Chapter 110 Prince Han's Gun

The snow was a full foot deep, and above the white snow were the hoof prints of a group of cavalry, walking from north to south.

A small group of cavalry outside the frontier stopped, and the burly man jumped off his horse. His cheeks were flushed, his skin was chapped, and his lips were puckered. The man, devastated by the wind and snow in the north, observed the cavalry's footprints and picked it up. I smelled the feces on the road, then inserted my finger into it to feel the temperature, and finally tasted it.

"Bah, why doesn't this horse manure smell bad?" The strong man in the lead frowned tightly.

"The leader doesn't seem to be horse dung..." A young Mongolian man next to him said embarrassingly with a pile of fresh horse dung.

Silence is the sound of a distant horse's hooves, inaudible but broken in my heart.

The leading strong man looked calm: "There is still warmth in the horse dung, and the Ming army should not have gone far."

"Leader, let's report back first."

"Wait, this time the Ming army sent less than 200 cavalry to Wuliangha Sanwei. The leader is the King of Han. The cavalry is fast, and the opportunity must not be missed. If you miss it, go and inform your brother, [-] of us will follow up first. "

"It's too dangerous for the leader to be like this. We have fewer people than each other. It's too dangerous to be discovered."

The brawny man said impatiently: "Wu Liang Ha San Wei is really disgraceful to the grassland. If he is a hawk dog in the Ming Dynasty, the other party will bring [-] cavalry. If we change our leaders, we must kill them. This time we can't let them. Go back, how can the Ming army be against the men on our grassland, the beef and mutton eaten by the men on the grassland, the porridge they eat for the Ming army, a man on the grassland is enough to be worth ten Ming troops, follow me. superior."

The persuaded soldier spoke again: "Leader, the Ming army King Han can fight well, so it's better to be careful..."

"Follow me, capture King Han alive and bring it back to the Great Khan."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, I had to rush back first to contact the large army for reinforcements.


In the Ming army team returning from the visit to Wuliangha, Zhu Gaojiu, who was riding on horseback, pulled his trousers belt, spit, and said unhappily, "Bah, this ghost place is cold to death, shit, not only frozen buttocks Almost froze our guns."

The soldier on the side smiled happily: "Master Han will go back and take some of our brothers to sharpen the guns this time."

"You kid, if you don't study well at a young age, you must take you to sharpen your gun when you go back."

The envoy Wuliangha Sanwei confirmed that they were still stable and had no disagreements. Zhu Gaojiu was in a good mood.

Wuliangha Sanwei ceremoniously entertained the King of Han. As the weakest of the three forces in the grasslands, Wuliangha Sanwei did not intend to tear up with the Ming army, but it did not mean that they had no ambition, but the weakest of the many forces. It is obviously unwise to challenge the strongest side head-on.

At least Wuliangha Sanwei had no intention of rebelling on the surface, otherwise he didn't know how many cavalry he could run back, but Zhu Gaojiu also knew that if Daming was defeated, Wuliangha Sanwei would definitely take advantage of the fire and take the opportunity to strengthen himself.

As long as he doesn't dare to tear his face with Daming, he will do a little trick behind his back, and then he will be fined after the war.

When Zhu Gaojiu was chatting with his subordinates jokingly, he caught up with a fast horse: "My lord, there is a small team of people following behind."

Prince Han has fought countless battles and is experienced, leaving some troops behind to protect his safety.

"How's the number? Whose commander?"

"A rough estimate is between 150 and 200 people, all of them are cavalry. They can't be seen clearly from a distance. I don't know where they belong?"

The King of Han smiled evilly, with a wild and uninhibited look: "It's time for brothers to make meritorious deeds. After a trip to Wuliangha, it's boring to run around. You have to bring a few heads back to celebrate the New Year."

The guards led by King Han were very good at fighting and cheered.

"The large troop continued to set off along the original route, and stood by after walking ten miles, waiting for my signal, and charged back as soon as it received the signal, leaving 200 people to lie in ambush with me in the woods, holding new-style firecrackers, and those with grenades stayed behind .”


The King of Han's army has strict military discipline. Although they can usually joke with the King of Han, they must obey orders 100% when they are down to business.

The large army continued to move forward, and King Han led his people to hide in the snow-covered woodland, carefully looking at the rear.

He is now holding the latest rifle of the Ming Dynasty.

"What is this gun called?" Zhu Gaojiao asked the person next to him, unable to remember his name.

"My lord, my name is Akka Siqi."

"What a ghost name, go back and ask Zhanyi to change it."

There are some differences between the current Akka [-] and the original one. The second grip that was originally made has been cancelled, and the magazine for storing ammunition, the gun stock, and the scope have been added. More and more Shadow of the rifle.

Zhu Gaojiu raised his gun, looked at the scope, and took out the latest grenades. They tried these equipments when they were in Shuntianfu, and they were all light equipment, but this was the first time to go out to fight, so apart from the original equipment The equipment has not fallen at all.

After a period of time, there was gradually the sound of horseshoes. The strong man who tasted the shit before came with 200 cavalry. The horseshoe marks on the ground were not broken. find.

When Prince Han saw that their leading troops had passed, he made a decisive decision and raised the signal. There was a thunder in the sky, and the Ming army in ambush in the mountains and forests also launched.

For a time, countless grenades were thrown from the woodland, and the cavalry's horses were startled.

The explosion sounded one after another. Although the grenade was not very powerful at this time, the sound of the explosion had already made the horses panic. Prince Han led the soldiers out, holding the latest Aka Siqi and lighting the gunpowder.


The sudden attack of the Ming army made the enemy overwhelmed. Although the enemy leader was strong, he was obviously inexperienced. After the explosion of the grenade, the attack of the fire gun made their team collapse in an instant.

The King of Han rode on a horse to fire the fire gun. The current Akka [-] has been improved to eight bursts of fire at one time, but the current burst is the staggered firing time of each shot of gunpowder.

The sound of fire guns came one after another, and the equipped sights of Akka Four or Seven killed the Quartet, instantly killing and wounding more than half of the enemy.

That's the power of firearms.

After eight rounds, the King of Han threw the fire gun into the horse's backpack, picked up the big sword, and started to charge.

The chaotic enemy army has no strength to fight back, and the reaction is to slap the horse and slip away.

When the main force returned, Zhu Gaojiu had already led his men to clean up the battlefield and went back, and he also captured the leading young strong man.

"My lord, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's just a small group of Oirat cavalry. This time we killed 40 enemies and surrendered [-]. Our army only slightly injured two people, hahahaha." How could such a battle not make Zhu Gaoxu happy.

Hearing that, the soldier couldn't believe it, but seeing that there was no loss of a group of men in ambush before, he had to believe it.

"How did you do it, Your Highness?"

Zhu Gaojiu complimented: "Don't say it, this new firearm is really easy to use, light and easy to use, the grenade opened the way, smashed them into a mess, and then used Akka forty-seven to shoot, this firearm with ordinary power and accuracy. Guns can't compare."

"This kid Zhanchang is very promising, and the name Aka Siqi is also a good one. It's easy to say."

Zhu Gaojiu pointed to the young brawny man who was tied to the horse's back and said, "Guess who this is?"

The soldier shook his head.

"This guy's name is Heda."

"Haida? Maham's youngest son? Haida, known as Little Temujin?"

"What little Temujin, these little bastards in the northern border, seven or eight out of ten call themselves little Temujin, it would be great if it were Temujin, I tied Temujin back, how can Your Majesty reward me? ,Ha ha ha ha."

Being ridiculed like this, Haida, who was tied up and gagged, stared at Zhu Gaojiao with resentment in his eyes.

"What are you staring at?" Zhu Gaojiao's lieutenant kicked Haida.

Zhu Gaojiu was indeed still in high spirits: "Stare, keep staring, I want you to stare all the way back, I believe Your Majesty is also very interested in this little Tiemuzhen."

"My lord, go back immediately, catch Haida, the Mahamu army may be nearby, if our two thousand cavalry are facing their main force, it will be troublesome."

"It is very unusual to see a team of Oara at the intersection with the Tartars. Let's go back first, Your Highness."

The king of Han was bold and careful, and slapped the horse's butt: "Go, go back quickly."

On the other side, in the military tent, the cavalry who had just escaped stumbled in: "Master Tuohuan, it's not good, Master Haida has been captured by the Ming army."

"What?!" The not tall and somewhat obese Mongolian man in the military tent had a fierce look in his eyes, his ferocious face, and his angry eyes, which really made the baby stop crying.

He is the eldest son of Mahamud, the future owner of Oara, Tuohuan.

"Just let you guys leave for such a short period of time and something like this happened. I ordered five thousand cavalry to go out with me."

Tuo Huan immediately led his troops to the expedition, but Zhu Gaojiu had already taken people back and forth for an unknown distance. It was not far from the Daming border, but Tuohuan died to chase him to the Daming border, but he was still searching for nothing.

Angrily gritted his teeth and had to return.

Prince Han's side came back to Shuntian Mansion overnight with the captives, and brought people to the emperor.

He hadn't slept all night, but the King of Han was still in high spirits. He told Zhu Di in front of Zhu Di how he was brave.

In his description, his marksmanship has almost reached the level of gunfighting.

Zhu Di naturally knew that there were many fictitious elements in his story, but the fact that he captured the descendants of Oara Mahamu without any effort was in front of him, so he should be allowed to brag for a while.

"Your Majesty, this Akka [-] must be equipped on a large scale. This thing can be used by one person. Although it is not accurate when riding on a horse, it is still very accurate for someone with superb archery skills like me."

Zhu Dixu was tired of listening to his bragging, and wanted to make him stop, he patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly: "The one who is wise and brave is the King of Han."

This sentence instantly seized in Zhu Gaojiu's heart and became his second favorite word.

The King of Han finally quieted down, Zhu Di walked to Haida, who was tied down on his knees, akimbo, and looked at him condescendingly.

"Mahamu's youngest son, brave and ignorant, let him call the door when he fought in Oara."

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(End of this chapter)

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