Chapter 161 This place occupies a gambling word

Early the next morning, the group came to the opposite wasteland again, and everyone in the fleet felt strange. Zhu Zhanchang seemed to have a special love for these wastelands.

It is even more desolate than Xiangjiang Island. At least there are residents in Xiangjiang Island. There is no place here. It is completely a wasteland, overgrown with weeds, and there is no road.

"His Royal Highness, what are you doing here?" Chu'er looked at the desolate place in front of her inexplicably.

"Don't you think this place is a treasure?"

"Treasure land? Your Highness, how do you see this?"

Zhu Zhanchang pretended to be mysterious and said: "You can't just look at the surface when looking at things. You can see that this place is also located at the estuary of the Pearl River, on the left and right of Xiangjiang Island. If Xiangjiang becomes our trading port, then such a place must be It will also become prosperous, what do you think it is good to use here?"

Where did Chu Er understand, Zhu Zhanchang asked Chen Youshan again.

Chen Youshan thought for a while and then said, "Your Highness, it is not suitable for two ports in such a short distance. The port will bring busy business and trade. Perhaps this is the best place for sailors and crew to rest."

This kid is still relatively good, of course, Zhu Zhanchang's thoughts are more than that.

"Before I left Yingtian Mansion, I asked Master Yao Guangxiao to calculate a hexagram, using the [-]-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, this place occupies a hexagram for gambling." Zhu Zhanchang began to talk nonsense.

"What is the Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique?"

"Master's secret technique, I naturally don't understand it, but I have to believe it."

Chen Youshan looked embarrassed: "But Your Highness, are you planning to open a casino here?"

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "That's what I mean, hotels, catering, tourism, accommodation, and casinos are one-stop."

"His Royal Highness, Taizu has a ban on gambling, and there is an allusion about Xiaoyao Prison."

According to legend, Xiaoyao Prison was created by Zhu Yuanzhang in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to suppress gambling and idleness. The luxurious casinos set up in Yingtianfu tricked the gamblers into entering, had a good time, and then locked the door at night to prevent them from going out. , a day or two until the living starves to death.

"At that time, the people's livelihood was withered, and there was a lot of waste waiting to be revived. Naturally, he vigorously suppressed these idle things, but in recent years, everyone's living standards have been getting higher and higher, not to mention the common people. Just create a separate place for them to have fun, delineate a special place to allow gambling, and of course the most important thing is to let foreign businessmen gamble."

The merchants and sailors who came to Daming to do business and made money, played a couple of dollars here and stayed.

Everyone loses money at the table, but not the casino operator.

Chen Youshan still looked embarrassed.

"I'm going to build a Sailor City here, with Xiangjiang Island as a port and a trade center, but all those foreign business people have to live in this Sailor City, I'm going to call it Aomen."

When sailors and crew members gather together, there will naturally be activities such as gambling. If they are spread out, the atmosphere will be broken everywhere, and it will be difficult to maintain law and order. It is better to plan all of them here.

Hong Kong makes money, and they want to take them home.

The left and right sides of the Pearl River estuary were planned by Zhu Zhanchang. Everyone thought that Zhu Zhanchang would put the port in the local area of ​​Guangzhou or close to Guangzhou, but it was obvious that Zhu Zhanchang’s goal was the same as theirs. Think differently.

He wanted to separate the maritime trade from the original Canton House and put it closer to the sea.

Ma Xiang thought for a while and suddenly realized: "His Royal Highness, so you build a port and a fortress for maritime trade in the two places of Xiangjiang Village at the mouth of the Pearl River and this Aomen, so as to protect Guangzhou Prefecture, and all imports and exports are completed at the Hong Kong Port. , going inward from the Hong Kong Port to the Pearl River is considered domestic trade, which makes the environment of Guangzhou Prefecture safer.”

Zhu Zhanchang smiled slightly: "If a bunch of foreigners are allowed to enter the city, the Guangzhou government will not be in chaos by then? They can come, but they have to obtain a permit from the Hong Kong Customs, and they can stay within the specified time after permission."

One is for security concerns, the other is for special places to do special things. Maritime trade is mixed, and multiple inspections can isolate some illegal people. Similarly, the left and right sides protect the safety of the Pearl River. Even if there is an emergency, it will allow Guangzhou government to have room for relaxation. , the political center cannot be exposed.

"Xiangjiang Village and Aomen, I will set up separate counties, Chen Youshan, you can choose one of these two places."

"If Your Highness can, I would like to be in Xiangjiang Village."

"Exactly, I also think you are better in Xiangjiang Village."

"It's just, Your Highness, the officials of the Guangzhou government may not easily agree to this plan." Chen Youshan was still worried about the officials of the Guangzhou government.

Zhu Zhanchang still looked unconcerned.

When Zhu Zhanchang visited Xiangjiang Village and Aomen and planned the future of Guangzhou, Guangdong and Guangxi and Jiaozhi, Yunnan received the imperial court's will, and Zhu Zhanchang controlled the strength of the four places.

The government and the opposition were shocked, and the officialdom of Liangguang and Guangxi exploded in an instant. How could a child control hundreds of thousands of troops.

Jiaozhi's Zhang Fu and his son got the imperial court's will, and Zhang Fu's generals showed disdain: "Hmph, a child in command of a soldier is a big joke in the world." Obviously these front-line generals were not satisfied with the emperor's decision.

Zhang Fu realized the meaning right away.

Zhang Fu glared at him: "Pull it out to play twenty big boards. If you are disrespectful to the royal family, you need to be severely punished. Whoever speaks disrespectfully next will be forty big boards, and then next will be sixty big boards." Zhang Fu glared at him. Supplemented by severe punishment to gag the mouths of these people.

"Father, what's going on?" Zhang Zhong asked curiously.

Zhang Fu has followed Zhu Di for so many years, and he still knows something about the emperor's mind.

"Our Emperor Yongle is not only good at fighting, but he is also very good at manpower. Perhaps he sent this little prince to see the officials, envoys, supervisors, etc. in places like Jiaozhi, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan. people's reactions."

"How do you see it?"

"The objection is strong, and the dance is strong."

Zhang Zhong thought for a while and approved his father's words: "But I think this Fifth Highness will definitely manage it well."

"Why do you see it? Although I often hear people say that His Royal Highness is smart, but after all, he is a child. You and him are just friends. How can you be so sure."

"He's handsome. People who are handsome are generally not too weak."

Zhang Fuqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and almost didn't pull him out to fight, but Zhang Zhong continued: "Father, do you want me to wear a mask like King Lanling when I go out to war?"

"I don't think that's necessary." Zhang Fu squeezed his fists and walked out of the military tent and said to the soldiers, "We will fight a city today so that we can announce the good news to the Fifth Highness."

Different from Jiaozhi, the Mufu of Yunnan has exploded. The Duke of Qian, Mu Sheng, is an elegant middle-aged man, frowning at this time: "Send a bird over here, and blatantly control Yunnan's military forces, Yongle the Great Emperor Yongle. God."

"Father, what does the emperor mean?" Mu Bin, the eldest son, was displeased and sent a child to be his immediate boss. What was he going to do?
Mu Sheng pondered for a while: "Mu Ang, you will bring someone to Guangzhou House to see this Fifth Highness, bring some special products, as well as gold and silver items, as a gift, and explore the bottom of this Highness first."


"Remember, must remember, have a good attitude, don't despise him because he is a child, he represents my emperor of Ming Dynasty."

"Yes." Mu Bin responded immediately.


At the same time, Zhu Zhanchang was worried about going to Guangzhou to dock tomorrow.

"What is your Highness worried about?" Li Xiaozhu asked.

"I'm going to see the ministers of the Guangzhou government tomorrow. Do you think they will stumble me?"

"Should... not."

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhanchang asked Xiaosheng again: "Xiaosheng, what do you think of the evil young master of the Wangfu Wangfu? What kind of behavior, what style, how can I learn to be like?"

Xiaosheng said a little embarrassedly: "Your Highness, please restrain yourself a little bit, and you're almost done."

(End of this chapter)

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