Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 119 How did you collude to confess?

Chapter 119 How did you collude to confess?
The Ming government's initial coastal defense system in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was fairly tight.At that time, Fang Mingqian proposed:
"When the Japanese sea comes, the ear of the sea will be guarded. Please measure the distance, set up guards, gather infantry on land, and warships with water equipment, then the Japanese will not be allowed to enter, and people will not be allowed to touch the shore."

And this strategy was adopted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and once again strengthened the forces dispatched in coastal defense.

However, when Tang He visited Zhejiang, he greatly weakened the coastal defense force in Zhoushan.

There are only two thousand households in such a huge sea area - more than 2000 people are here to defend, and the necessary military equipment such as warships cannot be supplied.
Now there are two thousand households on Zhoushan Island, but in fact there is only one serious thousand households, Chen Baiyue, and the establishment is not complete.

Because of the shrinking inland of the coastal defense policy, Zhoushan is basically supported by local residents.

Inviting Chen Baiyue to the steam warship, seeing Zheng He's warship, Chen Baiyue's face was full of admiration visible to the naked eye, and he said as he walked: "Master Zheng He, your warship is really majestic, and it is a boat on the sea. On the flat ground, I saw white smoke rise just now, I thought it was a fire."

He still doesn't know the principle of the steam warship.

"Chen Qianhu, there may be Japanese pirates harassing him recently."

"Japanese pirates? I haven't seen a Japanese pirate for more than a year." Chen Boyue smiled lightly: "A year ago, there was a Japanese pirate harassment and we were repelled, and we haven't been here. Master Zheng is going to the West again. Yet?"

"No, we received a letter from the coastal residents saying that there were Japanese pirates harassing them. His Royal Highness sent me to take a look."

"Oh? I don't know where the report came from?"

"I got the letter." Zheng He didn't say it directly.

Chen Baiyue laughed and said, "The weather has been calm recently, and in winter, Japanese pirates generally don't come across the ocean."

The seasons of Japanese pirates and northern barbarians are exactly opposite. Northern barbarians like to come in autumn and winter, Japanese pirates like spring or early summer, the cold sea breeze in winter can be murderous, and there are typhoons in summer, so most of them come in spring. Of course, small stocks of Japanese pirates are timeless.

"Furthermore, it's just Japanese pirates. Where is the need for Mr. Zheng, you need to use a bull's knife to kill chickens. You send someone to give an order, and our guardhouse can beat the Japanese robbers to the ground."

The hearty man has dark skin, and there are several scars on the top of his head. They are not big. If any one is bigger and deeper, he is afraid that it will take his life.

"In the past few days, we will patrol the waters near Zhoushan Island. After all, it is related to the Dongying mission. If there are Japanese pirates, it will also be troublesome for the diplomacy of the two countries. Also tell us, we will come out to drive away."

"A mission from Dongying arrives? Is there really a mission?"

"What's the matter, Chen Qianhu, do you know the Dongying mission?"

Chen Baiyue laughed: "Some time ago, there was a storm at sea, and our fishermen rescued a few people, all dressed in Dongying people's clothes. They thought they were Japanese pirates and wanted to kill them, but some of them said our words and said they were Dongying's envoys. Tuan, let us help to find people, but you also know that the Japanese pirates and we have been feuding for many years, how can you help him, who knows whether what he said is true or false, we will lock it up, I did not expect that there is really a Dongying envoy group."

Zheng He was stunned, and looked at Zhu Zhanchang, both of them were stunned.

The fake Eastern Ying mission also said that it was stranded by the wind and waves encountered at sea, which matched Chen Baiyue's words.

But the Eastern Ying mission is a fake. The fake is right. It's like a prisoner who has made a good confession. One party has already explained it, and the other party doesn't know how to answer according to the original serialized confession.

Chen Baiyue has a problem.

Because the Dongying mission was caught as a fake, not many people knew about it, and the transmission of information in ancient times was slow, so it was normal for people on Zhoushan Island to not know.

Zheng He continued with a smile and said: "The embassy from Dongying has already arrived in the capital, and it is said that they encountered a storm. They are now resting in the city. They have paid tribute to their national treasure, Tai Guangshi. His Royal Highness is very happy and is preparing for the New Year's banquet to invite Dongying. The delegation will participate together to maintain good relations between the two countries and reduce the chaos of Japanese pirates."

"Very good, very good." Chen Baiyue still smiled, patted her thigh and said: "Oh, it's not good, then I'm not still locked up by the people of the diplomatic mission, I will give them a meal of pig bran a day, oh, it's over. It's over, go and let it out."

"Chen Qianhu, I'll send a few people with you to go with you, and we'll take it to our ship when we release it, and I'll bring it back when I return to Beijing." Then he whispered to Chen Baiyue: "Chen Qianhu, don't worry, I'll entertain you. He won't let him hate you for shutting him down."

Chen Baiyue smiled awkwardly: "Okay, okay, you can send two people with me, it's not far away."

With a wave of Zheng He's hand, three fully-armed soldiers followed, and they first went with Chen Baiyue to bring over the "Eastern Ying Envoy" who was imprisoned by him.

Seeing Chen Baiyue disembark, Zheng He's expression turned cold.

Originally, there was no doubt about the thousands of households that have guarded Zhoushan for so many years, but only inquired about the surrounding situation.

After all, the fake Dongying embassy was tortured and said that it was an unnamed island on the edge of Zhoushan. There are many such islands, and it takes time and effort to find them

So I wanted to find out if there were any Japanese pirates around, but unexpectedly, Chen Baiyue spoke up about the Dongying mission by herself.

Zheng He said with a black face: "Your Highness, the embassy from Dongying in Beijing is a fake, but Chen Baiyue said that there are also embassies from Dongying. This matter is a bit messy, and the ministers are not clear."

Zhu Zhanchang also frowned.

"There are two possibilities. One is that the people from the Dongying mission locked up in Chen Baiyue's place are real, then they should be people who were exiled before the Dongying mission was arrested. The second is that it is also fake, just the same as before The Dongying embassy has a good confession, and I am afraid that someone will come to investigate."

"His Royal Highness thinks which may be higher."

"Let's talk about it after we actually see it."

He said so, but Zhu Zhanqian knew that 90.00% of the Dongying Mission detained by Chen Baiyue was fake.

It is true that the Eastern Ying Mission was attacked by Japanese pirates, rather than falling into the water caused by the impact of wind and waves. The statement is not correct. If they escaped from the Japanese pirates, they would definitely try their best to inform the Eastern Ying Mission of the arrest.

It is Chen Baiyue and the others who have a feud with the Japanese pirates, but it is related to the diplomacy of the two countries, so it is impossible not to report the news of this kind of mission.

In fact, there is only one possibility, that is, the Dongying mission came to the capital and used the reason that the ship was destroyed in the wind and waves. If someone came to confirm the authenticity of the news, it happened that there was an envoy on the island who was rescued by the ship who was destroyed in the wind and waves. , confirming each other is flawless.

In fact, their consideration was more comprehensive, and they even made a back-up, but they made a huge fatal mistake.

They lost their "gift".

There are "ceremonies" between people and between countries, and "li" is also the rules.

Each country has its own customs and habits, so for the sake of diplomacy, each country has its officials dedicated to diplomacy, tribute, pilgrimage, and mutual markets have their own rules.

There are those who know the rules and deliberately destroy them, such as the current northern barbarians, a war is about to start.

And this time the Eastern Ying mission did not understand the rules at all, even if their plans seemed perfect to them, but without the diplomatic rules, these schemes were more like a ridiculous joke.

"Master Zheng, order the entire army to be under martial law. The boat has been on for a day, and everyone is tired and refreshed."

Zheng He smiled: "His Royal Highness, these are all good players who have gone to the West with me many times. The storms in the past two days are nothing at all. I am ordering the entire army to be under martial law and be prepared."

The two looked at Zhoushan Island under the dark night, and Zhu Zhanchang asked, "What kind of person is this Chen Baiyue?"

Zheng He sighed: "His father Chen Zhilong, the previous Zhoushan Qianhu, I tested the treasure ship before going west for the first time. I passed Zhoushan Island and met him. Although there are not many people on the mountains of Zhoushan Island, all of them are A good man, he has resisted the attacks of Japanese pirates many times, and then his father died while fighting against Japanese pirates, and he became a thousand households."

"Have you seen the scars on his head, this man is rumored to be incomparable, and he can block several ordinary soldiers by himself. The scars on his head are all left when he fought against the Japanese pirates, and he is a feud with the Japanese pirates. ."

Listening to Zheng He's words, he knew that he felt that Chen Baiyue could not be in the company of Japanese pirates.

The revenge of killing his father is undeniable.

"Hope, hope." Zhu Zhanchang murmured.

Chu Er came over with a leather jacket: "His Royal Highness, it's cold in the evening, please add a jacket."

After half an hour, Chen Baiyue and the guards returned to the warship with a skinny man.

The man was wearing the clothes of the Eastern Ying mission, his face was yellow and his muscles were thin, and he looked very weak.

Chen Baiyue said a little embarrassedly: "Master Zheng He, I thought this guy was impersonating, so I basically didn't eat much..."

Looking at the man's state, the half-dead look must be unable to ask questions.

Zheng He beckoned the doctor on the boat to come over, and the doctor said, "It's just a little weak, and it should be fine for a few days."

Chen Baiyue scratched his head and whispered to Zheng He, "Master Zheng, you can see that I don't know the situation. If you ask someone from above, can you help cover it up?"

Zheng He laughed: "Chen Qianhu, what are you talking about, you saved the Dongying messenger, and I have to ask you a reward in front of the Prince's Highness."

"Oh, I don't dare, I don't dare, just don't punish me for this lack of eyesight, His Royal Highness."

"No, His Royal Highness has always been benevolent. We brought back the drowning person from the Dongying Mission and saved his life. You can rest assured that I will explain to this person what to say and what not to do. It should be said."

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng."

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(End of this chapter)

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