Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 103 The Imperial City Military Parade

Chapter 103 The Imperial City Military Parade
Zhu Zhanchang came to the Guard Division. Originally, Zhu Gaojiu should set off for the front line early this morning, but Zhu Di changed his mind and let him stay.

This kind of thing does not tolerate any security risks.

"Second uncle."

Zhu Gaojiu heard Zhu Zhanchang's voice when he was assigning the work of the guard division.

"Zhanzhen, you are here."

"Second uncle, I have already sent and Grandpa Huang to apply for a curfew from today, and I have also applied for the Department of Guards to be the security inspection department for the military parade in the imperial city."

Zhu Gaoxu seems to have been prepared for a long time: "Well, I have already recalled many guards who were leased to various governments. The imperial city is heavily guarded, so the security of each government is not a problem. There are more than 800 guards in the Security Division. For deployment."

Although the guards of the Guards Division are not as strong as those in active duty, but because of the nature of their work, they are in contact with senior officials every day, so they are very interested in whether their net worth is innocent, and these guards do not need to re-examine their identity.

"Second uncle, how about this, arrange for the guards to take turns on duty at night. On the day of the military parade, arrange to go to each intersection of the main street to check all the people and the soldiers who have yet to be inspected."

"Will the soldiers be checked too?"

"Yes, safety comes first, and all the higher floors near the main street must be guarded by guards at that time. If any suspicious person or troublemaker is encountered, they will be arrested on the spot, and the trial will be conducted after the military parade."

Zhu Gaojiao nodded after thinking carefully.

Just as Zhu Zhanchang sat down to discuss things for a while, someone came to report to the prince to order him to return to the palace.

I had to hurry all the way back to the palace.

As soon as I arrived in the Prince's Courtyard, I heard the sound of coughing. The Prince, who was not feeling well, slept late last night, and his condition worsened again, with a severe cough.

"Father, take a break."

Zhu Gaochi squeezed out a slight smile: "I heard that you haven't slept your eyes since last night. It's hard for you, cough."

"It's okay, I usually sleep a lot, and I'll be fine if I sleep less in the past two days."

"You must be serious in doing things, but you must also know how to rest properly. I am very pleased with your appearance these two days. Your eldest brother has to organize the army these days and can't spare his hands. If you need help, send someone to come with me as soon as possible. Say."

"Thank you father."

"Cough, don't go out of the palace today, it's almost night, go to bed early tonight."

"Father still has a lot of things to discuss."

"It's getting late, you can't go without sleep for two days in a row, and you have to know how to assign tasks and run everything by yourself. Do you have three heads and six arms?"

Usually being too lazy is a problem, but in the past two days, I found out that he was overwhelmed with so many things, and I was afraid that Zhu Zhanchang would be too tired.


"Let's rest first. It's better to wake up earlier tomorrow. You have to do things one by one. It seems to be orderly now. Lu Shangshu and others are very experienced. You don't have to worry about them."

"Understood, then I'll go back to the hospital first."


As soon as Zhu Zhanchang returned to his small courtyard, Chu Er came out and saw Zhu Zhanchang's fatigue. Chu Er hurriedly welcomed him into the room and lay down on his favorite reclining chair.

"Your Highness, what would you like to eat tonight?"

As soon as Sang Yu's voice fell, Chu Er made a silence to clean up, and Zhu Zhanchang fell asleep.

This is the first time I have seen my Highness so tired.


It was not yet dawn, and Zhu Zhanchang woke up early in the morning. After several days of preparation, today was the day of the official imperial city military parade.

Ying Tianfu has been under curfew for several days, but a lot of people with wrong thoughts have been caught, and they have taken this opportunity to rectify the law and order.

Lu Zhen's work efficiency is very high, so there is basically no need to worry about the things handed over to him. As long as they are negotiated, they can always be completed on time within the specified time.

The newspapers have been released after expedited printing. The first printed ones were sent to Shuntianfu first, but Yingtianfu was released early yesterday morning.

The name of the deceased on the homepage, which was shouted by the ghosts, really aroused the indignation of the crowd. Even ordinary people who didn't care about political and current affairs raised their arms and shouted for the Ming army to go to war at this time.

Zhu Di had never encountered such a soldier and civilian who wanted him to go on a northern expedition.

When this newspaper arrived in Shuntian Prefecture, it aroused the indignation of the army and the people, and the morale of the Ming army was high.

"Li Shimian's words are right, the Great Ancestor expelled the captives and restored China, if I have to be humiliated and plundered by the barbarians in the north, it is because of disloyalty and unfilial piety, and I am a disloyal, unjust and unfilial prince. "

Zhu Di stood on the city tower early, and looked at the slowly rising sun with emotion.

"Your Majesty, the people are very enthusiastic about participating in the military parade, but due to the limited space, only a small number of people can enter. Representatives of companies that pay a lot of taxes have been taken to the observation deck opposite Yong'an Street. This time, these companies have expressed their willingness to arrange merchant ships to help for free. Transport." said the Minister of War beside him.

Zhu Di nodded symbolically: "The water transportation department will be contacted about this matter. The merchants are also the people of Daming. Those who are enthusiastic and willing to help should be encouraged."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

At this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was dressed in military uniform, came to Zhu Di's side. Zhu Di looked at the heroic grandson with his eyes full of what he looked like when he was young.

The tiger swallows gold and has a leather belt. There are also tiger head embroidered armor on both shoulders. Zhu Zhanji, who is lined with dark black armor on his chest and legs, has a fierceness. The dark red inside is the style of flying fish robe.

Zhu Zhanji's face is still immature, and wearing these equipment only adds to the demeanor of a soldier.

He patted Zhu Zhanji on the shoulder: "You seem to have grown taller again, and you will be taller than me right away."

"Grandson Xing has the style of His Majesty back then." Other officials began to flatter.

Zhu Gaojiu, who was beside him, secretly slandered: "These immortals also said that I had His Majesty's style back then."

When Zhu Zhanchang arrived, everyone was already there. He got up early, but he didn't expect that he would be the latest one.

"Come over here."

Zhu Zhanchang originally wanted to hide by the side, but he did not expect to be seen by Zhu Di, so he had to walk beside him.

"Grandpa Emperor."

"The newspaper did a good job this time, and your award will be determined after my triumph."

"Thank you grandfather, it's what grandchildren should do, not asking for awards."

Zhu Di smiled with satisfaction: "I heard that you were asked to assist in the supervision of the country, how many complaints do you have?"

"Supervise the country?" The ministers on the side were talking a lot. Before, there were only a few important ministers in the country. This imperial decree was to be announced at the time of the expedition. Now that Zhu Di has said it first, these uninformed ministers know this time. It is actually this Fifth Highness who is in charge of the country.

Zhu Zhan has a headache: "Grandpa Huang, I am still young, inexperienced, and not stable enough, but Grandpa Huang is relieved. Grandpa Huang and the eldest brother and the third brother are on the front line for the country. Zhanyi must do his best to assist his father in the important task of supervising the country. ."

Zhu Zhanji, who was in military uniform, smiled helplessly, Zhu Zhanchang didn't change his temper, but last night Zhu Gaochi told him that the princess of the Western Regions came to marry him.

The third brother loves Da, the fifth brother Xi Duo, these two younger brothers are really...

thump, thump

Facing the rising sun, the Ming army drums sounded.

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  It is not easy for a newcomer to write a book, and now the daily update is 6000 words

(End of this chapter)

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