Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 125 The Great Ancestor Does Not Know Yongle

Chapter 125 The Great Ancestor Does Not Know Yongle

In the face of Zhu Zhanchang's questioning, Chen Youshan sweated nervously, but since he has said it, he will finish it, whether it is good or bad.

"It's not Taizu's fault. When the Taizu was in the early Ming Dynasty, there were many wars in the north, and people's livelihood in the country was in vain. Everything should be based on domestic development. The long coast and the construction of the guards cost a lot, the people's hearts are uncertain, and the coastal trade is easy to be destroyed. Pirates loot and are easily invaded by foreign tribes, so Taizu's decision is not wrong."

"It's just that decades have passed since Taizu Shi and now, and Daming is no longer the Daming it used to be."

Zhu Zhanchang was quite satisfied with his statement, and this person still had some ideas.

"Why is Daming not the former Daming?"

"Domestic development is prosperous, and there are many surpluses of various commodities. my country's shipbuilding technology is ahead of other coastal countries. Our military is far superior to coastal countries. Why should pirates and pirates bully our coastal residents?"

Policies have to change over time, and Taizu's policies are difficult to manage.

A prosperous king must be very sensitive to the control of national policies, and the transition between old and new policies must be smooth. Zhu Di ordered Chen Xuan to form a navy, which is to develop toward the sea.

Chen Youshan's point of view is correct.

"By the way, you said about the smuggling, tell me in detail, the recent smuggling situation in Xiangshan."

"Young Master Zhu can guess, the smuggling proceeds seized in the past six months are taels of silver."

"Don't guess, just say it, don't give a shit."

Chen Youshan said embarrassingly: "700 taels of silver and 50 taels of gold, these were all found. The county government has limited manpower, so it is impossible to catch them every day. There are many more that have not been found."

Zhu Zhanchang said: "There are still some aristocratic families who haven't checked."

Chen Youshan smiled awkwardly and continued: "Young Master Zhu can imagine how big a market there is for trade in goods, and most of the goods are sent out from the Ming Dynasty. After earning back gold and silver, the goods can be re-produced, but all the gold and silver flowed into the country. ."

I didn't expect this guy to have some brains. A large amount of trade income will increase the amount of domestic gold and silver, and the reserves of hard currencies such as gold and silver can allow banks to issue more treasured banknotes.

Food stamps are only useful for a certain period of time. According to the current situation in the Ming Dynasty, they can be used for 5-10 years. In the end, the banknotes have to be anchored to gold.

Because we have to export banknotes overseas.

Of course, these are things in the future, and the road has to be taken step by step.

"Zhu Gongzi, rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the sea to eat the sea. If the coastal residents want a good life, they must rely on the sea. Maritime trade should be sparse and not blocked."

"Then what do you think about how to set up maritime trade? The seaside residents that Taizu was worried about and the "traitors" who are unwilling to submit are in common, and still need to be prepared."

Zhu Zhanchang asked his opinion, this is the performance opportunity Chen Youshan was looking forward to.

To clarify his thoughts, he said confidently: "Or take a coastal island like Zhoushan as a trading place, Hainan Island in the south, Weihaiwei in the north, open the market, limit the types of trading items, and use the guards as guards. Traders from all over the world will buy gold. For the exchange of currency, the exchange of goods for gold belongs to the country.”

This guy is going to start a trade zone. If there is another tariff exemption, he can't start a free trade zone.

There were quite a few people with ideas in the Ming Dynasty, but if the steam warship didn’t go into the sea, his idea would be rejected 100% of the time. No matter how good an idea is, it must have enough strength to support it.

Otherwise, when an island like Zhoushan opens its market, it will not be regarded as fat by pirates and Japanese pirates, staring at it every day.

His idea of ​​bringing gold back to China actually coincides with Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Di. Zhu Zhanchang has social experience in the future, Zhu Di is keenly aware that this is good for the country, and Chen Youshan is his own political opinion idea.

If you have an idea, you will flatter yourself. Isn't this the basic quality of a good official?
"You will write me all your thoughts on the trade island, and I will take a good look."

Being able to get Zhu Zhanchang's words, Chen Youshan already felt that he had hope. He definitely couldn't talk to his superiors about this idea. After all, it violated Taizu's ban on not going to sea, and he thought about it for a long time in front of Zhu Zhanchang.

Life can have a few backstrokes, such as a fight.

Chen Youshan said excitedly, "Yes, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang smiled slightly: "Have you guessed my identity?"

The flattery continued to offer: "The newspaper said that His Royal Highness was the person who held Yu for Huai Jin, and you can see it at a glance."

"Doing things is not flattering. If there is a sentence in the policy commentary written to me, I will not read it."

"Your Excellency understands."

Seeing him leave happily, Chu Er asked, "Your Highness, what does Huai Jin hold Yu mean?"

"It's just holding a beautiful woman in her arms, and she has to hold another in her hand."

"His Royal Highness actually scolds you, you should be arrested and sent to prison."

"Ah? Isn't that complimenting me?"

"Ah? Is this a compliment?"

"Isn't it?"

The black line on Xiaosheng's head said, "Your Highness, what you are holding is a beautiful jade, not a beautiful woman."


After returning home, Chen Youshan started writing overnight, writing and rewriting all his thoughts, and he basically didn't sleep all night.

He has a general concept in his own mind, and now he can write it fluently.

He went to find Zhu Zhanchang early in the morning, but as soon as he arrived at the port, he found that the guardhouse was in a mess, and the soldiers were carrying supplies, as if they were about to fight.

"The magistrate, I was just about to find you, but I didn't expect you to come."

"what happened?"

"Chen Zhixian, a person who escaped from Zhoushan has just arrived, saying that pirates and Japanese pirates have attacked Zhoushan Island, and Lord Zheng He is about to set off."

"But the court's decree hasn't come down yet. I'm going to find Lord Zheng He." Chen Youshan flew towards Zheng He's warship.

Zheng He's warship did not allow him to board, but when Zheng He saw him, he beckoned him to go up.

As soon as he boarded the ship, the steam warship was launched. Chen Youshan, who had not experienced the steamship personally, was startled. After a brief fright, he hurried to the deck to find Zheng He.

"Master Zheng, the court's decree has not yet come down, so I am afraid to mobilize the frontier troops of Xiangshanwei..."

"I am the will." Zhu Zhanchang looked into the distance and said.

Now he is assisting in the supervision of the country, and he has the right to issue orders. I was waiting for Zhu Gaochi's orders because I didn't think it was so urgent, but someone from Zhoushan just came out early in the morning and said that Zhoushan was attacked last night, so I can't wait. .

One night has passed, and Zhoushan Island still doesn't know what's going on.

He will do the will, and he will bear the responsibility.

Naturally, Chen Youshan didn't dare to say anything else, holding the strategy theory written overnight, but now is not the time for Zhu Zhanchang.

"His Royal Highness, your minister once commanded the Xiangshan Three Guards to jointly intercept pirates. If your highness trusts me, the Xiangshan army that is accompanying you can be handed over to me to command."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Chen Youshan seriously.

"Xiangshan Guard, bring out 1000 people this time, one thousand households, after formulating a battle plan, you will be in command."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Master Zheng, you come to formulate a plan."

"The army is pressing down."

(End of this chapter)

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