Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 191 Don't Ruin Your Hometown's Good Farmland

Chapter 191 Don't Ruin Your Hometown's Good Farmland

The Ming navy made a long-distance raid, and the treasure ships and warships carried a total of more than [-] troops.

In order to make a quick raid, Zheng He decided to let Zhu Zhanchang take the steam battleship fleet to the port of Ba Ria Vung Tau quickly.

The flying Henanren took the lead and rushed with more than [-] steam warships. It arrived in Ba Ria-Vung Tau in the early morning two days later. In this era, the speed of this attack is unbelievable.

"The weather is good along the way, the wind is calm and the waves are calm, which is a good sign." Zhu Zhanchang took out his binoculars and looked at Ba Ria-Vung Tau Port.

There are many rebels in the port. This is the main place for the trade between Jiaozhi and other countries. Therefore, heavy troops are sent to guard it. If this is cut off, the connection between Jiaozhi and the countries of the South Seas will be even more difficult.

Zhu Zhanchang immediately issued an order to order the artillery bombardment of the fleet.

Suddenly, there appeared a fleet heading towards the port at full speed, which frightened the rebels at the port, and began to prepare for a counterattack in a hurry.

The Jiaozhi Army did not have the ability to manufacture its own cannons. The artillery on the port was still arranged during the reign of the Ming Dynasty. There were four in total. On the maritime map of Zhu Zhanchang and others, the positions of the four cannons were clearly marked. Hit your weapon first.

The flying Henanren was bombarded by a round of artillery fire.




The artillery shells fell, and the Kochi people fled in all directions. This unpredictable surprise attack tested the countermeasures of their usual training, but it was obvious that the Kochi army was not trained well. Only a small number of people thought about fighting back.

The people next to the artillery wanted to fire back, but under the unilateral firepower suppression, only two shots were fired, and four artillery pieces were blown up.

Rich is covered by firepower.

More than a dozen warships were bombarding the port indiscriminately, and there were still more than a dozen ships waiting behind. After one round of bombing, another round followed.

The rebels in Jiaozhi suffered heavy losses and could not organize an effective counterattack, so they could only withdraw from the range of firepower coverage.


Following Zhu Zhanchang's order, the banner of the messenger waved, and the artillery bombardment stopped temporarily.

After attacking for nearly an hour, there was no one around the port. Zhu Zhanchang was not in a hurry to go ashore, but led the fleet away. After two hours, he led the fleet back.

Sure enough, the rebels in Cochin at the port were back, and this time they started running as soon as the warship appeared.

Another round of artillery bombardment.

The people of Jiaozhi were afraid. The firepower of the Daming Navy was so terrifying that they were powerless to resist.

Zhu Zhanchang waited until Zheng He's treasure ship arrived before preparing to land.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do next?"

"I plan to rely on the port, build fortifications, set up artillery, and reserve troops. I don't want more places, I want to be near this port."

Zhu Zhanchang only wanted the port, which is the same as the leased port he said before. Zheng He asked, "Does your Highness intend to trade with them here?"

"We have to wait and see for this place. There must be suitable candidates. People like Li Youmin are hard to find, but this port has to be occupied."

Zheng He thought for a while: "Actually, according to our army's strength and combat effectiveness, His Royal Highness can occupy the southern part of Jiaozhi at one time. This is also the initial plan."

Zhu Zhanchang decided to leave the war to Zheng He: "It's all up to you to command."

Zheng He took the order and said: "The nearest city to Ba Ria-Vung Tau Port is Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). The ministers have gone to the Western Ocean many times, and many tributes from Western countries have stayed here. Therefore, the nearest city is named Saigon, and the west comes from the west. The meaning of tribute is that in a place that is busy because of maritime trade, as long as Saigon is taken down, there will be no other large city to rely on at the southern end of Cochin.”

It is possible to drive to Saigon from the port along the river. Zheng He did not hesitate: "Ten warships, follow me, three thousand soldiers on the treasure ship, march quickly, and take Saigon directly by land and water."

The two places were less than a hundred miles apart. The army marched on both sides of the river to escort the warships. Zhu Zhanchang's flying Henanren was at the forefront, and the dark warship was full of oppression.

The rebels retreated from the port and all retreated into Saigon City. At this time, there were more than [-] rebels in the city, and there were many more people. In terms of numbers, the Ming army was at a disadvantage, but the equipment of the rebel army was incomparable to the Ming army. Zheng The ones brought out are all elites, and basically everyone is equipped with fire guns or Aka [-], as well as other equipment such as grenades.

Zhu Zhanchang looked at the fertile land on both sides of the strait on the warship, and couldn't help but sigh that this place is really a good place to grow food.

"Look over there, and over there, this large tract of fertile land, how much food can be grown in a year."

"Inform the soldiers, the rebel soldiers can be killed, don't destroy the fertile fields of the fellow villagers, I have to grow food in the future."

There was a small village on the way, with dozens of people. When they saw the soldiers, they all hid, and the army ignored them.


"Dad, tell me what kind of army those are, how come there are so many people and such a big ship, they look very powerful."

The farmer's children stuck their heads through the cracks in the door to see.

The farmer pulled it back: "That's the army of the Ming Dynasty, be careful."

The wife of the peasant household on the side said angrily: "What is the difference between the army of the Li Dynasty and the army of the Ming Dynasty, it is not as good as the army of the Ming Dynasty. When the army of the Ming Dynasty was there, there was still a little surplus food to feed people after paying taxes. Now Li Chaolian I can't even eat."

"Don't talk about it, be careful with the army of the Li Dynasty. A few days ago, the two households on the side were not arrested and sent to the army. If our family hadn't handed in the food, A Bao would have to be arrested." The farmer was careful. stroking the head of his twelve or thirteen-year-old son.

"Da Da Da, it's better to let the Ming Dynasty army come back as soon as possible."

"Don't talk, don't talk."

The tyranny of the Li Dynasty in order to fight against the Ming army was much more severe than when the Ming Dynasty ruled before, and the people were miserable.

A year of hard work has ended. Originally, after paying the tax and grain, there was still some surplus grain, which was exchanged for the son to marry a daughter-in-law. Now many households cannot pay the grain and have to pay the male to join the army. Whose parents want to see their son go to the army? When the Li Dynasty was a soldier, their enemy was the mighty Ming Dynasty, and if they went to most of them, they would not be able to return home.

When the warship approached Saigon, the city of Jiaozhi was not as tall as that of Daming, and the walls of the city were filled with soldiers of the Lei Dynasty who were waiting in battle.

They were obviously a little nervous. Facing Daming's sharp guns, the dark barrels of the warships were already aimed at Saigon.

Zheng He shouted, "Open fire."

The artillery bombardment hits the same area on the city wall. This is to open a hole in the city wall. When you have artillery, you don't need to talk to the opponent holding a sword about the way to attack the city, and you don't need to care about the city gate. Frighten them out of their guts.

Except for the group that came back from the port, the rebels in Jiaozhi had never seen such a level of firepower coverage, a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, and the supply of gunpowder they brought was sufficient, and they were not worried that they would not be enough.

Booming into the evening.

The setting sun is like blood, the red clouds on the horizon are like fire, and unknown birds lined up to pass through this scarlet evening. Saigon is full of smoke and dust, and a corner of the city wall has been flattened. The Lebanese rebels.

"Did you go to inform Big Brother?"

"I went, but the journey is long, and it will take at least a few days for my eldest brother to bring people here. We can't last a few days with the Ming army's tactics, and the morale of the people and soldiers in the city is not good."

"It can't go on like this. Now the Ming army has stopped attacking. At night, they will lead their troops out of the city to surprise enemy warships. Even if such a warship can be snatched back, we will make a lot of money."

The Jiaozhi rebels knew that the Ming army would definitely attack the city tomorrow morning, but they would definitely not be able to wait for support. The only way now is to leave the city and attack.

It's just that their morale was extremely low in the face of the Ming army.

Tonight's night is very dark, dark clouds cover the moon, the wind is blowing, and it seems that a heavy rain is brewing.

The rebels in Jiaozhi left the city overnight and quietly approached the direction of the warship. A troop came slowly from the waterway. The first goal was to destroy the warship.

They were familiar with the terrain here, but Zheng He had been here several times, and they knew about the same. The simple tactics of the Jiaozhi people were ridiculous in front of Zheng He.

When the Cochin Army approached, it was discovered that the Ming Army had already been prepared.

Rows of fire guns started firing the moment they spotted the rebels.

The distance is far, the accuracy is average, but the opponent is so dense, almost no bullets.

The soldiers holding Aka Siqi even started firing continuously.

The forward of the Cochin Army shouted desperately: "Go forward."

But ten meters away a gun will always come faster than your sword.

Within ten meters, the gun is accurate and fast.

The Jiaozhi rebels were beaten and fled.

Zhu Zhanchang asked Zheng He curiously, "Why did you stop the shelling when you approached and wait for the Cochin rebels to come?"

"A round of shelling made some of them timid. Their only chance is to launch a surprise attack on us at night, but the night has an advantage, that is, the timid soldiers in the rear have a higher probability of running. No one can see him clearly, if he is a deserter in broad daylight, he will be punished by beheading."

"So we only need to fight back the surprise attack at night and basically win."

Everything was as Zheng He expected. The cohesion of Jiaozhi's army was insufficient, and they fled in all directions. Saigon's defenders were already insufficient. Many of them must have fled everywhere. In addition, they annihilated some of them at night. The resistance will be much less.

We can forcefully attack and kill with strong soldiers and strong horses, but this will bring more losses. Zheng He wants to minimize his losses, and no one wants to bury their loyal souls in a foreign land, and he will also take his team to the West.

"If this city is taken down, how many people will it take to defend him?"

"No." Zheng He gave an unexpected answer.


"I refer to His Highness's thoughts, we don't want a city, I just want a port, cover the vicinity of the port under our forces, build fortifications, advance and retreat and defend, surrounded by plains, there are very few cities, this time we will destroy After the city walls of Saigon, even if they bring the army back, there is no city to rely on, and we occupy the port and only need a small number of troops.

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(End of this chapter)

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