed towards the opposite bank with all his might.

Behind him, more and more knights of the Han army who had finished dressing jumped into the water shouting words such as fetters, friendship, future, glory, and great man.

Resolutely, death does not follow.

But for some reason, this kind of solemnity and heroism coupled with the shouts in their mouths, the painting style is a mess...

Dou Guangguo's face was full of bewilderment, and his mood was very complicated.

After he was about to return to the Egyptian Governor's Palace, he ordered the soldiers in the army to be prohibited from reading those cartoons from the big man!
The most annoying is the one who is funny and hot-blooded!
Return his touch!


Palatine Hill.

Nearly two hundred knights of the Han army were surrounded by three floors and three floors outside the Roman legion.

"Look down!"

Zeng Qi, the hundred general of the second team of the Black Sail Knights, shouted an order, and Zheng Ji fell to the ground hastily.

Then, a burst of dense tinkling sounded.

That was the sound of rain of arrows fired by Roman soldiers falling on the WISCO vehicle.

Yes, the carriage they used as a cover was actually a Wugang carriage. With the cooperation of the knights hidden in the carriage, they quickly formed a carriage formation and used the bows and crossbows hidden in the carriage to defend.

Most of the arrow rain of the Romans was blocked, only sporadic ones crossed the car barriers, or were quickly lifted by the shields of the Han knights, or pierced into their armor, and flew out with a bang.

After all, this is plate armor, the defensive ceiling of the cold weapon era.

Zeng Qi said angrily: "Be careful, I can't explain to your father if you die!"

Zheng Ji was silent.

He is from Hedong. He just passed his 16th birthday this year, but he has been fighting in the Knights for two years.

From his name, we know that he is 'Ji', the youngest son in the family. According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, he cannot inherit the family property. The only choice is to go out and start a family business by yourself.

And unlike his partners at the acquaintance of the general manager, he did not choose to work in a factory, nor did he go to those plantations in the south to learn how to manage plantations while working, so that he could become a plantation owner in the future.

He visited his father's former robe, that is, Hundred General Zeng Qi, so he joined the Black Sail Knights and went overseas to fight.

Although the Knights need to fight with people on the battlefield, the rewards are extremely generous. The important thing is that the Knights have the legal right to plunder and the right to immunity from extrajudicial immunity. This made Zheng Ji spend a year, saving money It is enough to build a set of three large tile-roofed houses with two front and back entrances in my hometown!
So, he plans to save some more money, then go back to his hometown to buy some land, buy some government bonds with a small profit, and then marry a wife and have a baby...

However, unlike his old-fashioned father, he is not going to be a farmer for the rest of his life.

It's so boring to face the loess and back to the sky!
Therefore, he plans to use the night time to go to a literacy class, strive to be admitted to university, and then take the national exam to become a second officer with unlimited possibilities!
It would be best if he could be assigned to the Marquis of Pingyang near his hometown...

This is his dream!
Therefore, he cannot die here!
However, at this moment, arrows rained down on the battlefield, suppressing them, the most elite hand-to-hand knights in the empire, unable to hold their heads up.

And those enemy infantrymen with short swords and big shields were also rushing towards them, yelling!

"Uncle Zeng, have we been abandoned by the head of the group?"

Zheng Ji raised his face, his immature cheeks were full of fear and cowardice.

After all, he is only a 16-year-old boy...

Zeng Qi hit Zheng Ji's helmet heavily with the hilt of his knife, and cursed angrily with his eyes wide open:

"To shut up!"

"If you talk about disturbing the morale of the army, Naigong will kill you first!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Naigong and your father both followed Jinshang to fight back then, and the danger they experienced was ten times worse than now, but they still survived!"

"What is the slogan of our Knights?"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"Don't worry, the head of the group is definitely on his way now!"

"When the time comes, our hearts will blossom, so kill him!"

"I've heard people say that Roman women also have black hair and very fair skin. When we enter the city, we'll pick the best ones!"

He said the following words to those equally frustrated knights of the Han army.

The knights of the Han army are human beings, not gods. Even though they have experienced hundreds of battles, it is normal for them to be timid in the face of such a situation surrounded by at least tens of thousands of enemies!
After all, the artillery that usually makes them feel most confident is not here.

Therefore, Zeng Qi, a general, needs to boost his morale.

Killing, looting, money, and women are undoubtedly the best answers to boost morale!
Hearing Zeng Qi's words, the morale of the Han army knights was immediately boosted.

They were the Paoze brothers who got along day and night, now that they have no fear in their hearts, their cooperation has become more tacit.

I saw them grouped in twos, holding up their shields and crossbows, and for a while, they fought back and forth with Roman archers who were ten times their size.

In other words, it was a unilateral massacre.

After all, they were wearing plate armor that could not be broken by bows and arrows, and those Roman archers were only wearing leather armor. Let alone the crossbow in the hands of the Han army knights, even the arrows shot by normal war bows , It is also enough to penetrate the armor of a Roman archer!
But the large shield in the hands of the Roman legionary infantry, which is almost equal to his height, is the nemesis of bows and arrows!
Under the cover of the shield, although some legion infantry were occasionally shot down by arrows, the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer!

"Fight them!"

"Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one!"

Zheng Ji clenched the long knife in his hand, and slowly wrapped the handle of the knife around his hand with a strip of cloth.

In this way, when fighting, you don't have to worry about the enemy's blood soaking your palm along the long knife, making it slippery and greasy, and you can't hold the long knife tightly, causing the long knife to fall out of your hand!

Around Zheng Ji, those Han army knights did the same.


Since ancient times, no one has died!
I don't know who took the lead, but they began to sing the battle songs of the Knights in Longxi dialect, Guanzhong dialect, Hedong dialect and other northern dialects.

"Fuck Wu Ge, you are caught by a rhinoceros armor, the car is wrong, and the short soldiers are picked up. The sun is covered by the sun, the enemy is like a cloud, and the arrows are falling, and the soldiers are fighting for the first!"

"Ling Yu formation, walk around, left barbarian, right blade hurt. Haze two rounds, four horses, aid Yulong, beat drums!"

"The weather is fierce and the spirit is angry. Severely kill and abandon the wilderness. You can't go in and out, and you can't go back. The plain is suddenly and the road is too far away!"

"Bring a long sword and hold the Qin bow, and leave the head and body without punishment. Sincerity is both brave and martial, and finally strong and invincible!"

"Since the body is dead, the gods have spirits, and the souls of the sons are ghosts! The body is dead, and the gods are spirits, and the souls of the sons are ghosts!"

This is the battle song of the Chu people in the past, but Han not only inherited Qin, but also carried forward Chu!

The battle songs of the Chu people naturally became the battle songs of the Han people!

After repeating the sentence "Young soul is a ghost hero" twice, Zeng Qi, Zheng Ji and other Han army knights took a deep look at each other.

The meaning is actually very simple.

I must remember you!
How lucky I am in this life to be able to become Paoze with you. If there is an afterlife, we will still be brothers!
Zheng Ji's blood surged immediately, and he stood up suddenly and was about to jump out of the car barrier and fight for his life with the Roman legionnaires who rushed over, but a big steel-like hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder, pulling him back.

He was pulled back together with several other Han army knights who had made up their minds.

"Hundred generals? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, why stop me from waiting to die?"


Zeng Qi had an uncontrollable smile on his face:
"You can't talk about death. Only when you are alive can you meet the person you like and experience the feeling called liking. If you die, everything will be gone..."

In front of him, a group of Han army knights asked the sky in silence.

"Hundred generals, don't watch girly manga..."

"Hundred generals, you exposed..."

Zeng Qi cursed a few times, then pointed the long knife in his hand to the west: "Listen carefully, what is that sound..."

That's the direction they came from, and it's the only direction they were born in!

At this moment, there was thunderous hoofbeats there!

"Gentlemen, I like war!"

Mrs. Fan brandished a long knife and shouted loudly. At this moment, the heart in his heart that was inherited from Fan Kuai's previous wars was beating, as if it was about to jump out of his throat!
Behind him, thousands of cavalry from the Black Sail Knights followed closely, drips of water or sweat fell from the horse's crotch, and immediately flew to nowhere.

Ahead, the place where the sound of killing is loud is the place where their robes suffered!

Do not abandon, do not give up.

They, hurry up!

In the car base.

Zeng Qi's few words rekindled hope for the surrounding Han army knights.

Therefore, when they fought against Roman soldiers, they no longer killed one to make enough money and killed two to earn one, as they had imagined before, but became very cautious.

Or rather, wretched.

The knights of the Han army will inevitably see blood when they shoot their swords, but if they cannot guarantee 100% of the opponent, they would rather hide behind the shield and stare at the Roman legionary infantry who are also hiding behind the shield...

And such a scene where the two sides confronted each other more than hand-to-hand combat made the Roman consul Tibius Cornelius Spichio, who was standing on the hill and directing the battle, feel extremely desperate.

Only by killing the Han Chinese in the siege, especially those 'naive' coalition generals, can Rome win!
Otherwise, Rome would cease to exist!

Spizio stood there and thought for a while, then drew out the dagger at his waist and rushed down the mountain.

Take the lead.

This is the only way he can think of to win quickly at this critical juncture!
On the mountain, a shrill and melodious horn sounded immediately.

In an instant, Zeng Qi and the others felt the pressure doubled.

The enemy no longer flinched before them, and some veterans of the legion in ring mail and bright horsetails on their helmets replaced those young soldiers with large shields and only chain mail on their bodies.

Between spears and knives, not only the elderly legionnaires fell in pieces, but even the Han army knights wearing plate armor finally suffered casualties.

The ground was soaked with blood and became muddy.

But those old legionnaires who were used to seeing life and death were unmoved, and even stepped on their wailing companions and rushed forward desperately.

The soldiers of the Han army can even clearly see the indifferent eyes of the enemy in front of them who don't care about their own lives or the lives of others!
The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller!

Both sides are fighting with all their might.

They are all betting.

Bet that the reinforcements come first, or break the car barrier and catch the big fish!
Although the Romans didn't know that there were only some ordinary Knights in the encirclement, none of the big fish they wanted to catch was in the encirclement at the moment...

Zeng Qi and others complained again and again.

But after all, most of them are veterans of hundreds of battles. They are under heavy siege at the moment but they are still optimistic enough.

"When I go back alive, I have to learn a few Roman words..."


"At this time, I shouted that the governor is not here, and the enemy on the other side withdrew?"

"Makes sense."

"Baijiang, actually there is something I've always wanted to say."


"If I can survive, can I be your son-in-law? The one with a round face and very cute..."



ps: Zheng Ji is Wei Qing's father.

Wei Zifu is Wei Qing's half-sister and third sister.

According to "Historical Records", young and strong, he rode for the Hou family and mastered Pingyang.In the spring of the second year of Jianyuan (139 BC), Sister Qing's son-in-law was lucky enough to enter the palace.

In other words, when Wei Zifu entered the palace, Wei Qing was at least an adult.

In other words, Wei Zifu at that time must have been older than Liu Che, after all, Liu Che was no match at that time.

It is known that today is the seventh year of the Great Sage, 182 BC. If Wei Qing was born around 160 BC, I think it is very reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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