Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 186 Development Strategy of Cochin Comprador

Chapter 186 Development Strategy of Cochin Comprador
Zhu Zhanchang hated the comprador class from the bottom of his heart. This class has occupied a part of the century-old history of humiliation. They sold national interests in exchange for wealth. To a large extent, they were a group of people with no bottom line.

The great leader said that after Huaxia became a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, the mountain that weighed down on the people was comprador and bureaucratic capitalism.

If these compradors are called capitalists, it is too high to think of them.

These foreign compradors cannot be called capitalists, but rely on the protection of foreign capital, exploit the common people by exploiting the lower classes, and achieve their purpose of enjoying themselves by seeking national assets.

Because these people rarely have the concept of national interests in their minds, let alone the consciousness of the rise and fall of the nation.

Normally, these people do not have the ability to rise to power or have the right to speak in society, because their own ability is not enough to support these things, but there are two special cases.

First, its own family is powerful.

Second, there are foreign forces behind him to support him.

After the war, British imperialism supported a group of such foreign compradors. They didn't pick the smart and capable ones, they picked only those who cheated and played tricks and had no sense of right and wrong.

The natives know best how to oppress their natives.

"Manager Li, you can speak the language of Cochin."

"Go back to your Highness, the grass people will."

"I'm going to Jiaozhi this time. Nan Zhizhi and Shopkeeper Li will come with me. I want to make an appointment to meet this Li Youmin. You should have a way to inform him."

Shopkeeper Li nodded tremblingly.

"Do well."

"The grass people understand."

Zhu Zhanchang thought about it for a while and then called for Guo Qinjian, the winner of the port food warehouse, Guangdong Chaozhou business gang.

Guo Qinjian is a middle-aged man under the age of 50, with a goatee and a rather elegant demeanor.

Most of the businessmen of this era don't wear gold and silver, they look like upstarts, but they like to dress up like a scholar, which is the same as those big capitalists who like to sponsor universities to get an honorary doctorate in the future.

When introducing him, you have to say something about Dr. So-and-so, this is a face.

Guo Qinjian saluted respectfully: "Caomin Guo Qinjian sees His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County. I have long heard that His Highness is Huai Jin's person who holds Yu, and I have never had the opportunity to visit His Highness alone. This is a solid emerald jade plaque that I have prepared for His Highness. Please also please. Accept it, Your Highness."

He wasn't sneaking gifts because there was no need to hide.

Zhu Zhanchang accepted the gift, and the other party would not feel at ease if he did not accept the gift.

Handing it to Li Xiaozhu, she whispered, "Save more of these things, and use them as dowry when you marry me in the future."

Li Xiaozhu blushed, it was rare to see her so shy.

"Treasurer Guo, I won't beat around the bush. I'm going to visit Nanyang countries in Nanyang soon, and at the same time fight the rebellion in Cochin. I plan to expand the business of transporting food from Cochin to Guangdong, because you won the food category. The import and export license of the goods, if you are willing, I will take you on this trip."

Guo Qinjian was a little surprised by this sudden invitation, but he smiled immediately: "It's natural that the grass-people can go to Nanyang with His Royal Highness, but I don't know what His Highness needs the grass-people to do?"

"I plan to start a formal maritime trade with Jiaozhi. From the perspective of the entire Guangdong branch, I will discuss the monthly or annual grain demand for the next month. I will use the volume to suppress some prices. I will purchase it from Jiaozhi and ship it back to the Guangdong branch to fill the granaries in various places. , as a reserve of food, of course, it can also be sold in markets all over the country, and not only in Cochin, but also in the countries of Nanyang.”

This is doing business with the government. Guo Qinjian suddenly felt that a pie fell from the sky, and slammed it on his head. He immediately responded: "Your Highness seeks the welfare of the people, and the grass-roots people should follow Your Highness."

"You choose a few capable shopkeepers to go with you. If you have business dealings with Jiaozhi, you can get in touch. The trade I want is all-round trade."

Guo Qinjian was stunned for a moment, he understood that Zhu Zhanchang meant the smuggling business before the order, and he felt a drum in his heart for a while, what did His Highness want to do? Not a pie, but a trap.

Businessmen who have done this to such a degree are very cautious and cannot tolerate the slightest sloppiness.

"Treasurer Guo, just work hard."

"The grass people understand."

Zhu Zhanchang is a leader who is learning about modern times. He often goes with consultants in professional fields. Most of them are leaders of major companies. Professional people do professional things and give leaders their professional skills. Views.

And this kind of activity can improve one's reputation and have real business to talk about, so they are very willing.

Zhu Zhanchang plans to bring a few people from all the firms that have obtained trade licenses this time. This time, he will try to see if he can go to Australia at the farthest.

This ordered to go down and notify all the trade license merchants and ask them if they would like to go to Nanyang with Zhu Zhan.


In the early morning of the next day, several steam warships descended downstream from the Pearl River to the Hong Kong Port. The leader of the team was Mu Bin, the son of the Duke of Qian.

At this time, Mu Bin was wearing armor and was majestic. Zhu Zhanchang introduced to Zheng He: "This is the prince of the Duke of Qian, Mu Bin, and the commander of the first team of my Guangdong Navy."

Zheng He's face was full of shock, and he didn't know how Zhu Zhanchang managed to keep Mu Bin behind.

In fact, it's not complicated at all, don't make things too complicated, it was Zhu Zhanchang who spoke, and Mu Bin stayed.

"This time, the navy team of the Guangdong Division is led by Mu Bin, and Zheng He is the commander-in-chief. Mu Bin waits until the time of war, you have to obey Mr. Zheng."

"I have heard about the prestige of Lord Zheng, and it is my honor to be able to fight with you."

Zheng He was still surprised, but seeing Zhu Zhanchang's confident expression, he didn't ask much.

All the merchants with trade licenses have come, and they are all willing to follow Zhu Zhan to Nanyang.

These people, Zhu Zhanchang, used a steam warship to load them, and each of them could only bring 3-4 followers or shopkeepers, but Zhu Zhanchang himself did not bring Li Xiaozhu and Zara this time, and let them go The supervisor of the Prince's Mansion in Zhujiang County is striving to live in a new house during the Chinese New Year.

Unlike other businessmen, Cao Xinyue got on Zhu Zhanchang's boat, and neither of them avoided letting others know about their special relationship.

Zheng He waved the flag on the treasure ship, beat the drum, and set sail. All the steam warships followed the treasure ship and slowly sailed to the sea.

Chen Youshan specially came to the halfway up the mountain to watch the spectacular and large-scale fleet in the port. The steam rose in the sea, breaking the waves and pressing the sea level.

Countless people also witnessed the scene of the departure of the fleet. Everyone felt proud from the inside out. The national self-confidence brought by the prosperity of the country is unmatched by other things.

Chen Youshan watched the warship go off to expedition, and couldn't help but burst into tears. As a former magistrate of Xiangshan, he knew that Daming Coast was always in a passive position in maritime affairs. After the Zhoushan Sea Battle, he felt more deeply that the people were being bullied by Japanese pirates. helpless.

"With this navy and this battleship, why should Japanese pirates be afraid?"

"Chen Zhixian, you still need to take a look at the newly transferred land." At this time, his subordinates came to call him.

Chen Youshan wiped his tears, sorted out his mood, and said, "Let's go, I have to do my own thing, and let His Highness have no worries." It is really his Chen Youshan's honor to be able to follow His Highness.


The sky is high and the sky is wide, the sea is blue, and the calm sea is always extraordinarily beautiful. The merchants on the warships came out one after another, and few of them have set foot on the sea like this.

The merchant ships they were in sailed on the sea, but as the owner, they rarely had the opportunity to set foot on the sea that was close at hand, because it was too dangerous, and there were countless ships that sank on the sea.

The pirates of the storm will make everything disappear, and now they have an army to protect them, and this feeling of peace of mind allows them to enjoy the beauty in front of them with confidence.

Zhu Zhanchang still liked the reclining chair, driving an umbrella, and Chu Er was peeling fruit for him.

"His Royal Highness, this is the latest Akka Four-Seven brought to you by Taoka before boarding the ship." Xiaosheng handed a gun.

Zhu Zhanchang took over the gun. Now that Taoka has the technical support of the factory, both the shape and technology of the gun have been greatly improved, but these improvements are still limited. I want to continue to improve the ability of the gun to create a real meaning The gun on it still has a long way to go.

Among all the warships, only one, Zhu Zhanchang, was dark, which was particularly conspicuous, but also extraordinarily mighty. Zheng He on the treasure ship looked at the warship behind and smiled helplessly. Zhu Zhanchang's style of doing things always made Unpredictable.

Zheng He took out a pair of telescopes, which were given to him by Zhu Zhanchang before he went to sea.

Zheng He looked at the various warships through the telescope, and everything seemed to be in full view. He couldn't help but sigh that it was Zhu Zhanchang. This kind of little invention is very useful. For sailing, it is possible to see farther. First mover advantage.

"His Royal Highness is always such a whimsical idea."

Another eunuch, Hou Xian, echoed, "Yes, it seems that His Highness's head contains knowledge that is different from ordinary people."

Hou Xian is also the adoptive father of Xiaosheng.

"If you say that your adopted son has the vision, when His Highness was seven years old, he recommended himself to His Highness as a personal eunuch."

Hou Xian smiled: "This kid is also a smart kid. He told me that His Royal Highness is very intelligent, and he is young and mature, and he will definitely achieve great things in the future. He does have some vision."

"Knowing a hero is also a skill. His Highness values ​​him very much now. You should tell him more, everything must be put first by His Highness, and we should be grateful if our identities can be reused."


"By the way, what is the name of the dark warship of His Highness?"

"Flying Henan Man."

"His Royal Highness's name is always weird."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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