Destiny Only Han

Chapter 922 Liu Ying: This one is even more heavyweight!

Chapter 922 Liu Ying: This one is even more heavyweight!

On the Palatine Hill, the hastily brought four-pounders roared deafeningly.

Although the altitude of this mountain is not high, the geographical location is too superior.

The Arena, the Grand Place, the Temple, and even the Senate are all within range of the artillery!
As a result, Roman soldiers guarding important buildings suffered heavy casualties.

They do not retreat an inch.

Here, there are their beliefs!
But they also did not launch an attack on the artillery positions on the hill.

After all, around the mountain, there are densely packed Macedonian spear phalanxes, and behind the phalanx soldiers are Greek heavy infantry wearing muscular armor.

In other words, if the Romans want to attack the artillery positions, they need to penetrate the pike phalanx first, and then defeat the group of Greek brothers...

This is mission impossible!

But the Romans did not sit still.

Under their dispatch, those gladiators who had been used for performances put on a set of battle armor, and together with the forced slaves, formed a large number of death-defying army, ready to launch a fatal blow to the Han army's position!
The two consuls of the Romans personally assured them that as long as they could break the spear phalanx, they would be granted the status of free men, and if they defeated the Greek brothers, they would be granted the status of Roman citizens and enjoy life-long allowances!

The wages of avarice is death.

A group of slaves who had no choice rushed out screaming after drinking the guillotine.

Then, it was blasted back by artillery.

After all, the four-pound gun of the Knights has been modified to fire not only solid bullets, but also shrapnel with fuzes.

Although the latter hits with touching precision.

But it is not important.

For a group of slaves who could not read a whole lot of Chinese characters, this kind of attack from the sky was regarded as God's punishment for them!

Under God's punishment, isn't it normal to be a bird and a beast?
Affected by the retreating slave death corps, the hastily assembled Roman citizens also began to waver.

They were prepared to defend Rome and the Senate to the death, but the roar on the opposite mountain, the scene of their death and death on their side was really scary, and the important thing was that, like those slaves, this was God's punishment!
Obviously, this is the god of the Han people punishing them.

And their god, the king of the gods, Jupiter, the god of lightning, is not at home today...

Not only was Jupiter not at home, Mars, the god of war born to God King Jupiter and God Queen Juno, was also not at home...

God's family of three went on an outing.

Otherwise, the Romans would not be beaten to the door by others!

These are the words of the high priest.

Regardless of whether the high priests and consuls believe it or not, they don't believe it anyway...

They think that this is Jupiter's god who is afraid of the Han people, hiding at home and not daring to come out!
After all, the Romans had a different understanding of God than the Greeks.

Greek mythology tells the ethical story of gods and humans, such as humans becoming gods or gods turning into various animals and giving people cuckolds...

Roman mythology does not tell stories, but the intricate relationship between gods and gods and between gods and people. In the birth and development of Rome, human beings played a major role, and gods were secondary...

As a result, legions of citizens began to retreat from the temple.

They are no longer prepared to use their flesh and blood to bear harm for those cowardly gods!
Yes, it is like that!

It's not because the temple is too conspicuous, they have suffered too many casualties!

So, the artillery began to adjust its shooting and turned to the rest of the city of Rome.

There, the morale of the Roman legions hiding behind the barricades was high, and melodious and loud music sounded from time to time.

This is not only to boost their own morale, but also to report a message to friendly forces.

I am still here!

What about you?

And what responded to their signal was another high-pitched piece of music.

And, continuous artillery fire.


"How's it going? Are you ready to rush?"

Fan Kang walked up from the foot of the mountain, looked at Dou Guangguo and asked, "Brothers can't bear it anymore!"

So far in this battle, his Black Sail Knights have lost the most. If this kind of place can't be found, he, the head of the group, will be done!

Dou Guangguo put down the telescope in his hand:

"Wait. Before I came here, I always thought they were bragging. I didn't expect this small city of Rome to have so many people!"

"look by youself!"

"Don't talk about those barricades, look at the narrow alleys that can be seen everywhere. Do you think it's suitable for the Knights to attack now?"

He put the accent on the word 'Knights'.

Although the knights of the Han army are also good at infantry combat, so are the Greek heavy infantry. It is nothing more than a combat power score of [-]. Knights can generally get [-] points, while Greek heavy infantry can get [-] points.

But in any case, it is enough to defeat about sixty Roman legionnaires.

The Roman legionnaires are strong in the subjective initiative and discipline composed of citizen soldiers. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat in small groups, they must not be able to beat the Greek heavy infantry, which are mostly composed of wealthy businessmen, noble children and other wealthy classes.

After all, poor culture and rich military.

Only a family with money can afford a heavy infantry soldier who has practiced martial arts since childhood and bought a full set of armor and weapons at his own expense.

And the best fighting method of the Knights is still a small-scale multi-point charge, tearing open the gap and then charging in groups, rushing through the opposite side in a wave, without giving the opponent a chance to regroup the army to launch a counterattack!
That's what Xiang Yu did back then.

Among the original members of the Knights, there were many Langzhong cavalry who had fought head-on with the Chu cavalry. Naturally, they knew this tactic very well, and transformed it into the tactics of the Knights, which was passed down from generation to generation.

So hearing Dou Guangguo's words, Mrs. Fan could only shake her head helplessly, and sat down on the rock and sighed.

"It's unlucky, those muscular brothers should have been allowed to follow the team..."

"I only know that the Romans rob women, and they will attack when the female relatives of other families come to the reception. I didn't know that they would be so unruly when facing men..."

Fan Xianglin's wife and husband chatted endlessly.

Dou Guangguo felt that his head was about to explode.

But he still sighed, stretched out his hand and patted Mrs. Fan on the shoulder: "Think about it, it's not your fault... The soldiers who died were all good, each of them killed at least ten enemies!"

"I assure you, after the battle is over, their families will receive gold equal to their body weight as compensation!"

After all, those Han knights who died technically died in his place.

Fan Kang raised his head and wiped away the crystals from his eyes.



"Don't lie?"

"Don't lie!"

"Pull the hook?"

"It's enough!"

Dou Guangguo angrily walked to the other side.

He, he doesn't want to stay with that childish ghost anymore!

The so-called dark ink is probably the fault of Marquis Wuyang... Dou Guangguo nodded secretly, and quickly and firmly cut off the association in his mind.

The artillery was still booming.

At the foot of the mountain, eight strong pack horses dragged two twelve-pound guns, which were huge compared to the four-pound guns, slowly coming.

This is the artillery of the Marines belonging to the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet.

Although the Marine Corps is the fourth class, but under the banner of 'royal', it is still a little higher than the dispatched troops stationed in various governor's offices overseas.

Such as artillery.

This 1.7-pound cannon is 600 meters long and can weigh more than [-] kilograms. If it weren't for the fact that the Romans were also infrastructure madmen and built a stone road leading to the port, this kind of cannon that would sink into the dirt road because of its small size and heavy weight couldn't be transported at all!
"thank you."

Dou Guangguo murmured softly, and forcefully lifted off the gun cover.

In an instant, Anthony and Antiochus IV were shocked from ear to ear.

They thought those four-pound guns were already powerful, but they didn't expect this one to be heavyweight!
If this cannon goes on, can't the enemy's bones be broken?

Dou Guangguo remained silent, just stood in the distance and waited for the two large versions of the God of War to start roaring.

So, after a load of this and that, the artillery fired.

White smoke billowed, deafening.

Antiochus IV saw clearly with a borrowed telescope. In the distance, a stone pillar at the entrance of the Roman Senate that could only be surrounded by two people broke with a bang, and the stone chips flew around, scaring the Roman soldiers guarding the Senate like headless chickens.

Anthony, who also saw this scene with a borrowed telescope, couldn't help but gasped.


This is a miracle!
He longed to kneel and prostrate himself before the twelve-pounder.

There is a deafening sound, although there is no light, but it can have such a terrifying lethality, this is definitely Zeus' magic weapon!

After all, Zeus is a Titan, and it is normal for the magic weapon to be a little bigger than expected...

But he held back.

After all, the team of Han army gunners in blue and white uniforms finished loading again and aimed at the Roman soldiers guarding the Senate.

When the twelve-pounder roared, the four-pounder did not stop attacking.

But this time, the morale of the Romans fell to the bottom.

Even the most determined Roman legionnaires began to retreat strategically at this time.

There are people who lose their land, and people and places remain.

Although they didn't know there was such a sentence, the similar reasoning was the same.

Their choice at this moment is the same as Pompey's choice after hearing that Caesar had crossed the Rubicon more than a hundred years later.

Preserve strength, gather legions, and fight again!

And on the mountain.

Without waiting for Dou Guangguo to give orders, Mrs. Fan jumped up and ran towards the knights with white cloth strips around their waists.

It's just that his running posture is a bit weird.

To put it simply, only the first three steps are what he really wants to run, while the subsequent series of stumbling runs are completely involuntary.

Dou Guangguo crossed his arms and stood on tiptoe to watch Fan Fu rush down the mountain, and then fell down and ate shit.

"It's cool!"

He turned his head contentedly, looked at Anthony beside him and issued orders:

"It's time for your heavy infantry to appear!"

"Remember, surrender does not kill!"

"Anyone who loots the city's bank vaults, shops, and mansions without authorization will be killed without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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