Destiny Only Han

Chapter 956 Liu Ying: Most of our family members have some acting personality

North of Yinshan.

This is the vast and boundless Monan Grassland.

The white snow fell into the world like the feathers of an angel, and the steam train spewing thick smoke traveled through the silver-white world. From time to time, there were groups of galloping horses chasing the clanging train, just like the world in a fairy tale.

But in the carriage, the picture is not so beautiful.

"Auntie, do you know what's wrong?"

Liu De stood in front of Liu Le whose palms were wrapped in gauze, and stared at Liu Le as if his teacher was admonishing him on weekdays.

Liu Yingle blossomed.

Previously, Liu Le pretended to be sick and was exposed by him, so he was slapped by Lu Zhi, but Liu Le was worried that Lu Zhi's past would be brought up again, so he wrapped his palms and sold them miserably everywhere, trying to occupy the commanding heights of morality.

Then, she was punished by Tong Yan Wuji...

Liu Le nodded, pretending to be very concerned about Liu De: "Auntie knows it's wrong. What about you, have you finished your homework? Hey, yes, how many points did you score in the final exam this time?"

Liu De was stunned, secretly glanced at Liu Ying with a very guilty conscience, and immediately ran out of the carriage with Liu Qi who was also guilty.

Liu Le suddenly became elated.

As a person who grew up from a small bear, he naturally knows how to subdue a bear!
On the other side, Xu negative sighed helplessly.

After all, Liu De got a full score of [-] in mathematics in the final exam, and Liu De got less than [-]...

Could it be that someone dropped my smart boy?It shouldn't be... Xu negative lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Liu Ying smiled indifferently: "I wish my son would be stupid and reckless, and live a hundred years without any disasters or difficulties... What does it matter if he fails an exam once or twice? As long as he is kind-hearted, upright, and knows how to abide by etiquette alright?"

Sitting next to Xu Negative, Dou Yifang glanced at Liu Ying with admiration.

Her son is the best!

Liu Leman curled her lips in disdain: "If only you could say that when I was young!"


Is it reasonable for you to force me to do homework for you?The villain filed a complaint first... Liu Ying turned her face away, not bothering to talk to her.

But Liu Le would not let it go, she grabbed Liu Ying's sleeve: "So, you have to make it up to me!"

Liu Ying snorted: "My brain is not as big as a walnut. I didn't expect the Dukang map to be so long!"

Liu Le: "..."

On the other side, Lu Yu was stunned for a while, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Brother Emperor, you are so funny..."

"Why don't you laugh?"


Liu Le poked Liu Ying's arm with his finger: "What's the matter?"

Liu Ying was full of surprises: "The smile is low, please understand..."

"They don't have it!" Lu Yu was full of grievances, and looked at his index finger with a cute face: "But it's really funny!"

Liu Ying suddenly asked: "Then, do you think sister's brain is not as big as a walnut?"

"I don't! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!" Lu Yu denied it three times, and looked at Liu Le: "Sister, I really don't, trust me!"

"Don't worry, little fish, I've always believed in you!" Liu Le nodded, glaring at Liu Ying: "It's all your fault, wait until my hand is ready and see if I beat you, then it's over!"

Only then did Lu Yu feel relieved, and his round eyes also glared at Liu Ying.

I'm so scared... Liu Ying made a grimace, and immediately asked: "Continue with the topic just now. Compensation? Why should I compensate you?"

Liu Leli said confidently: "It's all your fault that you misled me before, saying that it was 'soul devouring', which frightened me. Later, I pretended to be sick in front of my mother, in order to win my mother's sympathy and care!"

"You know, since you were born, half of mother's love has been taken away by you... No, more than half! Even I will take care of you when mother goes to the field to pull weeds. You know that taking care of you will leave How much effort does it take for an unlucky child?"

"I have been so kind to you since childhood, why did you lie to me?"

"Besides, you exposed me. You didn't speak for me when mother beat me, and you even offered to pass the cane to mother!"

"So, if you don't make it up to me, brother smelly, won't your conscience hurt?"

She believed what she said... Liu Ying rolled her eyes and said nothing.

But Lu Yu, who was holding his arm, had a crying expression on his face.

Her voice was a little choked up: "Sister, I didn't expect you to work so hard... woo woo woo!"

Liu Le was stunned.

At the beginning, she was indeed helping Lu Zhi to take care of Liu Ying for a period of time, but at that time she was only a four or five-year-old girl, how could she take care of Liu Ying?

So it was Lu Zhi who was doing farm work in the field while taking care of her and Liu Ying...

Her greatest contribution is actually to watch Liu Ying crawling all over the ground, and not let him stuff the wood and stones on the ground into his mouth...

Well, there is also the grasshopper she caught and the wild fruit she picked up, cleaned and distributed to Liu Ying...

That's it.

But in the next second, the genes she inherited from Liu Bang began to exert force.

So, she also put on a weeping expression, and together with Lu Yu, she accused Liu Ying of being heartless...

Liu Ying was confused.

He looked at Lu Yu on the left, then at Liu Le on the right, and sat directly on the other side, lest his IQ be lowered by the two of them...

Liu Le pretended to wipe away his tears, and looked at Liu Ying secretly: "The pain in my sister's heart can only be made up for by that camera... Well, there are also those palace people who are good at taking and making photos!"

Liu Ying sneered: "Walking around, I didn't expect it to be for this?"

Lu Yu looked at Liu Ying with some hesitation, ready to exercise his mistress' power to agree to Liu Le's request on Liu Ying's behalf.

Therefore, Liu Ying said first: "I didn't bring many plates this time, and the number of materials for developing was not much. After all, this is only a preliminary test product, and the optical lens, reflector, and plates will be upgraded later. "

"Especially the bottom plate, I am going to use film instead of the current copper plate, so it will be easier to store and install."

Liu Le was full of confusion and blinked her peasy eyes: "What does this have to do with me?"

Liu Ying nodded: "Of course it has something to do with it! Think about it, there are only so many plates, and one is less if you use one. The important thing is that I said this time that I went to the North Sea to fish for seals and it was a vacation, but in fact, if you think about it Understood, I am the Son of Heaven of the Han Dynasty, the security of the country depends on the security of the country, and the support of billions of people, how can I have a vacation?"

"This time going north, we will not only reward the Zhenbei Army, but also call in the border guards of important northern towns such as Jiuyuan County Guard and Yunzhong County Guard, and also win over and appease the Xiongnu..."

"Officials often say that they are seven in the morning and four in the evening, and can only rest one day a week, while workers often say that they work in four shifts and three, with almost no time to rest. Farmers can take a good rest during the slack period!"

"But who ever thought of me?"

"I am open all year round, even when they are singing and singing, I am still working on state affairs!"

"That's it, what are people saying that I have to visit several concubines every night... It's really dark!"

Lu Yu blinked and said nothing.

Dou Yifang and Xu Negative glanced at each other, shrinking more and more in the corner to reduce their sense of existence.

How many times a night?
It's none of their business, they went to bed early...

Liu Le frowned: "If you don't borrow it, don't borrow it. Why are you still wronged? Let me tell you, you are not a child anymore. Even if you are wronged, I won't touch your head to coax you!"

Liu Ying: "..."

He was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to borrow it, but sister, you have to tell me how many pictures you plan to take, and I'll see if the remaining plates are enough for me..."

"After all, I have said a lot, just to say that I still have a camera. For example, I took photos with the Zhenbei Army, took photos with Jiuyuan and Yunzhong, and took photos with Xiongnu after arriving in Longcheng. And when we went seal fishing with our dad..."

"The images of the former will be preserved in the National Archives, while the latter will be preserved in the living quarters and Jongmyo..."

"So, I'll give you three at, two negatives!"

Liu Le was overjoyed.

In fact, the reason she wanted the camera was to take a photo with Aya to commemorate the relationship between their half-sisters...

Therefore, it is best to have two!
But she still pretended to be wronged: "Well, who made us born in the emperor's family..."

Liu Ying: "..."

Just, no foul language.


Dragon City.

This is the place where the Huns worshiped the heavens, and the approximate location is near Ulaanbaatar in Outer Mongolia.

To the west of the city is the usually busy but now idle train station.

To be precise, it is not leisure, but martial law.

Around the train station, there are guards who look very bloated, but are actually strong and vigorous.

After all, the temperature here has dropped below minus [-] degrees, and if you wear a little thinner, you will freeze into a popsicle in less than half an hour...

And these guards in charge of martial law are also very distinct.

Standing in the outermost circle are hundreds of short, fat, bow-legged people with machetes on their waists. These people can be judged by their appearance alone.


These are Aya's guards.

And in the center, those who are dressed in the same manner as the Huns around them, but taller and have relatively straight legs are the garrison of the Zhenbei Army in Longcheng. The personnel are all from the most frost-resistant families in the northwest and northeast. ...

Well, the reason why their legs are relatively straight is mainly because they are cavalrymen, and they also have cows and horses at home. They usually ride on horseback instead of walking, so the shape of their legs unknowingly curls up.

After all, in the vast grassland, if you want to defeat the nomadic cavalry, before the advent of jeeps equipped with machine guns, there is only one way to restrain the cavalry with cavalry!
Therefore, the slightly crooked legs are the reason why they can join the Zhenbei Army, exempt the whole family from taxes and get three salaries.

It is thousands of miles away from their hometown, and the spirit of patriotism is not enough to support them to live in this bitter cold place for many years.

Besides, don't take other people's sacrifices for granted!

The money is enough, and it is what it should be!

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