Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 181 Yamamoto 62 Mid-Autumn Festival Gift Package

Chapter 181 Yamamoto 62 Mid-Autumn Festival Gift Package
Time passed in a flash, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching. Everything in Guangdong was going in a good direction. Mu Bin was finally kept by Zhu Zhanchang. Mu Sheng felt that Zhu Zhanchang wanted to keep a Mu Bin for insurance. After thinking about it and deciding, let him keep it, and the position given by Zhu Zhanchang is really good.

Mu Bin was in Yunnan himself. In order to avoid suspicion, Mu Sheng could not directly give him a too high position, but Zhu Zhan's shot was equivalent to the position of the commander of the Weisuo.

It's quite like your father put you in a friend's company's company to be gilded, and you will be directly employed as a department manager. After two years, you will return to the family business and have this resume. The position cannot be lower than before.

It's called win-win.

The army has split the army and the navy, the police system has been split from the police department, the station system is also being split, and the customs, the station, road construction, etc. have been assigned together, and a new department has been established, the Ministry of Communications. .

Wang Boyang, the former official of the Ministry of Public Affairs, served as the first minister of the Ministry of Communications.

This morning, Zhu Zhanchang boarded the warship, took a look at the steam engine factory and shipyard that could be put into construction immediately, and then went down the river to Xiangjiang Village, where this year's Mid-Autumn Festival must be passed.


At the same time in Yingtian Mansion, Hu Shanggong wrote a letter to Zhu Zhanchang when he was preparing for the busy Mid-Autumn Festival dinner. When he wrote the letter, he couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought of the five-year appointment with Zhu Zhanchang. , as if to find the feeling of being a teenager or a little girl, and the heart is rippling.

Early in the morning, Zhu Zhanji brought his concubine Hu Shanxiang to see the crown prince. The crown prince smiled kindly. She was quite satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Pulling Hu Shanxiang, he said, "Shanxiang, you and Zhanji can work harder so that I can hug my grandson as soon as possible. Our four generations are in the same house, and His Majesty must be happy."

Hu Shanxiang bowed slightly: "Daughter-in-law obeys mother's orders."

A little eunuch came and told Zhu Zhanji to go to Zhu Di's study, and Zhu Zhanji resigned, leaving the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to talk.

In Zhu Xi's study, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaojiu, Zhu Gaojiu were all there, as well as several ministers of the cabinet. At this time, Zhu Xi was obviously in a good mood.

"Zhanji, come here, tomorrow will announce the opening of the sea ban, I plan to send people to go to Dongying, Korea, Ryukyu, Nanyang countries, and other places to announce my decree, and I have prepared copies for the famous pirates on the sea. A present, and you should go to North Korea."

Zhu Zhanji was surprised. Why did he let himself go to North Korea? Zhu Di also saw his doubts.

"I planned to move the capital to Shuntian Prefecture after the sea ban was lifted. I originally planned to open four ports, but now I have decided to open three ports, Weihai Port, Ningbo Port, Guangzhou Port, and of course, the Guangzhou Prefecture is thinking about it. The port is to be located on Xiangjiang Island. I have agreed. I intend to let you take charge of Weihai Port, so this time you go to North Korea. The main maritime trade objects of Weihai Port are North Korea and Dongying. You and the King of North Korea will fight in advance. A face-to-face."

"Grandson understands."

"Chen Xuan, you take your troops to Dongying and Ryukyu, just to see how the embassy in Dongying is doing, and bring the best warships, and then you two Korean embassies and Ryukyu embassies will go this time. When the time comes, I also bring people to build it.”


Zhu Gaochi said, "Father, can we reconsider the matter of moving the capital?"

Recently, there has been a lot of quarrel over the relocation of the capital. As the imperial capital, Shuntian Prefecture is too close to the northern border, far from the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River, and even further from Jiaozhi and other places. Once the imperial capital is moved, the center of gravity of the entire country will also Moving northward, the vast southern territory of the Ming Dynasty was difficult to control.

In history, the biggest reason why Zhu Zhanji finally abandoned Jiaozhi when he was the emperor was that it was difficult to take care of the end.

Zhu Di wanted to move the capital. After all, Shuntian Prefecture was his place of prosperity, and Yao Guangxiao also said that Shuntian Prefecture was more prosperous to him.

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were also divided into two factions. Many ministers had great careers in the Yingtianfu family, and they were unwilling to leave in their hearts.

Zhu Di was not annoyed, but said with a firm attitude: "The move to the capital has already been made, and Tianfu should be used as the companion capital, and a team of six departments, as well as Gao Xu, should be kept."


"You can supervise Ningbo Port by the Lin'an Prefecture."

As soon as this statement came out of everyone's surprise, why suddenly let Zhu Gaojiu join the clan and switch to Lin'an Mansion, the only prince who wanted to come, already knew the emperor's decision.

Zhu Gaojiu's face was filled with joy, and he was reluctant to make him a vassal before, but this time, it's alright, Lin'an Prefecture is close to Nanjing, and the capital of the country is moved to Shuntian Prefecture. No one cares about the richest place here.

"Follow your orders, Father."

Zhu Zhanji was puzzled: "Grandpa Huang..."

Zhu Di waved his hand and continued: "The opening of the sea ban is a major event in the Ming Dynasty. The three ports are managed by Gao Xu, Zhanji, and Zhanchang. I feel more at ease. Remember that it is not only the port that is in charge, that is me. The gateway of Daming, maritime trade will be an important core of my policy of building a strong country in Daming, but if there is one area that can't be done well, don't blame me for being cruel to you."


The changes in Daming's maritime policy will inevitably lead to changes in all the surrounding countries. In addition to the maritime trade between countries, there is also a very important item, that is, those who make a living at sea, pirates, Japanese pirates, these people unexpectedly will have a positive relationship with Daming. conflict.

Zhu Di prepared a gift for the famous pirates in the sea.

There are many large and small pirate organizations, and this gift also demonstrates the determination of the Ming Dynasty to rule the sea.


Wang Baoyu gathered his subordinates to occupy an uninhabited island. Since the Zhoushan naval battle, his sphere of influence has shrunk sharply, and the number of the gang has dropped to about one-sixth of what it was at its peak.

And recently, young people in the sea are swarming everywhere, and there are several ruthless pirates in Dongying, and there are also in Nanyang, which makes him a headache.

"Boss, boss, there are Ming army warships outside."

"What? Run!" Wang Baoyu was scared by the warship.

"Boss, there is only one, and it doesn't look like it's here to beat us. When we encountered our boat, he gave us this gift box, saying it was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift."

"Da Ming has changed the sky? Send me a Mid-Autumn Festival gift box?" Wang Baoyu couldn't believe what his younger brother said. Isn't this pure and outrageous to write a score for his mother, and a big outrage for his mother?

"Really?" Wang Baoyu asked again.

"Really, it's true, boss, the gift box has been brought, and the packaging is exquisite, we dare not open it."

At this time, a half-meter-square gift box wrapped in purple silk was brought to Wang Baoyu.

Wang Baoyu circled the gift box twice, rubbing his chin with a puzzled expression: "Hey, how is this possible?"

"Is it fraudulent? Is it poisonous in it?"

"Do you want to open it, boss, what if the Emperor Daming asks us for peace?"

Wang Baoyu glared at this brainless little brother, who would believe this nonsense, that was Zhu Di, the emperor who could fight back on the grassland, would seek peace with a little pirate like him?
"It doesn't matter, open it and take a look."

Wang Baoyu hid himself far away and let the younger brothers open the gift box.

Gently open, there is no poisonous mist, no hidden weapons, and there is a special fragrance powder sprinkled inside.

But looking at what was inside, Wang Baoyu couldn't help but fell to the ground and took two steps back.

Inside is a palm, an eye, and a head without facial features, with two well-made moon cakes in the middle.

"What is this, what is this?"

"Boss, here's a letter."

"Written what?"

"It's Zhu Di's handwritten letter."

"Emperor Daming wrote in his own hand: The coast of Daming is the territory of Ming Dynasty. Anyone who dares to violate our border will have consequences like a person in a box. He will die without a whole body. This person is named Yamamoto 62. He once violated Zhoushan Island of Daming. Now Divide it into 62 yuan, share it with those who seek life at sea, do not enter the waters of Daming, do not disturb the ships passing by Daming, you can still save one life, Daming will open the sea and ban, anyone who disrespects Daming will die!"

In the gift box is the body of Yamamoto 62, part of the body.

The last time Yamamoto 62 was captured back to Daming, he was never executed, because Zhu Di wanted to use him as Daming Kai Hailiwei, and use his life to warn all the pirates on the sea, that the sea area of ​​our Daming is sacred and inviolable, anyone who dares to Intruder or nuisance, no other room for negotiation, Yamamoto 62 is the precedent.

The pirates on the sea have received gift boxes one after another, and Zhu Di's determination is clear to the world. I am determined to make this sea.

When Zhu Zhanchang learned of Zhu Di's actions, he couldn't help but sigh that Zhu Di was still ruthless, but if it wasn't so ruthless, those pirates thought Daming would be easy to bully.

Anyway, those who are supposed to cause trouble will still come to cause trouble, persuade those who are cautious and timid, and fight those who are daring, until they are not too timid.

Daming's navy is the basis for the opening of the sea ban, and how can the pirates fight head-on with steam warships based on the manufacturing level of the pirates.

Zhu Zhanchang sailed on the Pearl River, not far from Guangzhou Prefecture to Xiangjiang Island. Passing through Shiziyang, Zhu Zhanchang looked at the open river and sighed in his heart: "Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Sangyu made moon cakes, let's Let's spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together."

Chu Er cheered happily: "Your Highness, Sang Yu made your favorite bean paste for you."

Xiaosheng said: "According to your order, Your Highness has built a special property for you in the middle of the mountain, but time is tight and it has not been built yet, so you may still have to live on the warship first."

"It's okay to be late. By the way, let someone inform the officials and merchants of the Guangzhou government. On the fourth day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the port of Xiangjiang will open. At that time, I will hold a ceremony, and there are new things to announce."

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Zara asked curiously from the side.

At this time, Li Xiaozhu brought over a map, which is the regional planning map of Xiangjiang Island. Li Xiaozhu's paintings are still very good.

Zhu Zhanchang has planned which land is residential and which is commercial land. As for industrial land, Zhu Zhanchang has planned less. In his plan, Hong Kong Port is the economic center of HNA, and the manufacturing industry should be placed around Guangzhou.

"I'm ready to sell the land."

 Thank you for the 1500 coin reward from 【Embers of Light】

  Thanks to [Yijian Listening to the Book] for the 500 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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