Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 153 The Stunning Voice of the Lamb

Chapter 153 The Stunning Voice of the Lamb

The ancestral hall is brightly lit, and the royal ranks are carefully taken care of every day. There is no dust or contamination. Zhu Zhanchang knelt in front of the rows of ancestral tablets.

Almost fell asleep.

Xiaosheng hurriedly supported Zhu Zhanchang, then knelt down and kowtowed in a panic: "Emperor Taizu forgives your sins, His Highness is still young, and Emperor Taizu forgives your sins."

Zhu Zhanchang slapped his mouth and slumped on the ground, kneeling at the ancestral hall for real, but he was exhausted to death, and Xiaosheng and Chuer were still copying scriptures beside him.

"His Royal Highness, you can't sit down. This is what Your Majesty ordered. How could you not kneel." Xiaosheng was afraid that His Highness would be punished again, so he hurriedly helped him to kneel back.

"It's okay, can Grandpa Huang really see it in person?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening. Zhu Zhanchang was no longer sleepy after a jolt, and hurriedly knelt back and read: "The unworthy descendant Zhu Zhanchang knows it's wrong."

The man walked slowly, but it was not Zhu Di, but Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black.

Seeing Yao Guangxiao, Zhu Zhanchang relaxed again: "Huh, why are you here, Master?"

"The poor monk has followed His Majesty's order to see if you have a good reflection. Your Majesty has to kneel back."

Zhu Zhanchang was helpless: "Master, didn't you say you don't believe in Buddhism? What's the use of kneeling?"

"You don't need to worship the Buddha, you have to worship your own ancestors. The Buddha is not related to you, but your ancestors are your own ancestors." Yao Guangxiao also instructed Zhu Zhanchang on the correct posture of kneeling and worshiping his ancestors.

He looked at Xiaosheng and Chu'er again: "You two, give me the scriptures you copied."

The two looked at Zhu Zhanchang as if asking for help, but Zhu Zhanchang couldn't nod and let them hand it over: "Master, I asked them to copy it."

Yao Guangxiao frowned and looked at the scriptures: "Your Highness, it is taboo for two people to copy the scriptures separately. The strokes and fonts are different, and there are too many flaws."

Zhu Zhanchang was stunned, it has to be you, the old monk is an experienced monk.

Yao Guangxiao threw the scriptures into the fire: "His Royal Highness, the scriptures have been burned, even if they are copied, they are all burned to the ancestors, you can kneel with sincerity. After a few days, you will make a mistake, and remember to admit your mistake in front of Your Majesty. The attitude must be sincere, and the matter will be over."

"Thank you Master for your guidance."

"How do you feel about your first time in custody of the country, Your Highness?"

"I'm so tired, I feel like waking up every day is just a matter of my head, and I can't relax for a moment."

"People are in control, they should be refreshed and refreshed. His Highness seems to be reluctant." Yao Guangxiao laughed.

"Too tired, whoever wants to do it can do it."

Yao Guangxiao chatted for a few words and then asked, "Your Highness, if you are asked to go to the fief and become a vassal, would you be willing?"

"Ah?" Zhu Zhan was stunned: "I haven't even sealed the county king."

"It is already under preparation. It is expected that soon after Taisun's wedding, he will be crowned Prince of the Pearl River."

"Ah? Big brother is getting married?"

"It was going to be done, but the Northern Expedition was delayed. This time, it happened to be a great victory. At one time, Taisun married a main concubine and two side concubines."

I rely on the third concubine, of course, this exclamation can only be kept in my heart.

"Your Highness, you haven't answered the poor monk's question."

Zhu Zhanchang was in a dilemma. He always felt that Yao Guangxiao had an intention to ask such a question, but could Zhu Di really come up with a crooked idea to let a ten-year-old child like him go to the Fan? It's impossible to think about it.

"Master, I still want to stay by my father and mother's side."

"His Royal Highness is extremely filial, and His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess must be very pleased."

Yao Guangxiao stood up: "Your Highness must remember the poor monk's words and kneel well."

"Understood, Master."

"Oh, by the way, the Western Regions and the pro-princess have arrived."

Yao Guangxiao's words before he left made Zhu Zhanchang make up his mind to leave the ancestral mansion quickly.


Zhu Zhanchang knelt for several days in the Zongren Mansion, and was finally released.

Back in his small courtyard, Zhu Zhanchang slept first, no matter what.

When I woke up, it was a new day, and happily walked to the princess' yard.

The crown princess is now holding one in her left hand and one in her right hand. The tall girl from Jurchen who is holding the left hand is good at horseback riding. The girl holding the right hand looks quite like Gulinaza, and she is not tall. Short, but because of her young age, she looks shorter than the Jurchen girl.

That girl, with fair skin, deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge, is quite different from the people of the Ming Dynasty. This exotic style is really rocking.

Seeing Zhu Zhanchang, the crown prince said with a little distress: "Zhanchang, it hurts to kneel these few days."

"Mother, my son is punished, I dare not say it hurts."

"Hey, you kid, that's all."

He stretched out his right hand, holding the girl who looked very much like Gulinaza and said, "This is the princess of the Timur Kingdom, the tenth daughter of Sultan Shaharu, named Zara."

"Zara has seen the Fifth Highness."

The beauty of the Western Regions shocked Zhu Zhanchang when she opened her mouth. How could such a beautiful girl buy mutton with a serial voice? The voice is thin and smooth, but the accent is too heavy.

On the influence of accent on appearance.

Because Zara didn't know how to speak clearly before, he started to learn from the envoy from the beginning, and it was very good to learn this way.

Looking at her smiling face, she temporarily ignored the influence of her accent.

"Mother, the kingdom of Timur is very far away from my dynasty, and Princess Zara has worked hard all the way, or my son will take her around to get acquainted with the palace."

"Alright, but don't be rude."

"Also, your eldest brother will get married in a few days. When the whole world celebrates, you don't have to make trouble."

"Understood, don't worry, mother."

Zhu Zhanchang led Zara out, which was promised to him by the prince himself.

Leading Zara to the imperial garden, Zara also seemed to know that the object of her marriage was Zhu Zhanchang, but Zhu Zhanchang was three years younger than her, and she looked childish no matter what, which made her a little depressed.

"Wow, it looks so good here." Zara exclaimed as soon as she entered the imperial garden, and walked quickly to the flowers, and even danced gracefully.

She laughed in the bushes, and the flowers lost their color.

Aside from the voice, it's really pretty.

Chuer wanted to speak out to remind the imperial garden not to dance at will, but Zhu Zhanchang stopped her.

Zara's temperament is romantic and free, and it can be seen that he should also be very loved when he was in his own country. This time, the Timur Kingdom has made a lot of money.

It is said that when the Timurid Kingdom was in the early Yongle Dynasty, their sultan Timur wanted to attack Daming, but there was a Chagatai Khanate between the Timurid Empire and Daming. Timur died of illness in the middle, and the country was in turmoil. In the end, Shaharu, the fourth son of Timur, took the throne and sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute to show friendship.

This is the second tribute of the Timur Kingdom, and brought the princess and relatives. Because Shaharu wants to go to war with the Chagatai Khanate, it is necessary to stabilize the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty did not think much about the Western Regions for a short time, but it cannot be said that it did not have the idea of ​​being a fisherman.

"His Royal Highness."

Suddenly a familiar voice came, it was Sun Ruowei.

"Sister Ruowei, are you out?" Zhu Zhanchang was surprised.

Sun Ruowei nodded. She had not suffered any grievances during this period of time, and she did not worry about eating and drinking.

"Sister Ruowei will get married in a few days, congratulations first, sister-in-law."

"His Royal Highness, I'm just Taisun's side concubine, I can't bear your sister-in-law." Sun Ruowei was still sullen.

"The concubine is also a sister-in-law."

Sun Ruowei looked at Zara who was dancing: "His Royal Highness, is this the princess of the Western Regions Heqin?"

"Well, it looks good."

"It's very pretty."

After just a few simple chats, Zhu Zhanchang took Zara back to his yard, which made the long-legged chef prepare kebabs.

I don't know where Zhu Zhanchang's bad taste comes from, but his mind is full of Zara, a beautiful character from the Western Regions, wearing a Ming-made horse-faced dress, holding a mutton skewer, and shouting: "Alibaba mutton skewers."

Shaking his head, back!retreat!retreat!

I can't think of it, Zara's accent must be changed for her by someone.

Otherwise, the sound of this mutton serial port will always be heard in the future. Even if the picture is good-looking and the dubbing is not good, it is still easy to fail to meet the standard hardness.

Humans are both visual and auditory animals.

Just got along for a while, the little eunuch came over: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Taisun has a request."

Zhu Zhanchang set off immediately to meet Zhu Zhanji.

"Big brother!"

"Fifth brother!"

"Big Brother!!"

"Fifth brother!!"

"Brother, either sit down first."

The brothers were deeply in love, and Zhu Zhanji asked: "Fifth brother, although Grandpa Huang punished you, you actually did a good job in prison this time, and Grandpa Huang still praised you in private."

"Hey, when my brother gets into trouble, I have to help my elder brother."

"What did you say, you and I are brothers."

"Brother, what's the matter with me now?"

"The matter about your conferring the county king has been settled."

Zhu Zhanji's slightly wrinkled brows told him that things might not be so good.

"Big brother, what's the matter? Is there anything going on with the emperor's grandfather?"

Zhu Zhanji waved his hand and explained: "The matter of sealing the county king is still the same, your position as the county king was set before, and the prince of the Pearl River was sealed, but... It's just that Grandpa Huang wants you to be a vassal, and Zhanyi. You have to be a fan.”

"Just the vassal?" Zhu Zhanchang was shocked, but he immediately slowed down. Yao Guangxiao came to remind him before, but he never thought that he would really let him become vassal.

"There has never been a precedent for a young clan king to become a vassal. I don't know what the grandfather of the emperor thought, why he asked you to go to the vassal."

Zhu Zhanchang sighed: "Xu Shi Huang's grandfather is still angry with me."

"No, Grandpa didn't feel angry when he talked about you. He wasn't really annoyed with you. He might have other intentions for you to be a vassal. It's just that we don't understand Grandpa."

Zhu Zhanchang said helplessly: "I can't say anything more at this point. Let's not talk about it. Big brother will get married in a few days. Congratulations, big brother."

Zhu Zhanji sighed: "Hey."

Zhu Zhanchang never expected to understand why the old Zhu family were very affectionate. Zhu Zhanji gave him three wives at one time and sighed, but he was worried that Sun Ruowei was not the concubine.

You are already three concubines, and you still bemoan a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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