Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 193 Mr. Zheng, the world is a ball

Chapter 193 Mr. Zheng, the world is a ball
Zhu Zhanchang and others stayed in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Port for five days. The Cochin rebels also tried to fight back, but their combat effectiveness was indeed not enough in front of the new artillery.

And because of their counterattack, Zheng He led the fleet to bomb a wave of Saigon, because the city wall was broken, and the artillery can kill a larger range.

I don't want this city, but this city is also a waste city. You want to rely on this city to tangle your troops and fight back. Think too much.

He left enough ammunition and supplies, 2000 men and five warships, and waited until Zhang Zhong brought his men.

Now that the southern port has been captured, Zhang Zhong arrived with the soldiers at the rear, and the steam warship that had returned to the Guangdong vassal had already spread the news to prepare long-term material support in the vassal.

The warship of Jiaozhi itself is incomparable with that of Daming. As long as it dares to open it, it will shatter at the touch of a touch, so there is no need to worry about the looting of food and grass when transporting by sea.

This is going to be a long-term battle, which will exhaust the strength of Jiaozhi.

Both Zhu Zhanchang and Zheng He knew that this could not be done too fast, so they planned to continue their voyage first and hand over the matter of Jiaozhi to the British father and son.

The British public began to understand Zhu Zhanchang's tactics. This long-term penetrating tactic was to cause chaos within Coozhi.

There will definitely be problems in the war that has no hope for a long time. Hawks and doves will conflict with each other. Zhu Zhanchang needs this big granary, and he needs someone to help him stabilize this big granary for a long time, and this person will definitely Is a cochin.

A Jiaozhi person who is close to Daming and willing to do things for Daming.

"Your Highness, the name of this port is too difficult to pronounce, please change it." Xiaosheng said beside Zhu Zhanchang.

The ancestors of the Zhu family love to change people's names, and the same is true for localities. Zhu Zhanchang thought about it and said, "Let's call him Stormwind Harbor in the future."

"His Royal Highness's name is really impressive."

Zheng He said to Zhu Zhanchang at the port: "His Royal Highness, you have to go to Ganwu and Siam first. During this trip, I have to send those envoys and royal families who visited Daming back, so I will say goodbye first."

According to Zhu Zhanchang's itinerary, Zheng He will definitely be slowed down, because Zhu Zhanchang has to visit before he goes to a place, and then announce the opening of the sea ban in Ming Dynasty, and let the businessmen who follow him find business opportunities.

Seeing Zheng He busy at the port, Zhu Zhanchang seemed to think of something. The most outstanding navigator in Chinese history, limited by the technology and policies of Daming, lost touch with the truth of the world.

If he continues to walk, he can reach Europe and the Americas, and he can break everyone's cognition. However, in history, the Ming Dynasty closed the way to the Western Ocean. Later, he became the guard eunuch of Yingtianfu and was trapped on land.

When Zhu Zhanji was in power, he restarted his voyages to the West, which allowed him to set foot in the sea again to pursue his holy land, but that time he died in the sea.

He must be very unhappy.

He should have wanted to go further afield.

Zhu Zhanchang strode towards Zheng He.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?"

"Master Zheng, give me your maritime map."

Zheng He was confused, but ordered someone to bring the maritime map over. Zhu Zhanchang spread out the map. The farthest Zheng He recorded on the map was near the Persian Gulf. If nothing else happened, he would go around this time. Walking along the coast of Africa, it's just the huge African continent, and it takes a lot of time to explore to get around, so he was forced to return.

As long as he keeps walking, go further, round the Cape of Good Hope, and reach the Atlantic Ocean.

Zhu Zhanchang closed his eyes, took out his pen and began to draw on Zheng He's maritime map.

"His Royal Highness!" Zheng He wanted to stop it, it was his most precious map, but Zhu Zhanchang started to draw at the end of his map.

Zhu Zhanchang couldn't memorize the detailed map, but he still knew the general appearance. With his pen, he depicted the vast African continent.

Going around the Cape of Good Hope, the stormy and rainy side, and the Atlantic Ocean on the other side, and further west, Zhu Zhanchang spent two continents up and down, calling these two continents Beautiful Continents.

You can go north and bypass the entire African continent. At the northern end of the Mediterranean Sea, there is a chaotic and complicated place called Europe.

Seeing Zhu Zhanchang's continuous painting, Zheng He's people were dumbfounded.

If you don't go north, go to the southwest, bypass the strait, go to the wider Pacific Ocean, and sail all the way from the Pacific Ocean.

When Zhu Zhanchang drew here, he made an amazing move. He asked people to pick up both ends of the map, and then connected the map into a cylinder, and then continued to draw the direction of navigation. The route returned to Hong Kong Port.

Zheng He seemed to feel something, his scalp was numb, and he was shocked beyond words. The first time he saw him, he stuttered: "His Royal Highness...this...this."

Zhu Zhanchang found himself a less believable, but more reasonable reason to explain this matter.

"It was rare to go to bed early yesterday. As soon as I fell into the night, I fell asleep. I always felt that a goddess was whispering in my ear. She seemed to want to tell me something, so I fell asleep."

Zhu Zhanchang began to describe the appearance of the goddess: "The goddess seems to have a dragon's horn on her forehead, her body is golden, and she wears a more grandiose costume than the emperor's grandfather, embroidered with phoenixes and birds, and she calls me a child."



The soldiers who made a living at sea immediately thought of their belief, the goddess of the sea, and there should be many Hu Jianren in Zheng He's team.

And now their goddess is entrusting Zhu Zhanchang with a dream, and the things that Zhu Zhanchang painted just now can only be explained by the goddess's dream. After all, it seems that modern people's words of transmigration seem to be more nonsense than Mazu's dream.

Divide the pot to the concubine Tian, ​​and look at the concubine Haihan.

"His Royal Highness, was this map told to you by Concubine Tian?"

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "Yes, the goddess in the dream told me that you can follow this route to pursue her and pursue the kingdom of God."

The first one was an old missionary.

"This is the bay you've been to, here is Khurmus, go further south, along this continent, it's huge and it takes a long time, to get here, this place is called the Cape of Good Hope, where there are strong winds all year round Lang, the goddess said to burn incense and pray there, when she hears our sincerity, she will choose a calm day and let us bypass this place."

"She went north to us to the north of the Mediterranean Sea, where there are a group of people who look completely different from us, and then to the beautiful continent in the northwest, which is vast and quiet."

"Of course, when you go around South America, you have to wait until summer, when it is the hottest time to go south, where there is a long and narrow strait. If it is not too cold in summer, you can only sail in midsummer. Send blessings at the time to take our fleet into the Pacific Ocean."

"The Pacific Ocean is the most vast ocean in our world. Our East China Sea is the Pacific Ocean to the east, and Meizhou is also the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is vast and quiet, and it is quiet and deep. The concubine said, through it, I will wait at the end of the world. you."

Zheng He muttered to himself: "The end of the world, the end of the world."

He couldn't help but yearn for what the end of the world would be like?
Legend has it that if you sail to the deepest part of the sea, you will fall out of this world from a waterfall. There are countless monsters and ghosts there. They will devour all living beings, eat bones and souls, and even go to hell. There is no chance of reincarnation.

All countries in the world seem to imagine the end of the unknown to be similar.

People have fear and yearning for the unknown, but the vast majority of people are more afraid than longing. Only a few very adventurous explorers will use their longing to overcome fear and move forward.

And such a person is often a daring rebel in his mother's mouth, but the world needs such a person to open up the unknown.

Zhu Zhanchang's admiration for Zheng He came from the bottom of his heart, so even if he was an eunuch, he still called him Lord Zheng, and everyone else, whether they were the chief assistant of the cabinet or a powerful minister, Zhu Zhanchang always called their official title.

Zheng He circled around the map that Zhu Zhanchang had drawn, and asked, "Your Highness, is this true? Is it really the concubine who entrusted you with a dream?"

"It's absolutely true, I don't know why the concubine Tian entrusted me with a dream, maybe I also want to go to the West. If I'm not involved in official business now, I must go this way, even if it's the end of the world, so long as I'm going to see it if it exists."

I'm going to see it as long as it exists.

This sentence deeply touched Zheng He's excited heart, yes, if the end of the world really exists, why can't we go and see it?Maybe Tianfei is waiting for me there, my holy city, my god is there.

"His Royal Highness, what your map means is that this world is connected end to end and is a circle. As long as you cross the Pacific Ocean, will you be able to return to our Daming?"

"No, I mean Tian Fei Tuo Meng told me that's how it is."

Zheng He looked at the map. Although it was inconceivable, this should not have been a random dream by Zhu Zhanchang.

Because this map is already very detailed, although Zhu Zhanchang's painting skills are not satisfactory, and the map drawing is not accurate, but he does not believe that Zhu Zhanchang can draw at will, what the Cape of Good Hope, what the Mediterranean Sea, what Europe, and the Beautiful Continent.

This must be the concubine's oracle, and the concubine is guiding us.

"Master Zheng, when you have finished sending people off this time, I have arranged things, take me to the West, I want to go with you to see places in this world that have never been set foot on, and see which places no one has ever seen before. landscape."

"If the world has an end, I would like to see it, even if I bury it in it, I will be happy. If the world has no end, I want to prove it to people all over the world."

"There is no road in this world. I have a road when I walk. I have to travel thousands of miles, [-] miles and millions of miles, so that future generations will have a road to rely on."

Zheng He looked at the young man in front of him. He was standing in the rising sun, facing the vast and vigorous sea. The young man's heart was wider than the sea in front of him.

A round of red sun and half went to sea, swallowing Danxia, ​​and the smoke was vast.

The young man stood in the sun, and the steam warship in the port was like a beast trying to rush to the sea and the rising sun.

He turned around, and behind him was thousands of miles of waves, and the clear waves hit the shore.

"Master Zheng, the world is a ball."

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(End of this chapter)

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