Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 116 I won't go if you don't let me go

Chapter 116 I won't go if you don't let me go
"Yang Song, do you recognize the logo of Japanese pirates in Japan?"

"When I first joined the army a few years ago, my subordinates fought Japanese pirates with the coastal army and expelled them. Some of the prisoners captured had this brand."

"Tell me in detail."

Yang Song went on to say: "The Japanese pirates who were caught at the time explained that they were divided into the Northern and Southern Dynasties before Dongying, and then the Southern Dynasties declined. Many of their coastal residents were persecuted and captured as slaves, or became wanderers, and finally sailed across the sea to find a way out. , This is also the main person who most Xiaobo harass Japanese pirates along the coast of our country."

"It seems that this group of people pretending to be the "Eastern Mission" may be these slaves. Zhang Yu, let the Ministry of Criminal Interrogation ask the real Dongying Mission how it is now?"

"Your Highness Fifth, you mean that the real Dongying mission..."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded: "These rogues will never think of pretending to be the Japanese mission for no reason. I suspect that the real Japanese mission may have suffered from them."

The two got into the carriage and returned to the palace. Zhu Zhanqian didn't expect it to be so easy. After all, these rogues had too many loopholes, and they didn't understand the affairs of state diplomacy, so they were only waiting for interrogation.

"Fifth brother, this group of rogues dare to pretend to be the Japanese mission, and they cannot be spared lightly."

"That's natural. It's just that I don't know what happened to the real Dongpu mission. The previous news that they will meet with them years ago, but there is no news that they have landed now. They should be captured or killed by these rogues. Since it is a visiting mission, whether it is life or death, there must be an explanation of the ins and outs, so I just took this opportunity to go to Dongpu."

"What are you doing in Japan?"

"I don't know if the princesses in Japan are pretty."

Zhu Zhanqian's answer left Zhu Zhanyan completely speechless, and Zhu Zhanqian deliberately didn't talk to him more.

When I went back, I reported the matter to the prince and ordered the Ministry of Criminal Justice to step up the interrogation. Zhu Zhanyi resigned first, but Zhu Zhanxi stayed and said to the prince: "Father, I still don't know what happened to the real Dongying Mission. The previous news They were going to meet a few years ago, so there is no news of their arrival, so they must have been captured or killed by these rogues, since they are visiting missions, whether they are dead or alive, we must give an account of the ins and outs."

"Well, it's well thought out. These rogues are too courageous. If the Japanese mission is really killed, including their general's younger brother, let me know if they are dead or alive, and they must not lose the etiquette of a great country."

"My son will leave first."

Zhu Zhanqian didn't know that the second brother was a good scholar, so he recited a passage of his words.

It snowed again the next morning, and Hu Shanwei came to Zhu Zhanyi's yard early in the morning. He saw Hu Shanwei just after waking up. Isn't he in a better mood this day?

"Hu Shanggong, why are you here so early today?"

"Your Highness, Guanglu Temple sent a list and menu for the New Year's banquet. His Royal Highness said that it would be good to discuss it with you."

Zhu Zhanqian understood that this must have something to do with the crown prince's dislike of the food at Guanglu Temple, and that these are just as usual, there is nothing special to pay attention to, so he assigned the matter to Zhu Zhanqian.

After taking the list, he glanced at it: "Hu Shanggong, where is the mother going to give gifts to all the wives in the New Year?"

"The empress dowager thinks that many ministers, especially generals, are at the front and cannot go home for a reunion during the New Year. So I will give some gifts to those wives who have orders or husbands who are at the front to ease the feeling of missing their loved ones."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded: "It should be so, but mother rewards are also gold, silver and satin things, how about this, tell mother that these ladies can write letters, and I will arrange for the steamship to deliver the goods. The letter was brought to the north, and at the same time, the letter from the north will be brought back to express the lovesickness."

The efficiency of the ancient post stations was not bad for things like military information, but the efficiency of ordinary letters was low and the loss rate was high. The post office system was also useful.

"Your Highness's words are very true." Hu Shanwei smiled slightly, with the charm of a mature woman, and her aunt's gentleness was really like a knife.

"By the way, Your Highness, I heard that there will be a woman in Jianzhou who is said to be a concubine for His Highness the Grandson. Does Your Highness know about this?"

Zhu Zhanqian nodded, and Li Xianzhong ordered his daughter to be sent to Shuntian Mansion when he went back. Shuntian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion now have smooth waterways, and it is estimated that they will arrive in a few days, but it is his princess from the Western Regions who has a long journey and has to wait.

"Hey, I and other royal men are all involuntary." Zhu Zhanqian sighed.

At this moment, Chu'er came to pass the news that there was news from the fake "Eastern Mission" yesterday.

Looking at the report handed over by the Ministry of Punishment, Zhu Zhanqian frowned, noticing the change in Zhu Zhanqin's expression, Hu Shanwei said empathetically, "Your Highness, why are you so worried?"

"Hu Shanggong, I have to find my father first."


The prince received the report from Zhu Zhanqian, and his face changed: "The Japanese Japanese pirates captured yesterday confessed that the Japanese missions were captured by them on a small island to the east of Zhoushan Island. There are more than [-] Japanese pirates there. The island is remote and inaccessible, so it has not been discovered, and the reason why they pretended to be a mission is to assassinate me?"

The occupation of such small islands is difficult to detect without fishermen passing by.

Zhu Gaochi frowned: "Zhan Yan, what should I do with this matter?"

"Father, it is urgent to mobilize troops immediately." Zhu Zhanqian replied directly.

"Why do you oppose sending troops to the banditry in Jiangxi, but you propose to use troops when the little Japanese pirates in Japan occupy a small island?" Zhu Zhanxi was a little upset.

"Two things are different."

"What is the difference?"

"The Japanese pirates are aliens, occupying our land, and approaching the sea. If a large army lands from the coast, our coast does not have enough troops to stop the Japanese pirates."

Zhu Zhanxuan retorted: "It's just a few hundred Japanese pirates and rogues."

Zhu Zhanqian sighed: "This group of fake Japanese missions confessed to be hundreds of Japanese pirates, but they dared to catch the real missions and pretended to be missions to Beijing, intending to assassinate my father. I have a bad feeling. If they There are more than 300 people behind me?"

"Is it necessary to send troops based on imagination?"

Zhu Zhanqian was too lazy to quarrel with him, and said to Zhu Gaochi: "Father, please send Zheng He to lead the army to search the island, annihilate the Japanese pirates occupying the island, and rescue the Japanese mission."

"Send a biography, Hu Guang, Xia Yuanji, Yang Shiqi, Zheng He."

Xia Yuanji arrived first, and seeing that the two Highnesses had different opinions, he agreed with Zhu Zhanqian's opinion on sending troops. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Hu Guang did not help each other, and Yang Shiqi also agreed to send troops.

Zheng He was the last to arrive, after all he was farther away.

When Zheng He heard about the troubles of the Japanese pirates, he immediately asked for orders: "Your Majesty, I have ordered someone to install a steam warship so that they can go to sea for a battle."

Hearing about the steam warship, several people looked at Zheng He in amazement. Everyone had seen the steam warship, but only Zheng He and Zhu Zhanqian had seen the steam warship.

This is also the reason why Zhu Zhanqian dared to attack. The speed and maneuverability of steam warships are far superior to ordinary ships. He has the confidence to win, and he doesn't need to work hard.

"The minister ordered the craftsmen to manufacture steam warships while manufacturing the transport ships needed in the north. There are currently three ships. The warships can be advanced first to spy on the truth. If the enemy really only has more than 300 people, it is enough to destroy them."

Zheng He's words were full of confidence. Zhu Gaochi and several ministers looked at each other and said: "Zheng He will set off after two days to find the traces of Japanese pirates and rescue the Japanese mission."

"Father, I want to go out with the army." Zhu Zhanqian said suddenly.

"No." Zhu Zhanyu was the first to stop: "Fifth Brother, you are still young, and it is not suitable for you to go out with the army."

Zhu Gaochi had a headache at this time, why did his father and son like to go to war so much, and they all rushed to the place where the war was fought.

Hu Guang also persuaded: "Your Highness, naval battles are very risky, please think twice, Your Highness."

"Father, I want to see the effect of the steam warship. Only after seeing it with my own eyes will I have more ways to improve it."

They know Zhu Zhanqian's mind, and if there is a better way to improve it, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

Zhu Zhanxi once again dissuaded him: "Father, it is too dangerous for the fifth brother to join the army. He will only be ten years old after the new year." He reiterated that Zhu Zhanyi is too young.

His idea is that he wants to go out to suppress the bandits, and everyone refuses to let him go. Why can Zhu Zhanqian go on an expedition to fight against the Japanese pirates? How could the Japanese pirates with more than 300 people be the opponent of our army?

I don't have military merits and neither can you.

Zhu Gaochi glanced at Zhu Zhanqian. He could see that Zhu Zhanqian wanted to go to war, but he sighed. After all, fighting is too dangerous. Zhu Zhanqian can't even take care of himself at this age. What if there is a loss? manage.

"Zhan Qian, you have never been on a battlefield. The risk of a naval battle is too high. Forget it this time. Just go and see the situation of the warship in these two days."


"This matter is decided in this way." Zhu Gaochi still regarded Zhu Zhanqian's safety as the first criterion, and rejected his idea.

Zhu Zhanqian was helpless and did not speak.

Yang Shiqi continued: "His Royal Highness, what if the other party threatens the Japanese mission? Based on diplomatic etiquette, we have an obligation to rescue the Japanese mission."

Hu Guang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, pondered for a while: "Yes." He continued slowly: "But now the life and death of the Japanese mission is unknown, and the situation may exceed our current expectations when the time comes, so Zheng He can only make a judgment on the spot."

He said and looked at Zheng He seriously: "If the mission is alive, we must ensure their safety. If the members of the mission are dead, bring back their corpses. If you want to see the dead, you must see the dead. After all, the rogues are vicious. There is a high probability that he should have been killed, what a pity, what a pity."

Everyone understood what Hu Guang said, Zheng He agreed and stopped talking.

Zhu Gaochi ordered them all to retreat.

Zhu Zhanxi walked away quickly with a little anger. He felt that they were all sons. Obviously Zhu Gaochi preferred Zhu Zhanqian, who was a descendant, even if he was inferior to Zhu Zhanji. There is a resentment in my heart that has nowhere to go.

And there is only one way for him to vent and relieve.

Zhu Zhanxi took a cold look at Zhu Zhanxi. To be honest, he didn't hold any grudges against Zhu Zhanxi. After all, even if he didn't speak, Zhu Gaochi couldn't let him go to sea with the army.

But if you don't let me go, will I not go?
How could the Ming Navy's first battle with steamships be missed?

(End of this chapter)

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