Destiny Only Han

Chapter 95 Zhao Gao: I have a dream

Chapter 95 Zhao Gao: I Have a Dream (3k)

August is high in autumn, the air is cool and the water is clear, the wind is gentle and the fruits are abundant. It is a good time for outings and relaxation.

But for Li Cang, the guard of Wuguan, his heart was in a mess.

But this is not another time he failed to make an appointment with his wife and was ordered to sleep in the study because he could not take her on a fishing and hunting trip.

Mainly in the open space outside Wuguan, countless mushroom-like tents grew overnight.

To be precise, it is the military account of the Chu army.

As far as he could see, the big flag of Chu written in bird seal was waving in the wind, hunting and hunting, like a fire phoenix flying high!

There were originally 1 or [-] defenders in Wuguan, but in order to suppress the rebels, Prime Minister Zhao Gao ordered [-] to be transferred away.

And Wuguan is not a pass, but the sum of a series of passes.

Wuguan has Muhu Pass in the west, Fushui Pass in the east, Baiyang Pass, Zhulin Pass, Jingzi Pass, and Manchuan Pass in the south, and Tiesuo Pass and Jitou Pass in the north. If any pass is lost, the whole line will be destroyed. collapse.

Especially now that there are insufficient troops, it is impossible to cover everything!

But this is not the most embarrassing thing for Li Cang, what he feels most helpless is the loss of Suoqiao Ridge guarding outside Wuguan.

To be precise, it was the defender there who surrendered to the Chu army...

Suspension Bridge Ridge is the outermost line of defense in Wuguan. It is high and steep, with narrow roads that cannot be ridden side by side.

So, worry!

Li Cang tugged at his beard, thinking hard about how to deal with the enemy.

Under the city pass, the Chu army seemed to know that he would not send troops out of the pass for a sneak attack, so they simply built all kinds of siege equipment directly under the pass city, such as ladders, carts, and catapults.

Suddenly, his eyes straightened, staring blankly at a place in the Chu army below the city.

There, a soldier who was not very tall was pushing a strange cart with only one wheel at the bottom walking like flying.

And the two boxes hanging on the car were filled with gravel the size of a fist.

While the wheels were rolling, there was a faint crackling sound. Although it was a bit funny, Li Cang couldn't laugh.

Because he knew that when the trebuchet was built, the stones brought in by this ridiculous cart would hit their heads...

"This, what to do..."

Li Cang stood at the top of the wall, lost in thought, until his wife sent someone to let him go home for dinner...


Xianyang City, Xianyang Palace.

The nine palaces are magnificent.

After nightfall, intermittent screams sounded in the dormitory which was lit with dim lamps.

"forgive me……"

"I beg you……"

"don't want……"

"Brother, help me..."

These voices were all made by Hu Hai in his sleep.

At the moment, he was wearing a white silk singlet, smelled of alcohol, his eyes were closed, and he was sweating profusely. He tossed and turned on the big bed that could accommodate four or five people, obviously having a nightmare.

Around Hu Hai, there were four disheveled concubines with good looks and figure sitting on their knees, but they didn't go forward to comfort Hu Hai who was sleeping.

After all, the last person who did this had already been dragged out by Hu Hai to feed the dogs.

After a while, Hu Hai sat up suddenly, out of breath, with a frightened expression on his face, he wiped off the cold sweat on his face, and looked at the four concubines sitting in the palace.

"Come on, drag it out and feed it to the dog!"

Hu Hai rubbed his temples with his hands, ignoring those people's begging for mercy.

How dare you look at him with that look, you're courting death!
After the sleeping hall gradually became quiet, Hu Hai was still immersed in the nightmare just now.

In the dream, his father somehow came back to life, swung his halberd and chased him all over the palace...

He kept saying that the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty was destroyed by the hands of a child!

Just kidding, the current state of Qin is very good, okay?

Although there are occasional thieves in the country, they are being wiped out one after another. Feng Jie Li Si and other traitors who tried to launch a coup in the country have also been caught out one by one, and they will be severely punished!
Although he can't make immortal achievements like his father, but as a successful king, there is no problem in passing the Great Qin to the third emperor!
Hu Hai let out a long sigh, took a jade jug from his side, and drank it all in one gulp.

When he was going to go to the ancestral temple tomorrow, he would go to the ancestral temple to pay homage, so that his father wouldn't be bothered by dreaming of him all day long!
And now it is August, with the fragrance of osmanthus, the crisp autumn air, the grass growing and the warblers flying, and the beasts have become fatter. If I can shoot two deer in the wild, I can also replenish my body and give birth to the third emperor as soon as possible... …Perfect!

Xianyang City, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this moment, the sun was high and the sky was scorching hot, but Zhao Gao lived in a room with simple but luxurious furnishings, with ice mirrors placed at the four corners, exuding a hint of coolness.

Zhao Gao sat cross-legged behind the table, holding the bamboo slips in his hands, which contained the latest battle report sent back by the spies sent to the Kanto region.

Nanyang County changed hands, most of Sanchuan County fell, and Zhang Han was also negotiating peace with the rebels at the Yin Ruins. The state of Qin was in danger.

But on Zhao Gao's face, there was no worry at all, on the contrary, the corners of his mouth raised upwards.

"Very well, the last main force of the Qin State has been destroyed. Now, it's time for us to seize the country!"

He closed the bamboo slips, his brows brimming with joy.

In front of Zhao Gao, Ma Ping, the 'Wu Dalang' who was standing in front of him, was equally overjoyed.

Not to mention that he is also a yin and yang family, but that as a descendant of Zhao Kuo, the son of Mafu, he is also happy to hear about the demise of Qin.

He asked somewhat inquisitively: "Dong Jun, should the troops gathered in Xianyang be allowed to enter Hangu, Wuguan and other fortresses? If the rebels really come in, I'm afraid our plan will come to naught!"

Zhao Gao nodded: "That's right, take my warrant now and notify the garrisons everywhere to let them move out immediately! Also, remember to replace the general of Wuguan with ours!"

Ma Ping hesitated a bit: "Li Cang is the son-in-law of general Xin Sheng, so he was replaced rashly..."

Zhao Gao shook his head: "It's okay, Li Xin, the governor of Longxi County, is resigning from his old age and returning to his hometown, and he just asked Li Cang to fill in the gap. I believe Xin Zhui will turn a blind eye to our pursuit of the country. If he doesn't know what to do... hey-hey!"

After he finished speaking, a hint of ferocity flashed across the corner of his mouth.

The first emperor wanted to pass it on to all generations, why?
The world is the world of people, not the world of one family and one surname!
Emperor, why can you only pass your family from father to son, son to grandson, and sons and grandchildren are endless?

Only the virtuous occupy the throne!
Qin merged with the six kingdoms, destroyed people's communities, destroyed people's ancestral temples, slaughtered Li and common people, bleeds and floated on oars, piles and piles, all the thorns and bamboos of Yue, still can't be written!
Obviously, no virtue!

Ma Ping's eyes flashed darkly, he nodded to show that he understood, but when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly looked back and asked:

"Dong Jun, can the matter of the kingdom of God on earth be accomplished?"

Zhao Gao smiled confidently:
"The trend of the world is impermanent to gather and disperse. Qin destroyed the six kingdoms in response to the fate of the gathering. At this time, the fate returned to Qin, and then the people of Qin had no way, indulged in pleasure, and spent extravagance. This is immoral, and the fate abandoned it. So there is If we understand the current situation, it will be fate."

"At this moment, my Yin-Yang family stirs up chaos in the world, and it is a matter of destiny. The kingdom of God on earth is just around the corner!"

"At that time, all the officials, and even the kings, will not be distinguished because of their blood, but because of their virtues! In the Kingdom of God, no one invades and occupies more, no one kills, everyone loves each other... "

Zhao Gao closed his eyes and said, a paradise seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

Ma Ping accompanied him to think about it for a while, and when he was about to turn around and leave again, a small official in black rushed in from outside the door, walked up to Zhao Gao and whispered a few words.

Zhao Gao woke up from his longing in an instant. He looked at Ma Ping and said, "Don't transfer the army away, prepare the car, I want to go out!"

Ma Ping was a little puzzled: "Why is the prime minister panicking?"

Zhao Gao said as he walked, "The emperor left Xianyang Palace early in the morning and headed for Yong County!"

Ma Ping followed behind him: "Just go..."

Zhao Gao reprimanded: "Stupid! What time is it now, how can you take the emperor's movements lightly! Where is Yongxian County? It is where the ancestral temple of Qin is located. The old clan of Qin has lived and thrived there for hundreds of years!"

"Although the emperor was instigated by us to kill all his brothers and sisters and break with the Qin clan! But after all, blood is thicker than water, and the clan and clan are always on the emperor's side!"

"You said, now that he left Xianyang City and headed towards Yong County, did he notice something and wanted to summon the power of the old clan to regain control of the government?"

After hearing Zhao Gao's words, Ma Ping was also taken aback.

He couldn't help thinking of when the first emperor was crowned, the concubine of the empress dowager Zhao Ji, Lai Ai, also wanted to seize Qin, but was calmly suppressed by the first emperor. Not only was he killed, but even the son born to the empress dowager was killed. Accustomed to killing!

The place where the first emperor commanded the suppression of the rebellion was Qinian Palace in Yongxian County!

Now, Hu Hai is also going to Yong County, is it because he wants to follow the example?
Sure enough, I still underestimated Hu Hai!
Thinking of this, Ma Ping spread his legs and rushed out of the prime minister's mansion. He wanted to prepare a car for Zhao Gao.

The affairs of the Kingdom of God on earth must not fall by the wayside!

Hanoi County, Wenyi County, the back house of the county government.

At this moment, another guest was ushered in the abode that Sima Ang and Xiang Yu had seen before.

It was a young man in his twenties, with a burly figure, and a piece of valuable jade was tied around his waist.

Behind the gauze curtain, sitting a white-clothed Shengxue girl with an ethereal demeanor, is none other than the physicist Xu Negative.

"Please forgive me for keeping the young master waiting for a long time!"

"It's okay."

The young man nodded and said, "Can we start?"

Xu negative played with the jade plate in his hands: "Of course, but the ugly words are up front. If you don't agree with what I said, the money will not be refunded!"

The young man smiled and did not speak.

Seeing this, Xu Negative said bluntly: "Your Excellency, your forehead is narrow and your face is small, which means that your parents died early; your eyes are small, you have no knowledge, and you have no friends to help you; your ears are small, your life is short and you die early; your nose is small but well proportioned. , most can be crowned king, and there is no further possibility..."

The young man's face gradually became serious. He spent one hundred and one gold, but he did not expect such a result.

Moreover, Feng Wang?
Just kidding, he has conquered more than 20 cities in Weidi now, and he has long been the uncrowned King of Wei!
He frowned and asked, "Is there a solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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