Destiny Only Han

Chapter 929 Liu Ying: My Family

45:[-] a.m.

Sunny and cloudless.

However, Linguang Palace is located in Ganquan Mountain, with green trees and gurgling streams. Even at noon in summer, the highest temperature does not exceed [-] degrees. If you stand in the shade of the trees and there is a wind blowing, you can even feel a little bit of coolness. .

Otherwise, this place would not have been the exclusive summer resort for the rulers since the Zhou Dynasty.

After wave after wave of officials and dignitaries who attended the banquet, the three fellow countrymen and sages took their seats, a group of dancers in costumes came lightly.

In an instant, Shaole rang.

"The katydid feathers, groaning. Yier's descendants, vibrate."

"The katydid feathers, the scorpions are the scorpions. The descendants of Yier are the ropes."

"The katydid feathers, bow to each other. Yier's descendants, sting to sting."

This is a song "The Book of Songs · Zhou Nan · Katydid", the first two sentences describe it, and the last two sentences praise it, aiming to congratulate you on having many children and grandchildren.

After all, people in agricultural and industrial societies have a strong desire to have children. Any family has five children as a base, and even a dozen children can be found everywhere...

Therefore, the song "Kudas" and "樛木" are called together, one is exclusive for birthday banquets, and the other is exclusive for wedding banquets.

Well, "Taoyao" is exclusive for weddings.

These pieces of music can be used regardless of high or low. It is nothing more than that the rich and powerful invite more musicians, singers and dancers, while the poor have their relatives guest dancers and singers.

Chinese classical civilization is embodied in this ritual and music.

As the music played, Liu Ying, as the eldest son, naturally led a group of brothers and nephews to celebrate her birthday.

Therefore, behind him, Liu Fei, Liu Ruyi, Liu Heng, Liu Jian, Liu Hui, and Liu You lined up, respectful and respectful.

Afterwards, Liu Qi, Liu De, Liu Hong, and Liu Wu stood with Liu Yan, and Liu Xiang, Liu Zhang, Liu Xingju, Liu Bajun, Liu Ningguo, Liu Xindu, Liu Xingju, Liu Xingju, and Liu Yan stood together. An, Liu Jianglu, Liu Piguang, Liu Zhi, Liu Ang, Liu Xian, Liu Xiongqu and other forty or fifty kings of the Liu family in Wuyang and Wuyang.

In the end, there are seven or eight young women in full costumes with young children in their arms.

What they hold in their arms is the fourth generation of Liu's kings.

Well, mainly Liu Fei's grandson.

After all, at this time, the upper-class male nobles are crowned at the age of 22, so they generally choose to marry after the crown, but after all, men are more or less dominated by the lower body, especially high school animals aged sixteen or seventeen. yellow waste...

But unlike the high school animals of the later generations who occasionally taste the forbidden fruit behind their parents' backs, most of the third generations of Liu's kings of the same age will justifiably have a "dozen" of concubines and house maids to relieve loneliness. .

Under the thunder and fire, it is normal to kill people.

Therefore, Liu Bangle couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

For a man like him who married late and had children late, four generations living under one roof is really something that can only be imagined in dreams.

Now, he did it!
Therefore, the cheerful old man ignored Liu Yan's crying and accusing expression.

Well, when everyone was queuing up to celebrate their birthday, Liu Yan was running around playing around, so Lu Yu caught him and beat him up...

On the other side of the hall, unlike Liu's side which was lively and lively, Lu's side seemed a little deserted.

After all, Lu Wan, like Liu Bang, belongs to late marriage and late childbearing, but unlike Liu Bang who has many wives and concubines, Lao Lu is a licking dog who adheres to a lifetime of one couple...

So there are only two or three big cats and kittens who are celebrating his birthday at this moment.

However, although his place is deserted, countless people cast envious eyes on him.

Lu Wan's daughter is the queen of the empire, and her grandson is the prince of the empire, which is already very enviable, but the old man's daughter is extremely filial!
The only three-wheeled vehicle in the world that can run without horsepower or manpower is Lu Yu's birthday gift to Lu Wan!
Not even the Supreme Emperor!

"I heard people say that the emperor's favorite concubine is the Dou family and the Xu family, and the empress is the least favored! Now, the rumors are self-defeating, right?"

"Yeah yeah……"

"It's said that girls are outsiders, why don't the daughters of the Yan Wang family be outsiders?"

At this moment, they thought of the resentful daughter in their own family who searched her mother's house without mercy, and immediately blew their beards and stared angrily.

The voice gradually spread into the side hall, and Lu Wan, whose expression was a little dark because of the contrast, suddenly became arrogant.

This is called face!
Lu Wan looked at the tricycle in the middle of the square without blinking.

Wearing red and hanging colors, it is extremely conspicuous!
So he called Lu Wei and asked in a low voice, "How did that car make it move? Do you need to whip it?"


main hall.

The banquet began, and the tables were filled with delicacies, such as water and land.

"Father, my mother beat me..." Liu Yan complained in a childish voice lying in Liu Bang's arms, with two bags of tears in his big eyes.

Liu Bang was taken aback for a moment.

He couldn't help turning his eyes to Liu Ying who was not far away, his face was full of sorrow.

Once upon a time, it was the little brat who lay in his father's arms and sued him, but now, it was the little brat who gave birth to him lying in his arms and suing the little brat's mother...

Sure enough, as the group of monks said, this is a reincarnation...

But it is different from the previous reincarnation.

Liu Bang did not decide for the crying Liu Yan...

After all, Lu Yu is his daughter-in-law, so Liu Bang is naturally not good at beating Lu Yu like he beat Liu Ying...

So, he just pretended not to hear.

"Eat a chicken drumstick?"

"Don't eat. Father, my mother beat me..."

"Then why don't you drink some sour plum soup, sweet and sour, it's ice cold..."


Liu Yan was stunned.

According to his current IQ, he still can't understand why when Liu Ying beat him, Liu Bang would be his backer, but when Lu Yu beat him, Liu Bang ignored him...

So he was dumbly poured two mouthfuls of sour plum soup by Liu Bang, then stood up silently, and walked slowly to Lu Zhi on the other side.

"Mother, my mother beat me..."

But he overlooked one point. Although Lu Yu is a queen, she is also a daughter-in-law at this kind of birthday banquet.

Daughter-in-law should serve her parents-in-law.

At this moment, Lu Yu was sitting squatting beside Lu Zhi, serving tea and water, and occasionally put a couple of chopsticks on the dish in front of Lu Zhi, which was not easy for Lu Zhi to get.

Therefore, Lu Yu's eyebrows were raised upright, and he directly pulled Liu Yan over, pressed him on his knee, and spanked his ass.


"Mom, I don't dare anymore..."

"Mother, save me..."

Liu Yan struggled and shouted for help, but there was not much pain on his face.

After all, he was Lu Yusheng's and not sent as a phone fee. Lu Yu's slap seemed to be raised high, but when it fell, it held back its strength, and it would not hurt Liu Yan who was wearing an auspicious suit at all.

Therefore, Lu Zhi just watched with a smile.

After all, one is her good grandson, and the other is the daughter-in-law she has grown up to treat as her daughter.

The palm of the hand hits the back of the hand, she is not easy to favor.

But Liu Ying felt noisy.

He frowned: "Stop messing around! Don't even look at what occasion this is? All the subjects in the world are watching. Is it reasonable for the queen to beat the prince?"

Lu Yu pursed his lips, but still pressed the struggling Liu Yan on his knee.

After all, she is going to take Liu Yan to the side hall to celebrate Lu Wan's birthday later, so naturally she needs to convince her own bastard son first...

On the other side, Lu Zhi suddenly became unhappy.

She glared at Liu Ying with wide Kazilan eyes: "What's wrong with a mother beating her son? Whoever has an opinion, let him come and tell me!"

At this moment, her arrogance leaked out, she used the same self-proclaimed 'zhen' as the emperor, and her brows were full of awe-inspiring majesty and majesty.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment.

But not fear, but yearning.

She especially hopes that she can also have the majesty of Lu Zhi.

In this way, when Liu Ying gives orders, she can go back without fear!
Like sitting up and moving...

Thinking of this, Lu Yu blushed slightly, hugged Liu Yan, who was also stunned, in his arms, and gave him a piece of fish meat without thorns with chopsticks.

It was a wild yellow croaker more than a foot long. It was simply roasted with ham and pork belly, which increased the fat and oily aroma while retaining the flavor of the yellow croaker to the greatest extent. The garlic meat was white and crystal clear, and it was extremely delicious.

But Liu Yan didn't like it.

This is not only because he doesn't like to eat this kind of strange meat, but more importantly, he is holding a grudge!

After all, Lu Yu hit him before, and just hit him again!
Apologize, otherwise I won't play with you... Liu Yan moved his head away with a firm expression on his face.

However, Lu Yu, who was a parent for the first time, never got used to him. Seeing that he didn't eat, he started to feast on himself.

To be honest, this is also the first time she has eaten this kind of specialty food that can only be eaten near the sea after returning from Qidi!

So she not only ignored Liu Yan who had become eager again, but even the rules of serving Lu Zhi were left behind.

Eat! Eat!
In the middle of the night, makeup started, and Lu Yu, who had been hungry all morning, suddenly began to inhale the storm.

Lu Zhi petted and smiled, and looked at the eunuch Ling Han who was standing beside him: "Go ask someone to serve another dish to the queen, what is it called... Well, dry-roasted yellow croaker here!"

Han Tan's face suddenly showed a bit of trouble.

Sitting at the lower left side of Lu Zhi, Liu Le, who was also inhaled by the storm, said in a hurry: "Don't go, this kind of sea fish that dies when it comes out of the water and is difficult to preserve, only Gao Jue above Guan Neihou can have one per person, and the rest Everyone uses the carp of the big river..."

Well, logically speaking, even a princess would not have a seat at this kind of state banquet.

But there is no way, Liu Le gave too much...

Almost all the expenses for this birthday banquet were borne by Liu Le.

After all, Liu Le is Lao Liu's caring little padded jacket...

Although, she is obviously a black heart... Liu Ying complained in her heart, but looked at Lu Zhi and said, "Mom, leave Lu Yu alone, if she likes it, come to my place to eat. I haven't touched this fish much... ..."

Lu Zhi nodded lightly, taking care of Liu Yan, who was almost drooling after taking it from Lu Yu's arms, looked at Liu Ying while feeding and asked, "Sea fish will die when they leave the this is what you and sister call cold chain transportation? "

Liu Ying nodded: "To be precise, it is frozen. After all, sea fish is different from river fish, and it needs to be harvested in the fishing season." (End of this chapter)

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