Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 155 The power is in hand, the head moves

Chapter 155 The power is in hand, the head moves

Zhu Di's words really shocked Zhu Zhanchang.

His ten-year-old county king was going to be dragged to the vassal, and he was asked to control Guangdong and Guangxi, Yunnan, and Jiaozhi. After calculating the military strength of the four places, wouldn't this be equivalent to going to be the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and Jiaozhi, Yunnan?

After the south, he has the final say.

Considering it as a normal situation, this is not just a top official. Besides Zhu Di himself, he should be the one who has the most soldiers in the country.

But this is life-threatening.

Do I have a five or 60-year-old old turtle who is deeply involved in the officialdom, and I don’t have any cronies in the places I go. These soldiers are controlled by myself in name, but the Mufu in Yunnan, Ma Qi, the eunuch who built the army in Jiaozhi, and the government offices of officials in Guangdong and Guangxi, these people Can you really listen to yourself?
In the past, you don’t care about things. People offer you as a vase. You have to dare to take care of things. These people don’t want to try their best to kill you?

"Grandpa Huang, Zhan's talent and learning are shallow, and he is still young, so he can't bear such a heavy burden."

"Don't talk about the military power of 40, don't you want it?" Zhu Di asked with a bit of yin and yang.

How do you want this?Have a life?
"Grandpa Huang, grandson wants to spend more time with his parents and grandpa Huang. Guangzhou mansion is too far away, so let's give grandson a closer county king."

"Didn't you choose Guangzhou House yourself?"

I want to cry but have no tears. I choose Guangzhou, how can I think that the emperor will come here, the king of Han wants military power, you can go to him, I don't want it.

At that time, the king of Han actually gave Yunnan a vassal king, but he did not give as much military power as Zhu Zhanchang. The king of Han was so cunning, and he immediately smelled the taste of conspiracy.

Mufu has been cultivating Yunnan for many years, is it so easy to deal with?Go back a few hundred years over there. It was the place where the distribution was sent to the frontier. Could it be a good place?
Not to go is not to go.

But Zhu Zhanchang couldn't take off his clothes and count the scars like King Han, crying about the emperor's injustice. Zhu Zhanchang didn't even have any scars on his body.

"No, I have to think of a way, this must not go." Zhu Zhan's mind was full of only this idea.

Zhu Xi also expected that Zhu Zhanchang would not be willing to go. If Zhu Zhanchang was so happy at this time, Zhu Xi would feel that he had chosen the wrong person. This child can't even see this conspiracy on the bright side. Understand.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanchang responded very quickly, he was relieved. This child was very alert, so he was relieved to let him go.

The longest road that Zhu Zhanchang has to walk in his life is Zhu Di's routine. His father is walking ahead, and now he has to follow step by step.

"Grandpa Huang, grandson really doesn't know how to lead the army. The grandson is afraid that he will cause a serious disaster to our royal family and embarrass Grandpa Huang."

Zhu Di was unmoved.

Zhu Zhanchang used all the tricks next. Relying on his body as a child, it was almost like rolling around and lying on the ground.

This little trick is useless in front of Zhu Di.

Zhu Di let him do this, and when he calmed down, he said, "British Lord Zhang Fu has gone to Jiaozhi to suppress the rebellion. Next, I plan to let him stay on the border of Jiaozhi. I will send a secret letter. Let him help you in everything, Minister of the Interior. You can choose at will within 20 people below the third rank."

"Grandpa, I really can't go."

"And you have the final say in everything in the Guangzhou prefecture. Taxes and grains are controlled by the prefecture. You can go beyond all the officials and tell me."

This time Zhu Zhanchang was completely stunned, what is Zhu Di doing?Do you have a special economic zone?This is to do... do two rule?
Zhu Zhanchang couldn't understand Zhu Di's intentions, but his words made Zhu Zhanchang dare not answer the call, and even more did not dare to go to the vassal.

"Zheng He has praised you more than once. Did you say that you want to build Jiaozhi into a port for Ming ships to go to the Western Ocean in the future? After thinking about it, I decided to abolish the prohibition of Taizu's slabs from entering the sea, and to open the sea ban. To promote trade."

"Is Grandpa Huang really going to do this?"

"Didn't you always want to do it? Things can't be done overnight. I plan to open Weihai, Ningbo, Yuegang, and Guangzhou to conduct foreign trade at regular intervals. Of course, I must strictly control commodities, and exchange tea, ceramics, silk for gold, silver and spices. The purpose of bringing Chen Xuan’s navy back to China is to revitalize Daming’s maritime trade and to protect Daming’s maritime trade.”

Now Zhu Zhanchang's voice of opposition has become quieter.

"Why, now that I have figured it out, if you want to go, you can join the vassal?"

"The grandfather's grandson's ability is limited. If it is as you want, at most, you can control Guangzhou Prefecture. These four places are too big for the grandson to do."

This is the beginning of bargaining with Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi understood what Zhu Zhanchang meant and was willing to go.

"Jiaozhi needs to be leveled. Zheng He will start the Western affairs in October, and soon he will join forces with Zhang Fu within the year. However, over the years, Jiaozhi has often rebelled, and the founding eunuchs Ma Qi and Zhang Fu have not dealt with each other. One of them is always lying. , you have to watch for me, there can't be a rebellion in Jiaozhi all the time, find the right crux."

"Guangdong and Guangxi have had no problems in recent years. They have always been stable. Mufu in Yunnan, when Mu Ying was there, was a princeling." Having said this, Zhu Di paused, as if remembering something.

"After Mu Ying's death, although Mu Mansion and the court joined forces to fight against Annan, which is now Jiaozhi, the relationship between Mu Mansion and the imperial court became a little bit estranged after all. If I want you to control Yunnan's troops, you have to watch Mu Mansion for me. , lest they be selfish."

"Grandpa Huang, Mu Mansion has been rooted in Yunnan for many years. Where is the grandson's opponent? In terms of seniority, he is also the grandson's elder. How can this grandson live."

"You are the direct descendant of the royal clan. Except for a few people in the palace, whoever dares to discuss their seniority with you will be regarded as uncivilized and disrespectful. I will give you the [Yongle Sword].

"Grandpa Huang can't be." Zhu Zhanchang was really about to cry. Zhu Di was really pushing him to death, giving him military power, and giving life and death power. When he went, he had to fight against the original powerful class. In the end, you don't need others to prevent you from using it.

I can't even lie down when I think about it.

"What kind of crying looks like, it's all learned from your father." Zhu Di glared angrily.

"Grandpa Huang, you should let the eldest brother go. The eldest brother must handle it better than me. I will not seal the king. If you don't like me, send me out."

"I have made up my mind, if it is disobedient, it is disobedience, and I launch the Meridian Gate to beheaded."

Zhu Zhan's heart fell to the bottom, and Zhu Xi did not give Zhu Zhan any room for negotiation.

He had to die and stand to the side angrily.

Zhu Di looked at his appearance and patted him on the shoulder: "Children of the Zhu family, how can this matter be handled poorly? I have confidence in you, and you should also have confidence in yourself."

Seeing Zhu Zhan's drooping head, Zhu Di didn't reply, and said, "In the future, I will go to the Western Ocean from Guangzhou Prefecture. In the future, as much land as you can lay down, it will be yours."

Zhu Zhanchang's heart resounded again with the voice of C. It was not only the man on the grassland who wanted to be Genghis Khan, but Zhu Di also wanted to be Genghis Khan.

If you can't refuse, you can't refuse anymore. Zhu Di has already figured out a way, what else can Zhu Zhanchang do?Either sneak away now, but that's basically a dead end.

If you can't refuse, accept it.

Zhu Zhanji learned the news the day after the marriage, and flew to Zhu Zhanchang's yard early in the morning.

"Zhanchan, Zhanchan." Zhu Zhanji shook the sleeping Zhu Zhanji.

"Brother, why did you come so early in the morning?" Zhu Zhanyi rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Zhu Zhanji's eager look, full of doubts in his heart.

"Grandpa Huang wants to send you to the Guangzhou Mansion, do you know that?"

It was for this.

Zhu Zhanchang nodded with a bitter look on his face: "Brother, I don't want to go."

"Do you know that Grandpa Huang also asks you to control the border army?"

"En." Zhu Zhanchang nodded with a face full of grievances: "Brother, how can I control so many soldiers and horses? Isn't this just to get rid of?"

"I'll help you talk to Grandpa Huang." It can be seen that Zhu Zhanji, a good eldest brother, really thinks of his younger brother.

"Brother, it's all up to you."

Zhu Zhanji found Zhu Di alone for the matter of Zhu Zhanchang.

Seeing that he was here to intercede for Zhu Zhanchang, Zhu Di was relieved. The relationship between brothers is still good, and he also had such brotherhood when he was a child.

"Grandpa Huang, if Zhan's young age is to let him control the troops and horses of the many houses, he will have to face people such as the Mu House, the Three Divisions of Guangdong, Guangxi, Guangxi, etc. He is afraid that he will not be able to do it. Is this decision by Grandpa Huang inappropriate? "

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"Grandson dare not."

Zhu Di sighed: "Zhanji, who is the smartest among your younger brothers?"

"Zhanshi." Zhu Zhanji said without any hesitation.

"Zhan Chang's intelligence and agility are extremely rare, and he often has some fantastic ideas. He created a steamboat and a telephone in just one year, and his character is more like your father. If you two brothers in the future, If we can work together, Daming can prosper for decades."

Zhu Di spoke highly of both of them.

"So why did Grandpa Huang let Zhanqiang go out to the vassal? This...this is too embarrassing for him."

"This kid is too smart. You have to give him a place to play, and you have to give him some restrictions. It's not a good thing to let him be so lazy and act recklessly."

"There is no need to say more about this matter, I have made up my mind, let your brother try to solve the situation in the south for you, it is not good."

Zhu Zhanji can't help it, and there is no doubt that his father can't help it either. When Zhu Di made up his mind, the matter was settled.


As soon as Zhu Zhanchang left the palace, he went to the steam engine factory to find Zhang San to explain his intention.

"His Royal Highness, are you going to Guangzhou to become a clan?"

"Yes, let me ask you, would you like to go with me?"

Zhang San looked at the busy steam engine factory below, but immediately made up his mind: "His Royal Highness, I will go, I am willing to go with you."

Don't want the ready-made glory and wealth, follow Zhu Zhanchang to a new place and start over again. If it was an ordinary person, Zhang San would definitely hesitate.

But he is Zhu Zhanchang, he said that our workers have strength.

"Okay, just bring a few backbones. The rest must still be able to maintain the operation of the steam engine factory, and the shipyard next door, the smelter will also help me with a few capable ones, Zheng He's side I will do it myself. Tell him, you just dig people."

"Understood, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang started poaching people now. He was going to Guangzhou Prefecture. Since the emperor gave me military power and political power, I would do nothing. .

Zhang San and these craftsmen are the first in Zhu Zhanchang's heart. In the future, they cannot develop without them. If they are found in Guangzhou, it is difficult to find Zhang San. It is not about the craftsman's skills, but the way of life. On the top, Zhang San is a very good factory leader. Although he is not good-looking, he is good in life.

Craftsmen are an indispensable part of social development.

In addition, Zhu Zhanchang soaked in Li Xianyu's bath tub for two hours that day, thought about the list of people he wanted for a long time, crossed it out and wrote it again.

"Your Highness, if you wash it again, the skin will fall off."

"I'm going to Guangzhou House in a while. I'll take you with me. Even if you still can't meet people because of your identity, I'll choose a house for you outside."

Li Xianyu was slightly lonely: "Understood, Your Highness."

It wasn't until the evening that Zhu Zhanchang sorted out the list, and Chu Er hurriedly urged him to return to the palace, so he had to go back first.

Going to Guangzhou is also an advantage. I can sleep wherever I want, and no one can do anything about me.

The day after returning to the palace, Zhu Zhanchang handed over the list that he had compiled to Zhu Di.

"Maxiang of the Central Bank of Daming, Chen Youshan, the magistrate of Zhoushan, you only need these two people?" Zhu Di was stunned when he looked at Zhu Zhanchang's list.

"It's not that the grandson doesn't want other people, it's just that the grandson is not familiar with the ministers in the DPRK and China. Ma Xiang is familiar with the food stamp business, and Chen Youshan is familiar with the Zhoushan naval battle. After thinking about it, he can't think of anyone else. I don’t want to choose more than one, but I know too few people.”

Zhu Di smiled with satisfaction. At least Zhu Zhanchang didn't form a party for personal gain, which was a very good thing in his opinion. The emperor hated his subordinates to form a party for personal gain.

If he doesn't like Zhu Zhanzhen, the biggest reason is that during this period of time he was assisting in the supervision of the country, he walked around with many ministers and had close contacts with many censors. Guess what he wanted to do?

"That's it, these two people have promised you, and another official will help you choose."

"It's all up to Grandpa Huang. Grandpa Huang is too troublesome, or you can go."

"Don't do this, go get ready, and give you the title of the king in two days."

"Grandson obeys."

Zhu Zhanqian thought about how many people to choose before, but recalled that when Zhu Di talked to himself before, he said that he could choose 20 people. He guessed that Zhu Di might have selected some candidates, and there must be some people who monitor him. It's better to pick two and let him choose the rest.

Zhu Di took out a list. Sure enough, he had already prepared it. At first glance, there were people in all six divisions. It was all prepared for him. Zhu Di really planned to let him go to Guangzhou.

A big fight is definitely going to be a big fight, but the big fight that the grandfather and grandson think about may have different meanings.

Of course, this is just a list of officials. Li Xiaozhu and Zara naturally have to follow them.

Zhu Zhanchang returned to the yard and started writing letters again.

Chu Er asked, "Your Highness, are you writing to Miss Cao again?"

"Yeah, I'm going to Guangzhou, I have to explain it to her."

Zhu Zhanchang picked up the pen and thought about writing it down.

"Elope? Let's go to Guangzhou together."

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(End of this chapter)

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