Chapter 147 We Workers Have Power

Ashikaga Goshigami's eyes shone with wisdom, and he felt that it was time to show his diplomatic talents, and it was time to use his genius-like mind.

"Do you have a solution? What solution?" Zhu Zhanchang asked for advice humbly with a "wrong" expression on his face.

Ashikaga Yijiao began to talk eloquently: "His Royal Highness, His Majesty the Great Emperor of Daming, is willing to allow our domestic students to come to Daming to take the exam. I am very honored to do this. I am willing to provide your country alone a large piece of land to build a school."

Zhu Zhanzhen was "shocked": "Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshikage, how can this be made?"

"His Royal Highness, this is our responsibility. After all, our two countries have a good relationship. If we can't do this, even if His Majesty the Emperor hesitates, I will definitely do it for you at my own expense. The island is also far from the mainland of Dongying, the waterway is inconvenient, and the students are often inconvenient, so let’s choose our capital.”

Zhu Zhanchang didn't expect that he was so active that he didn't have to bargain, but he had to pretend.

"Good or good, but..." Zhu Zhanchang still shook his head.

"What worries does the Fifth Highness have?"

"Dongying is different from my Daming after all. We have our etiquette system. Our teachers and teachers have to abide by your rules and regulations when they pass by. I'm afraid it is difficult. After all, these masters are all literati, as you know. The literati have a lot of rules, and once they violate the etiquette they recognize, it will always be troublesome, let’s rent an island and be free.”

How could Ashikaga Yoshihide slip away when the opportunity presented itself, looked at the two of them, and discussed a few words.

Ashikaga Yoshio said, "Your Highness, Fifth, if you don't even think that the teachers and envoys of your Ming Dynasty in the Eastern Ying territory are all acting in accordance with the laws of the Ming Dynasty, we will not interfere much."

This is equivalent to acknowledging the detached status of the ambassadors of the Ming Dynasty in Dongying. I didn't expect this easy to agree to this condition. It can be seen that they are really anxious.

"Really? I'm afraid it's not good, although my ambassadors are all law-abiding people, but if you don't follow your rules in your country, the ministers in your country are afraid that they will be angry, but they will destroy the two countries. Friendly diplomatic relations." Zhu Zhanchang waved his hand again to refuse.

"His Royal Highness, whoever dares to talk, I will cut him off."

The three began to frantically persuade Zhu Zhanchang to accept the idea, but Zhu Zhanchang kept shaking his head and sighing, saying that it was inappropriate, but he did not reject it harshly.

They think this idea is very good, and now they don't dare to mention the matter of leasing the Daming Island. They are afraid that Zhu Zhanchang will not even hesitate to mention this.

As for Daming sending envoys to go, I believe his brother Ashikaga Yoshimitsu will be very happy, isn't it a school, isn't it an embassy?How much is the land worth.

Finally, after persuading them for a quarter of an hour, Zhu Zhanchang sighed and said, "I understand the good intentions of the three, and I don't want you to be embarrassed about this matter. It's just that the emperor's life is on his side, so please understand the three."

"Well, I'll go talk to my father about your idea, and give you an answer tomorrow."

"Thank you very much, Your Highness."

This meal is also good for Zhu Zhanchang to eat and drink with public funds.

Speaking of which, it seems that there has been a lot of public money to eat and drink recently, so I still have to pay attention.

After returning to the palace, he informed Zhu Gaochi of the matter, and Zhu Gaochi smiled with a fat face: "The matter of sending people to Dongying can be considered a decision, but it is dangerous to say that it is dangerous, and the envoy and the teacher who have been arranged must be rewarded well. Zhang Xianqi let him enter the palace yesterday, and I am very satisfied, rewarding him with a big mansion, maybe he has a splendid future, but maybe his wife will accompany him, and he will not do good things with her in the end."

"Ah? Madam, does he have a wife?"

"What, wasn't there before?"

"When my son went to discuss with him a few days ago, he still didn't have it. His mother said that he would quickly find a wife for him, which was too fast."

Zhu Gaochi laughed, and after he got better, his mood became particularly good: "It is reasonable to pass on the lineage, and this matter is settled as soon as possible. Send the Dongying mission back as soon as possible."


Zhu Zhanchang came to them after two days and the anxious Dongying embassy for two days.

Ashikaga Yoshigoshi and others are waiting impatiently.

Zhu Zhanchang came over with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshikage, the matter is finally settled. For the past two days, my father and I have been studying what to do day and night, and we have basically slept these two days. ."

"Your Highness has worked hard, but there are results?"

"En." Zhu Zhanchang nodded.

"Your Majesty's side is still unwilling, hey." When Zhu Zhanchang said these words, the three people's hearts were more than half cold.


In everything in the world, there must be a but.

"However, the idea of ​​Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshinori is really good. After thinking about it, my father thinks that it is a genius idea. It can not only maintain the friendly relations between the two countries, but also complete the task assigned by His Majesty to a certain extent. Knowing that my father is a prince who loves the people like a son, in the end he decided to do it according to His Excellency Ashikaga Yoshio's method."

"His Royal Highness Shengming, His Royal Highness Shengming." Ashikaga Yoshio hurriedly shouted.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled like this. Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshikage, you should also prepare. I will ask Honglu Temple to prepare some people who understand the Eastern language to accompany you, and also prepare some gifts. You go to Dongying together."

"Your Highness is too polite. Your Highness saved my life. How dare you ask for gifts."

"The foreigners who made me Mingming will treat them with courtesy, and your Excellency should not refuse." It was not a loss of Zhu Di's face to let people go back empty-handed.

According to Zhu Di's temperament, many envoys came and brought back more things than they brought.

The atmosphere became harmonious in an instant, and the Dongying mission kept silent about leasing the island. If they mentioned it again, they were afraid that Daming would regret it. This time, they could at least return home safely.

Zhu Zhanchang continued: "Your Excellency, my father loves the people like a son. These officials who are envoys to Dongying, and the master teacher are also my subjects of the Ming Dynasty. We do not ask for privileges, but there is one thing you should pay attention to."

"Your Highness, you said."

"Daming people are only judged by Daming law."

Zhu Zhanchang's words were beyond doubt, and this was something that Ashikaga Goshio had prepared psychologically, so he naturally agreed.

Seeing that they had no objection, Zhu Zhanchang took out another drawing and laid it out: "This is the drawing of the embassy drawn by the painter in the palace these two days. In this place, I also hope that Your Excellency Ashikaga Yoshikoshi will step up the supervision of the construction after returning, and of course the money used will be brought in the gift, and the excess will be disposed of by the three.”

If you give a slap, you have to give some sugar, otherwise, how can people do things for you?

"His Royal Highness, Daming painter is really amazing, he can draw such a painting in two days."

Instead, Zhu Zhanchang was a little embarrassed: "This blueprint is in the palace itself, it's just a slight modification."

The few people chatted very happily today, and Ashikaga Yoshigoshi and others have been hanging on their hearts at last. This is the first time that the Central Plains has officially sent a diplomatic mission to Dongying. Although Zhu Zhanchang does not need privileges, he gives rules and regulations. It means that envoys need privileges. Sending envoys shows that they attach importance to them. If they represent the envoys of Ming Dynasty, they will be more powerful in their own country.

Being able to have friendly diplomatic relations with Daming was a great help for his brother's rule in Dongying.

Zhang Xianqi, who was notified at this time, arrived here, and Zhu Zhanchang introduced to them: "This is the ambassador of our embassy in Dongying in the future, Zhang Xianqi, and I will need more care from you in the future."

"Ambassador Zhang, young and promising, will definitely be a pillar of the country in the future."

"Mr. Ashikaga Yoshikage is wrong. I have long heard that your swordsmanship is superb. When I arrive in Dongying, I hope you will give me some advice and teach me a few tricks."

Ashikaga Yoshio was stunned with a slight smile: "Oh? Ambassador Zhang actually knows me?"

"I've been learning Dongying language for the past two days. The teacher of Dongying language told me about your Excellency."

All of a sudden, they became a group. Zhu Zhanchang was lucky that he did not choose the wrong person. Zhang Xianqi was indeed able to get through. As long as his stance was firm, he was a good candidate as a diplomat.

The matter of the embassy in Dongying has been settled. He is busy preparing for the embassy and the matter of going to Dongying. Zhang Xianqi is still a reassuring person, with a prudence that does not match his age, and enough harmony. The people from the Eastern Ying mission became familiar.

When I learned Dongying language from Honglu Temple, I also learned some of the history and customs of Dongying. Men who were born in the jinshi are also very capable of learning.

Zhu Zhanchang finally came and went to the workshop by the river.

At this time, Zhang San and others were already in the workshop. There was no winter or summer vacation in the Ming Dynasty. Whether officials or workers, the rest time was much less than in modern times. If the eight-hour work system and weekends were popularized in this era, it would definitely be turbulent.

After all, even in modern times, the weekend work system has not really been popularized, 996YYDS.

The arrival of Zhu Zhanchang caused workers to gather around one after another. Because of the appearance of Zhu Zhanchang and the emergence of the steam engine factory, the treatment and status of the workers have been improved. After a while, there will be many more young workers. These people have not yet Having seen this grandson of the Fifth Emperor, I was very curious about Zhu Zhanchang.

Surrounded by everyone, Zhu Zhanchang tried the phone here once. When they heard the sound coming from the phone, everyone exclaimed, and then there was a lot of discussion.

"Wow, it's amazing."

"The telephone is amazing."

"It's the Fifth Highness that's amazing."

"His Royal Highness, say a few words."

"His Royal Highness, say a few words."


"Okay, okay, don't make any noise first." Zhang San stood up and calmed everyone down.

"Your Highness, these workers admire you very much. If you don't say a word today, I'm afraid everyone will not let you go." Zhang San said with a smile.

Looking at the workers below who looked up at him, Zhu Zhanyuan felt something.

"Everyone, everyone." Following Zhu Zhanchang's opening, the people below stopped restless and listened intently.

Zhu Zhanchang asked loudly, "Who are we?"

There was silence below, and no one answered.

Zhu Zhanchang asked again: "Who are we?"

A young man shouted: "We are workers in a steam engine factory."

"Yes, we are workers in a steam engine factory, workers in a shipyard, workers in a smelter."

"Everyone must firmly believe that our workers have strength."

We workers have power!
We workers have strength! ! !
This sentence came from Zhu Zhanchang's mouth, as if he had extra power. He is the grandson of the emperor, the most honorable royal clan in the world. He was born with dignity and raised with gold.

But he said we, you and I are the same as our workers.

Immediately, a sense of heroism rose in my heart, and there were young and enthusiastic people in the crowd, raising their arms and shouting: "His Royal Highness is right, we workers have strength."

"Yes, we have strength."

The workers started talking again.

"Quiet, quiet, His Highness just said a word, and you all came up with thousands of words, and asked His Highness to speak." Zhang San had to maintain order again.

"Aren't we excited?"


The atmosphere became more lively, but after a while, it quieted down and continued to listen to Zhu Zhanchang.

Zhu Zhanchang recalled the lyrics, and then reorganized the language.

"Our workers have the strength, work hard every day, build high-rise buildings, burn coal mines and lift ships, and transform the world into a different way."

After a paragraph, the workers held their breaths and listened to Zhu Zhanchang continue to speak.

"Started the machine, rumbled, raised the hammer, picked up the hoe and sickle, causing the guns to be sent forward."

"Our faces are red, our sweat is dripping, and our workers have strength."

The workers who said only a few dozen words felt like they had been beaten with chicken blood and taken stimulants, and they were all in high spirits.

The hammer in the afternoon struck with extra force.

It is our workers who built the country, the weapons and ships that our workers built, we are transforming the world, and we are full of strength.

Not only the young workers, but also Zhang San and others who followed Zhu Zhanchang to build a steam engine from the beginning also felt the power, because Zhu Zhanchang was not the kind of person who spoke well.

From the very beginning, this honorable little grandson never pretended to take Joe, and followed them, a group of craftsmen without official status, to study steam engines. People were a little lazy, but he never felt a grandson's concern for him. The workers looked down on them, but they respected them.

In this era, let alone the grandson of the emperor, the son of a county official and the young master of a rich businessman also look down on them.

Zhu Zhanchang's respect for them was also exchanged for their respect for Zhu Zhanchang from the bottom of their hearts.

He's not the kind of hypocritical son who does things in person and behind the scenes.

Although he was playful, lazy, and lethargic, and even raised Qing shepherds in Zheng He's mansion, he was still a good highness.

In just a few words, the crowd was so excited that Zhu Zhanchang couldn't help but sigh, it would be beneficial to recite a few more songs and travel back to ancient times.

Zhang San instructed the excited young people to go back to work, and then accompanied Zhu Zhanchang and several technicians to study the telephone brought by Zhu Zhanchang alone.

Zhu Zhanchang believed and explained the principle of the phone call again.

"Your Highness's thoughts are really wild."

"Your Highness, this microphone and receiver can be replaced by iron."

"His Royal Highness, you see that the diaphragm can be replaced by a thinner and tougher one, and you can try a better cowhide."

"The diaphragm can be tied tighter."

These are carefully selected craftsmen, and to a certain extent represent the highest production craftsmanship in Daming. Although they may not all understand the principles of telephones, after all, electricity is a bit incredible for people of this age.

However, this craftsman has many items that he is good at, including woodworking, blacksmith, weapon master, at least the craftsmanship is much better than that made by Zhu Zhanchang in the palace and the eunuchs and maids.

The more detailed things are done, the better the results will be.

When there was a lot of discussion, Zhu Zhanchang asked them to discuss. The discussions of these craftsmen are still very valuable, to spread their thinking and increase their creativity.

Good ideas always come up in discussions, or jot down before crossing.

When their discussion was almost over, Zhu Zhanchang continued: "Zhang San, I plan to use a steam engine to burn coal to drive the generator to rotate, so that electricity can be continuously generated, so that you can talk at any time."

"It should be possible."

"There are also main two-way calls in my department. I need multiple calls and dozens of telephones."

"Ah? Your Highness, how can this be done?"

"Set up a switchboard, all telephones are connected to the main line. When a call is required, the switchboard operator will connect the corresponding telephone circuit according to the call requirements, so that one telephone can dial many calls."

"Good idea, Your Highness!" Someone exclaimed involuntarily.

This is not a good idea, but I just remembered the picture of the operator in the spy war drama.

"Everyone, the production of the telephone will be handed over to you next. We will divide it into several separate parts, one for the generator, one for the receiver and microphone, and one for the wires. Because the steam engine is used to generate electricity and the power is large, everyone must pay attention to safety. , and finally plug a section of the wire, study it separately, and put it together over time."

"Your Highness Shengming."

"Zhang San is a project that His Royal Highness is focusing on. We must pay attention to it and make it as soon as possible. I will also come to the workshop often."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang's multi-departmental research is also to start the development of the assembly line operation process. Although the degree of mechanization is low, with the development of the steam engine, the assembly line is necessary. After seeing the process of the steam engine factory and the shipyard today, Zhu Zhanchang felt that the assembly line It must be accelerated, and the strong demand for steam engines must be met quickly.

After dividing the matter down, Zhu Zhanchang took Zhang San to look at the steam engine factory from a higher place and said to him: "Zhang San, I intend to split the steam engine factory into the same number of departments as I just said, with assembly line production. "

"What is the assembly line, Your Highness? I've only heard of the flowing water banquet at the Qinhuai River Yanglou."

"What is the Flowing Water Banquet?"

Zhang San was a little embarrassed, and said hesitantly, "I heard people say that one by one, come... come... come to toast."

People's words are always full of stories.

"Zhang San, you've changed!?"

Men become better men when they have money.

 The 5000-word chapter will give your good Highness Zhu Zhanchang a monthly recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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